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Health at Home Reflection

Wellness-Mrs. Brayman

LT1: I will develop statements that help me express the importance of an active lifestyle.
LT2: I will identify the unique ways that my body can move and stay active and will describe
why I enjoy those types of movements.

Perseverance: To continue along a course of action in the face of difficulty.
Lifestyle: The way in which a person lives. A way of life.
Fitness Plan: A course of action to reach a desired level of fitness, typically including an
exercise schedule and approach to healthy nutrition.


Section 1
1. Why is it important for you to be physically active on a regular basis?
Besides the numerous health benefits associated with a regular exercise routine, it’s also great
for mental health.

2. What physical activities do you enjoy the most?

I'm fortunate that my basement is half dojo and half gym, so i do a lot of bag work and
kettlebells, and i Run the treadmill

3. How can you incorporate your favorite physical activities into a daily and weekly routine
(Fitness Plan) in order to create a physically active lifestyle?
I have a weekly exercise routine that I enjoy
Section 2
4. How is the word “perseverance” related to challenges you have faced during your Wellness
distance learning experience?
We have had to persevere through the challenges this year has thrown at us, mainly acclimating
to virtual learning due to corona.

5. What do you think was your biggest obstacle in Wellness while at home?
Staying engaged while not in a physical school space

Section 3
It’s important to cope with challenges in positive ways for better health and overall
well-being. For example, asking for help or using positive and motivational self-talk can be
effective ways to persevere in the face of a challenge.

6. Write down 2 specific coping strategies that you can use this summer that will help motivate
you to be physically active. This one
I don’t really have any coping strategies, But I do have a morning routine that helps me to sty

7. Congratulate yourself by writing a positive statement about how you practiced some type of
self-care during distance learning.
I’ve taken much better care of my body.

8. Besides Mrs. Brayman, what are three things that you are grateful for?
My friends
The natural world

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