Essay - Online Communication

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With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be able

to make new friends. Do you agree or disagree?

The enormous growth in the use of online communication has led to radical changes to our lives.
However, opinions diverge widely as to whether people will be more sociable on the strength of this
contemporary form of communication. While there are valid arguments to this contrary, I personally have
mixed feelings about this and will be putting forward my perspective within the scope of this essay.

On the one hand, it is an indisputable fact that online communication has revolutionized the way we
communicate and establish new relationships. In earlier times, making new friends and keeping them in
contact were particularly challenging, as it entailed long hours writing letters and primitive methods of
transferring them to desirable destinations. This conventional, old-fashioned form of communication is
nowhere near as convenient and fast as cutting-edge social networking sites like Messenger and Gmail,
where we can send messages and exchange ideas with people not in the immediate vicinity to us. These
social platforms inarguably facilitates and foster special bonding with people in separate corners of the

On the other hand, there are good grounds for arguing that online communication has partially
contributes to the deterioration of people’s connection with each other. On the grounds that modern
citizens are incline to spend nights and days chatting and making new circles of acquaintances on social
media, they gradually become unwilling to relate to people in the real world with whom they have
committed to lifelong relationships. This only enhances the quantity rather than the quality of
communication and thus, distancing people from meaningful associations with existed friends. As a
consequence, this leads to the increasing number of lonely and outcast members of community, a majority
of which is among young generations of this concurrent society.

By way of conclusion, I would once again reaffirm my position that although online communication is
an advancement which has transformed people’s lives, it has detrimental effects on every single individual
in this contemporary society in terms of long-lasting bearings. After all, as long as we are aware and abstain
ourselves from the unhealthy aspects of social connection on the Internet, the communication benefits are

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