Ciihe Intl Foundation General Science Module Guide

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Module Guide General Science - FG001 Colombo International Institute of Higher Education CIIHE International Foundation Program FG001 - FGO02 - FG003 General Science Module Guide for Full Time Students IFF20A Module Leader Shavindi Ediriarachchi B.S. in Biology (USA) aS E OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 1 Module Guide General Science - FG001 General Science FGO001 - FG002 - FG003 1. MODULE SUMMARY 1.4 Aims and Summary General Science which is a three-part module, covered in three semesters essentially provides an entry level understanding of scientific concepts, knowledge and related analytical skills. This module attempts to develop an awareness of the relevant biological implications and application of science to other fields of study to the world of work and society. The introductory module portion (FG001), which will be covered during Semester 01, consists of basics in the chemical foundation of life, biological macromolecules, cellular structure and function and biological taxonomy, Students will be able to obtain an understanding of how living organisms are biologically composed to lead their own unique-yet-effective lives. The succeeding portion of the module, which will be covered during the Semester 02 (FG002) constitutes metabolistic foundations, energy processes: anabolic and catabolic and organ systems. Students will be able to lear and decipher the different chemical and biological parts of the spontaneous engine inside living organisms, specifically in humans. The module portion pertaining to the Semester 03 (F003) will discuss topics, covering grass-root concepts of cell biology, reproduction, genetics, evolution and biodiversity. Students will gain a procedural understanding on how living organisms will undergo certain biological processes: aiding them to progress as new organisms, reproduction and survival The entire module also covers the discussion of contemporary issues, in order to boost the interest among students, in regard to how the real world incorporates the biological concepts and the related ethics to face health, humanistic and environmental issues. {ESERVED -COLOMEO IL ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 2 Module Guide General Science - FG001 1.2 Module Size and Credits Module Size Single Delivery Period ‘Three Semesters Credits 45 (15 / semester) ‘Total Study Hours 300 (100 / semester) Relevance Mandatory Module 1.3 Entry Requirements (Prerequisite and Co-requisites) Enrolled in the relevant program: CIIHE International Foundation Program ENCE: can we make it fun? Picture Credits: TEI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 3 Module Guide General Science - FG001 2. TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT 2.1 Intended Module Learning Outcomes The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to: 1. Define related scientific terms, utilizing the universally accepted scientific conventions. 2. Explain the importance of scientific method, and its application in everyday life. 3. Identify how scientific theories and methods have been developed, and continue to develop, as a result of groups and individuals working together, to face contemporary challenges. 4, Explain how the study and practice of biology is affected and regulated by various economic, social, technological, ethical and cultural factors. 5. Calculate the positive and negative effects in the applications of science in everyday life, leading towards a constructive brainstorm, 6. Investigate a contemporary issue in sciences, following an unbiased approach, aided by proper utility of scientific method. 7. Establish an interest in spreading awareness on the sustainability and conservation of the environment. 2.2 Teaching and Learning Following table shows a breakdown of the module study hours per semester (150 hours). This table is applicable to FG001, FG002 and FGO03. Direct Teaching 12 Lectures 12 hours Contemporary Issue | 2 Sessions _| 3 hours (1.5 hours x 2) Discussion Blended Learning | Multiple exercises 2.5 hours Guided Learning | Via CIRP VLE 78.5 hours Self Study 54 hours Total 150 hours {ESERVED -COLOMEO IL ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 4 n Module Guide General Science - FG001 2.2.1 Direct Teaching Direct Teaching will take place via lectures conducted on campus. Detailed contents and delivery schedules for all module portions (FG001, FG002 and FG003) are given in Appendix A. 2.2.2 Contemporary Issue Discussion The last lecture will involve an extended discussion of two contemporary, global issues or developments pertaining to science. The students are motivated to share their knowledge, opinions and interests related to these issues. The previous knowledge of the module obtained through Semester #1, #2 and the lectures in the Semester #3 will help the students build up the discussion. There are TWO main objectives in Contemporary Issue Discussion: A. Create a platform to foundation level students to think out of box, deviating from the traditional teacher-to-student delivery methods B. Induce an interest in the student, which will motivate further on pursuing additional science coursework or engaging in related scientific inquisitiveness / research / venues attached to higher education 2.2.3 Blended Learning Blended Leaming essentially refers to an approach which involves both online teaching methods and traditional classroom lectures. Activities related to the blended learning process will be conducted, which would further help strengthen the confidence of the student in regard to science and its value. These activities will mainly include online simulations and activities through: * HHMI Biointeractive, a project by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, an American non-profit medical research organization based in Maryland. * Kahoot Online Application: Can be downloaded to your smartphone (via the App Store & Play Store) or access the website through your laptop. TS RESERVED -COLOMBO TUTE OF RESEARCH & PS) n Module Guide General Science - FG001 2.2.4 Guided Learning Each module will start with a reading week, during which students are expected to engage in studying the reading lists given in the module guide. Itis a must that the students complete the essential reading material during the period of delivery of the module. We encourage you to study the recommended reading material as well. Certain lecturers may specify chapters and/or pages of the essential reading material in preparation for the lectures, but that does NOT mean the rest must be ignored. The lecturer may conduct formative assessments such as MCQ's and SEQ’s during lectures without prior notice to evaluate the knowledge the students have gathered through guided learning, Your written examination may include questions that cover the content indicated for essential reading irrespective of the fact that these content is covered in lectures or not. Essential reading material will be made available on CIRP VLE. 2.2.5 Self Study As foundation students, building up a mindset to pursue a Bachelor's Degree, you are expected to gather more knowledge through reading, researching and engaging in discussions with your peers. Therefore the main aspect of your learning in this program is self-study. Lectures are provided as an opportunity to clarify your doubts and engage in discussions with the academics. Getting actively involved in such a platform will boost the student’s competency level when entered into a Bachelor's Degree Program. Institute has made available a range of resources and you are expected to engage in self- study using these resources. If you wish to improve your study skills such as note making, critical reading and other areas please refer to the Study Skills Development Section in the Virtual Academic Writing Centre in the CIRP VLE. If you need further support you may talk to your moral tutor or visit the Academic Writing & Skill Development Centre after making an appointment. Please refer to the student handbook for more student support systems available at CIRP. TS RESERVED -COLOMBO TUTE OF RESEARCH & PS) Module Guide General Science - FG001 2.3 Method of Assessment 2.3.1 Composition of module marks Semester 01 - FG001 (will only include the Written Component) MCQ Component First Part of Module Test 30% Structured Component Second Part of Module 70% Test Semester 02 - FG002 Written Component Module Test 70% Coursework Component Assignment 30% Semester 03 - FG003 Written Component Module Test 70% Coursework Component Assignment 30% 2.3.2 Module Test & Coursework A.written examination (also known as Written Component as in 2.3.1) at the end of every module portion (FG001, FG002 and FG003) and a coursework assessment will assess the module's learning objectives only in FG002 and FG003. Semester 01 - FG001 Paper Content Contribution | Duration Learning to the Final Objectives Grade Paper #1 40 MCQs 30% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5 Paper #2 | 6 Short Answer 70% 2 hours 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Questions (SAQ) ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COLOMBO IN! E OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 7 Module Guide General Science - FG001 Semester 02 - FG002 Paper Content Contribution | Duration Learning to the Final Objectives Grade Paper #1 40 MCQs 30% 1 hour 1,2,3,4 Paper #2 | 4 Short Answer 40% 1 hour 45,6 Questions (SAQ) Paper #3 | 2 Short Essay 30% Take Home | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Questions Assignment (SEQ) Semester 03 - FG003 Paper Content | Contribution | Duration Learning to the Final Objectives Grade Paper #1 40 MCQs 30% 1 hour Paper #2 | 4 Short Answer 40% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,6 Questions (SAQ) Paper #3 1 Essay 30% Take Home | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Question Assignment The following show the confirmed FG001 Written Examination date, tentative FG002 Written Examination date and tentative Coursework Deadline for the IFF20A batch. Confirmed for FG001 Written Examination (Paper #1 and #2): Tentative for F002 Written Examination (Paper #1 and #2): Coursework Deadline (Paper #3): ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COLOMBO IN! E OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 8 n Module Guide General Science - FG001 2.3.3 Coursework Coursework is an assignment that reflects all the learning outcomes together, especially highlighting the learning outcomes #6 & #7. Coursework is not a component for FG001, but is a final grade determining component for both FG002 and FG003. For FG002, Coursework Assessment will be constituted of TWO Short Essay Questions (SEQ), and each SEQ will be a 500 word mini-essay. Both of the SEQs should be completed within a given timeframe and submitted before the Coursework Deadline. For FG003, the Coursework Assessment is a 1500 word essay to be completed within a given timeframe and submitted before the Coursework Deadline. Students should follow the standard format for assignments explained to them during the AWPS sessions. Assignment must be turned in online and the submission login details will be provided seven (07) days before the deadline. List of References are NOT included in the Word Count. Strictly follow Northampton University Harvard Reference Style. Plagiarism policy will be strictly implemented and the soft copies should be submitted via Turnitin. Marks will be deducted for incorrect format, referencing style, incorrect spelling & grammar. For detailed instructions about the coursework question, marking criteria, and marks allocation, please refer to Annexure B. 2.3.4 Pass requirements The student should obtain a minimum of 40% for each component to receive the credits for the module. If a student receives less than 40% for any component, the student shall re-sit/re-submit that particular component. 2.3.5 Late submissions Late submissions will NOT be graded or entertained. Such submissions will be marked as absent, TS RESERVED -COLOMBO TUTE OF RESEARCH & PS) Module Guide General Science - FG001 2.3.6 Extensions and Deferrals The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which means that you can't submit your coursework by the deadline - these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, oF if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply for extensions seven (07) days before the assignment deadline. You will find information about the process in the student handbook. 2.3.7 Exemptions due to emergency ‘As we know COVID-19 is yet plaguing around us. If any emergency action/measure is required to be taken by the institution, in the event of a possible lockdown, the necessary amends will be done to the schedule, facilitating distance learning. The students will be informed on such procedures via email. Please check your email regularly. {ESERVED -COLOMEO IL ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 0 Module Guide General Science - FG001 3. Module Resources These resources are available in the E Library on CIRP VLE 3.1 Essential Reading - Text books & Book Chapters Biology for AP® Courses by Zedalis J. (Author), Eggebrecht J. (Author) Book Chapters from Biology for AP® Courses: refer to annexure A (A.2) on which chapters you MUST read for FG001, FG002 and FG003 3.2 Recommended Reading 3.2.1 Recommended Books Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections (2-downloads) 9th Edition by Taylor Martha R. (Author), Simon Eric J. (Author), Dickey Jean L. (Author), Hogan Kelly A. (Author), Reece Jane B. (Author) Biology (Raven) Sth edition by Singer Raven et. al (Author) Microbiology: Principles and Explorations 9th Edition Jacquelyn G. Black (Author) : Chapter 20 - Urogenital and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Molecular Biology of the Cell (Sixth Edition) Sixth Edition by Bruce Alberts (Author), Alexander D. Johnson (Author), Julian Lewis (Author), David Morgan (Author), Martin Raff (Author), Keith Roberts (Author), Peter Walter (Author) PART | - Introduction to the Cell 3.2.2 Recommended Websites to explore htips:// - Interactive animations of living cells and processes. Worth checking out these amazingly illustrated and designed graphics, which will help you decipher the biological situation to what is actually happening inside us. hitps://www.iucnredlist.ora/ - IUCN (International Union for Conserving Nature) Red List is a directory which is composed of up-to-date information of the conservation status of fungi and animal species https://www.pbslearningmedia.ora/collectionllife-sciences/ For more help on your self-study, to guide with online simulations ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COLOMBO IN! E OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY u Module Guide General Science - FG001 4, Module Organisation & Support 4.1 Specific Help 1. Through the module guide students will receive all the background information about topics covered in the exam and further instructions regarding the coursework. 2. The reading lists provided in the module guide and during lectures should help you find appropriate reading material to accompany the lectures. 3. Additional learning materials may be made available online on CIRP VLE. 4.2 Contacting staff Academic staff can be contacted using the email addresses provided in this module guide. If you would like to see an academic staff member in person, please contact them to make an appointment. In the university environment, we expect you to adopt a professional approach to communicating with academic staff. With this in mind, please be aware of the following 1. Please ensure that the answer to your question has not already been supplied to you in this module guide, in the lecture slides, or on Moodle before contacting staff or they may simply direct you to where you can find your answer. As independent learners, we expect you to try to find answers to questions yourself first. 2. Please note it may take acader staff a reasonable time to respond to emails. It is your responsibility to ensure that you manage your time effectively and allow staff plenty of time to respond. It is therefore not advisable to be contacting staff with questions regarding coursework with only a few days before the deadline. 3. Academic staff teach many different modules at different levels and semester, so please ensure that you provide sufficient information in your email (e.g: the module your question refers to) in order for it to be understood Always indicate the topic of your correspondence in the subject line of the email. As an instance, your email subject should look something like this for this module, as this module runs through three semesters: Clarification on 9/13 Lecture - FG001 - Semester 03 LL, RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMEO 1 TUTE OF RESEARCH & PS) R Module Guide General Science - FG001 ANNEXURE A A.1 Indicative Content A.1.1 FGoo1 (student-based activities are italicized) «(rine Indicative Content 1 Scientific Method and Chemical _ |-Scientifie Method: Reasoning through an example Basis of Life -Elomentary Chemistry Concepts: elements, bonds, molecules -Assigning the take-home student activity : Evaluating Science in the News 2 | Water and Carbon: The two vital _|-Molecular and biological basis, use and conservation of water components in living -Essentiality and Versatility of Carbon -Introduction to organic compounds and their main four categories 5 Organic Compound: ~The various levels, types and structures of carbohydrates Carbohydrates -Structural function and energy storage molecules -Kahoot activity covering the titles #1, #2 and #3 4 Organic Compound: Proteins |The types of proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary, quatemary proteins -Various functions of proteins, coming to us in various structures Reviewing the student readings: Chapter, lecture notes (Padlet + Quizlet) Organic Compound: Lipids ~The various levels, types, structures and functions of lipids ~The hydrophobic nature of lipids -Reviewing the student readings: Chapter, lecture notes (Padlet ~ Quizlet) 6 | Organic Compound: Nucleic Acid. |- The structure of the two types of nucleic acids: DNA & RNA - The informational role in nucleic acids - Reviewing the student readings: Chapter, lecture notes (Padlet + Quislet) -Kahoot activity covering the titles #3, #4. #5 and #6 7 |Coll: The basic structural and | -Structure and fumetion of a cell and its organelles functional unit of life -Prokaryotic Cell vs. Eukaryotic Cell -HHMI video: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek and microbial world 8 [Eukaryotic Celts - Introduction to the diversity of Eukaryotic Cells - Animal Cells vs, Plant Celis - Kahoot activity covering the titles #7 and #8. 9 |How do cells ‘tak’ and ‘drive’? |- Modes and ways how cells communicate -Active and Passive Transport methods -Reviewing the student readings: Chapter, lecture notes (Padlet + Quizlet) 10 | Hierarchy of the living Molecular Hierarchy: Micro to Macro level -Basics in Scientific Nomenclature: Taxonomy - Kahioot activity covering the titles #9 and #10 11 | Contemporary Issues: Personalized |- Basic introduction to Personalized Medicine Medicine (equipped with necessary |- Scientific research in a nutshell to endorse such therapy simulations) -Idea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information 12 Contemporary Issues: Global | Basie introduction to Global Warming with terminology ‘Warming & Climate Change (with |- Regional and global measures on Climate Change necessary simulations) -Idea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information “Final Exam Review ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 4 Module Guide General Science - FG001 A.1.2 FGoo2 (student-based activities are italicized) j# [title indicative Cont 1 Organization of Human Body _|-Hicrarchy of organization: Cells to Systems Types of main tissues and organs: Structure and Function -Revising FGOD! content on the organization of living organisms 2 | Fuel to get through your day: |-Value of proper nutrition and challenges in related Nutrition -Positive approach towards nutrition cg: SNAP -Exploring what BMI is: interactive video and discussion 3 [Digestive System: food to Structure, Organization & Process of Digestive System chemical energy -Disorders related and to-dos for a healthier system -Got Lactase? Lactose Intolerance - Interactive activity and quiz 4 | Blood Circulatory System: |-Structure, Organization & Process of Digestive System -Disorders related and to-dos for a healthier system -How to read a Full Blood Count (FBC) report? 5 [Respiratory System -Structure, Organization & Process of Respiratory System -Disorders related and to-dos for a healthier system -Kahoot activity on titles #1, 42,83, #4 and #5 6 [Nervous System |-Central Nervous System vs. Peripheral Nervous System -Disorders related and to-dos for a healthier system Alzheimer's Disease: Piecing together the evidence - Interactive Discussion 7 | Endocrine System: how hormones. |-Structure & Organization of Endocrine System play -Eindocrine Processes vs. Exocrine Processes -Sex Verification of Athletes- Interactive Activity and Discussion 8 [Immune System -Lines of Defenses: First, Second and Third -Factors which weaken our immune system Does maternal microbiota impact offspring immunity? Interactive activity fo other systems: Exeretory and | Structure, Organization & Process of these Systems Musculoskeletal system -Disorders related and to-dos for a healthier systems -Revising what we learned in class in regard to organ systems 10 | Photosynthesis & Cellular -Biochemical cycles involved in photosynthesis Respiration -Anacrobic vs. Aerobic Cellular Respiration -Kahoot activity on titles #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10 nl temporary Issues: COVID-19_] - Basic introduction to infectious diseases and COVID-19| sand infectious diseases - Discuss on the current situation with scientific articles and real-time data through Johns Hopkins CSSE dashboard -idea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information 12 {Contemporary Issues: Breast - Basic introduction to Cancer, with introductory terminology Cancer - The current world’s research context in breast cancer types -ldea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information Final Exam Review ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY a Module Guide General Science - FG001 A.1.3 FG003* (student-based activities are italicized) [ite Indicative Content 1 |itow celts mutiply Celt Division in Prokaryotes Celt Division in Eukaryotes; Interphase, Mitosis, Meiosis - Revising what we learned about cells tx the previ semesters 2 [Sexual Reproduction and its | - Further exploration of Meiosis mechanism > Meioti erors and complications: mutations = HEM! Biolnteractive: Eukaryotic Cell Cycle 3 [Human Reproductive System | Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Puberty -Reproduetive System - Female and Male & endocrine funetion -HHIMI Biotmeractve: Asexual vs, Sexual Reproduction 4 [Awareness of Reproductive health | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) -Maintaining a good reproductive health: Contraceptives ‘Kahoot activity + discussion based on titles #1, #2, #3 & #4 5 [iow do we inherit our genetics? | introduction to genes hereditary unis -Mendelian Geneties: Model of Heredity, Garden Pea Experiment and Three Laws of Mendelian Genetics interactive Discussion: HHIMIs DNA damage and mutations 6 | Chromosomes 101 - Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance - Genetic Recombination and diversity iterates “Interactive Discussion: HHMI Mendelian Genetics and Pedigrees 7 [Evolution ofthe living world | Darwin's stories and Theory of Fvolution: Natural Selection How did humans evolve into what they are now? interactive activity: Natural Selection in an outbreak Kahoo! activity covering WS. #6 and #7 [Beauty in Diversey Value and elements of the Biodiversity - Conservation of Biodiversity: Local and Giobal Context Interactive activity: BiomeViewer and IUCN Red Data Book 9 [Communal Interactions and | interactions among different species Mutualism ymbiotie Links: Mutualism, Parasiism, Commensalism Studying the Bobtail Squid and is symbiosis 10 [Animal behaviour -Biological and Evolutionary Background of Animal Behavior = Communication, Response, Orientation and Migration = Kahoot activity covering #8, #9 and #10 11 [Contemporary Isues: Genetically. |- Basic introduction to GMO Modified Orgenisms (GMO) —_|-"The eurret situation and impact wit scientific and proper ows articles “Idea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information 12 [Contemporary Issues: Biodiversity |- Basic introduction to Biodiversity Hotspots Hotspots - Regional and global examples for conserving such places Idea exchange: mainly led with student gathered information -Final Exam Review *Please check the delivery schedule which will be uploaded to the CIRP VLE ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 16 Module Guide General Science - FG001 A.2 Essential Reading: Book Chapters A.2.1 FGoo1 # [Tite Book Chapters from Biology for AP® Courses 1 ‘Scientific method and Entire Chapter 1 and 2.1 chemical basis of life 2 | Water and Carbon: The two |2.2, 2.3 vital components in living 3 Organic Compound: 3.13.2 Carbohydrates 4 | Organic Compound: Proteins |3.3 5 |Organic Compound: Lipids [3.4 6 Organic Compound: Nucleic [3.5 Acid 7 |Cell: The basic structural and [4.1, 4.2 functional unit of life 8 | Eukaryotic Cells 43,44, 4.5 9 |How do cells ‘talk’ and 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 ‘drive’? 10 [Hierarchy of the living 1.2,20.1 A.2.2 FG002 # [Tite Book Chapters from Biology for AP® Courses 1 | Organization of Human 24.1, 24.2, 24.3 Body 2 | Fuel to get through your day: Nutrition 25 (introduction), 25.1 Digestive System: food to chemical energy }25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4 Circulatory System: 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4 Respiratory System 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4 /Nervous System 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5 aTeyoy = Endocrine System: how hormones play 28.1, 28.2, 28.3, 28.4, 28.5 {ESERVED -COLOMEO IL ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 0 Module Guide General Science - FG001 8 |Immune System 33.1, 33.2, 33.3, 33.4 9 | Other systems: Excretory and Musculoskeletal system 32.2, 32.3, 29.1, 29.2, 29.4 10 | Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration 6.1, 64 , Chapter 7 & 8 A.2.3 FG003 # — |Title Book Chapters from Biology for AP® Courses 1 _|How cells multiply 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 2 |Sexual Reproduction and its. 11.1, 11.2 mechanism 3 |Human Reproduction System |34.3, 34.4 4 | Awareness of Reproductive [34.7 health 5 How do we inherit our 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 genetics? 6 Chromosomes 101 13.1, 13.2, 7 |Bvolution of the living world |18.1, 18.2 8 [Communal Interactions and |35.1, 36.6 Mutualism 9 | Animal behaviour 36.7 10 | Beauty in Diversity 38.1, 38.2, 38.3, 38.4 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY Module Guide General Science - FG001 ANNEXURE B B.1 Coursework Assessment (FGoo2) Coursework — Proper (for 1 Attempt) OPTION 1 COVID-19 was a striking plague with the inception of the year 2020. Briefly explain the background, cause and symptoms of this pandemic in 500 words. & Nowadays, understanding the term ‘cancer’ brings the general public to an equipped awareness. Briefly explain the basic cancer terminology we discussed in class and what they mean to you in 500 words. or OPTION 2 Coronaviruses cause epidemics. Name and explain the background, cause and symptoms of one example for such a disease (except COVID-19) which had epidemic potential and affected the world’s population in the recent history in 500 words & According to - an American initiative on breast cancer awareness, 1 in 8 US Women will develop invasive forms of breast cancer over their lifetime. Explain what breast cancer means to you, incorporating the potential causes, symptoms and possible therapies in 500 words. Submission deadline TBD aS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY » Module Guide General Science - FG001 Resit Coursework (Only ONE Re-sit will be allowed) OPTION 1 In 1918, a century ago, Spanish Flu came into being and was seen quite abundantly in Europe. Distinguish between Spanish Flu and COVID-19 in 500 words. & According to - an American initiative on breast cancer awareness, 276,480 ‘females are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer for the year of 2020, whereas the expected numbers for male diagnoses are comparatively low - around 2,620. Why is breast cancer more common among females than males? Explain in 500 words. or OPTION 2 Sri Lanka was successful in controlling the COVID-19 status within the country, avoiding the risk of community transmission. You are a part of this entire mission. Explain in 500 words how you, your community and the government were able to control this situation. & In class, we discussed this article (Epigenetics and Breast Cancers). Itis true this article is quite enriched in molecular biology jargon. However, what did you realize through this article? Explain in your own words using 500 words. Submission deadline TBD ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 20 Module Guide General Science - FG001 ANNEXURE B B.1 Coursework Assessment Coursework — Proper (for 1 Attempt) The South Asian Region includes multiple biodiversity hotspots. According to the IUCN, Sri Lanka along with the Western Ghats, is considered as one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots in the world. Discuss how timely policies can be implemented in the biodiversity hotspots, specific to the South Asian regions, in order to improve the wildlife conservation efforts. or In the modern world, we are surrounded with a multitude of ailments, starting from influenza 10 arthritis to hypertension to diabetes to cancer to everything else. Through this we need to realize that most of our day-to-day elements which include the entirety of diet, environment and cultural stereotypes require a balance. Can we utilize Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) to restore such balance in our lives? Explain and elaborate your answer using related examples and descriptions Submission deadline TBD Re-sit Coursework (Only ONE Re-sit will be allowed) Discussions in regard to ethics related to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) have been initiated due to many research and events occurred during the contemporary times. Please read the NCBI article right here (htips:/ for a sense of review based awareness. Explain the social and ethical facets we need to consider in regard to GMOs, incorporating the information you gathered from this article and other sources. or Whilst commercialization and industrialization is dynamically taking place, preserving biodiversity has turned into an immense challenge. Name the types of biodiversity you earned in the class and explain how each type of biodiversity should be preserved in the regions where biodiversity hotspots are located. Submission deadline TBD ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 1 Module Guide General Science - FG001 B.2 Marking Rubric for the Essay (For FGoo2 and FG003) “Answer The student has properly read the question, and has answered accordingly with necessary information and study material from lectures, readings (both essential and/or recommended), contemporary issue discussions, blended learning material and ——/ 30 points self-study. ‘Analysis and Evaluation (See B.4) The gathered information in the answer has been properly analysed, relating it to the question, demonstrating an excellent understanding ——/30 points of the terminology and what it really means. Originality The student has presented outstanding competence in building up the answer in a unique-yet-original way, while establishing a sense of —_/ 20 points academic integrity throughout the answer. Writing © Clear, concise, structured and informative writing ‘* Writing in the correct person (i.e., first person vs. third person) ——/20 points | _« Proper utility of the correct referencing format Penalties for unprofessional elements in your work (See B.3) © See Professional Quality Expectations below & your instructor's : points comments on your essay Essay First Submission: 7100 points *For FG002, students have to write two 500 (+/- 10%) word answers for the two Short Essay Questions provided. Both of the SEQs will be graded out of 100, according to the rubric in B.2. *For F003, students only have to write one 1500 (+/- 10%) word essay for any one question out of the two options provided. The essay will be graded out of 100, according to the rubric in B2 aS 'S RESERVED -COLOMBO INS ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 2 Module Guide General Science - FG001 B.3 Professional Quality Expectation Penalties for Unprofessional Elements in Your Work Points Sentence Structure, Capitalization, Grammar, Etc. '* Each topic sentence that does not reflect the content of its paragraph -0.5 ‘* Each sentence that does not end with punctuation’ “05 = Each spelling error, including technical terms -05 ~* Each inappropriately capitalized word “05 ‘* Each word that was not capitalized but should be capitalized “05 '* Each time an apostrophe is used inappropriately or not used when needed “05 > Each run-on sentence, incomplete thought, and fragment sentence -05 Technical Writing = Each genus and/or species name not properly capitalized and lalicized -05 ‘* Each time first or second person is used “05 '* Each time a contraction is used -0.5 In-Text Citations & Literature Cited Section ‘* Each formatting error when citing a reference in the text, ~0.25 '* Each formatting error in the literature cited section -025 ‘* Each reference below the minimum number of required references - Aminimum of 3 references are required for the Essay Question for F003 25 = A minimum of 2 references are required for each Short Essay Question for FG002 ‘* Each time a reference is used inappropriately. This occurs when a paper is used to reference information that is not actualy in the paper (Le., the wrong paper was “08 cited). Northampton Harvard Citing is adhered. Formatting & Submission '* Each component that is not properly formatted or is missing including ~ Student name & date on top left hand comer 028 - 1" margins, 12 point Times New Roman, & double-spaced - Properly named document (Lastname Firstname_Essay3FG001.doc) '* Failing to submit assignment as a Word document = ES ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 23 Module Guide General Science - FG001 B.4 Some points to remember while writing your essay (only applicable to FGoo2 and FGoo3) * A.good definition or a detailed explanation of the topic-based question selected. ‘© Should demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic. The lecturer does not encourage carbon-copy answers, straightaway taken from a slide or a lecture note. Analytical brainstorming is the way to go! * Show evidence of a good range of reading. Should present diagrams / graphics that are relevant to the question throughout. (if applicable - and don't forget to cite the diagrams, if you're taking it from another source. Your lecturer is aware of reverse image search) The entire work should be in a proper format and linked to each topic , discussed and structured in a clear and concise manner. Proper references and evidence to support any theories put forward must be presented. B.5 Succeeding in this course takes the followin; READ THIS MODULE GUIDE FROM A TO Z. | am happy to answer any and all questions you have in regard to this module guide. ¢ ATTEND ALL CLASS LECTURES. In general, success in this class is directly linked to attendance and participation in class activities. Most of our class time will be spent building the knowledge and necessary competency you need to ace the final stage of the General Science Foundation Module. ¢ COMPLETE ALL HOMEWORK AND CLASS ACTIVITIES. Although these assessments will not determine your final grade, they will become incredibly helpful for you to get ready for the exams and coursework question READ THE ESSENTIAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL. These materials will help you understand the course content better. If you come across any difficult terminology or concept, please do not hesitate to contact me, either after class or via email / appointment. ORGANIZE AND PLAN THE MODULE STUDY BY YOURSELF. As you are just one step before pursuing a bachelor's degree program, itis essential to plan the times allocated to several portions of the course, Use a planner to adjust your self-study hours, Don't know how to use one? Email me and let's talk about it! {ESERVED -COLOMEO IL ¢ OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 4 Module Guide General Science - FG001 TAKE NOTES. Whenever you come across a confusing part, ask me without delaying or without being nervous, since it's a happy class, after all. | encourage active lecturer-to-student interactions to happen in the class. TALK TO ME IN CLASS, | would love to know who you are and what your passions are. Communicating with your lecturer will help you get away from the monotonous blues of sitting in a lecture for hours. This will be quite helpful during your undergraduate studies. Good Luck! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -COLOMBO INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & PSYCHOLOGY 25

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