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Pastoral Letter:

Strength against Racism

Dear Sister and Brothers in Christ:

I wanted to write with you personally to call all Catholics to follow church teaching by
embracing all people as some of Christians are deeply concerned about the injustices and racial
disparities that have been highlighted by the horrific events of brutality against black people.

The COVID-19 pandemic's disproportionate impact on the Black community including

the killing of George Floyd that has been viral. This are just the most recent and tragic
symptoms of the long-festering disease of racial discrimination and oppression against black
people. All around the world, multitudes have marched, protested, and leveraged righteous
anger to bring about change.
Within the Black community, the pain is palpable. Fresh wounds that are inflicted in
different cities as raw and persistent reminders that our lives and our loved ones remain
vulnerable targets of race-based discrimination and violence. They are hurt. They are angry.
They are exhausted. And ultimately, they fear that, despite the global protests, little will be done
to address the systemic racism we face each and every day.

Therefore, we pray that we might as a church and as a community, become a place

welcoming to linguistically, racially and culturally diverse people, a place of beauty, a place of
safety, a place of peace, a place for spiritual enrichment and renewal. May God grant us the
wisdom and courage of every person to realize this vision.

Yours sincerely in Christ the Good shepherd,

                Crisha Ann Bacuta

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