Proficiency Test: I. Part I. Listening Comprehension. (20 Points)

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Proficiency Test
I. Part I. Listening Comprehension. (20 points)

Listening # 1

Listen and choose whether the following statements are true (T) or (F).

 The lecture is about banking institutions. ____

 Bank services are categorized by their ownership and services. ____
 Large bank institutions participate in multiple activities. ____
 The Alliance and Leicester started as a building society. ____
 The Alliance and Leicester only offer mortgages, credit cards and loans. ____

Listening # 2

What information does the lecturer provide about sources? Listen to the extracts and complete the table below.

Extract 1 Extract 2 Extract 3 Extract 4

Name of the writer

Title and date of



Type of reference

Relevant to?

Introducing phrase

Listening # 3

Listen and choose whether the following statements are true (T) or (F).

 The lecture does not focus on banking standards. ____

 Banking scandals and crisis are uncommon nowadays. ____
 Bank actions affect customers. ____
 Banks need to know the government policies of the country or countries
with whom they operate. ____
 According to the lecturer, a bank should handle funds. ____
II. Part II. Grammar & Vocabulary. (20 points)

Choose the correct word ( a / b / c / d )

1. I had a letter from the office of the collector of Taxes telling me that I had to pay back all the money I ____
over the last 3 years.
(a) due (b) indebted (c) owed (d) owned
2. The arrangement they have is that all the money that has to be paid in tax out of their earnings comes
from their ____ account.
(a) joined (b) conjoined (c) joined up (d) joint
3. He is in a terrible rush to complete his tax returns by Tuesday otherwise he won't be able to reach the
(a) dead end (b) deadline (c) dead date (d) dead stop
4. It doesn't happen very often but I actually got some money from the tax office and with the ____ I'm going
to treat myself.
(a) remake (b) repeat (c) refund (d) respite
5. Before you can claim any money back on overpayment of tax, you have to ____ an application form.
(a) fill for (b) fill out (c) fill through (d) fill with
6. You can elect, if you want, to transfer your tax free allowance to your ____.
(a) spouse (b) sponsor (c) spook (d) spokesperson
7. Until it's clearly established which tax group you are in, your employer will be asked to ____ a certain
amount of your pay.
(a) withstand (b) without (c) withhold (d) withal
8. The purpose of an audit is to gather and evaluate evidence in order to form an opinion on the ____ of a
company's financial statements.
(a) rationality (b) realization (c) reliability (d) responsibility
9. The audit ____ is usually no more than a page in length and is attached to the financial statements.
(a) report (b) response (c) result (d) review
10. Auditors are not responsible for the ....... of the financial statements of a company.
(a) evaluation (b) examination (c) position (d) preparation
11. In the financial statements, the company implicitly states that all items, account balances and
transactions are ____ valid, complete and accurate.
(a) essentially (b) generally (c) materially (d) precisely
12. An error in ____ is committed when the financial statements include an item that should not be
(a) accuracy (b) auditing (c) completeness (d) validity
13. An error in ____ is committed when the financial statements include incorrect information about an
item that should be included.
(a) accuracy (b) auditing (c) completeness (d) validity
14. Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial
statements are significantly ____.
(a) misstated (b) overstated (c) restated (d) understated
15. In addition to the financial statements, the auditor also examines the company's internal ____
procedures for effectiveness.
(a) coherence (b) command (c) control (d) correspondence
16. The stock market has hit new ____ this year.
(a) lows (b) bottoms (c) depths (d) ends
17. The government has decided to hold an ____ into the latest financial scandal.
(a) examination (b) enquiry (c) evaluation (d) interpretation
18. The animal rights organization has ____ a new campaign to make people aware of cruelty to animals.
(a) launched (b) pursued (c) offered (d) ejected
19. I was totally ____ of the increased taxes.
(a) unknowing (b) unclear (c) incredulous (d) unaware
20. The price of petrol has ____ again.
(a) raised (b) risen (c) escalated (d) ascended
21. The ordinary person is again being asked to ____ to pay for dental treatment.
(a) stump up (b) throw up (c) cheer up (d) bring up
22. Credit card holders struggle very hard to ____ the amount they owe.
(a) reduce (b) deduct (c) curtail (d) shorten
23. Everything ____ all right in the end.
(a) happened (b) occurred (c) turned up (d) turned out
24. There is one date you mustn't forget and that's the ....... for sending in details of your earnings to the tax
(a) headline (b) deadline (c) mainline (d) offline
25. If the department agrees that you have paid too much tax in the year, you will receive a ____ in due
(a) return (b) reply (c) response (d) refund
26. Each month when you receive your pay, the employer ____ a certain amount to pay towards your
(a) withholds (b) withstands (c) withdraws (d) without
27. When you take out a loan, you have to pay interest on the amount you ____
(a) own (b) lend (c) owe (d) take
28. There is quite a heavy financial ____ attached to any action that involves late payment of taxes.
(a) punishment (b) pain (c) restriction (d) penalty
29. As the couple had a ____ account, the money to pay the mortgage was taken from there.
(a) joint (b) united (c) unified (d) joined
30. You can decide, if you so wish, to ____ your right to take your pension at an earlier date.
(a) give in (b) give up (c) give out (d) give off


Choose the correct word ( a / b / c / d )

31. We went to the new Spanish restaurant last week, but we wish we ________. The food was terrible.
(a) didn’t (b) weren’t (c) hadn’t (d)had been
32. ‘Have you cleaned the kitchen?’ ‘No, but I ________.’
(a)‘m going to (b)didn’t remember to (c)will to (d)ought
33. Frank doesn’t know how to drive. He never ________.
(a)knew to (b)did to (c)learned to (d)did learned
34. You look very well - ________ on holiday?
(a)have you gone (b)were you going (c)have you been (d)did you were
35. Nick won’t be in the office tomorrow because he ________ a customer in London.
(a)meets (b)will meet (c)is meeting (d)met
36. It wasn’t until I tried to buy 1 ticket that I realized I ________ my money at home.
(a)was leaving (b)had left (c)left (d)leave
37. Sally and Richard ________ in a rented flat when their first baby was born.
(a)were living (b)lived (c)had lived (d)had been lived
38. We were surprised to discover that a puppy ________ outside our front door.
(a)was being left (b)has been left (b)had been left (d)will be left
39. Why do you always start things too ________?
(a)late (b)lateness (c)lately (d)very late
40. -‘Gloria Estefan has recorded some great songs.’ -‘Yes, she has, ________?’
(a)hadn’t she (b)didn’t she (c)hasn’t she (d)weren’t she?
41. What I really love ________.
(a)is dancing (b)to dance (c)dancing (d)is to dancing
42. I’ll never forget ________ him for the first time.
(a)to see him (b)seeing (c)saw (d)see
43. ________ to be living in a hotel.
(a)She is said (b)It appears that (c)They say she (d)She says
44. The decision ________ a mistake.
(a)appears (b)appears to be (c)appears that (d)appears being
45. The book _____ was very difficult.
(a)which read (b)that she read it (c)which were read (d)she read
46. When _____ penicillin?
(a)was discovered (b)did Fleming discover (c)has been discovered (d)Fleming discovered
47. He ran 5 km although _____ already very tired.
(a)was (b)he had (c)is (d)he was
48. I have two brothers. One is older than I am and _____ younger.
(a)other is (b)the other is (c)another (d)another is
49. They _____ study mathematics when they were in school.
(a)had to (b)must (c)have to (d)were
50. I am driving a friend’s car because I couldn’t start _____ this morning.
(a)my (b)it (c)mine (d)his
51. It is difficult to drive today because of _____.
(a)is raining (b)the rain (c)it is raining (d)it rained
52. Several new diseases _____ in recent years.
(a)found (b)have been found (c)have found (d)find
53. I wouldn’t go to medical school if I already _____ a medical doctor.
(a)will be (b)am (c)were (d)become
54. There is another important difference between a man and a woman _____ a larger percentage of a
man’s body is made up of muscles.
(a)is that (b)which is (c)that (d) in that
55. Although it was 3 a.m., Henry _________ persuade his girlfriend to leave the party because she was
having so much fun.
(a)wouldn’t (b) couldn’t (c) needn’t (d)mustn’t

56. Gerry _________ be exhausted because he´s been entertaining six children all day.
(a)must b) may (c) could (d)should

57. It’s been a warm, sunny day so I _________ brought my coat.

(a)should have (b) couldn’t have (c) needn’t have (d)might have

58. If only I _________ a better job.

(a)can get (b) have got (c) could get (d)should get

59. I _________ I hadn´t been so rude.

(a)if only (b) wished (c) am wishing (d)had wished

60. When I was a child I _________ dream of becoming an astronaut.

(a)Will (b) would (c) - (d)did
I’ve never agreed _________ anything she says!
(a)that (b) by (c) with (d)on

61. They are thinking of _________ Spain.

(a)move to (b) about moving to (c) moving to (d)moving

62. Gina _________ to meeting you.

(a)is keen (b) is looking forward (c) doesn’t feel like (d)is look

63. Paul promised _________ me move some heavy furniture.

(a)help (b) to help (c) helping (d)to helping

64. Do you _________ like raw fish?

(a)thoroughly (b) strongly (c) really (d)real

65. It is _________ crucial that you do exactly what I say.

(a)absolutely (b) very (c) rather (d)enough too

66. He met a Chinese woman _________ English was perfect.

(a)who (b) whose (c) which (d)where

67. Here´s your passport _________ in immigration.

(a)which you left it (b) that you left (c) you left it (d)with which

68. This is the fluent English speaker _________.

(a)I told you about (b) which told you about (c) who I told you about her

69. The shoes _________ by most of the class were unsuitable for hill walking.
(a)wear (b) wearing (c) worn (d)were worn

70. _________ a table for a Valentine’s Day dinner is a good idea.

(a)book (b) booking (c) booked (d)having booked

71. I queued all day _________ get the best seats for the concert.
(a)so as (b) in order to (c) to not (d)for

72. Of course the mother _____ son died was very sad.
(a)her (b)the (c)whose (d)who

73. Do you know when _____?

(a)the class starts (b)does the class start (c)will the class start (d)is the class

74. The school that was opened last year _____ 1,000 students.
(a)there is (b)have (c)there are (d)has

75. An airplane’s doors are always _____ before the plane takes off.
(a)close (b)closes (c)closing (d)closed

76. The food that she is cooking _____ best.

(a)the (b)smells the (c)smells the most (d)the most

77. Ali and his family _____ to several European countries in 1997.
(a)go (b)goes (c)have gone (d)went
78. The books _____ on the table.
(a)were put (b)put (c)was put (d)puts

79. The woman _____ teaches chemistry comes from India.

(a)that (b)what (c)usually (d)which
III. Part III. Reading Comprehension. (20 points)

Reading # 1. Swiss banks promise less secrecy

Switzerland’s banks will soon change the way they operate. Swiss banks have for centuries been the place for the
rich to deposit money they want to hide. Many wealthy people avoid paying taxes in their own country by opening
a Swiss bank account. However, the Swiss government is under a lot of international pressure to change its banking
laws because of the global banking crisis. The U.S. in particular says it is now time for Americans to pay tax in the
USA. America’s government wants Swiss banks to stop helping people evade tax. Helping foreigners evade tax is
not a crime in Switzerland. Swiss banks have made trillions of dollars from protecting wealthy foreigners who
should be paying tax on their income to their own government.

Switzerland is the world’s largest tax haven. Swiss president Hans-Rudolf Merz said Swiss banks would co-operate
with the international community to fight the tax cheats. However, he said any help would only be on a case-by-
case basis. He said banks would only help where foreign governments can prove bank customers are breaking the
law. Many governments say this is not good enough. It also means the world’s dictators can continue to steal their
country’s riches and hide the money in Swiss banks. US President Obama wants to rid the world of tax havens,
which he believes is costing the USA billions of dollars a year in lost tax revenues. Switzerland is treading carefully.
It fears it could be blacklisted by world powers.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F):

1. People have hid their money in Swiss banks for hundreds of years. ____
2. Switzerland is under no pressure to change its banking laws. ____
3. Tax evasion is not illegal for foreigners under Swiss laws. ____
4. Swiss banks have earned over a trillion dollars from rich foreigners. ____
5. Switzerland is the world center for the rich to hide their money. ____
6. Switzerland will cooperate if foreign governments have enough proof. ____
7. U.S. President Barack Obama is a big fan of tax havens. ____
8. Switzerland is worried other major economies could blacklist it. ____

Reading # 2. Tax evasion on HSBC

The BBC says that HSBC, the world's second largest bank, helped rich people to hide money so they would not
have to pay tax. A BBC documentary program got access to the details of thousands of private bank accounts,
worth $128 billion, from an HSBC bank in Switzerland. The information was leaked by a whistleblower in 2007. It
shows that HSBC helped its wealthy clients to evade tax. The whistleblower was a computer expert working for
HSBC in Geneva. He stole the details of more than 100,000 clients worldwide. A French banking team looked at
the stolen data in 2013. It concluded that 99.8% of French citizens on the list were probably evading tax.

HSBC said the bank has changed a lot since 2007. It said: "HSBC has [put in place] numerous initiatives designed
to prevent its banking services being used to evade taxes or launder money." The Guardian newspaper in the U.K.
said HSBC told its reporters that the bank understood that it failed to follow the law properly. One woman who
complained when the bank did not make changes lost her job. Sue Shelley was responsible for making sure HSBC
followed the law. The BBC said that when she complained that the bank was not keeping its promise to change,
the bank fired her. Panorama said HSBC is now facing criminal investigations in the USA, France, Belgium and
Choose the correct statement ( a / b / c / d )

1. How big is HSBC among the world's banks? 6. From when did HSBC start making changes?
(a) the second biggest. _____ _____
(b) the biggest (a) 2004
(c) the third biggest (b) 2005
(d) the joint-biggest (c) 2006
2. What TV channel made a documentary (d) 2007
about this story? _____ 7. What did the bank not want its services
(a) CNN being used to launder? _____
(b) Banking Today (a) socks
(c) BBC (b) money
(d) Al Jazeera (c) dirty washing
3. When did the whistleblower steal the (d) data
information? _____ 8. What happened to an HSBC worker who
(a) 2002 complained? _____
(b) 2007 (a) she won a prize
(c) 2010 (b) she became a whistleblower
(d) 2014 (c) she was promoted
(d) she was fired
4. From how many clients did the 9. What did the worker say HSBC did not keep?
whistleblower steal money? _____ _____
(a) 400,000 (a) secrets
(b) 300,000 (b) money
(c) 200,000 (c) its promises
(d) 100,000 (d) to the rules
5. What percentage of French clients on a list 10. What is HSBC now facing in Argentina and
probably evaded tax? _____ other countries? _____
(a) 99.8% (a) the light
(b) 98.9% (b) criminal investigations
(c) 99.9% (c) shareholders
(d) 89.9% (d) competition
IV. Part IV. Writing. (20 points)
Justify why you are the ideal candidate for the Swiss Bank Academy course and mention what impact it will have
on the Central Bank of Venezuela. (From 250 to 350 words)
V. Part V. Interview (20 points)

Points Participant’s Remarks

Vocabulary & Grammar 8

Pronunciation 8

Discursive Competence 2

Fluency & Coherence 2

Total 20

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