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AOL: I can maintain healthy lifestyle choices target

POD 5/1/19
DLT: I can reflect in a written paragraph about my health habit

According to my health assessment(personal) what are areas that I might want to examine
more closely when it comes to my health.

From my health assignment i need to is work on every single category

When it comes to my personal health what steps do I take daily that make me a healthier

The steps i take are eating healthy

One way that I help my mental health on a regular basis is to

One way i help my mental health on a regular bias is to remember to breath

A form of exercise that I give myself that I like is to.

A form of exercise that I give myself that I like is to play basketball

In the future I would like to do this in order to make myself healthier

In the future I would like to do this in order to make myself healthier i would go out side more

One food I should eat more of on a regular basis is this and this is why?

One food i should eat more on a regular bias is greens i dont eat alot

One food that I think I should cut out of my diet is this and this is why?
One food i should cut out of my diet is potato chips

It is important to be reflective of your health habits for the following reasons

It's important to reflect on them because so you know where your at

Now put it all together:

From my health assignment i need to is work on every single category

The steps i take are eating healthy
One way i help my mental health on a regular bias is to remember to breath
A form of exercise that I give myself that I like is to play basketball
In the future I would like to do this in order to make myself healthier go outside more l
One food i should eat more on a regular bias is greens i dont eat alot
One food i should cut out of my diet is potato chips
t's important to reflect on them because so you know where your at

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