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Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology

Module Test - Part II - December 2020 - ANSWERS


Please read this before second grading/moderation -

A. Full Credit is given,​ for any explanation/description/answer, which includes the relevant
term/s, idea/s, concept/s and/or possible interconnection/s.
B. Partial Credit is given, ​if the explanation/description/answer is insufficient -- yet the
answer is acceptable to a certain extent, catering to the question. .
C. Zero Credit is given,​ if the entire explanation/description is irrelevant to the question ​or
if the student has not attempted the question at all.
D. The goal of this answer guide is to make sure that the student has understood the
concept, instead of ‘spilling-out’ the memorisation.
E. This answer guide also has been curated by considering the possible limitations
of online teaching scenarios. It was realized that there is a vast caveat dealing
with student-lecturer interactions in an online teaching atmosphere. Students do
their best attending the online lectures. Instructors do their best to make sure the
students understand the subject matter as much as they did with the in-class
surrounding. Therefore, this marking scheme has catered the limitations caused
by online teaching.
F. The way I grade papers is quite different to what is happening in Sri Lankan
context. First and foremost, I would read all exam answers attempted by the
students. Secondly, I would formulate a flexible, fair marking scheme -- which will
cover the core competencies of the course and degrees of how well the students
did the exam. Thirdly, I would grade the papers and finalize the marks. The reason
for this unique way of grading is, I believe that students must understand and
retain the subject content -- at least for a considerable time. Teaching and grades
do matter. For me, teaching comes first -- then, the grading. There is an interesting
article here, in regard - ( ​Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently)​ )
G. I am more than happy to answer your questions in regard to moderation and
grading matters. If there is a concern of curving the grade, then please let me
know -- and we would be able to arrive at a consensus in regard.
H. If you have any question in particular: please email me at

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