Brassinosteroids Promote Photosynthesis and Growth by Enhancing Activation of Rubisco and Expression of Photosynthetic Genes in Cucumis Sativus

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Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

DOI 10.1007/s00425-009-1016-1


Brassinosteroids promote photosynthesis and growth

by enhancing activation of Rubisco and expression
of photosynthetic genes in Cucumis sativus
Xiao-Jian Xia · Li-Feng Huang · Yan-Hong Zhou ·
Wei-Hua Mao · Kai Shi · Jian-Xiang Wu ·
Tadao Asami · Zhixiang Chen · Jing-Quan Yu

Received: 29 May 2009 / Accepted: 4 September 2009 / Published online: 17 September 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a new group of plant eVects of EBR and Brz on a number of photosynthetic
growth substances that promote plant growth and produc- parameters and their aVecting factors, including the con-
tivity. We showed in this study that improved growth of tents and activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/
cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plants after treatment with 24- oxygenase (Rubisco). Northern and Western blotting dem-
epibrassinolide (EBR), an active BR, was associated with onstrated that EBR upregulated, while Brz downregulated,
increased CO2 assimilation and quantum yield of PSII the expressions of rbcL, rbcS and other photosynthetic
(PSII). Treatment of brassinazole (Brz), a speciWc inhibitor genes. In addition, EBR had a positive eVect on the activa-
for BR biosynthesis, reduced plant growth and at the same tion of Rubisco based on increased maximum Rubisco car-
time decreased CO2 assimilation and PSII. Thus, the boxylation rates (Vc,max), total Rubisco activity and, to a
growth-promoting activity of BRs can be, at least partly, greater extent, initial Rubisco activity. The accumulation
attributed to enhanced plant photosynthesis. To understand patterns of Rubisco activase (RCA) based on immunogold-
how BRs enhance photosynthesis, we have analyzed the labeling experiments suggested a role of RCA in BR-regu-
lated activation state of Rubisco. Enhanced expression of
genes encoding other Calvin cycle genes after EBR treat-
ment may also play a positive role in RuBP regeneration
X.-J. Xia · L.-F. Huang · Y.-H. Zhou · W.-H. Mao · K. Shi · (Jmax), thereby increasing maximum carboxylation rate of
J.-Q. Yu (&)
Rubisco (Vc,max). Thus, BRs promote photosynthesis and
Department of Horticulture, Huajiachi Campus,
Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Road 268, 310029 Hangzhou, growth by positively regulating synthesis and activation of
People’s Republic of China a variety of photosynthetic enzymes including Rubisco in
e-mail: cucumber.
J.-X. Wu
Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Keywords Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) · Immunogold
Kaixuan Road 268, 310029 Hangzhou, labeling · Productivity · Rubisco activase · Sugar
People’s Republic of China metabolism
T. Asami
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Abbreviations
University of Tokyo, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo 1138657, Japan Asat Light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation
BRs Brassinosteroids
Z. Chen
Brz Brassinazole
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054, USA Chl Chlorophyll
Ci Intercellular CO2 concentration
J.-Q. Yu EBR 24-Epibrassinolide
Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Growth,
FBP Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
Development and Biotechnology,
Agricultural Ministry of China, Kaixuan Road 268, FBPA Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
310029 Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China FBPase Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase

1186 Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

Fru6P Fructose 6-phosphate Yu et al. 2004). Moreover, BRs modulate plant response to
Fv/Fm Maximum quantum yield of PSII environmental stress and pathogen infection (Dhaubhadel
Fv⬘/Fm⬘ EYciency of energy capture by open PSII et al. 2002; Krishna 2003; Nakashita et al. 2003). Notably,
Gs Stomatal conductance application of BRs increases the yield of many crops
Jmax Maximum RuBP regeneration rates (Khripach et al. 2000). The yield-promoting activity of BRs
PRK Ribulose-5-phosphate kinase is consistent with their growth-promoting activity demon-
qP Photochemical quenching coeYcient strated in Arabidopsis. For example, in transgenic Arabid-
rbcL Rubisco large subunit gene opsis overexpressing DWF4, an overall increase in BR
rbcS Rubisco small subunit gene level results in increased per-plot seed yield (Choe et al.
rca Rubisco activase gene 2001), whereas an Arabidopsis mutant defective in sterol
Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase 7 reductase is deWcient in BR biosynthesis and produces
RuBP Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate aberrantly shaped seeds (Choe et al. 2000). There is a
RuPE Ribulose phosphate epimerase promising prospect to increase crop yield and food produc-
SBP Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate tion through application of BR-derived growth-promoting
SBPase Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase substances in modern agrosystem (Wu et al. 2008).
Sed7P Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate BRs promote plant growth likely through multiple mech-
TPI Triose-3-phosphate isomerase anisms. A number of studies have implicated BRs in the
Vc,max Maximum Rubisco carboxylation rates regulation of cell division and expansion (Hu et al. 2000;
PSII Quantum yield of PSII Catterou et al. 2001). Moreover, inhibition of BR biosyn-
thesis by the addition of brassinazole (Brz) inhibits the
growth of light-grown Chlorella vulgaris cells (Bajguz and
Introduction Asami 2004). It has been reported that BRs increase leaf
photosynthesis and this activity of BRs may contribute to
Since brassinolide (BL) was Wrst isolated from Brassicus increased crop yield after BR application (Yu et al. 2004).
napus pollen 30 years ago (Grove et al. 1979), approxi- It has been recently shown that tissue-speciWc overexpres-
mately 60 related compounds have been identiWed, which sion of sterol C-22 hydroxylases in stems, leaves and roots,
are collectively referred to as brassinosteroids (BRs). BRs but not in the embryos or endosperms, results in 15–44%
are essential for normal plant growth, reproduction and increase in grain yield per plant (Wu et al. 2008). Further
development. Plants impaired in biosynthesis, perception or analysis suggests that enhanced CO2 assimilation and
signaling of BRs exhibit the typical phenotypes of dark enlarged sugar pools in the Xag leaves may stimulate assim-
green dwarfs with epinastic leaves, reduced or abolished ilate Xow to the seeds and increase grain yields.
fertility and delayed development (Bishop and Koncz Increased rates of CO2 assimilation have been observed
2002). In Arabidopsis, the identiWcation of BR-deWcient in plants with increased BR levels through BR applications
mutants led to the cloning of several critical genes involved (Hayat et al. 2000; Yu et al. 2004). However, it is diYcult
in BR biosynthesis, such as constitutive photomorphogene- to determine whether reduced BR biosynthesis or signaling
sis and dwarWsm (CPD; Szekeres et al. 1996), dwarf4 has a corresponding negative eVect on CO2 assimilation
(DWF4; Choe et al. 1998) and deetiolated2 (DET2; Li et al. due to the strong and pleiotropic phenotypes of BR-deW-
1996). The CPD and DWF4 genes encode cytochrome cient or signaling mutants in Arabidopsis (Müssig et al.
P450 monooxygenases. Feeding experiments with BR bio- 2002). Alternatively, BR synthesis mutations can be pheno-
synthetic intermediates revealed that the C-22 and C-23 copied by exogenously applied Brz, a speciWc inhibitor of
positions of BRs are successively hydroxylated by DWF4 BR biosynthesis (Asami et al. 2000). Brz directly binds to
and CPD, respectively. The DET2 gene encodes a 5-ste- DWF4 protein, inhibits the hydroxylation of the C-22 posi-
roid reductase, which catalyzes the Wrst step in the BR bio- tion of BR biosynthetic intermediates and eVectively
synthesis pathway (Noguchi et al. 1999). The BR-deWcient reduces the BR content in plants (Asami et al. 2001). By
Arabidopsis mutant, bul1, is defective in the 7-sterol-C5- using Brz, we can reduce the BR content within a short
desaturation step in the phytosterol pathway (Catterou et al. period of time without causing strong pleiotropic pheno-
2001). To date, the molecular genetics coupled with bio- types in cucumber. In the absence of secondary eVects of
chemical studies has established the BR biosynthetic path- strong pleiotropic phenotypes, we can determine whether
way (Yokota 1997; Bishop 2007). BR is directly involved in the regulation of photosynthesis.
Like other plant hormones, BRs aVect many physiologi- In addition, we have previously demonstrated that BR
cal processes, including cell expansion, cell division, xylem application induced an increase in ribulose-1,5-bisphos-
diVerentiation, proton-pump activity, ethylene biosynthesis phate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activation state
and photosynthesis (Sasse 1997; Clouse and Sasse 1998; (Yu et al. 2004). The underlying mechanism for

Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196 1187

BR-induced activation of Rubisco is unknown. To address leaf of each plant. Light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation
these issues, we analyzed the content of RCA, which is inti- (Asat) was measured at ambient CO2 concentration of
mately involved in regulation of Rubisco activity and the 360 mol mol¡1 and saturating photosynthetic photo Xux
expression of several genes involved in the Calvin cycle. density (1,000 mol m¡2 s¡1) with a leaf temperature of
Our results indicate that BRs play an important role in regu- 25 § 1.5°C and air relative humidity of 80–90%. Assimila-
lating synthesis and activation of a variety of enzymes in tion versus intercellular CO2 concentration (A/Ci) curve
the photosynthetic apparatus. was measured according to von Caemmerer and Farquhar
(1981). Assimilation was Wrst measured at ambient CO2
concentration in which the plants had grown. Atmospheric
Materials and methods CO2 concentration was decreased in several steps to
50 mol mol¡1 and then returned to the growth concentra-
Plant materials and experimental design tion to check that the original rate could be regained and
was then Wnally increased stepwise to 2,000 mol mol¡1 to
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinyan No. 4, Dandong complete the response curve. The maximum Rubisco car-
Shengyuan Agriculture Co., Ltd., Liaoning, China) seeds boxylation rates (Vc,max) and maximum ribulose-1,5-bis-
were sown in a growth medium containing a mixture of soil phosphate (RuBP) regeneration rates (Jmax) were estimated
and perlite (1:1, v/v) in a growth chamber with a photope- from the A/Ci curves using the method of Ethier and
riod of 12 h, temperature of 25/17°C (day/night), and light Livingston (2004).
intensity of 600 mol m¡2 s¡1. When the cotyledons fully A pulse-modulated Xuorometer (FMS-2, Hansatech
expanded, groups of six plants were transplanted into a Instruments Ltd., Norfolk, UK) was used to determine the
container (40 cm £ 25 cm £ 15 cm) Wlled with Hoagland chlorophyll Xuorescence parameters (Zhou et al. 2004).
nutrient solution. These plants were used for the following Minimal Xuorescence (Fo) was measured under a weak
two types of experiments. pulse of modulating light over a 0.8 s period, and maximal
To investigate the roles of BR in plant growth, cucumber Xuorescence (Fm) was induced by a saturating pulse of
plants were divided into four groups and subjected to treat- light (4,000 mol m¡2 s¡1) applied over 0.8 s. The maxi-
ment of 24-epibrassinolide (EBR), Brz, or both. Since the mum quantum yield of PSII (PSII) was determined as
EBR stock solution was made in ethanol, but the Brz stock Fv/Fm, where Fv is the diVerence between Fo and Fm. An
solution was made in DMSO, we included a very low level actinic light source (600 mol m¡2 s¡1) was then applied to
of ethanol (0.01%, v/v) and DMSO (0.01%, v/v) in all our obtain Fs (steady-state Xuorescence yield), after which a
working solutions including control water solution. Group I second saturation pulse was applied for 0.7 s to obtain Fm⬘
control plants were treated with water. Group II plants were (light-adapted maximum Xuorescence). Minimal Xuores-
treated with 0.1 M EBR every 5 days, from the cotyledon cence in the light (Fo⬘) was measured when the actinic light
stage to the four-leaf stage. Group III plants were treated was turned oV in the presence of far-red light. The quantum
with 4 M Brz, a speciWc inhibitor of BR biosynthesis, yield of PSII (PSII) and the eYciency of excitation capture
every 2 days from the cotyledon stage to the four-leaf stage. by open PSII centers at a steady state (Fv⬘/Fm⬘) was deW-
Group IV plants were treated with 4 M Brz plus 0.1 M ned as (Fm⬘ ¡ Fs)/Fm⬘ and (Fm⬘ ¡ Fo⬘)/Fm⬘ (Genty et al.
EBR to test whether the eVects of Brz could be rescued by 1989). Photochemical quenching coeYcient (qP) was cal-
EBR. Plants were harvested at 25 days for biomass and leaf culated as (Fm⬘ ¡ Fs)/(Fm⬘ ¡ Fo⬘) (van Kooten and Snel
area analysis. 1990).
To examine the roles of BR in the regulation of photo-
synthesis, the third leaves of the plants at the four-leaf stage Measurement of total chlorophyll, soluble proteins
were sprayed with water, 0.1 M EBR every 5 days, 4 M and carbohydrate content
Brz every 2 days or 4 M Brz plus 0.1 M EBR. Net CO2
assimilation rate and chlorophyll Xuorescence were mea- Total chlorophyll content was determined by the method of
sured at intervals. Leaf samples were harvested at 5 days Arnon (1949). Total soluble protein content was measured
after EBR or Brz treatment, frozen immediately in liquid using Bradford reagent (Bradford 1976). Freeze-dried sam-
nitrogen and stored at ¡80°C before biochemical and gene ples were used for the determination of carbohydrate con-
expression analyses. tent. Sucrose, starch and hexose contents were determined
using a modiWed phenol–sulfuric acid method (Buysse and
Gas exchange and chlorophyll Xuorescence measurements Merckx 1993). Soluble sugars were extracted from 200 mg
of dried material with 50 mL of 80% ethanol (v/v), using
Gas exchange analysis was conducted using an infrared gas Wve extraction steps. The supernatant was analyzed for hex-
analyzer (CIRAS-1, PP System, Herts., UK) on the third ose, sucrose and total soluble sugars. The residue was

1188 Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

boiled for 3 h in 10 mL 2% HCl (v/v) to hydrolyze starch. incubated for 1 h at room temperature with anti-RCA serum
The supernatant was analyzed for starch content. applied at dilutions of 1:500 in blocking buVer. After wash-
ing with blocking buVer, the sections were incubated in
Measurement of Rubisco activity blocking buVer containing protein A conjugated with 15-nm
colloidal gold particles for 1 h, and were then washed in
For measurements of Rubisco activity, frozen leaf samples PBS and in deionized distilled water. Finally, the sections
were ground to a Wne powder in liquid N2 and then were observed and photographed with an electron micro-
extracted in a solution containing 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH scope (JEM-1200EX, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) at 80 kV.
7.5), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM MgCl2, 12.5% (v/v) glycerin,
10% PVP and 10 mM -mercaptoethanol. The homogenate Total RNA extraction and gene expression analysis
was centrifuged at 15,000g for 15 min at 4°C. Total Rubi-
sco activity was assayed after the crude extract was acti- Total RNA was extracted using Trizol according to the sup-
vated in a 0.1 mL activation solution containing 33 mM plier’s instruction. Contaminated DNA was removed with
Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 0.67 mM EDTA, 33 mM MgCl2 and purifying column. As much as 1 g of total RNA was
10 mM NaHCO3 for 15 min. Initial Rubisco activity was reverse-transcribed using 0.5 g of Oligo (dT) 12–18 and
measured by coupling the activity to NADH oxidation 200 units of Superscript II (Invitrogen, Hangzhou, China)
using PGA kinase and GAP dehydrogenase according to following the supplier’s recommendation. For Northern-
Lilley and Walker (1974) and Sharkey et al. (1991). The blot analysis, 10 g of total RNA was separated in a dena-
oxidation of NADH was followed by changes in absor- turing 1.2% (w/v) agarose gel containing 2% formaldehyde
bance at 340 nm for 90 s. and blotted onto a Hybond N+ membrane. Blots were
hybridized with 32P-labeled cDNA fragments prepared
Western-blot analysis from PCR ampliWcation using speciWc primers for Rubisco
activase gene (rca), Rubisco small subunit gene (rbcS) and
Leaf samples were ground in liquid N2 with mortar and pes- Rubisco large subunit gene (rbcL). The primers designed in
tle. Total proteins were extracted with a buVer containing function of their conserved sequences are: 5⬘-GCTGAC
50 mM Tris–HCl (pH6.8), 4.5% SDS, 7.5% -mercap- AACCCAACCAA-3⬘ and 5⬘-CATCCGACCATCACG
toethanol and 9 M urea. For Western-blot analysis, proteins AA-3⬘ for rca; 5⬘-CGCTGTTGCCTCTGTGAA-3⬘ and
(30 g from each sample) were separated by SDS-PAGE 5⬘-AGAGTAGAACTTGGGGCTTGTA-3⬘ for rbcS; 5⬘-TA
using 12.5% (w/v) acrylamide gels according to the method TGGTCGCCCTCTATTG-3⬘ and 5⬘-GCGGCTTCGGTC
of Laemmli (1970) and electrophoretically transferred to TTTTTC-3⬘ for rbcL. Following hybridization, membranes
nitrocellulose membranes (Millipore, Saint-Quentin, were Wrst washed and then scanned and quantiWed by a
France). The proteins were detected with antibodies raised Typhoon 8600 (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, New Jer-
against Rubisco activase (RCA), and Rubisco small and sey, USA). For quantitative RT-PCR analysis, we ampliWed
large subunits. PCR products in triplicate using iQ SYBR Green SuperMix
(Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) in 25-L qRT-PCR reac-
Immunogold labeling of Rubisco activase tions, an iCycler iQ 96-well real-time PCR detection system
(Bio-Rad), iCycler software to calculate threshold cycle
Subcellular RCA distribution was analyzed according to Jin values and cucumber actin as an internal control. On the
et al. (2006). Leaf segments were Wxed with 100 mM phos- basis of EST sequences, the following gene-speciWc primers
phate buVer (pH 7.2) containing 3% (v/v) paraformalde- were designed and used for ampliWcation:
hyde and 1% (v/v) glutaraldehyde for 2 h at 4°C and CPD, 5⬘-TCTCCGACGAGCAAATAGTG-3⬘ and 5⬘-C
washed in the buVer. The segments were dehydrated in an GTCTCCGTCAGAAACTTGA-3⬘; DWF4, 5⬘-GGATG
ethanol series and embedded in Lowicryl K4M according to GAAAGTGCTTCCTGT-3⬘ and 5⬘-GGGATACCCAAT
the following protocol: 100% ethanol/resin 1:1 (v/v) for GATGAACC-3⬘; BR6ox (brassinosteroid-6-oxidase), 5⬘-A
1 h, 100% ethanol/resin 1:2 (v/v) for 1 h, and pure resin for TGAGAGGTGCTCTGCTTGC-3⬘ and 5⬘-TAGATGAG
12 h at ¡20°C. The embedded samples were polymerized CGGAGAGCCATC-3⬘; DIM (DIMINUTO), 5⬘-TTTGTA
with UV radiation at ¡20°C for 72 h, followed by 24 h at TTGGGAGGGAAAGC-3⬘ and 5⬘-AAACTTTGGGAGG
room temperature. Ultrathin sections (70–90 nm) were cut CATCATC-3⬘; TPI (triose-3-phosphate isomerase), 5⬘-AC
with a diamond knife and placed on nickel grids. The sec- TTCCTGTGCTTGCTCC-3⬘ and 5⬘-AACTTTTGATGTT
tions were washed with distilled water for 15 min and then TGCTTAAC-3⬘; FBPA (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldol-
incubated in blocking buVer containing 50 mM PBS, 1% ase), 5⬘-CTCGTGCTGCTGCTTACT-3⬘ and 5⬘-CTGCCC
(w/v) BSA, 0.02% PEG20000, 0.1 M NaCl and 1% (w/v) AAACTTTCTGTG-3⬘; FBPase (fructose-1,6-bisphospha-
NaN3 for 1 h at room temperature. The sections were then tase), 5⬘-GGGAGAGGACCAGAAAAA-3⬘ and 5⬘-GGC

Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196 1189

TGTAGATGCCAAAGA-3⬘; SBPase (sedoheptulose-1,7- length relative to those of untreated plants. However, Brz
bisphosphatase), 5⬘-CAGGGTTATCAAATGTGG-3⬘ and treatment caused signiWcant increases in leaf mass per
5⬘-GGAGTGAAGGGAAGCGAC-3⬘; RuPE (ribulose unit leaf area and total chlorophyll content, a characteris-
phosphate epimerase), 5⬘-TGGGTTCACTCCCTTTTC-3⬘ tic phenotype of BR-deWcient mutants. When EBR was
and 5⬘-TTGGACCTCTTGTCGTTG-3⬘; PRK (ribulose-5- applied to the Brz-treated plants (Brz + EBR), all the
phosphate kinase), 5⬘-ACAGGTTGCTTAGATGGC-3⬘ growth parameters and chlorophyll content were restored
and 5⬘-TTGTTTGATGAAGGCTCG-3⬘; actin, 5⬘-TGGAC to normal levels.
TCTGGTGATGGTGTTA-3⬘ and 5⬘-CAATGAGGGATG We also determined the eVects of EBR and Brz on the
GCTGGAAAA-3⬘. The quantiWcation of mRNA levels is expressions of CPD, DWF4, BR6ox and DIM, which are
based on the method of Livak and Schmittgen (2001). The involved in BR biosynthesis. CPD and DWF4 catalyze the
threshold cycle (Ct) value of actin was subtracted from that respective C-23 and C-22 hydroxylation of the steroid side
of the gene of interest to obtain a Ct value. The Ct value chain. BR6ox (brassinosteroid-6-oxidase) oxidizes 6-deox-
of untreated control sample was subtracted from the Ct ocastasterone to castasterone via 6-hydroxycastasterone
value to obtain a Ct value. The fold changes in and DIM (DIMINUTO) is responsible for the conversion
expression level relative to the control were expressed as of 24-methylenecholesterol to campesterol. Figure 1
2¡Ct. shows that EBR treatment reduced the amount of CPD,
DWF4, BR6ox and DIM transcripts by 30–50%, while Brz
Statistical analysis treatment increased the transcript amount by 40–80%.
EBR reversed the eVect of Brz on gene expression. It is
Tukey’s test was used for testing the mean diVerence well known that BR biosynthetic genes are subjected to
between treatments by using the SPSS statistical software negative feedback regulation by BR (Bancos et al. 2002;
package. Tanaka et al. 2005). The observed opposite eVects of EBR
and Brz treatment on BR biosynthetic genes are consistent
with the expected changes of BR content in plants. These
Results results not only supported the important role for BR in
plant growth, but also indicated the feasibility of the chem-
EVects of BR levels on plant growth and biomass ical genetic approach for manipulation of BR levels in
accumulation cucumber.

To examine the eVects of BR on plant growth, we manipu- EVects on gas exchange and chlorophyll Xuorescence
lated BR levels in cucumber plants through application of parameters
EBR, a synthetic BR, and Brz, a speciWc BR biosynthesis
inhibitor. EBR application resulted in improved plant To examine how BRs regulate photosynthetic capacity, we
growth as indicated by increased biomass accumulation, determined the eVects of EBR and Brz application on gas
leaf area, and stem and root length (Table 1). However, exchange and Chl Xuorescence quenching. Gas exchange
EBR had little eVect on total chlorophyll content. Inhibition parameters of the third leaf were measured at ambient CO2
of BR biosynthesis by Brz, on the other hand, resulted in a and saturating light level (1,000 mol m¡2 s¡1). As shown
24% reduction in biomass accumulation. Reduced biomass in Fig. 2, the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (Asat)
after Brz application was a result of reduced growth of all was not signiWcantly altered during the Wrst day, but sub-
plant organs as indicated by 46% reduction in leaf area, stantially reduced at 3 days after Brz treatment and contin-
22% reduction in stem length and 16% reduction in root ued to decline during the remaining period of the

Table 1 EVects of EBR and Brz application on fresh weight, leaf area, leaf mass per unit leaf area, stem and root length and total chlorophyll
content in cucumber plants 25 days after treatments
Fresh weight Leaf area Leaf mass per unit Stem length Root length Chlorophyll
(g plant¡1) (cm2 plant¡1) leaf area (g m¡2) (cm) (cm) content (g cm¡2)

Cont. 12.9 § 0.9b 121.7 § 19.0b 21.2 § 0.2b 7.7 § 0.2b 30.6 § 1.5b 340.3 § 12.5b
a a b a a
EBR 17.3 § 0.4 170.1 § 6.6 21.9 § 0.4 9.8 § 0.3 50.8 § 7.3 347.4 § 15.5b
c c a c c
Brz 9.8 § 1.5 66.1 § 10.6 24.4 § 0.4 6.0 § 0.5 25.7 § 1.2 402.3 § 9.3a
b b b b b
Brz + EBR 13.4 § 2.5 129.3 § 15.7 21.7 § 0.3 8.0 § 0.5 33.2 § 2.4 357.2 § 10.5b
Data are the means of four replicates with SDs. Means followed by the same letter are not signiWcantly diVerent according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05)

1190 Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

CPD DWF4 Cont.

2.0 a a 2.0
20 EBR

Asat (µmol m-2 s-1)

1.5 b 1.5 Brz
b b b Brz+EBR
1.0 c 1.0 15
0.5 0.5
BR6ox a DIM a
1.5 1.5 5
b b b b
1.0 c 1.0
0.5 0.5

Gs (µmol m-2 s-1)

0.0 0.0












Fig. 1 EVects of EBR and Brz on the steady-state transcript level of
genes involved in BR biosynthesis. Leaf samples were harvested at
25 days after treatment. Data are the means of three replicates with SDs 50
shown by vertical bars. Means followed by the same letter are not sig-
niWcantly diVerent according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05)


experiment. During this period of time, Asat was correlated 250

with the BR levels in the plants. Thus, the highest Asat was
Ci (µL L-1)

observed in the EBR-treated plants and the lowest Asat was 200
observed in the Brz-treated plants. Furthermore, decreased
Asat in Brz-treated plants could be recovered by EBR appli-
cation. An opposite eVect of BR levels was observed on the 100
intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). Ci decreased in EBR-
treated plants, but increased in Brz-treated plants. Brz treat- 50
0 1 3 5 20
ment had no signiWcant eVect on stomatal conductance (Gs)
Time (d)
during the early stage, but had a negative eVect on Gs at
late stages after the treatment. The association of increased Fig. 2 EVects of EBR and Brz application on light-saturated rate of
Asat with decreased Ci in EBR-treated plants suggests that CO2 assimilation (Asat), stomatal conductance (Gs) and intercellular
CO2 concentration (Ci) in cucumber leaves. Data are the means of four
the CO2 carboxylation capacity was a rate-limiting step in replicates with SDs shown by vertical bars
Under our growth conditions, EBR and Brz treatments
did not cause any visible stress symptoms or changes in the Asat, contents of total soluble sugars, sucrose and starch
maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (Table 2). Con- were all increased by EBR application and decreased by
sistent with Asat, EBR signiWcantly increased the quantum Brz application (Table 3). The decrease in the contents of
yield of PSII (PSII). Brz treatment, however, caused not total soluble sugars, sucrose and starch in Brz-treated plants
only reduced CO2 assimilation rate, but also reduced PSII was signiWcantly restored by EBR treatment. However, the
and, again, this reduction of PSII could be recovered by content of hexose was not signiWcantly altered after EBR or
EBR application. EBR signiWcantly increased, whereas Brz Brz treatment.
slightly decreased photochemical quenching (qP), although
the eVect was not signiWcant. In contrast, EBR had no sig- EVects on carboxylation and RuBP regeneration capacity
niWcant eVect on the eYciency of energy capture by open
PSII (Fv⬘/Fm⬘), while Brz signiWcantly reduced Fv⬘/Fm⬘. To further analyze the mechanism by which BRs regulate
CO2 Wxation, the Vc,max and Jmax were determined from the
EVects of EBR and Brz on carbohydrate contents steady-state measurements of the A/Ci response curves.
EBR-treated plants had higher and BR-deWcient plants had
We subsequently tested the eVects of EBR and Brz applica- lower Vc,max and Jmax than untreated control plants
tion on carbohydrate metabolism. Similar to the changes in (Table 4). When EBR was applied to Brz-treated plants, the

Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196 1191

Table 2 EVects of EBR and Brz on maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), quantum yield of PSII (PSII), photochemical quenching coeYcient
(qP) and the eYciency of excitation capture by open PSII center (Fv⬘/Fm⬘) at 5 days after EBR or Brz treatment in cucumber leaves
Fv/Fm PSII qP Fv⬘/Fm⬘

Cont. 0.85 § 0.006a 0.38 § 0.006b 0.61 § 0.033b 0.59 § 0.035a

a a a
EBR 0.86 § 0.006 0.44 § 0.022 0.72 § 0.032 0.64 § 0.021a
a c b
Brz 0.85 § 0.007 0.29 § 0.008 0.55 § 0.024 0.49 § 0.022b
Brz + EBR 0.85 § 0.008a 0.39 § 0.005b 0.63 § 0.023b 0.58 § 0.039a
Data are the means of four replicates with SDs. Means followed by the same letter are not signiWcantly diVerent according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05)

Table 3 EVects of EBR and Brz on total soluble sugar, hexose, sucrose and starch content at 5 days after EBR or Brz treatment in cucumber leaves
Total soluble sugar Hexose Sucrose Starch
(mg g¡1 DW) (mg g¡1 DW) (mg g¡1 DW) (mg g¡1 DW)

Cont. 43.12 § 4.92b 23.76 § 4.52a 17.33 § 1.77b 27.68 § 1.66b

a a a
EBR 56.46 § 5.79 22.47 § 4.39 22.93 § 1.85 34.98 § 1.47a
c a c
Brz 27.56 § 1.36 26.6 § 1.69 12.1 § 1.5 19.2 § 1.11c
bc a bc
Brz + EBR 35.89 § 2.62 24.46 § 3.85 15.23 § 0.69 29.9 § 4.03b
Data are the means of four replicates with SDs. Means followed by the same letter are not signiWcantly diVerent according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05)

Table 4 EVects of EBR and Brz on maximum Rubisco carboxylation rates (Vc,max), maximum RuBP regeneration rates (Jmax), total and initial
Rubisco activity and Rubisco activation state in cucumber leaves
Vc,max Jmax Total Rubisco Initial Rubisco Rubisco
(mol m¡2 s ¡1) (mol m¡2 s ¡1) activity (mol m¡2 s ¡1) activity (mol m¡2 s ¡1) activation state(%)

Cont. 70.3 § 5.9b 171.7 § 19.0b 40.3 § 3.3ab 21.3 § 1.4b 53b
a a a a
EBR 95.3 § 6.4 261.1 § 16.6 46.4 § 3.3 29.4 § 1.3 63a
c c b c
Brz 48.4 § 2.5 120.1 § 10.6 35.5 § 3.2 12.8 § 1.3 36c
Brz + EBR 66.3 § 6.2b 156.3 § 15.7b 37.4 § 2.1ab 20.1 § 1.5b 54b
Gas exchange measurements and sampling were carried out at 5 days after EBR or Brz treatment. Data are the means of four replicates with SDs.
Means followed by the same letter are not signiWcantly diVerent according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05)

reduced Vc,max and Jmax were restored to those of control but reduced in Brz-treated plants when compared with
plants. those in control plants. Western blotting indicated that EBR
EBR increased, while Brz decreased, total Rubisco also increased the protein levels of RCA and RBCS, but not
activity, although the eVects were not signiWcant. However, RBCL (Fig. 3b). The protein levels of RCA, RBCS and
the initial Rubisco activity was signiWcantly increased by RBCL were all reduced in Brz-treated plants.
EBR treatment and decreased by Brz treatment and again The subcellular localization of RCA was determined
the reduced initial Rubisco activity in Brz-treated plants using immunogold-labeling electron microscopy. When
was partially restored by EBR treatment. These results sections of cucumber leaves were treated with the RCA-
strongly suggest that EBR treatment resulted in an speciWc antibody, large quantities of the immunogold
enhanced, and Brz treatment resulted in a reduced, Rubisco particles were observed within the chloroplast (Fig. 4).
activation state. Consistent with the increased protein levels of RCA from
Western blotting, there were signiWcantly increased gold
EVects on expression of rca, rbcS and rbcL particle densities in EBR-treated leaves over those in the
control plants. By contrast, the gold particle density was
To further examine how BRs regulate photosynthesis, we reduced in the chloroplasts of Brz-treated leaves com-
analyzed the eVects of EBR and Brz on the steady-state pared to the control. EBR application again could restore
transcriptional and translational products of rca, rbcS and the reduced gold particle density in the Brz-treated
rbcL. As shown in Fig. 3a, the transcript levels of the rca, plants. The observed eVects of EBR and Brz application
rbcS and rbcL genes were elevated in EBR-treated plants, on the accumulation of RCA transcripts, proteins and

1192 Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

subcellular distribution strongly suggest that RCA EVects on expression of Calvin cycle genes
played an important role in regulation of carboxylation
capacity by BR. To investigate how BR aVects Jmax, we examined the eVects
of EBR and Brz on the expression of six genes encoding
(a) enzymes involved in RuBP regeneration. TPI and FBPA

catalyze the conversion of two triose-3-phosphates into




fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP). FBPase and SBPase cata-
lyze the hydrolysis of FBP and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphos-
rca phate (SBP) to Fru6P and sedoheptulose 7-phosphate
(Sed7P), respectively. RuPE and PRK catalyze the last two
rbcS steps in RuBP synthesis. Interestingly, expressions of all
the six genes increased by 1.5–2-fold in EBR-treated leaves
(Fig. 5). In contrast, the transcript levels of TPI, FBPase,
rbcL SBPase and PRK were reduced by more than 50% in Brz-
treated leaves. Brz had no signiWcant eVect on the expres-
sions of FBPA and RuPE. When Brz-treated plants were
treated with EBR, the expression of TPI was completely
restored to control level, the expressions of SBPase and

PRK were partially restored, and the expression of FBPase



was above the control level.




Brassinosteroids are plant steroidal hormones that regulate
plant growth and development. Several studies have shown
that overexpression of genes involved in the BR biosyn-
Fig. 3 EVects of EBR and Brz on mRNA abundance (a) and protein
thetic pathway results in enhanced vegetative growth and
level (b) of RCA, RBCS and RBCL in cucumber leaves. Leaf samples increased seed yield, while reduced expression of these
were harvested at 5 days after EBR or Brz treatment genes leads to impaired plant growth (Choe et al. 2000,

Fig. 4 Immunogold labeling of

Rubisco activase (RCA) in Cont EBR
mesophyll cell chloroplasts of
cucumber leaves. The leaf seg-
ments were cut at 5 days after
EBR or Brz treatment. Bar 1 m

Brz Brz+EBR

Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196 1193

Fig. 5 EVects of EBR and Brz

on the steady-state transcript Cont.
3 EBR a 3
level of genes involved in regen-
eration of RuBP. Leaf samples Brz
Brz+EBR b
were harvested at 5 days after
EBR or Brz treatment. Data are 2 2
a a a a
the means of three replicates a a
with SDs shown by vertical
b c b b b b
bars. Means followed by the b c b
1 1
same letter are not signiWcantly c
c c c
diVerent according to Tukey’s
test (P < 0.05) d d
0 0

2001). In the present study, we found that exogenous EBR after Brz treatment was associated with increase in excita-
application resulted in enhanced growth, while inhibition of tion energy quenching in the PSII antennae, which is con-
BR biosynthesis by Brz resulted in reduced growth sidered as ‘downregulation’ of electron transport (Horton
(Table 1), supporting that BRs are actively involved in the et al. 1996). Consequently, inhibition of BR biosynthesis
regulation of plant growth. Furthermore, these results may induce photo-protective mechanism, such as non-pho-
strongly suggest that the level of BR is a rate-limiting factor tochemical quenching as a result of its inhibitory eVect on
for plant growth and, therefore, elevating BR levels in CO2 assimilation.
plants through chemical or genetic means might be eVec- In the present study, we provide strong evidence that
tive in promoting plant growth and improving crop yield BRs regulate photosynthetic capacity, to a large extent, by
(Wu et al. 2008). aVecting the capacity of Rubisco carboxylation and RuBP
We observed that Brz treatment caused a signiWcant regeneration (Table 4). More speciWcally, EBR and Brz
decrease in CO2 assimilation rate per unit leaf area at treatments had discernible eVect on total Rubisco activity,
3 days after treatment (Fig. 2), during which no signiWcant but had a substantial eVect on the maximum carboxylation
growth aberration was observed. Brz speciWcally inhibits an rate (Vc,max) and initial activity of Rubisco. It is apparent
enzyme in the BR biosynthetic pathway (Asami et al. 2000, that increase or decrease in Vc,max and initial Rubisco activ-
2001). The inhibition of photosynthesis by Brz was an ity was associated with an increase or a decrease in mRNA
eVect of reduced content of BR, because the eVect of Brz on abundance and protein level of RBCS and RBCL (Fig. 3).
photosynthesis could be completely reversed by EBR. This is in agreement with that observed in rice leaves dur-
Meanwhile, the reduction of photosynthesis was accompa- ing ontogeny (Suzuki et al. 2001; Irving and Robinson
nied by an increase in chlorophyll content in cucumber 2006). The consistent diVerence in transcript and protein
plants (Table 1). Therefore, it appears that reduced photo- levels suggests that BRs play an important role in Rubisco
synthesis as a result of reduced BR biosynthesis after Brz synthesis.
treatment is not caused by reduced light-harvesting capac- A survey of more than 100 plant species has shown a
ity. We can also exclude reduced gas diVusion as a major strong correlation between Jmax and Vc,max (Wullschleger
factor for reduced CO2 assimilation because BR deWciency 1993). In agreement with this correlation, we have
in Brz-treated plants did not reduce Gs (Fig. 2). Finally, we observed that BR deWciency as a result of Brz treatment
observed that decreased Asat in Brz-treated plants was asso- caused a reduction of not only Vc,max, but also Jmax, while
ciated with decreased contents of sucrose, soluble sugars increase in BR level after EBR treatment has an opposite
and starch (Table 3), making it less likely that reduced pho- eVect on the two parameters (Table 4). Regeneration of
tosynthetic rates were caused by negative feedback regula- RuBP is dependent on both photosynthetic electron trans-
tion by accumulated carbon metabolites (Paul and Pellny port chain and the enzymes downstream of Rubisco in the
2003). In our study, EBR treatment increased, but Brz treat- Calvin cycle (Long et al. 2006). In the present study, we
ment decreased, PSII (Table 2), which is a product of the observed that EBR promoted, while Brz inhibited, both
Fv⬘/Fm⬘ and qP (Genty et al. 1989). The change in PSII photosynthetic electron transport (Table 2) and expression
was mainly attributed to the increase in qP for EBR treat- of genes encoding the Calvin cycle enzymes required for
ment and to the decrease in Fv⬘/Fm⬘ for the Brz treatment, RuBP regeneration (Fig. 5). Of the Calvin cycle enzymes
respectively. The increase in qP was attributable to the examined, SBPase is an important enzyme that determines
increase in the rate of consumption of reductants and ATP the rate of RuBP synthesis (Harrison et al. 2001), while
produced from non-cyclic electron transport caused by FBPase catalyzes a rate-limiting step in the Calvin cycle
increased carboxylation rate, while the decrease in Fv⬘/Fm⬘ and carbohydrate metabolism (Koßmann et al. 1994; Strand

1194 Planta (2009) 230:1185–1196

et al. 2000). Consistent with these previous studies, BR- redox status (Neill et al. 2002; Apel and Hirt 2004; Xia
deWcient cucumber and Arabidopsis mutants have et al. 2009). Therefore, it is possible that BR-induced H2O2
decreased starch and sucrose contents (Table 3; Schlüter may alter cellular redox status and induce changes in
et al. 2002), probably due to compromised balance of expression of photosynthetic genes.
source–sink relationship. The reduced activity of enzymes
involved in sucrose and starch metabolism in BR-deWcient Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Basic
Research Program of China (2009CB119000), National Natural Sci-
Arabidopsis mutants may reXect the decreased demand for ence Foundation of China (3050344; 30671428) and the Program for
photo-assimilates (Schlüter et al. 2002). Promotion of Basic Research Activities for Innovative Bioscience
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synthetic capacity by BR is attributable to increase in the labeling experiment.
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