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Stranger in Culumbia

The time I felt like a stranger was when I was 15-year-old. Being 15 in a new

part of the world you could feel lonely. Why? Think about it, you’re in a new part of the

world do not know anyone, and if you needed help you must ask also not knowing the

language well. I guess everyone passes through things like this. It’s different when

you’re with your family because you have them but not a 15-year-old alone. You start

to think about if they are going to like you, if they might talk to you, or if they want to

be friends. Don’t you ever feel afraid? I feel afraid, you never know what could happen.

Being a new person somewhere you don’t know could either go wrong or right.

In many places of the world, you could get kidnapped or killed. You don’t want that to

happen! I would say this time I was over in a new part I wasn’t prepared to be there. I

just didn’t feel safe. The things that didn’t make me feel safe were the people. They

were looking at me some type of way not the oh he’s new and don’t know anything,

nope! It was the weird type of look like they just look at everything that you do and

ready to take that from you. I don’t know how I made it through the week thinking that

I might get kidnaped.

Monday April 20.18, I woke up feeling a little home sick missing my family. I

got out of bed and did all my morning things, then I went out. There’s a café place

around the house where they sell empanadas or bread freshly made with good coffee! It

started off as a good morning, out of nowhere I started to hear knocking at the door I

walk to the door and see a person standing there. I somehow told him what did he want,

and he said “I don’t remember your name I just know something is coming your way” I

looked at him confused and locked the door. Ever since he told me that I felt weird I
wanted to go back home, plus I didn’t know anyone didn’t understand nor speak the

language, I felt very lost, but I tried calming down and walked around to find something

to do.

I believed that in town nobody liked outsiders, they were unwelcoming and just

didn’t like anyone. I hated the fact that I wasn’t happy and wasn’t having a good time. I

decided to go to the beach to swim around and relax. I was laying down on the beach

drinking a soda then all the sudden the sun went down, and an old man told me the

same thing as the man at the front door. I got up left all my stuff and left back to the

house. I started to freak out I got on my phone to look for flights back home, but it was

for the next day. I couldn’t stand staying another night I already felt like a stranger and

didn’t know anything, so I tried falling asleep, but it was hard. The next morning came

along I got up got my bags and left so fast. NEVER AGAIN! I will not go anywhere

alone and feeling like a stranger.

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