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Explaining food texture through rheology

Helen S Joyner (Melito)

Building food rheology–sensory relationships allows food or have anisotropic structures (e.g. meats, Mozzarella)
scientists to predict textural attributes from instrumental are difficult to analyze accurately.
measurements. However, these relationships can be difficult to 2. Rheological tests can at best measure a few properties
determine due to the complex composition, structure of the food, of a food at a time; descriptive analysis panelists can
as well as the difficulties in accounting for the changes to the food measure half a dozen or more textural attributes in a
during oral processing. Novel rheological and sensorial analyses single food simultaneously. Thus, multiple rheological
are working toward a better understanding of food structural analyses are needed to collect sufficient information to
breakdown, bolus development, and the associated properties predict sensory texture.
and attributes of the food as it undergoes these changes. These 3. With a few exceptions, rheological tests cannot mea-
analyses are uncovering some of the key unknown information sure temporal changes in sensory textures, including
about food behaviors during oral processing, allowing progression saliva-induced changes.
toward a universal set of rheological–sensory relationships. 4. Fundamental rheological tests cannot completely rep-
licate oral conditions and changes to food during
Address mastication. Thus, rheological behaviors relate well
School of Food Science, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, United to first-bite texture attributes but are often poorly
related to chewdown and residual sensory textures.
Corresponding author: Joyner (Melito), Helen S (

Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21[1_TD$IF]:7–[2_TD$IF]14

Despite these challenges, rheometry is still a promising
tool for understanding factors that influence food texture.
This review comes from a themed issue on Sensory science and
consumer perception
Because the way in which a food deforms, fractures, flows,
and breaks down is a key component of textural sensa-
Edited by Silvana Martini
tions, significant effort has been given to determining
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial relationships between food rheological behaviors and
Available online 24th April 2018 sensory texture attributes. Determining these relation-
2214-7993/ã 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ships is relatively straightforward in simple food systems,
such as juices, milk, and single-component gels. How-
ever, rheology–sensory relationships are more difficult to
determine as food complexity increases and food scien-
tists have yet to determine a universal set of food
rheology–sensory relationships.
A primary goal of food research is understanding links This review covers common and novel rheological and
between food rheological behaviors and sensory textures. sensory analyses currently in use, continues with a review
Sensory analysis is the gold standard for determining food of how links between rheological and sensory data are
texture; however, descriptive sensory panel training and developed, and concludes with a brief discussion of
maintenance is time-consuming and expensive [1]. Addi- potential future areas of study. In this review, solid foods
tionally, a trained panel can only evaluate about 6–8 defined as being capable of supporting their own weight
samples in one session due to panelist fatigue and product without sagging (e.g. Cheddar cheese), semisolid foods sag
carryover effects [1]. Thus, food scientists use rheometry under their own weight and flow slowly over time (e.g.
to provide instrumental approximations of texture mea- stirred yogurt), and fluid foods flow readily and take the
surements. Rheometry, which measures how materials shape of their container (e.g. milk). Additionally, it should
flow, deform, and fracture, provides quantitative informa- be noted that the word ‘texture’ in this paper refers only
tion on food mechanical properties that can be used to to sensory texture. Texture encompasses the variety of
indicate sensory textures and screen samples for trained sensations experienced by a human when food is manip-
panel evaluation. However, there are multiple challenges ulated by the hands or in the mouth [1]; it can be
in using rheometry to indicate food textures, including: described by terms such as firmness, smoothness, sticki-
ness, grittiness, and mouthcoat. Instrumental tests can be
designed to measure mechanical properties that impact
1. Fundamental rheological tests are limited to samples texture attributes and approximate human actions used
that are (reasonably) homogeneous and isotropic. during texture evaluation, but these tests cannot measure
Foods that contain large particles, separate rapidly, texture attributes directly. Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

8 Sensory science and consumer perception

Rheological analyses of foods using larger strains, such as medium or large

Standard rheological testing amplitude oscillatory shear (MAOS and LAOS, respec-
Standard rheometry includes uniaxial compression/ten- tively) tests causes permanent deformation in the sample,
sion, rotational, and transient tests. Compressive and which can yield quantitative information about food
tensile testing are used to determine large strain and structural breakdown. Data from these analyses are often
fracture behaviors of solid foods that can be sliced, bored, shown in a Pipkin diagram, a collection of individual
or cast into the required shape. While semisolid foods Lissajous plots—plots of stress versus strain at a given
have been tested under compression, the data are often strain and frequency—arranged by frequency and strain
not repeatable; rotational and oscillatory tests are more (Figure 1b), which allows changes in viscoelastic behavior
suitable for semisolid samples. Recoverable energy, frac- at different strains and frequencies to be easily viewed.
ture stress and strain, fracture energy, and adhesion The nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors derived from MAOS
behaviors can be determined from fundamental compres- and LAOS analyses may relate better to sensory chew-
sive testing (Figure 1a). Compressive and tensile data are down and residual terms than traditional transient tests
often related to first-bite sensory terms, such as firmness that do not permanently deform the sample [10[1_TD$IF],11].
and fracturability [2,3].
Tribological testing, relatively new to food science, mea-
Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) is a two-cycle compres- sures food friction and lubrication behaviors. Tribological
sion test that mimics the first two bites to a food data are typically plotted in Stribeck curves (Figure 1c)
(Figure 1a). TPA parameters are often related to com- and friction regime (boundary, mixed, or hydrodynamic)
pression sensory terms, such as firmness and adhesiveness assigned to different potions of the curve [13]. Soft
[4]. While this test can be used to build rheology–sensory surfaces (e.g. silicone polymer gels) are used to mimic
links, users of TPA should be careful not to violate TPA the properties of oral surfaces for better ability to relate
assumptions (e.g. no sample fracture) and mindfully instrumental friction data to friction-related sensory attri-
select parameters for analysis, as not all parameters apply butes such as grittiness and astringency [12]. Human
to all samples (e.g. bread is not generally adhesive). saliva or a solution of alpha-amylase and mucins can be
added during testing to better replicate oral conditions
Steady shear (rotational) testing is typically performed on [13]. As friction is a system property [13], altering
semisolid and fluid samples, as a complete rotation of the testing surfaces or parameters can significantly impact the
rheological attachment is required. Shear rate sweeps are resulting data. Thus, the tribological system should
the most common steady-shear test performed on foods, closely mimic the oral system when generating data to
although yield stress tests and testing at a constant shear build tribology–sensory relationships.
rate to determine thixotropic behavior are also used.
Steady shear tests are used to determine viscosity profiles During oral processing, food is broken down, mixed with
and shear-dependent behaviors. Data from these tests are saliva, and formed into a bolus. This bolus often bears
often related to sensory viscosity, thickness, smoothness, little resemblance to the original food in terms of compo-
and slipperiness [5,6]. sition, physicochemical properties, and rheological prop-
erties. Because of their significant differences, there has
Transient testing can be performed on fluid, semisolid, been increased interest of measuring the rheological
and solid foods, and includes stress relaxation, creep, and properties of the bolus as well as the original food. While
oscillatory testing. These tests, particularly strain and this practice can help improve understanding of chew-
frequency sweeps, provide information about food visco- down and temporal sensory attributes, it may be difficult
elastic behaviors, which can be good indicators of sensory to generate repeatable data due to the inherent differ-
textures such as firmness, chewing resistance, smooth- ences among boli produced at different points during oral
ness, and adhesiveness [2,7,8]. They can also indicate processing and by different subjects [14–17].
long-time flow behaviors, which may be important for
packaging selection [9] and shelf life determination. Sensory analyses
Standard analyses
While empirical analyses can and have been used to Standard sensory analyses include descriptive analysis
determine food rheological behaviors, fundamental data and general consumer panels. Descriptive analysis
derived from the above analyses (or similar) are needed to involves quantitative rating of various food sensory attri-
build strong rheology–sensory links that hold for more butes by a trained panel of 8–20 people [18]. While
than one food product. considered the gold standard for sensory evaluation
because of its ability to produce quantitative data that
Novel rheological analyses can be related to instrumental data through statistical
Novel rheological analyses include transient testing at analyses, descriptive analysis techniques, such as the
large stresses and strains (Figure 1b), tribometry Texture Profile Method, Quantitative Descriptive Anal-
(Figure 1c), and testing of food boli. Transient testing ysis, and Spectrum, have several drawbacks. Training and

Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

Explaining food texture through rheology Joyner (Melito) 9

Figure 1

Cycle 1 Cycle 2


A1 A2 A4 A5

L1 A3 L2

Recoverable energy: 100%(A2/A1)

Fracture Force: First peak in Cycle 1
Hardness: Peak force in Cycle 1
Cohesiveness: (A4+A5)/(A1+A2)
Adhesiveness: A3
Springiness: L2/L1
Gumminess: Hardness*Cohesiveness
Chewiness: Gumminess*Springiness



Friction Coefficient

Sliding Speed
Current Opinion in Food Science

Sample results from (a) two cycle compression testing, (b) LAOS testing, (c) tribological testing. Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

10 Sensory science and consumer perception

maintaining a calibrated panel is not only time-consum- used to determine the impact of a potentially confound-
ing and expensive but requires significant amounts of ing variable on a response, as it can be performed on more
product and proper reference standards for calibration. than two variables simultaneously [25]. PCA is used for
Thus, more rapid sensory methods that require less large sets of potentially correlated variables to collapse
training have become increasingly popular [18]. them into two linearly uncorrelated variables—the prin-
cipal components [1]. At least six different samples are
General consumer panels are mainly used to determining needed for a valid PCA. All of these analyses require
preference or liking of foods. Texture liking data from quantitative data and continuous (not discrete) variables.
these panels can be related to both descriptive analysis
and rheological data to determine what attributes or It can be difficult to determine quantitative relationships
properties of a food are liked. Although consumer texture between rheological and sensory data if one of the data
preferences can vary widely, it is still possible to deter- sets cannot be collapsed into a single value or a small set of
mine sensory–rheology relationships in these cases by values. Collapsing data into a single value may also result
analyzing a subset of the data in which consumer pre- in loss of valuable information, potentially leading to
ferences align. incorrect conclusions. For example, viscosity at 50 s 1,
the shear rate historically correlated to perception of
Novel analyses multiple sensory attributes [26], is often used when com-
Sensory methods that use untrained panelists (consumers) paring instrumental to sensory viscosity. However, select-
are becoming increasingly popular because they can be ing a single viscosity for comparison omits information on
performed rapidly and require little to no panelist training flow behavior profiles, which may be critical for develop-
[18]. Novel analyses used in consumer panels include flash ing rheology–sensory relationships. If possible, a model
profiling, check all that apply (CATA) questions, and should be fit to the data set and the model parameters used
napping [18]. Studies comparing descriptive analysis data for developing relationships. For example, instrumental
to novel untrained panel data have shown good agreement viscosity data can be fit to a flow behavior model. If fitting
[19–22]. Given this agreement, it is likely that the use of data to a model is not possible and selecting a single point
these novel consumer analyses for food texture evaluation from the data set is not desired, then the trends of the
will continue to increase in the future. entire data set can be used to make qualitative compar-
isons. While this approach does not allow quantitative
Temporal testing, which determines the changes in per- analysis, it can be an important first step in understanding
ceived sensory attributes of foods during and after oral relationships between rheological and sensory behaviors.
processing, has become increasingly popular, as it can be For example, comparing friction behaviors at different
performed with untrained panelists and used to evaluate sliding speeds to temporal data on food texture may yield
multiple attributes simultaneously [23]. One popular insight into how the food is manipulated orally during
temporal method is temporal dominance of sensations, consumption, how thin-layer behavior of the food devel-
in which panelists identify and rate dominant product ops over time, and why different textural sensations
attributes; the dominant attribute is selected from a list dominate as the food is chewed and swallowed.
and may change over time [23]. Time intensity is a second
temporal method in which trained panelists rate the Currently, there is no universal method for developing
intensity of selected attributes over time [23]. If temporal rheology–sensory relationships and a wide variety of
testing is performed using a general consumer panel, rheological and sensory analyses have been used to deter-
temporal CATA (TCATA) questions can be used; mine these relationships in different food products.
TCATA questions can also be used with trained panelists Table 1 summarizes the analyses used in recent studies,
[24]. These methods can be used on solid, semisolid, along with the methods used to develop the relationships.
and fluid foods, and provide valuable information about In general, descriptive analysis and standard rheometry
the changes in texture perception during consumption. are most commonly used, although novel sensory and
However, it can be challenging to relate temporal data to rheological analyses are gaining traction.
rheological data because the changes in food structure
and composition during consumption are generally not Looking forward
replicated in fundamental rheological testing. While there have been significant strides in building
rheology–sensory relationships, there are still large gaps
Building rheology–sensory relationships in understanding how instrumental and human data con-
Statistical tools are typically used to build rheology– nect. To fill in some of these gaps, the following strategies
sensory relationships; common statistical analyses include are recommended:
regression, correlation, and principal component analyses
(Table 1). In general, both regression and correlation 1. Increased collaboration is needed between groups
analyses determine the strength of the relationship focusing on sensory science and groups focusing on
between variables [25]. Regression analysis can also be rheology and functional behaviors.

Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

Table 1

Rheological, sensorial, and statistical analyses used recent food science studies that include development of rheological–sensory relationships.

Food evaluated Rheological analyses a Sensorial analyses b Statistical analyses c Reference

Bread TPA QDA PCA [27]
ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD
Bread SAOS viscoelastic behavior (bolus) Descriptive analysis ANOVA + SNK multiple comparison test [28]
Gluten-free and wheat breads SAOS viscoelastic behavior (dough) Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD [29]
Compressive testing (AACC method General consumer liking panel
55–15.02, bread)
Gluten-free bread Compression Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Tukey-Kramer adjusted p-values [30]
Cookies Fracture behavior QDA ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD [31]
General consumer liking panel Pearson’s correlation
Gluten-free muffins SAOS viscoelastic behavior (batter) QDA ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD [32]
Temperature profile PCA
TPA (muffins)
Cheese curds TPA QDA Artificial neural network [33]
Yield stress
SAOS viscoelastic behavior
Petit suisse cheese Viscosity profile Projective mapping ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD [34]
Viscoelastic behavior MFA
Soft cheese Compressive testing (cheese and bolus) TDS ANOVA + SNK multiple comparison test [35]
Viscoelastic behavior (cheese and bolus) Progressive profiling PCA
Dairy desserts Viscosity profile Pairwise ranking PCA [36]
SAOS viscoelastic behavior Friedman analysis

Explaining food texture through rheology Joyner (Melito) 11

Ice cream Viscosity profile TDS ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD [37]
Compressive testing General consumer liking panel containing MFA
CATA questions
Milk Viscosity profile Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD [38]
Tribological behaviors
Stirred yogurt Viscosity profile Flash profiling ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD [39]
Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

Viscoelastic behavior General consumer liking panel GPA

Stirred yogurt Tribological behaviors Flash profiling GPA [40]
Pureed carrots Viscosity profile Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD [41]
Pearson’s two-tailed correlation
Pureed carrots Viscosity profile Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD [8]
SAOS viscoelastic behavior LSM
Mango jam Viscosity profile Descriptive analysis PCA [42]
Time-dependent behaviors Nonlinear regression
Compressive testing
Peaches and nectarines Compressive testing (puncture) Descriptive analysis ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD [43]
PLS regression
12 Sensory science and consumer perception

2. Although new statistical analyses are available as the

GPA: generalized procrustes analysis; HCA: hierarchical cluster analysis; HSD: honestly significant difference; LSD: least significant difference; LSM: least square means; MFA: multiple factor

field of statistics evolves, many studies relating sensory

and rheological data use a simple ANOVA or linear




correlation. Statisticians should be included on the
research team to ensure that the analyses are appro-
priate for the data and encourage food scientists to

ANOVA + Tukey-Kramer adjusted p-values

explore more novel and sophisticated statistical
3. Rheological analyses that better mimic oral conditions

Correlation by regression vector

Pearson correlation coefficients
Statistical analyses c

are needed to understand the specific pathways of food

breakdown during oral processing. In particular, best
ANOVA + Bonferroni test

External preference map

practices for characterization and incorporation of

ANOVA + Tukey’s HSD

ANOVA + Fisher’s LSD

saliva and/or salivary components during testing while
still gaining fundamental information are needed.
4. Research focused on understanding food textures
should include microstructure analyses. Many studies


measure food rheological and sensory behaviors but





not microstructural features. However, they are critical

to a fundamental understanding of food oral processing
General consumer liking panel containing

5. The current trend of cluster analysis in sensory science

should be extended to studies exploring rheology–
sensory relationships, as physiological differences (e.
Sensorial analyses b

General consumer liking panel

g. salivary composition and flowrate, type and speed of

CATA: check all that apply; QDA: quantitative descriptive analyses; TDS: temporal dominance of sensations.

jaw movements) may impact texture perception.

Progressive profiling
Descriptive analysis

Descriptive analysis

analysis; PCA: principal component analysis; PLS: partial least squares: SNK: Student Newman Keuls.

The complexity of foods combined with the challenge of

CATA questions

recreating the equally complex conditions during oral

Flash profiling

processing requires multidisciplinary collaborations to

make significant advances in development of fundamen-



tal food structure–function–texture relationships.

Although novel rheological and sensory techniques, such
as tribometry and temporal sensory analyses, have
revealed key insights into food behaviors during the past
few years, much work remains to develop a full under-
SAOS: small amplitude oscillatory shear; TPA: texture profile analysis.

standing of these relationships. Nevertheless, steady

Rheological analyses a

progress is being made toward the ultimate goal of rapid

Compressive testing (bolus)

Compressive testing (bolus)

instrumental tests that are able to predict sensory textures

over the entire duration of oral processing.
Fracture behavior (gels)
Bostwick consistency

Compressive testing
Temperature profile

Conflict of interest statement

Viscosity profile

Viscosity profile

Nothing declared.
Yield stress



The author would like to thank Carolyn Ross for her advice and feedback
on the content of this paper.

This study was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and
Agriculture, Hatch project 1005029.
High-protein nutrition bars

References and recommended reading

Sugar-free chocolate
Table 1 (Continued )

Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,

Emulsion-filled gels

have been highlighted as:

Tomato ketchup
Food evaluated

Semi-solid gels

 of special interest
 of outstanding interest

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Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

Explaining food texture through rheology Joyner (Melito) 13

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Current Opinion in Food Science 2018, 21:7–14

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