Amsterdam Presentation

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Redesign Project
Amsterdam Redesign
Private & Public Transportation Infrastructure

● Use electric trolleys and electric gondolas for navigating the narrow streets
and waterways of Amsterdam. These vehicles usage will be utilized by either
an annual tax via a European ID card, (like EZ-PASS), or if opted out used by
a one usd fee. These can go as to the outer border of the cities limits.
● Underground bike paths in the cityscape.
● Only electric car chargers, gasoline stations are banned inside the city to
entice residents to own only electric energy reliant vehicles.
Residential & High Density Housing
● Solar Panel roofing systems, akin to Tesla’s/Solar City’s design, roofing is
styled to be traditional to the historical architecture of Amsterdam
● Replace air conditioners by using a system similar to Copenhagen's, where
water from the harbour is carried and cooled through pipes to provide for
homes and businesses, this would drastically reduce the emissions from
traditional home heating and cooling

● Trash treatment, sewer treatment, and recycling plants that sell their product
to companies and other countries
● Build more artificial land and implement dams between the land, atop the
dams implement bridges similar to Victorian era London Bridge where more
infrastructure can be built
● Offshore wind turbines laden with solar panels
Low Density/Rural
● Homes can install energy efficient appliances to reduce carbon footprint
● Modernize housing using new technologies , while keeping traditional to
further reduce carbon footprint
● Solar panels would be placed atop the rooftop, any excess energy produced
could be sent back to the city, to minimize emissions

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