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Career Life Connections 12: Design Thinking Challenge & 16 Personalities Analysis

Essential Question:

How can I learn more about my personal strengths and areas for improvement?

Curricular Competencies:

• Explore possibilities for preferred personal and education/employment futures, using creative and innovative thinking
• Demonstrate and reflect on inclusive, respectful, and safe interactions in
multiple career-life contexts
• Assess personal transferable skills, and identify strengths and those skills that require further refinement

The Process:

1) Go to and answer all the questions as honestly as you can.

2) What is your Code? _ISTJ-T_

3) What do each of the letters mean? __I__ = ____Imagination_____________

__S_ = _____Superior________________

__T_ = _____Thankful________________

__J_ = ______Joker__________________

4) What is the name of your designation?

____ Logistician____________________

5) Complete the following organizer with information about your personality type:

• Honest & Direct

• Strong-willed & Dutiful
Strengths • Very Responsible
• Calm & Practical
• Create & Enforce Order
• Jacks-of-all-Trades
I need to work on my confidence, like being able to share my
ideas when I am working in a bigger group of people. I am aware
Areas for Improvement that I am unable to speak up about my ideas when I am
surrounded by large groups of people because I get nervous, and
I over think about my situation...
Relationships: Logisticians prefer finding good partners from the
workplace, or from a friend, Logisticians do not do hookups from
Friendships/Relationships the club and blind dates. Logisticians know their responsibilities
in their relationship so they can keep the relationship from going
Friendships: Logistician friends are loyal, trustworthy,
dependable, and honorable. Logisticians are slow at making
friends and they end up in a small group of people. Logisticians
are not good with expressing their emotional affection, but they
can find interesting ways to express it.
Most Logisticians work alone because it is usually their
preference however when teams are needed, they can be
Career Paths responsible for the work.
Logisticians are considered, “the classic hard working, dutiful
employee.” Logisticians doesn't consider responsibilities a
Workplace Habits burden to them. Also, Logisticians have no problems with
following orders, they respect the authority and hierarchy.

6) Reflect on and analyze your role in the design thinking process and the feedback offered to
you from 16 Personalities.

• What did you offer and contribute to your group in the Design Thinking Challenge?
• How is this a strength?
• What limitations do you acknowledge you have when it comes to this type of group work?
• What traits and skills did “16 Personalities” highlight for you? Do you feel this is an accurate
depiction of you? Why/why not?

7) Type up a written response or make an audio recording of your response. For each point you
make, please provide an example and an explanation to clarify your thinking.

Assessment Rubric:

Extending Proficient Developing Emerging

Response is Response is Response includes Response is a list
formatted with clear formatted with clear points, few examples with few (if any)
points, points, some to support points, examples to support.
examples/evidence examples/evidence and a general No explanation is
to support points, to support points, explanation. offered.
and an in-depth and an explanation
explanation that that some
makes personal connection to the
connections to the learning experience.
learning experience.
CLC Design Thinking Challenge & 16 Personalities Analysis

- Making a letter filled with nature pictures, and greetings
- Thinking Creatively
- I feel anxious when I am surrounded by random people so I limit my speech
- Logisticians can tolerate indecisive people, very accurate

7) I offered the idea of making a letter to give to the friend that lived on the east coast of
Canada. I thought of a letter because back in the day people would exchange letters when they
lived far apart and I thought maybe reading a letter that was filled with the things they like would
put a smile on their face.
I believe that my quick thinking creatively is a strength because I was able to think of a
letter after reading the short scenario, my thinking creatively is a strength.
When it comes to working in groups, it depends on how many and who are in my group.
There are people I don’t feel comfortable around, and the bigger the group the less I talk… I
don’t know why but if I am put into a large group of people to work with I get anxious. I prefer
staying in a group with the people I am comfortable with rather than a group with uncomfortable
people. However when I am put into a group where I am with people I am comfortable with
mixed with people that I am uncomfortable with, I have to acknowledge that I have to speak up,
and help out. The group I was in for the design thinking assignment, I felt very comfortable, so I
didn’t have to limit my speech.
In the 16 Personality test, the results said that I am a Logistician, they said that
Logisticians can tolerate indecisive people, and that’s very accurate. I know someone very close
to me who is very indecisive and they're always asking me for opinions when they can’t decide.
It's annoying but I can tolerate it; makes me laugh.

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