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December 3 2019


PO BOX 193939
San Francisco 94119-3939

Re Dana Sabraw- US District Judge Southern District Calif

I hereby commission the Judicial counsel to review my complaint about the conduct of
Judge Sabraw from June 6 2019 until today. The chief Judge Larry Burns says he does not want
to review Dana Sabraw’s conduct and sent the complaint back. I also spoke to him on the phone.
Judge Sabraw conduct is prejudicial and totally unbecoming of a Judicial officers to the effective
and honest administration of Court business. I was assigned Judge Sabraw in June 6 2019 for a
civil rights case number 19-cu-1063-dms jld. Judge Sabraw in the first place has to be extremely
careful as his wife Summer Stephan is the District Attorney. Any case that may involve the DA’s
office and her endorsers and this case was against San Diego Police Dept, City Attorneys
office,Mara Elliot the City Attorney , Ryan Scott Deputy City Attorney, many attorneys
practicing in Federal Court, Michael Pancer,, John Kirby,Michael McCabe,Judge Kenneth So,
Attorney AP Zmurkewicz, Chalie Khoury etc..It was a Civil right case brought for my son who
died because of the conduct of these officials , most endorsers of Summer Stephens, the judges
wife.The judges wife id the District attorney. JudgeSabrw had aclerk Julie who we talked to,
In the seven month the case survived Judge Sabraw rules normally given to parties were
not afforded to us.. He refused to set a neutral case evaluation. He had his conduit Julie
communicate ex parte with Plaintiffs and Defendants separately. Told them to ignore Civil Rules
of Judge Sabraw Rule 6 meet and confer prior to bringing 12b motions to dismiss. He was
advised that his wife Summer Stephen might be a conflict of interest in the case so I requested he
make a disclosure. He refused. He allowed the Defendants, all prominent officials or attorneys
rightfully being sued ie S.D.P.D., City Attorneys office, Medical Examiner, attorneys, , about 20
in total to hold ex partes without notifying the plaintiff.. He assigned our case a “special” law
clerk who said her name was Julie. She gave legal advise which she should not. He is responsible
for the faulty advise and rules she made and the” collusion by proxy “that went on when Julie
talked to the Defendants attorneys and to the plaintiffs telling them how to proceed.. The
Defendant knew about Judge Sabraw Rule 6 which requires among parties elaborate meet and
confer, informal conference and a writing before allowed to bring a motion. She said that if I
amended my complaint and filed it as a matter of right she would kick it and I have to file a
15.1.motion to amend, Rule 15 did not require that as no one answered.. In the meantime Judge
Sabraw had a Civil Rule 6 that applied to 12B motions that is an extensive meet and confer prior
to filing. Julie told the defendant to disregard that rule and file them anyway. So I was faced with
10, 12b motions. Five defendants did not even answer the complaint and four did not oppose my
motion to amend, I amended my complaint but that was ignored. We were not allowed to start
discovery so for four months I opposed motions. They caused to be filed “96" pleadings(See
enclosure). On October 4, 2019 I sent the clerk a letter cc to all counsel that I would like to go in
front of Judge Sabraw for a disclosure regarding his wife the District Attorney being involved in
the case in fact she was mentioned in the third amended complaint. He refused. In this case it was
an inherent conflict which he refused to disclose and he also had relationship with some of the
Attorneys, His wife is the District Attorney and many of the persons being sued are her endorsers
and member of the groups they back and she was involved in the underlying case and partially
involved in the outcome to Michael..The DA is mentioned by name in the complaint. Judge
Sabraw then took the motion to ten all twelve of them and placed them to be heard Plaintiff
motions to dismiss when Julie promised the motion to dismiss would be heard first. before the
Motion to dismiss and also indicated no oral argument is needed, A week later he does the same
to my motion to amend which is now behind the motion to dismiss and no oral argument is
allowed. Several weeks went by in which there were no word on the motion. In the meantime
since the case had a criminal aspect to it I sent several letters to the DA about a death
investigation and insisted she do one as the Sheriff requested before this law suit was filed.. I
received one back inviting me to meet with her but when I called to make the appointment there
was no call back. On October 27, 2019 a defendant in this Federal lawsuit Alfonso Martinez
attacked and harassed me verbally. He did this intentionally to provoke me. He mocked by dead
son badly.I responded back in kind. Seven hours later I was arrested , beat up brutalized by the
Defendant SDPD. I was intimidated. It was clear that it was because I dared to bring a Federal
lawsuit against these corrupt individuals. I then realized that the SDPD would not beat me up and
arrest me if the District Attorney did not tell them to. On November 4th 2019 Judge Dana Sabraw
said he received a UPS letter attached addressed to his wife the District attorney. If the letter was
UPS to him it was in a white envelope addressed to Stephens and had her name not his on the
letter. If he received it inadvertently it clearly was not meant for him. (See copy of October 31st
letter) It was not sent with any identifying documents of the Federal court. Further I am not a
electronic registers, He then blasted this letter on Pacers for the Defendants to see. It talked about
entrapment by the DA. Then he ruled on the motions first Motions to Dismiss complaint number
two which is already moot due to complaint number 3 being lodged and granted all of them even
dismissed out defendant who did not answer and then dismissing my motion to amend without
prejudice that contained his wife’s name. I am going to take his ruling up with the Court of
Appeals but his conduct in the Federal case is outrageous.. He denied due process to the
plaintiffs. He had a conflict being that his wife was suppose to investigate the death. Instead she
has me beat up by the Defendant police and arrested , then charged with three strike felony’s?H
She was working in collusion with her husband to indict the Plaintiff and not investigate the
death of her son, discussed the case with Justice Burns and told him not to review the complaint.
He blasted a letter addressed t his wife with no connection to him on Pacers having ex parte
contact with the Defendants and also breaching ethics as a letter received inadvertently should be
sent back to the sender not put on pacers. A magistrate did not approve the letter to be put on
Pacers when it was not an exhibit. He closed te case on December 4th even before I was served as
I am not registered electronically . I sent the Rule 60 motion to Justice Burns who sent it back to
Sabraw who denied it without even setting a date. His wife now has informed me she is indicting
me in El Cajon with 3 new felony charges. Apparently the police refused to come and get me this
time. I am 68 years old and indicted for 6 felonies because I pursued a case in which Ms
Stephens was involved and get assigned her husband Judge Sabraw just by chance? Judge
Sabraw knew of his wife’s involvement but does not get off the case/. Is this GOP justice? They
were conflicted out in this case. The arrest on October 28 the date I filed my Rule 11 motion was
staged using Defendant Martinez again and Defendant police who on were entrapping me by
harrassment and baiting with knowledge of District attorney and the Judge, Each step of the case
against me being broadcasted by Julie or by Pacers

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