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mHealth Application:

SLeep Cycle
Joselynn Alaniz
HLTH 302
Ashley Winans
August 10, 2020
WHat is SLeep Cycle?
Sleep Cycle is an app that
can be downloaded from the
App Store via iPhone
(portal in which I
acquired it) that tracks
your sleep. It tracks and
reports your sleep by
analyzing your sleeping
patterns and wakes you up
in a gentle and natural
HOw to use it
Sleep Cycle is very easy to use and easy
to navigate! The first step in using the
app is to set up an account using your
email, then you can start exploring the
app by setting up a sleep aid, setting up
the time length of your wake up
phase,using the Journal section to see
your sleep data, and setting up your
Examples of sleep graphs generated by
Sleep Cycle:

How SLeep Cycle Works

Sleep Cycle works by tracking
your sleep patterns and
waking you up during your
lightest sleep phase, which
is the perfect time to wake
up because your are said to
be naturally rested.
According to Sleep Cycle,
there are 5 stages of sleep:
light sleep (stages 1-2),
deep sleep(stages 2-4),REM
(rapid eye movement) sleep
(stage 5).
How it works (Cont.)
How Sleep Cycle tracks your sleep/ wake
cycle: “Your movements vary with each
sleep stage. Sleep Cycle uses sound
analysis to identify sleep states,
tracking your movements in bed, and a
wake-up phase (30 minutes by default)
that ends at your desired alarm time.
During this phase, Sleep Cycle will
monitor signals from your body to wake
you softly when you are in the lightest
possible sleep stage (stage 1-2)” (Sleep
Cycle 2020).
My Experience
I started using Sleep Cycle on July 19, 2020, I used it
because it was part of this final project but I also used it
because I had a sleeping problem in which I had an unhealthy
sleeping pattern. I would sleep very late and wake up super
early feeling unrested and cranky, and my sleep didn't feel
like a deep sleep, I would also wake up throughout the
night. Using this app has been a “game changer” for me, I
have never felt so well rested and waking up in a good mood.
My Experience (cont.)
I would highly recommend this app to everyone, it is the
perfect addition to your lifestyle, I have benefitted a
lot for Sleep Cycle. It took about one minute out of my
day, before bed I would set what time I wanted to be
woken up and that was it, I would fall asleep to the
sound of rain (sleep aid feature). There was no hassle of
logging my progress because the app did that for me.
My Experience (Cont.)
Overall, I think my health has improved dramatically.
The night before using the app I had slept a total of
4 hours and the night I started logging and using
Sleep Cycle the quality of my sleep was 100% with a
total of 8 hours and 8 minutes of sleep.I plan on
using this app long term because of the benefits I
have seen from it. I enjoyed all the features this app
has to offer, but I would change the fact that one has
to pay for Premium in order to unlock more features.
My results
The photo to the
left shows my
Sleep Cycle
Journal. The
orange rings on
each day shows
the quality of
sleep, while the
invisible rings
shows the day I
didn’t use the
This shows how long I
have been using Sleep
Cycle and my average
quality of sleep, as
well as the average of
how long I am asleep.
My Results (Cont.)
The photo on the
left shows the
data collected
on Monday August
3-4. I got a
quality sleep of
94% and to the
right is my
graph up close
of this night;
the graph shows
my sleep pattern
of that night,
and it also
includes other
Works Cited
How Sleep Cycle Works: Tracker & Alarm Clock User
Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

Natural Patterns of Sleep. (2007, December 18).

Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

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