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Great “Everyday” Idioms (Level 6-7) 2

1. Let someone off the hook (V): you don’t punish someone when
they have done something wrong (ignore the problem).
2. Bite off more than you can chew (V): You take on too much
responsibility – more responsibility than you can handle.
3. Rain on someone's parade (V): a person who ruins your happy
day or ruins someone’s happy event.
Sentence: John, my ex, showed up at my party with a new partner
and this ended up raining on my parade.
4. The ball is in your court (idiom): I have done everything I can to
resolve a problem and now it is your responsibility to finally
resolve the problem (it is out of my hands now).
5. (To) burn bridges (V): you destroy or ruin a relationship that is
generally good or positive.
6. Light at the end of tunnel (idiom): you have been through a
difficult period, but you can see hope for a better, more optimistic
7. One is off his or her rocker (Adj.): Someone is crazy or has very
crazy ideas. (a person is very irrational).
8. Jump on the bandwagon (V): This means that you decide to
follow the crowd or do as everyone else is doing. (you are not
independent – but only want to follow the pattern of others).

9. Let sleeping dogs lie (V): said to warn someone that they should
not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about. (do
not bring up a problem that is finished or in the past).
10. Once bitten, twice shy (idiom):
Once you are hurt one time, you are much more cautious about
getting hurt a second time. (you learn a lesson from the first bad

Idiom Quiz (Fill in the blank lines with the correct

idiom from the list):
1. I know you were expecting an early day, and I don’t
want to Rain on someone's parade, but the boss says
everyone has to stay late.
2. . All his friends were getting married, so he decided to
Jump on the bandwagon and get married too.
3. My teacher gave me detention today after school, but
luckily there was a fire alarm and she Let me off the hoo _.
4. Since my little daughter fell from the swing, she doesn't
like swinging on it anymore. Truly said, Once bitten, twice
shy _.
5. I can finally light at the end of tunnel We have worked
hard and our company is finally making a profit.
6. Our friendship was so broken by that point; the only
way we could move on was to burn bridges between us.
7. Andy decided not to bring up the argument they had
had the night before. It was best to Let sleeping dogs lie _.
8.. By accepting three part-time jobs, he is clearly Bite off
more than you can chew.
9.. I'm going to go off his rocker if I have to hear that song
one more time!
10.. I filled out the application and provided all the
information they asked for so now the ball is in their court
and all I can do is wait.

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