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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

DATE: February 19th, 2021

TO: Prof. Pier LeCompte Zambrana
FROM: Mariliz M. Oliveras Febles, Technical Writing Student
SUBJECT: Trip Report on “Psychiatry” conference

On February 19th, 2021, I attended the conference “Psychiatry” that was held remotely via Zoom. The
meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. and adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Dr. Caroline Toro Ruiz explained the process
and steps on how to become a psychiatrist to the members of O Shadowing Puerto Rico. This report
highlights the most important points discussed in the conference that can help on your professional
development to become a doctor.

Requirements and Preparation to become a Psychiatrist

Psychiatry is the study and treatment of mental illnesses and abnormal behavior. On this conference Dr.
Caroline Toro Ruiz expound the requirements needed to become a psychiatrist. She started the
conference explaining the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. Psychiatrists will
provide a treatment based on the problem, it can be medications, general medical care, therapies or
psychological treatments. Psychologists main focus is to provide psychological treatments. The
requirements needed were: to complete all the courses required to enter medical school and to take the
MCAT. Other indispensable requirements that Dr. Caroline Toro Ruiz mentioned were to become a
volunteer in a foundation or another non-profit and to do shadow with a doctor. Once accepted in
medical school you have to pass step 1, 2 and 3 to be able to work as a psychiatrist. Also, is necessary to
be accepted in the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

Description of everyday work as a Psychiatrist and Case Study

Some of the duties that psychiatrists do every day are initial evaluations and patient monitoring. They
evaluate and treat patients that are admitted to hospitals for psychiatric conditions. Dr. Caroline Toro
Ruiz explained how the treatment varies depending on the symptoms of the patient, past medical history,
family history and social environment.

Dr. Caroline Toro Ruiz stated that is important to know that every mental disorder is unique and that
every patient express their symptoms different. She presented a case study in which the patient had
symptoms of depression, when treated with antidepressants a couple of months later she was diagnosed
with hypothyroidism, this caused the symptoms of depression.


This conference helps students have a better understanding of the process to become a psychiatrist and
the steps that they need to follow to become one. Pre-med students will find this information valuable
when deciding on what to specialize on.
On l in e Sh a d o w in g PR
Ce r t if ic a d o De Pa r t ic ipa c ió n
Concedido a:
Ma r il iz Mo n ic Ol iv e r a s
Fe bl e s
por asistir y participar en la s e s ió n virtual #14: "Ps iquiatría"
ofrecida por la doctora Caroline Toro-Ruiz y llevada a cabo el
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021.
2 h o ra s
fu n d a d o ra
O n lin e Sh a d o w in g P R
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