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Your Name: Genre of the Book:

Ariadna Bahena Modern Fantasy

Book Title: Author:

Little Cloud and Lady Wind Toni Morrison and Slade Morrison

Publisher: Date:
Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers 2010

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.

L.1.1.f Use frequently occurring adjectives.

2. Objectives:
SWBAT + Bloom’s verb
Students will identify different types of weather and the adjectives that can be used to describe
Students will create postcards based on what they learned from reading Little Cloud and Lady

3. Materials/Equipment:
Colored pencils and crayons
Postcard sized sheets of paper

4. Teaching:
A. Plan for reading the book
 Before reading the book, I will take the class outside and we will observe the sky for

 I will ask students to notice how the clouds do not remain in the same place. I will ask
the students where they think the clouds are heading.
 Will they become rain clouds or travel to a colder place and become snow?
 I will ask the class what adjectives we can use to describe the sky today. Is it cloudy,
sunny, blue, grey, etc.?

 We will then read Little Cloud and Lady Wind together.

B. Plan for extension activity:

 For the extension activity students will be making postcards addressed to Lady Wind
from Little Cloud’s point of view.

 We will go over adjectives:

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns:
Adjectives also describe quantities

 They will pick a location from the book such as the snowy mountain, valley with colorful
flowers or rippling oceans.

 Students will create an illustration for their postcard that reflects their location.

 Students will write 4 to 5 sentences from the point of view of Little Cloud.
 Questions that students should answer in their postcard include:
o What location is Little Cloud visiting?
o Describe the location using adjectives.
o What is the weather like?
o Describe the weather using adjectives.
o What activities does Little Cloud like to do during this type of weather?

5. Closure:
Students will exchange postcards with two other classmates.
Students will give each other feedback.
I will collect the postcards and display them in the classroom.

After students have completed this activity, they should understand what adjectives are and be
able to use them in a sentence.

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