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Unit 3 Wild Life

A. Based on the information on Page 34 of the Textbook.

Answer the question below.

Tick () the correct answer.

1. What is the main idea of the information?
How to protect the rarest animals.
The amazing animals.
The ugliest animals.

2. The meaning of the word ‘endangered’ is…

dying and not being found anymore.
in danger of extinct.

3. State TRUE or FALSE for each sentences below.

It is important to protect all animals because they are all
interesting. _______
It is best to protect the beautiful species but not the ugly
ones. _______
(iii A lot of species become extinct every year so animals in
) danger need our help. _______
The blobfish is quite rare and special.
) _______

4. Where can you find the blobfish? Where can you get the information of the



5. This is really good for the blobfish and for other ‘ugly’ animals. Do you agree
with it? Give a reason to support your answer.


6. What are the animals on the list of the world’s ‘ugliest’ animals? Write 3



7. Do you think that the animals on the list of the world’s ‘ugliest’ animals are
really ugly? Why?



8. What will happen if one day all the above animals become extinct? What will
you feel?



9. List three reasons cause the endangered animals become extinct.



10. List three ways we can do to save the endangered animals become extinct.



B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. How ____________ is a whale?

2. How ____________ can the slowest animal move? It can move only 5 metres
an hour.

3. How ____________ is Japan from America?

4. How ____________ states are there in Malaysia?

5. How ____________ is the backpack? It is only RM 45.90.

6. How ____________ is the gorilla? It is 100kg.

7. How ____________ is the arm of the gorilla? It is about one metre.

8. How ____________ is the giraffe? It is around 6 metres.

9. An ostrich’s eye is bigger ____________ its brain.

10. How ____________ your mother cook the grilled chicken? She uses the air

11. How ____________ you cook the grilled chicken? I use the air fryer.

12. The ostrich can grow ____________ 2.7 metres tall.

13. The wolf can run ____________ sixty km an hour.

14. How ____________ is the tree? It is already one hundred years old.

15. A newborn elephant is ____________90kg and 120 kg.

old long tall do does

heavy far many much big
slow between about around than

C. Based on the dialogue on Page 38 of the Textbook.

Answer the question below.

Tick () the correct answer.

1. From the dialogue, we can know that Lottie is…

very stubborn.
a polite and thoughtful girl.
quite disobedient.

2. Lottie is interested on...

watching television.
the wildlife programme on TV.
what her father cooks for dinner.

3. State TRUE or FALSE for each sentences below.

Lottie thinks that it is really good to learn about the wildlife
from the television programme. _______
(ii) Lottie’s father is preparing the dinner for the family.
(iii Lottie’s father disallows her to watch the television after
) dinner. _______
Lottie never asks the permission from her father.
) _______

4. How do you think about Lottie? Give a reason to support your answer.



5. In your opinion, when does the conversation take place?



6. From the conversation, what would Lottie like to do?



7. In your opinion, should we ask the permission from our parents before we do
something? Why?


8. If you want to ask permission from your mother for going to the library with
your classmate, what would you say?

You: ____________________________________________________


Mum: Yes, of course you can.

It is an ostrich.

Is it OK if I go to
the cinema with
my friend, Mum?

D. Based on the given pictures, give the correct answer in full sentences.
Write your answer in the space provided.

Are the frogs Answer :
blooded? _________________________________



Answer :




Answer :




E. Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives

Change the adjectives to the comparison and superlative form.

Positive Comparative Superlative


F. Grammar: The superlative form of adjectives

Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. The air in my town is the ____________(early) in the morning.

2. Air pollution in Kuala Lumpur reached its ____________(high) level


3. Today is the ____________(hot) day of the month.

4. Jalan Mewah is the ____________(noisy) street in the area.

5. Jenny is the ____________(good) singer so she won the singing competition.

6. Who is the ____________(handsome) among the three boys?

7. Jessie is the ____________(graceful) dancer on the stage.

8. This rubbish dump is the ____________(smelly) place I know.

9. This is the ____________(useful) bag I have ever use.

10. Pollution is the ____________(big) problem we are facing now.

11. Rentap is the ____________(famous) warrior and hero in Sarawak.

12. Calgary in Canada is considered one of the ____________(little) polluted

cities in the world.

13. Ken is the ____________(naughty) boy in I have ever seen.

14. Redang beach is the____________(beautiful) place in Malaysia.

15. The sushi of this restaurant is the ____________(bad) I have ever tasted.

G. Grammar: Comparison of adjectives

Circle the correct answer.

1. Who is _________, Ben or Sam?

A tall C tallest
B taller D most tall

2. Today is _________than yesterday.

A hot C more hot
B hotter D hottest

3. Den is the _________ student in the class.

A clever C cleverest
B cleverer D more clever

4. My grandmother is an _________ woman.

A old C oldest
B older D most old

5. There is not _________ orange juice in the jug.
A much C more
B many D most

6. Koh’s writing is the _________ in the class.

A bad C worst
B worse D baddest

7. Have you hear the _________ news about the shopping centre.
A late C latest
B later D more late

8. The _________ man always waits for his daughter at the cornner.
A fat C more fat
B fatter D fattest

9. Raj is the _________ boy in the class.

A cheerful C cheerfuller
B cheerfullest D most cheerful

10. Question 9 is _________ than Question 10.

A difficult C difficulter
B more difficult D most difficult

H. Grammar: do, does, can & can’t

Circle the correct answer.

1. _________ a camel go without water for months?

A do C can
B does D can’t

2. _________ you come from Taiwan? No, I don’t.

A do C can
B does D can’t

3. Ostrich is a bird but it _________ fly.

A do C can
B does D can’t

4. Thomas _________ not need to work today.

A do C can
B does D can’t

5. _________ a scorpion live for months without food?

A do C can
B does D can’t

6. A whale _________ live in desert.

A do C can
B does D can’t

7. Please _________ not litter everywhere.

A do C can
B does D can’t

8. Mei Lan _________ not want to participate the contest.

A do C can
B does D can’t

9. A frog _________ live in and out of the water.

A do C can
B does D can’t

10. A horse _________ live without water for many months.

A do C can
B does D can’t

Revision: Unit 3 Wild Life

A. Based on the leaflet on Page 39 of the Textbook.

Answer the question below.

Tick - () the correct answer.

1. The Philippine eagle is…
an endangered animal.
an extinct animal.
a common bird.
2. The meaning of the word ‘in danger’ is…
dying and not being found anymore.
in danger of extinct.

3. Match the phrase in List A to suitable phrase in B.
An example is given below.

List A List B
We can find the details rats, small monkeys and bats.

The Philippine eagle can be in the jungles of the Philippine.

The Philippine eagle feeds on on the website of the Philippine
Eagle Foundation.
We can save the Philippine adopting them.
eagle by

4. What is the problem that the Philippine eagles face?



5. Write another way people can do to protect the Philippine eagle.



6. Write other ways about how humans harm the animals.



7. How do you think about the humans who endangered the animals?



8. What would happen if we don’t save the endangered animals?



B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

old long tall do does

heavy far many much fast
without between about around than

1. The camel can live ____________ water for months.

2. How ____________ hours does it take from Johor to Kuala Lumpur?

3. How ____________ can a wolf run? It can run about sixty km an hour.

4. How ____________ is Johor from Kuala Lumpur?

5. Although Ben and Ken are twins, Ken is taller ____________ Ben.

6. How ____________ a snake catch its prey?

7. How ____________ is your bag? It is about 5 kg.

8. How ____________ is the blue whale in the aquarium? It is about 50 years


9. You should write the essay ____________ 80 and 100 words.

10. How ____________ the cats attack the enemies? With the claws.
11. How ____________ can camels live without water? About six months.

12. We learned ____________ the history of Hang Tuah yesterday.

13. How ____________ sugar do you need?

14. How ___________ can an ostrich grow? It can grow up to around 2.7m.

15. Be patient. Mr Koh will arrive in ____________ half an hour.

C. Based on the details of vertebrates on Page 102 of the Textbook.

Answer the question below.

Tick () the correct answer.

1. We can find the following animals in the water, except…


2. From the details, we can know that...

the amphibians live in water all the time.
all of the reptiles live on land.
both of the fish and reptiles are cold-blooded.

3. What do you understand the word ‘vertebrates’?



4. What are the difference between birds and mammals?



5. Write a similarity and a difference between fish and amphibian.



6. Which type of animal does not live on land?



7. How are snakes different from other reptiles?



8. In your opinion, why would the animals lose their homes?



Dad, is it OK if I
watch the TV?

D. Based on the given pictures, give the correct answer in full sentences.
Write your answer in the
Of course space
you can,provided.

Answer :




Which animal lives

in the desert and
can live for many
days without water,
2) Ben?
Answer :



Answer :




E. Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives

Rewrite the sentences below after correcting the errors in bold.

1. Today is the more happy day of my life.



2. A horse isn’t as more fast as a cheetah.



3. A cupcake is more cheap than a cheesecake.



4. Of all the friends that I have, you are the goodest.



5. Japanese is difficult but I think Korean is most difficult.



6. The factory released the poisonousest gases into the air.



7. The car is usefuller than the motorcycle.


F. Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives
Circle the correct answer.

1. Do you think you are _________ than your elder brother?

A wise C wisest
B wiser D more wise

2. Which one can run _________, the cheetah or the leopard?

A fast C fastest
B faster D as fast as

3. Alan is the_________ player in the team.

A good C goodest
B gooder D best

4. Mount Everest is the _________ mountain in the world..

A high C highest
B higher D most high

5. The ostrich, the _________ bird of them all, does not fly.
A large C largest
B larger D as large as

6. Would you like a _________ drink?

A cold C coldest

B colder D more cold

7. Ken is _________ Ben.

A tall C the tallest
B taller D as tall as

8. Our English test was _________ our Science test.

A easy C more easy
B easier D easier than

9. Who is _________, Ben or Ken?

A thought C more thoughtful
B as thought as D most thoughtful

10. Who is_________, Ben, Ken or Sam?

A thought C more thoughtful
B as thought as D most thoughtful

G. Animals: Fill in the blanks with the correct animals.

1 This is the largest animal on the land. It has trunk and it is


2 It lives in Australia. It is brown. It carries its baby in its pouch.

3 It lives in the sea. It is bony. It carries its baby in its pouch.

4 It is the biggest bird in the world. It has a pair of wings but it

cannot fly.

5 It is a wild animal which howls. It hunts in packs. It looks like

a dog.

6 It lives in the sea. It has no bones and it has eight arms. It has
bulbous heads and large eyes too.

7 It lives in the sea but it is not a fish. It is orange and has five

8 It lives in the sea but it is a mammal. It is very clever and cute.

9 We can find it in the forest. It is black or brown. It likes fruit

and honey. It is huge and strong.

1 It is not a fish but a mammal and it is the largest animal in the
0 world.

1 The animal has a long tail and long arms. It swings from tree
1 to tree. It is brown.

1 This animal lives in the sea and it looks like a snake. It is

2 slippery and produces electricity.

1 It has mane and can roar loudly. It eats other animals. It has
3 sharp claws.

1 We can find this fish in 1000 metres under the seas near
4 Australia. It is the ugliest animal in the world.

It lives in the jungles. It is the monkey with the biggest nose.
H. Grammar: Tenses
Circle the correct answer.

1. Ben was sleeping when his mother _________ herself.

A hurt C hurting
B hurts D hurted

2. Yesterday, Lily did not _________ the class because she was sick.
A attend C attending
B attends D attended

3. Sometimes, my father _________ breakfast for me.

A prepare C prepared
B prepares D preparing

4. Mr Lim _________ not complete his job last night.

A can C does
B do D could

5. Sarah can always _________ her homework on time.

A completes C complete
B completed D completing

6. My family prefers _________ in London next month.

A travel C travelled
B travels D travelling

7. A camel can _________ without water for many days.

A live C living
B lives D lived

8. That frog seldom _________ in the water.

A stay C stayed
B stays D staying

9. The celebration is _________ at the hall on 31 August.

A hold C holding
B holds D held

10. My school is _________ a singing completion now.

A hold C holding
B holds D held

UPSR Model Test Paper 1

Section A
(20 marks)
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. I think the ______ time to visit Malaysia is between December and April.
A good C as good as
B best D better
2. Every year, the butterflies fly _________ 4,000 and 4,500 metres.
A but C between
B so D around
3. Is the ox _________ at the field?
A graze C grazed
B grazes D grazing
4. How fast can a lion _________?
A run C ran
B runs D running
5. Lions _________ swim but they don’t do it often.
A can C could
B can’t D couldn’t
Choose the most suitable simile.
6. Anna is _________ as she isn’t afraid of touching the snakes at the zoo.
A as timid as a rabbit C as brave as a lion
B as fierce as a tiger D as busy as a bee

Choose the best answer for each blank.
Mr Law works at a bakery. He usually (7) ____ up at 5a.m. to get ready for work.
There is a lot of work that Mr Law (8) ____ to do at the bakery. First, he needs to
clean the kitchen area. Then, he has to (9) ____ the dough for baking. It takes a lot of
time to get everything ready before the bakery opens at 8.30a.m.

7. A wake B wakesC waking D woke

8. A had B have C having D has

9. A prepare B prepares C preparing D prepared

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underline word.
10. The meeting was brief so he had some free time before his next appointment.
A simple C difficult
B cancelled D short

Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

11. A In the national park Malaysia, there are birds, animals and insects.
B In the national park malaysia, there are birds, animals, and insects.
C In the National Park Malaysia there are birds, animals and insects.
D In the National Park Malaysia, there are birds, animals and insects.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Alita did a project for her Science class recently. Her teacher asked her and her
classmates to do (12) ____ presentation about endangered animals. Alita (13) ____
the Melayan tiger for her project. After that, she searched for information about the
Melayan tiger on the Internet and (14) ____ a poster. Then, she presented her work
(15) ____ the class.

12. A a B an C the D -

13. A chose B choice C chooses D choose

14. A make B makesC made D making

15. A at B nearby C on D in front of

Question 16 to 20
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Long ago, there lived a woodcutter who used to go deep into the forest to
collect firewood. One day, as he was cutting a tree, he heard a melodious voice
singing sweetly above him. Out of curiosity, he looked up and saw a monkey. The
woodcutter praised the monkey for singing so well.

The woodcutter became fond of the monkey and persuaded the monkey to go
home with him. After giving it a thought, the monkey agreed. Day after day, the
monkey and the woodcutter would go deep into the forest to find firewood. One
day, unfortunately, they met a hunter. The cruel hunter shot the monkey. The poor
monkey laid unconscious on the ground.

The sad woodcutter brought monkey back. For three days, he sang to the
monkey and begged it to come around. Miraculously, the monkey regained
consciousness. Soon, it recovered from the wounds.

16. What attracted the woodcutter to the monkey?

A its voice C its kindness
B its mouth D its friendliness
17. The word fond of can best be replaced with _________.
A like C bore
B dislike D disgust
18. What did the cruel hunter do to the monkey?
A He shot the monkey.
B He sold the monkey.
C He caught the monkey.
D He kidnapped the monkey.
19. What can we say about the woodcutter?
A He was a generous man.
B The woodcutter was a selfish man.
C He was cruel towards the monkey.

D The woodcutter is kind and faithful.
20. The monkey was back to life because _________.
A it wanted to go to the forest with the woodcutter
B the woodcutter persuaded him to come back
C the monkey felt sad towards the woodcutter
D it was touched by the woodcutter’s sincerity

Section B
(30 marks)
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answer in full sentences.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Excuse me, how far is
the zoo from here?
Answer :



(2 marks)

Answer :



It’ is a stingray. (2 marks)

Answer :


I am really _________________________________
interested in the
drawing contest. _________________________________
(2 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Tigers in Danger

Siberian tigers can be found in the birch forests of eastern Russia. They can
also be found in North Korea and some parts of northeastern China. They are the
largest cat species in the world. Also known as Amur tiger, they grow as long as 11
feet and weigh as much as 600 pounds.

These big cats live in the cold. They have large paws and these paws work
like snowshoes, preventing the tigers from sinking into the snow. In winter, their
fur grows thicker and longer to keep them warm. Each tiger’s stripe is unique. You
would not find the same patterns on another tiger. The stripes act as a camouflage
– keeping them safe from harm. Siberian tigers are superb hunters. Their typical
diet would be wild boars, deer and water buffaloes.

These majestic tigers are listed as endangered species. They are hunted for
their beautiful fur and their body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Illegal logging and development are factors contributing to the loss of their habitat.
Today, it is estimated that only 350 to 400 of Siberian tigers roam in the wild.

Question 22
Tick () the correct answer.

(a) What is the other name for the Siberian tiger?

White tiger
Amur tiger
Russia tiger
(1 marks)

(b) What do Siberian tigers usually feed on?

Chinese medicine
wild boars, deer and Chinese medicine
water buffaloes, deer and wild boars (1 marks)

(c) State TRUE or FALSE for each sentences below.

(i) These tigers are the biggest cat species in the world.
(ii) Siberian tigers wear snowshoes to help them in the snow.
No two tigers have the same stripes on their body.
) ____
The tiger’s fur is used in traditional Chinese medicine.
) ____
(2 marks)

(d) What are Siberian tigers hunted for?


(2 marks)

(e) Name two factors that contribute to the loss of the Siberian tiger habitat.

(a) _____________________________________________________

(b) _____________________________________________________
(2 marks)

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Long ago in Japan, there lived a fisherman. One day, he came back from the
sea with an empty net. He folded it and walked home sadly. Suddenly, he saw
three boys.

They were kicking and poking at something with a stick. It was a turtle. Its
head was hidden in its shell. Quickly, the fisherman scolded the boys and helped
the turtle back to sea.

When he arrived home, the fisherman was surprised to see some fish outside
his door. They were from the turtle.

Question 23
Tick () the correct answer.

(a) ‘They were from the turtle.’ The word They in the story refers to …
the boys
the fish
the shell (1 marks)

(b) The antonym for the word ‘full’ is …

fulfill (1 marks)

(c) Based on the story, how would you describe the fisherman?


(2 marks)

(d) Why did the turtle hide in its shell?


(2 marks)

(e) If you see someone hurting an animal, what would you do?


(2 marks)

Revision: Unit 5 Travel

A. Read the travel brochure below, answer the questions that follow.

Jonker Street
·A small street in Chinatown in the city center
·A mini street party on Friday and Saturday evenings
·Taste the many types of food sold
·Buy cheap souvenirs
·Night life with the band performances at the main cafes

Bukit Cina
·History about the Ming princess
·Has over 12,500 Chinese graves
·20 Muslim tombs
·Oldest graves is that of Tin Kap, the first Chinese kapitan
·Today, the hill is mainly used as a jogging track

Christ Church
·Built by the Dutch when they took over Melaka from the
·A place of worship
·Brick – red building with a huge white cross on the top
·The British added a bell to Christ Church

Air Keroh Recreational Forest

·A touch of nature
·Watch wild life
·Natural scenery
·Jungle trekking, jogging, biking and hiking
·Chalets to camp overnight

Malacca Planetarium Adventure Science Centre

·Located beside the Malaka Intenational Trade Centre
·Served as a theatre
·Visit space science such as the solar system alley

Question 24 and 25

Tick () the correct answer.
24 (a) Dutch tourists to Melaka will usually visit…
Bukit Cina
Christ Church
Jonker Street (1 marks)

(b) Janet is a nature lover. Which place will she go to?

Malacca Planetarium Adventure Science Centre

Air Keroh Recreational Forest

Christ Church (1 marks)

Write your answer in the spaces provided.

25 (c) Match the phrase in List A to suitable phrase in B.

List A List B
If you like to camp in open, visit Jonker Street.

To enjoy night life, go to the Air Keroh

Recreational Forest.
Space science lovers, please joggers.
visit the
At present, Bukit Cina is well Malacca Planetarium
known among Adventure Science Centre.
(2 marks)
(d) Why would tourists usually visit the Jonker Street?


(2 marks)
(e) What do you understand by the phrase ‘a touch of nature’?


(2 marks)


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