Spe 63274 Msestes Gyromwd

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Development of a Robust Gyroscopic Orientation Tool for MWD Operations

Article · October 2000

DOI: 10.2118/63274-MS


6 186

2 authors:

Robert Alan Estes Dave Epplin

Halliburton Baker Hughes Incorporated


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SPE 63274

Development of a Robust Gyroscopic Orientation Tool for MWD Operations

R. A. Estes, SPE, and D. M. Epplin / Baker Hughes INTEQ

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

caused directional errors. These solid state devices offer much
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and higher reliability than the older electromechanical inclination
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 1–4 October 2000.
and compass sensors. Buoyed by improvements in the
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
ruggedness of accelerometers and magnetometers, MWD tools
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to became the standard for guiding and surveying our more
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at highly-deviated and horizontal wells. This sensor reliability
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
has set a hurdle for introduction of new MWD sensors: they
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is must maintain accuracy, even in the face of extremely harsh
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous environmental conditions. Global deployment mandates that
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
directional tools remain stable for months, or even years,
without need for repair or recalibration.
Magnetic compass-based directional tools do not work
Abstract well when placed near steel casing or steel drill string
The allure of a gyroscopic directional sensor for MWD components. This is due to the magnetic interference caused
(Measurement While Drilling) operations has spanned over by these materials. Therefore, is sometimes necessary to use a
two decades now. The authors first investigated potential gyroscopic-based instrument to find “true north” headings.
sensors for MWD applications in 1982 and were disappointed These gyro tools were wireline-conveyed sondes in the past.
to find technological limitations precluded such a device. MWD tools haven’t yet successfully implemented a
Why is it so difficult to build a gyroscope into an MWD tool, gyroscopic directional sensor, in part due to expectations for
and why don’t we have one available for commercial use in high standards for ruggedness established by accels and mags.
the industry today? Also, what should oil companies expect Now aerospace technology has again provided a sensor for
from a service company who promises an “MWD Gyro Tool” the oilfield to address this age-old desire in drilling
in the next year or two? measurements. Combining a miniature 2-axis tactical-grade
Currently there are several service companies working on spinning mass gyro with a stepper motor-driven indexing
directional modules that incorporate some type of gyroscopic mechanism, a robust instrument has been developed to address
sensor and promise to provide an indication of “True North” the gyro orientation market.
direction in conjunction with MWD tools. This paper is
intended to establish realistic expectations for the performance Applications
that might be delivered by these early gyroscopic tools in the There are three general applications in which gyros have been
harsh MWD environment. employed or could be useful in the drilling of a well.
The paper also describes the investigation, specification,
design decisions, and testing done in the development of a tool Orientation Tools. The growing reentry market often
to meet the most common application requirements for an requires quick, reliable orientation of packers and whipstocks
MWD Gyro. Initial testing of the tool has proven it to exit casing and penetrate adjacent formations with new
surprisingly accurate and at least as robust as existing horizontal wells. Complex multi-well platforms require initial
conventional mag/accel sensors. Extensive qualification gyroscopic alignment at kickoff below casing to avoid
testing in both lab and field settings has proven the instrument intersecting existing wells. These requirements for “true
capable of surviving the harsh MWD environment. north” orientation measurements in the presence of magnetic
interference from nearby steel casing are currently addressed
Introduction by repeated wireline gyro check shots, which consume much
Directional drilling instruments (particularly MWD tools) rig time. Using a gyro sensor integral to the MWD tool could
have benefited during the past two decades from application of save substantial rig time and eliminate drilling blind during
aerospace sensors known as quartz servo accelerometers and kickoff when magnetometers cannot accurately find north.
fluxgate magnetometers. Adopting these sensors put an end to
the previous malady of continually shifting biases, which
2 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

Table 1 illustrates expected savings on a window-cutting Steering Tools. The attribute that distinguishes a steering tool
job for an MWD Gyro over conventional drilling operations. from an orientation tool is its ability to operate and make
Each time an orientation measurement is needed when using a angular measurements while drilling ahead. Obviously, the
wireline gyro tool, the drilling or milling operation must be mode of drilling must involve sliding the drill pipe behind a
suspended and the survey instrument is run to the bottom of motor and bent sub, or some other type of deviation tool.
the drillpipe on the wireline. After the measurement is Rotary drilling (rotating the drill string from the rig floor)
recorded, the wireline and survey instrument must be pulled would produce no consistent direction of the well's deviation.
out of hole before drilling resumes. An integrated gyro sensor It is only when the deviating tool’s preferred direction (“tool
in the MWD tool could be expected to save up to 12 hours face”) is maintained for an extended period of time that the
during a typical two-day process. drilling direction can be controlled. The job of the steering
Table 2 illustrates further savings possible using an MWD tool is to monitor the average value of the tool face angle, and
gyro, and compares three possible means of drilling through to report its reading in real time, or at least every few seconds
the casing window and building the initial curve for the – to aid the driller in steering the well. At the analog level, it
sidetrack or reentry. operates as a continuous attitude tool, providing angular
MWD Alone: In the first case, the kickoff is done using a tracking measurements while drilling progresses.
conventional drilling motor and MWD tool with mag/accel A gyro steering tool must be able to survive the drilling
sensors. The drilling assembly is assumed to follow the environment, and take static surveys - just as is required of an
whipstock and not veer off course for the first 30m or so of orientation tool. But it must also have sufficient accuracy,
well path. During this time, the magnetometer is still high stability, speed, and dynamic range to track the average angle
above the bit in casing, and cannot give any usable magnetic of the steering assembly in the presence of significant
north orientation data. High-side toolface orientation from the vibrations and torsional oscillations.
accelerometers is not very useful either, since most of these re-
entries are begun in vertical holes so the driller is blindly Definitive Survey Tools. A survey tool is a directional
forging ahead. Often, the drilling does veer off course and the measurement tool that can provide data to produce a course
well must be plugged back and re-drilled. The directional trajectory of a well path in 3-D displacements. When its
driller has learned the expected response of the drilling accuracy is such that it can be commonly used as a definitive
assembly in this situation and the next attempt is usually record of the well path for archival purposes, then it is called a
successful. definitive survey tool.
Wireline Gyro Steering Tool: These devices are in limited These instruments may include orientation, continuous
supply and can be quite expensive. If the driller can find a heading and inertial navigation tools. The instruments that
wireline gyro to withstand the vibration environment long produce angular measurements must have their individual
enough to drill and verify the build section, then he can avoid station surveys combined with depth in post-processing at the
the probable plug-back operation. But there will still be extra surface to produce the well trajectory. Inertial navigation
time required in dealing with the wireline itself and its tools produce a well trajectory directly in 3-D displacements.
interference with drilling operations. Additional bottom-hole MWD magnetic tools have commonly been used as the
assembly (BHA) changes will probably have to occur, or definitive record of a well trajectory over the past several
otherwise the gyro sensor must be located high up above the years - particularly in high-angle wells where it is difficult to
motor and MWD tool, reducing steering control. obtain a wireline survey after the well is drilled. For an MWD
Nevertheless, using this tool for steering is estimated to result Gyro tool to be usable as a definitive survey tool on a well, its
in net savings of $45,000 for this example, based on avoidance accuracy must be comparable to existing wireline survey tools.
of the cost to plug back and re-drill. This would imply azimuth accuracy of better than one degree,
MWD Gyro: Having an MWD tool with a gyro module and presents a significant challenge for the future.
allows the driller to proceed immediately with the kickoff and
build operation, pausing briefly when desired to take gyro Misconceptions
orientation measurements. After the magnetometer sensor is First, we will address the common misconceptions that arise in
sufficiently clear of the casing’s magnetic interference, it can the marketplace about the capabilities of this first set of
be used as the primary guidance and survey sensor. At this “MWD Gyro” products. When the term “gyro” is mentioned,
point, the gyro sensor “goes along for the ride,” but would most people in the oilfield industry form an association with
only be used periodically as a confirmation of the magnetic the traditional survey tools that have been available for many
readings. The gyro must be rugged enough to survive the years. These are gyroscopic tools for providing Orientation,
remaining drilling operations, until it is time to trip the pipe Continuous Orientation, or Inertial Survey measurements.
for the next normal change of the bit or BHA components. The oldest gyro survey devices were spinning-mass
Making best use of this multi-purpose MWD tool could be gimbaled gyroscopes with photomechanical cameras. These
expected to save $115,000 in this example, based on net rig tools were run in the hole via slickline and retrieved, and took
time savings and avoiding the need to plug back and re-drill measurements under command from a timer. The gyroscope
the sidetrack. was aligned to North at the surface, and preserved its
alignment through inertia during the trip to the bottom-hole

location. During the trip to bottom, the gyro drifts according environment, let alone maintain performance within
to its bias error rate and may shift if exposed to shocks and specifications. The key to the puzzle is clearly in finding or
vibration beyond its specification. These gimbaled devices are developing a gyro to meet the specifications and survive the
generally too fragile to withstand drilling vibrations. drilling environment.
Rate gyros used in “North Seeking” assemblies have come
into common use in survey tools1 and some steering tools. What type of gyroscope? The gyro sensor in an MWD tool
Especially when used in a “strapdown” configuration (no forms the heart of a primary Attitude and Heading Reference
gimbals), they can be fairly rugged and still deliver reasonable System (AHRS), and it must derive its orientation independent
accuracy. of any other means. Because it is switched off between survey
Full inertial gyroscopic survey tools measure stations to conserve battery power, it cannot retain an initial
displacements, not just orientations, by integrating the alignment. Even if it remained powered, the extended period
acceleration and rate measurements from the sensors. The downhole (24 to 100 hours on each run) would allow
most accurate of these devices uses a military ring-laser gyro accumulation of unacceptable drift error over time. Gimbals
(RLG) sensor and can deliver survey measurements of 2m are too fragile, so it must take the form of a “strapdown”
lateral accuracy per 1000m hole depth. This correlates to configuration. Thus, it must operate in a “gyrocompass” or
approximately 0.11 degrees accuracy for the azimuth (angle North-seeking mode, and must be of a “rate gyro”, or “rate-
from North) measurement. integrating gyro” type.
One common advantage that all of these gyro survey tools Rate gyros are best suited for the MWD application,
have is that the predominant error terms result in a random because they can operate without any pre-alignment step
azimuth error. As a consequence, the more surveys are done required. They can spin up and find the North-referenced
with a single tool (and the more tools are run) the greater the headings at any point while downhole. Such an instrument
confidence in the average measurement of hole trajectory. can then provide the “connection survey” each time the
Systematic errors that result in a constant azimuth error are drilling process stops to add drill pipe. Each sensor has an
usually smaller and primarily a result of the initial alignment output proportional to the rate of rotation about its sensitive
or North reference value. The other obvious advantage of the axis. For gyrocompass modes of operation, the tool is
gyro tools is that they are not subject to the magnetic stationary with respect to the earth during the measurements.
interference from drillstring components that plagues typical Thus, the rate to be measured is the rotational rate of the earth
MWD directional tools, which navigate with respect to in inertial space - about 15.04 degrees per hour (°/h). Azimuth
Magnetic North using magnetometers. For many years, this is defined in the horizontal plane, where the horizontal earth
magnetic interference and the poor reliability of early MWD rate is proportional to the cosine of the local latitude2.
directional sensors led to a general consensus that the gyro
survey was the definitive record of well trajectory. Desirable rate gyro specifications: The technological
But, over the past decade, studies have shown MWD capabilities and deliverable measurements from the prototype
magnetic directional measurements improving substantially in gyro tools currently being developed for MWD are similar to
accuracy and reliability. This is the only practical method to the first generation of wireline gyro survey tools of the
obtain survey data to establish the well path, especially in “North-Seeking” variety. That is, they can be used to take
horizontal and high-angle wells. The more accurate survey AHRS surveys at discrete depths along the well path. The
tools (RIGS) are too big and expensive to run in open hole or gyrocompass operation must occur in a static condition,
in these horizontal sections. And the smaller gyro survey tools usually during a connection with no pipe motion and with the
that might be candidates for a “pump down” operation through drilling mud pumps off, to ensure accuracy. Then the course
drill pipe are no longer clearly superior to the basic MWD trajectory can be calculated by traditional means, as it is done
magnetic azimuth measurements. They are often run, now with multiple MWD magnetic survey measurements.
however, as a check on the well path to establish greater This mode of gyro measurement is called Gyro Orientation.
confidence than MWD alone could afford. Most critical Its primary application is to orient the drilling deviation tool
directional wells today are still surveyed by some sort of gyro when a magnetometer can’t be used. When the well is near
wireline survey device • either through drill pipe or within vertical, it must derive the Toolface angle of the deviation tool
casing. with respect to True North (γ) to initiate drilling at the correct
So, when most oilfield personnel are told of an upcoming heading.
MWD Gyro tool, they customarily assume that this device will For this application, the gyro can be a supplemental sensor
be able to provide the same functions as continuous wireline to the magnetometer. Magnetic MWD tools can determine
gyro survey tools. azimuth in one second to an accuracy of 0.3° at one standard
deviation (1σ) at temperatures up to 200°C. No presently-
Search for a gyro sensor available small gyro is able to approach that performance. But
Due to the above-mentioned high standards for ruggedness near casing, the mag is useless, and the gyro can be helpful
established by accels and mags, MWD tools have never with an accuracy of 5.0° (1σ) in a one minute integration
successfully implemented a gyroscopic sensor. Indeed, very period. Because it is used for a short segment of the well
few gyroscopes could long survive the downhole drilling
4 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

trajectory, and usually at low inclinations, the net achieve this angular accuracy, a rate measurement accuracy of
displacement error introduced is small. And because such 1°/h is necessary. Also, to resolve this rate precisely in one
“kickoffs” from casing are often shallow (moderate minute’s integration time, a rate gyro’s bias must be near zero
temperatures), a temperature limit of 125°C (257°F) could be and the noise level must be very low. Even so, at an
tolerated. integration time (also called alignment time) as short as one
The primary parameters determining heading accuracy in a minute, the gyro random noise figure contributes most of the
gyrocompass mode of operation are the gyro bias (δω) and the 1°/h error budget. (In one minute, the error contribution from
gyro random noise (η), or angle random walk. To achieve the the long-term bias drift is negligible.) The random noise
5° azimuth accuracy desired, these errors will have to combine figure (η) contributes error that is inversely proportional to the
to produce a net rate error on each axis of about 1.0°/h or less. square root of the integration time2. It has units of degrees per
This relationship is illustrated in the simplified vertical, 2-axis root hour (°/√h):
sensor example below1, where the horizontal earth field at 45°
latitude is about 10.6°/h:
δγ = sin-1(η / (Ω cos L √ti)) …(3)

δγ = TF error = TF (perturbed) - TF (ideal) …(1) where δγ is the heading or TF error in degrees

η is the gyro random noise in °/√h
δγ = tan-1((ωx+δωx)/(ωy+δωy)) - tan-1((ωx)/(ωy)) …(1.1) Ω is the Earth’s turn rate (15.04107°/h)
L is the Latitude in degrees
δγ = tan-1((0 + 1) / (10.6 + (-1))) - tan-1(0 / 10.6) …(1.2) ti is the integration time in hours

δγ = tan-1(1 / 9.6) - tan-1(0) …(1.3) Applying equation (3) to the 45° latitude case, and
assuming only 30 seconds of the 1 minute survey time is
δγ = 5.9° …(1.4) available for sensor measurement integration, we see that a
random noise value of 0.05°/√h produces a 3° error. This
In equation (1.2) above, the orientation is due North, and consumes 3/5 of our error budget, and requires that the
the polarities of the δωx and δωy were chosen to show a worst- residual bias error be held to about 0.3°/h. These are very
case resultant error. At other TF angles and polarities of axial high performance levels and not commonly seen among
rate bias, the resultant TF error (δγ) varies from 0° to about tactical-grade rate gyros. Therefore, the gyroscope selected
7.5°, averaging about 5°. must be small, rugged and perform to near-navigational grade
Similarly, for a single axis calculation in the horizontal in the MWD system.
plane, equation (1) could have been written simply as:
Specifications of available sensors: The author first began
an investigation into potential rate gyros for MWD in 1982
δγ = sin-1( δωx / (Ω cos L )) …(2) with a study of DTG (Dynamically Tuned Gyro) technology.
The limiting factor in these mechanical sensors was the
then lubricant in the bearings, which had a limited life at
temperatures above 85°C (185°F.) Some high-temp, low-
δγ = sin-1( 1 / 10.6 ) …(2.1) viscosity lubricants could operate up to 125°C (257°F), but
would require maintenance after 30 to 60 hours operation.
δγ = 5.4° …(2.2) There was also concern about the life expectancy of the
bearings and suspension. An additional limitation in
where δγ is the heading or TF error in degrees technology at that time was a lack of high-temperature analog-
δωx is the residual bias error on rate X to-digital (A/D) converters with precision of 18 bits or more.
Ω is the Earth’s turn rate (15.04°/h) The high dynamic range is needed to resolve the small signal
L is the Latitude in degrees from earth’s rotational rate, and still quantize substantial
oscillatory vibration while drilling.
This simplistic example shows2 that to a first Baker Hughes and its predecessor companies have pursued
approximation, we are looking for a 2-axis rate gyro that can at least five major efforts to develop an MWD gyro sensor
deliver model-corrected rate outputs in the X and Y axes of over the past 20 years, and have spent several million dollars
about 1.0 °/h accuracy or better. in the process. Sensor types included DTG, RLG (Ring Laser
An MWD Gyro tool is designed to save drilling time, so it Gyro), FOG (Fiber Optic Gyro), HRG (Hemispherical
must spin up, settle, find north and analyze data very quickly. Resonator Gyro), and MEMS (Micro-ElectroMechanical
Typically, it must spend less than one minute to acquire the Systems) silicon vibratory1,3 (Coriolis acceleration) varieties.
present attitude information whenever requested. In order to None of those efforts has yet proved successful, and each had
accomplish this, an AHRS accuracy of +/- 5° in azimuth and a central goal of developing or improving the sensor itself.
toolface angle is required. As shown in equation (2) above, to

Other oilfield service companies have also spent much Figure 2 shows the initial performance of sensor #1683
time and money in search of a suitable gyro for MWD, but no after lab calibration. The indication is that this gyro starts out
commercial device has emerged yet, despite years of basic with accuracy sufficient for the specified application (0.9° rms
sensor R&D. Table 3 illustrates generally expected azimuth error).
performance values of various gyros. To evaluate the likelihood of retaining this performance
level after exposure to MWD downhole conditions, we
Limitations of the chosen rate gyro sensor performed a regimen of thermal cycling, shock testing, and
Note that the column labeled GBG (for Gas Bearing Gyro) in vibration testing that is a standard qualification procedure for
Table 3 is an acronym not yet defined. It is a spinning mass, other MWD components. Incremental performance
2-axis rate gyro that runs in a spherical air bearing. No verification was done at each stage of the process. The final,
lubricant is required — as the rotor spins, it acts as a self- and harshest, environmental test was the 20g rms random
pumping gas bearing which supports the rotor without flexures vibration at elevated temperature.
or ball bearings. This makes the GBG device very rugged and To our delight, the sensor maintained its initial accuracy
very quiet. It behaves much like the DTG with 2 rate outputs very well throughout all stages of the environmental testing.
from a single rotor. As shown in Figure 3, the azimuth accuracy test after the 20g
These specs are for the particular GBG sensor chosen for rms random vibration showed essentially the same accuracy as
use in our prototype MWD Gyro assembly. Note also the the original run the month before.
asterisk [*] on the bias instability spec of 15°/h. A special Based on these encouraging preliminary tests, we
bias compensation technique is required to cancel this bias embarked on a program to develop a module to test downhole
value. All the other specs are acceptable, but the GBG has a as an MWD prototype.
large turn-on to turn-on bias instability. Figure 1 illustrates
the close relationship between the rate outputs and the gyro MWD Gyro Assembly
temperature. It also shows the difficulty of getting accurate The MWD Gyro assembly consists of two sections united by a
angular data from the gyro during the first minute after power- tandem (support housing with dual connectors) to
up. Large transients are occurring, which are not accommodate the bending parameters required in a short
representative of the stability exhibited after 15 minutes or so. radius application. As shown in Figure 4, the downhole
Shop calibration takes place after thermal stability is reached. section contains the directional sensors and stepper motor
To cancel this bias each time power is applied, an indexing assembly and the uphole section is composed of the essential
motor must be used to rotate the gyro around its spin axis in electronic PCBs needed for operation. During this initial
the presence of the Earth’s rotational field. This technique, phase, the probe performed up to 115°C (239°F) with the gyro
called “Indexed Gyrocompassing Definition,” has been itself being the limiting factor. The entire probe also operates
employed before in North-Seeking gyro devices2. The at rugged vibration up to 20g rms.
sinusoidal curve for the sensor’s response can be derived
through analysis of the measurements made at multiple index Downhole Section. The downhole section is commonly
angles. The baseline offset value of that sine curve is the bias, referred to as the analog section since it contains only the
which is used to correct subsequent readings from the sensor. sensors without any PCBA electronics. Figure 5 illustrates an
With careful indexing and sampling, the residual bias error actual photograph of the hardware. As expected, the 2-axis
can be reduced to 0.2°/h or less. rate gyro stands as the primary sensor in the sensor section.
Aerospace technology has again provided an answer to As stated earlier this gas bearing, 9 piece mechanical gyro
address the demands of the oilfield drilling industry. This comes from the aerospace industry as an ‘off the shelf’
spherical GBG is used in the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) product. One drawback exists in that this gyro exhibits an
of guided submunitions intended for anti-tank warfare. It also inherent high turn-on bias that must be removed by an
has been used on several other military programs as a tactical indexing method explained later in this article.
gyro. Tales of its toughness are impressive — what convinced The gravity specific measurements are gathered with
the authors of its suitability for MWD was a picture of a GBG special small-diameter, quartz-flexure accelerometers recently
IMU that had been embedded (est. shock >10,000 g) into a tested and qualified to downhole MWD environmental
tank in mock combat. After the sensor was returned to the lab specifications. The accelerometers are installed as a triaxial
and connected with new cables, it still worked. package and for use in calculations for toolface (roll),
inclination (pitch), and azimuth (yaw). Apart from calculated
Preliminary Lab Testing survey results, the toolface data gathered from these
Lab testing was carried out to prove the indexing concept and accelerometer calculations also become useful in the gyro
verify the stability of the GBG sensor through a regimen of indexing technique.
environmental stress testing. Readings were taken on a servo- Two temperature sensors are also available in the sensor
positioned calibration test stand to simulate the indexing section. One temperature sensor, the LM-135 ‘can style’, rests
rotation that would be performed in the final assembly. Total nearby the accelerometers, while the other sensor is located
survey time was about 80 seconds, and the readings were internally in the gyro itself. The close proximity to these
sampled for a 5 second average at each index position. sensors improves temperature dependent errors by providing a
6 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

temperature measurement near the respective sensor, thus One of the powerful features of using the MC68C332
reducing the chance of any temperature gradients. microprocessor is the ability to control stepper motor position
The stepper motor assembly exists as the remaining crucial and speed. A preprogrammed motor profile can be
component of the analog section. For the rate gyro to be at its constructed for acceleration, speed, direction and position. The
most accurate, the aforementioned high turn-on bias must be corresponding signals can be sent to the Stepper Motor Driver
removed by an indexing technique. This indexing is PCBA through designated TPU lines for motor operation.
accomplished by using a stepper motor assembly to rotate the This feature of the MC68C332 eliminates the need for a
gyro to a predetermined set of positions. The gyro and separate stepper motor controller PCBA since it can handle the
accelerometers mounted in the isolated chassis are coupled to required tasks internally.
the stepper motor by a shaft and motor gear protection Also, the Microprocessor PCBA has 256K of 16-bit
components. When the stepper motor turns, the isolated SRAM available and 2 megabytes of Flash EEPROM
sensor assembly rotates to a known set of angles where sensor Memory. A portion of this flash memory (1 MB) is reserved
output data is recorded and later used in bias removal. for embedded code while the remaining megabyte is reserved
The stepper motor itself is constructed of quadrature for data storage during drilling operations. The data saved in
windings controlled by the Stepper Motor Driver PCBA. this manner consists of sequential survey results and
Joined with a 100:1 ratio gearbox, the assembly can rotate to individual indexing positions related to the sequential survey.
0.05° increments. This allows for precise positioning to the This data can be retrieved once the MWD toolstring has been
indexing angles for more accurate results. brought to the surface and will be useful in diagnostics.
The gyro hybrid is the custom hybrid MCM (Multi-Chip
Uphole section. The uphole section of the MWD Gyro probe Module) with an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated
consists of the necessary electronics for operation and is Circuit). The Gyro hybrid provides the drive signals to allow
referred to as the digital section. Four electronic components the gyro to spin-up, synchronize, and servo the rotor. The
are present in the digital section: Microprocessor A/D PCBA, hybrid is also used to scale the rate outputs to the desired
Gyro Hybrid, Stepper motor driver PCBA, and power supply level.
PCBA. All of these components are rated to standard The stepper motor driver PCBA converts TPU signals
temperature and environmental parameters outlined for MWD from the microprocessor to regulated voltages required to turn
use, and all PCBs are fabricated of special polyimide board the stepper motor itself. This PCBA is designed with a current
material that has been shown capable and durable to 200° C feedback loop that controls the stepper motor torque by
(392°F.) The electronic components have also been designed switching the timed drive currents required to turn the motor.
to accommodate the future enhancement of a 3rd axis of rate. Finally, the 30 watt Power Supply PCBA provides all the
The only major change would be a modification in the housing necessary voltages to the aforementioned PCB’s by stepping
and chassis design. down the voltage delivered by power source in the main
Each electronic board serves a specific function in the MWD system. The power supply supplies +/-24, +/-15, and
operation of the MWD Gyro. The ‘heart’ of the digital +/- 5 volts. For power conservation, logic controlled
section, the 68332 based microprocessor A/D PCB, performs MOSFETs allow the voltages to be switched to the sensor
tasks such as: section while the microprocessor remains powered up at all
times while in the drillstring.
1. stepper motor operation All components and modules, except the gyro itself, are
2. data sampling screened to verify reliability well beyond the MIL-Spec
3. thermal calibration model correction temperature range. Each subassembly must pass
4. downhole bias computation and removal environmental qualification tests (“shake and bake”) at 150°C
5. survey calculations (302°F) while under random vibration at 20 g rms. Sine
6. bus communication vibration sweeps at 30 g peak are also performed on each
7. data storage during drilling operation subassembly. Based on analysis of these tests, iterative design
improvements in the elastomeric isolation were made to
The present design involves channel multiplexing which reduce the transfer of vibration to the inner sensor chassis.
restricts the data sampling to 75 Hz and the Sigma-Delta
converters are utilized to 16 bits of resolution. For future Survey methods for the MWD Gyro
enhancements, multiplexing will be eliminated and each For accurate survey results, the MWD Gyro must go through a
channel will have a dedicated Sigma-Delta converter for better series of predetermined toolface indexing points to eliminate
sampling. The improved sampling will result in better the natural high bias exhibited from the gyro. The stepper
calibration and higher accuracy. motor assembly has the function of moving the accel/gyro
Once the data have been obtained, the microprocessor will sensor chassis to these set positions. This chassis isolates
use the results, apply thermal and time correction coefficients itself from the rest of the assembly through bearings so that it
and calculate the desired survey measurements. The data will may index without disturbing the toolface of the entire
then be communicated via the DV-485 network bus to the downhole assembly. Once a survey is requested, the stepper
master node and ready for transmission to the surface.

motor conducts a two-part process: orientation and indexing. Since the MWD Gyro module is run as an additional
This permits proper bias compensation. sensor with the conventional magnetic MWD instrument, it is
During normal drilling, the MWD Gyro will remain possible to compare the redundant accelerometer-based
powered off to conserve battery power. The power calculations from the two directional modules. The High Side
consumption is about 10 watts for a survey and about 30 watts Toolface and the Inclination values from the two directional
while the chassis rotates. A survey is requested from the instruments should agree – offset by the distance between the
Master module in the MWD system by setting a flag that is assemblies. This sensor offset distance can vary, because of
queried by the MWD Gyro microprocessor. This flag is set the modular placement capability of the probe MWD design,
when the Master module has recognized that flow off but is typically in the range of 2 to 5 meters.
condition has occurred. Therefore, the operator may request
an MWD Gyro survey by turning off the mud pumps for a Field Testing
given amount of time (usually 4 minutes). When a survey is One of the anticipated milestones was to demonstrate the
requested, the microprocessor will switch power to the gyro MWD Gyro as a suitable wireline gyro replacement. The
assembly components. The orientation phase of the survey initial field test was run in California in November, 1999, to
will now begin. After power up, the gyro/accel assembly will prove this capability. As seen in Table 4, the MWD Gyro and
travel in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction till the Wireline Gyro compare favorably in their Azimuth and
a lever arm on the stepper motor shaft comes in contact with Inclination measurements at the same depths. Furthermore,
an electromechanical contact pin then reverse direction till it after the magnetic instrument cleared casing at a depth of 7805
encounters the contact pin again. At this point, the stepper feet (2379 m) the Magnetic Azimuth and the MWD Gyro
motor will reverse direction and stop to begin the first Azimuth began to agree. This is evident in the last three
indexing measurement. This initial orientation method allows readings of Table 4. Note that the first toolface in the MWD
the gyro/accel assembly to begin its survey at the same point Magnetic column was a magnetic toolface transmitted
each time a survey is requested, ensures proper motor automatically because the inclination was less than 3 degrees.
operation and eliminates any excessive wire harness twisting. The remaining toolface values in that column are high side
After the orientation process, the gyro is ready to begin toolfaces. They compare closely with the Accel Toolface
indexing. Rotating the toolface, the gyro/accel sensor chassis values on the MWD Gyro data for the first several surveys.
will travel to selected points, settle for a few seconds and then On the last 8 readings the values begin to differ – generally by
take measurements containing accel, gyro, and temperature a few degrees.
data used for calculations. The gyro is indexed to four This first field test ended in a failure of the MWD Gyro
different angles from its initial point and returns to the initial module after 27 circulating hours. The failure was caused by
point after each angle is reached — equating to nine different a coupling fracture between the stepper motor and the isolated
recorded positions. Currently, the entire process (including sensor chassis, resulting in a failure to rotate the sensor chassis
the orientation phase) takes about one minute. Other options properly. Set screws securing the coupling to the shaft had
are being explored to reduce time and the potential for also slipped — which probably caused the erratic offset
indexing errors. between the High Side Toolface values toward the end of the
As indicated, the raw measurements at the indexing run. No failures were encountered in the electronics or the
positions are used in the final gyro survey calculations. After sensors themselves.
the accel and gyro raw data has been temperature corrected, The next several field tests confirmed the initial
the gyro data will be corrected for the time drift using the performance capability of the prototype tools but,
indexed data taken from the initial point (5 measurements) unfortunately, resulted in similar failures. The shaft
followed by a sine curve fit against the indexed angles. These couplings, set screws and gearbox linkage proved to be
corrections improve the accuracy and allow for an error of less inadequate to withstand the torsional dynamics of re-entry
than 1° RMS Azimuth error over a sequence of indexed drilling. Iterative improvements in this mechanical linkage
positions, using a five second/position sampling time (Fig. 2). produced more and more robust designs. During 5 ensuing
When the survey is complete, the results are obtained by field tests in California, one failure of an electronic component
the Master module and prepared for transmission to the occurred (an FPGA chip), and one accelerometer broke. All
surface for observation by the operator. To obtain the results other failures involved the mechanical parts. The FPGA
the operator must turn on the mud pumps to stimulate flow so failure was attributed to infant mortality, and the accel was
the pulsing sequence can begin and the data can be decoded known to be of an early, inferior design for these small quartz
from the pulses via surface decoding gear. flexure devices. The encouraging news was that there was no
Error codes are established in the embedded code to failure or performance shift in the gyro sensor. It appeared
indicate a functional error (e.g. gyro spin-up, motor indexing), that the concept could be made to work in an MWD Gyro tool
which will alert the operator of a faulty survey. In this case, if the mechanical linkage problems could be solved.
he will disregard this data and acquire another survey. Quality Figure 6 is a chart of survey data values recorded on the
checks on the data values are also enabled through computed most recent field test prior to the publishing deadline for this
parameters such as Total Gravity Field and Horizontal Earth paper. The test was run on a well in North Dakota in May,
Rate. 2000 and offered the opportunity to compare the magnetic and
8 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

gyro module calculations during an extended open-hole laser gyro inertial surveyor) tool? The answer lies in the
section. Surveys were initiated during the first section of the nature of the application, and the limits of today’s technology.
well inside the casing, which was set at 393 feet (120 m.) As Let us consider the wireline survey tool generally
expected, at these 4 stations there was no correlation between recognized as the most accurate in the industry. The RLG
the Magnetic Toolface and the Gyro Toolface due to magnetic used in the RIGS tool is considered a navigation grade gyro
interference. The first survey out of casing also exhibits some and is commonly used in commercial and military aircraft as a
interference but, afterwards, there is generally close agreement primary navigation sensor. It is of very high accuracy and the
between the gyro and magnetic readings. During this rotary main reason that the RIGS tool can deliver precise surveys.
drilling phase the hole was essentially vertical down to 2750 However, it represents a class of inertial measurement units
feet (838 m). Although not shown, the inclination values from (IMUs) that are accurate to 1.0 nautical mile per hour. This
the gyro and magnetic modules generally agreed within 0.2 means that the IMU can track its position, but may drift off in
degrees. Total gravity field values matched within a span of any direction by as much as 1 mile (1600m) in an hour’s time.
0.002 g (0.0196 m/sec2.) The improvement in acceleration Aiding the position computation via GPS signals or radar
measurements was attributed to improved calibration methods, information greatly improves the uncertainty in aircraft.
including application of the total field technique4 on the accels Downhole, the RIGS IMU can be aided only by the along-
in the gyro module. borehole depth, which is available constantly from the cable
At the kickoff point, Figure 6 shows inclination building to depth measurement. MWD tools have neither of these aiding
horizontal at a rate of 10°/100 ft (10°/30 m.) At this point the measurements available.
emphasis shifts from toolface to azimuth, and the plot shifts The RIGS tool also benefits from a short survey time.
accordingly. Note the close correlation between the toolface Shorter run times allow less time for the IMU's computed
values and the azimuth values at the kickoff point. Figure 7 position to drift off. Wireline surveys can run up to 600
shows a detailed view of this build section of the well. ft/min., whereas MWD drilling is typically less than 200
Initially, there is very close agreement between the magnetic ft./hour. Gyros used for surveying dynamically during drilling
azimuth (adjusted for declination) and the gyro azimuth. The would have to hold their heading for a long time — typically
dashed lines show the 2 sigma error bound for the specified half an hour between connections.
goal of this tool — 10°. Note that as inclination increases to Let us assume that we were able to overcome the practical
60° (the maximum tool spec) and beyond, there is increasing limitations and build this RLG-based IMU into an MWD gyro
error in the gyro azimuth. As the inclination approaches 90°, sensor module. Lacking the real-time depth update for an
the 2-axis gyro tool cannot resolve the azimuth at all, and aiding signal, the calculated position would drift off
errors increase exponentially. unacceptably after only a few minutes. At a drift rate of 0.05
This field test ran 65 circulating hours and 90 hours deg/hr, the computed Gyro Toolface could be in error by
downhole without failure and with good performance. It atan((0 + 0.05)/(11 - 0.05)), or 0.26° in an hour’s time. This
indicates recent improvements in the mechanical linkage have single error term would then have eaten up a large part of the
brought the design to a more acceptable survival rate. The error budget for a definitive survey tool in a very short time.
known weaknesses in the electronic sampling and the And dynamic motion during drilling is many times that
calibration process are the likely causes of the variation expected during centralized wireline survey runs.
between the gyro and magnetic headings. We know we can Modifications to allow extended dynamic range of the RLG
do better in subsequent tool designs. The important, gratifying would reduce the sensitivity and accuracy that are necessary to
fact is that the gyro sensor itself has proven to be reliable and achieve the historical RIGS survey results.
stable during a variety of drilling environments. But the prime limitation of the RLG is its size. As shown
in Table 3, the RLG used for RIGS has a diameter of 90 mm.
Limitations This makes it impossible to fit in a small diameter (44 mm)
The technological capabilities and deliverable measurements pressure barrel for use in flexible drillstrings for reentry
from this developing group of gyro tools for MWD are similar drilling. Reducing the diameter of an RLG dramatically
to the first generation of wireline gyro survey tools of the reduces its accuracy, so scaled-down versions could not expect
“North-Seeking” variety. That is, they can be used to take to produce results comparable to RIGS surveys.
individual attitude surveys at multiple depths along the well Other service companies have similar physical limitations
path. The gyrocompass operation must be taken in a to deal with in pursuit of an MWD Gyro tool. Existing HRG
stationary condition, usually during a connection with no pipe devices are large (50 mm), and will encounter some reduced
motion and with pumps off, to assure a good reading. Then accuracy in the process of developing smaller sensors. All the
the course trajectory can be calculated by traditional means, as mechanical sensors have temperature limitations of some sort
it is done now with MWD magnetic survey measurements. – and weaknesses in the chosen suspension and bearing
Why can’t the new MWD gyro tools deliver continuous design. FOGs are all characterized by temperature limits –
attitude measurements, based on the gyroscope’s stable chiefly in the optics components – and suffer like RLGs when
reference position, during the progress of drilling? Why can’t the dimensions are reduced. So the most prevalent operating
we expect to see inertial surveys produced in real-time during mode is likely to be an orientation tool run in the North-
drilling that are comparable to surveys from the RIGS (ring-

seeking mode under static conditions—resulting in accuracy (Stavanger) for their valuable contributions regarding
that improves with the length of the survey time. application and functional specifications for this project.
Thanks also to Jack Angel, Pierre Collee, George Rizk, Phil
Conclusions and Next Steps Burge and Steve Mullin for their input on market applications
With the successful lab testing and field testing of the MWD for an MWD Gyro tool. Thanks also to the aerospace
Gyro, this military tactical gyro has found a use in the navigation experts for producing the sensors that made
petroleum industry. The initial project goal was to prove the possible the building of this MWD Gyro tool. These include
concept and verify that a capable sensor can be implemented Walter Kluss, Pei-Hwa Lo, Herb Califano, Bill Lee, Norm
to meet these tough specifications. These goals have clearly Klein and Gene Olinger of AlliedSignal (now L3
been met, and the next phase of the program can now be Communications, Honeywell, and Condor Pacific), and
considered. Hirohito Ito and Kiyoshi Fujino of Japan Aviation Electronics.
Commercial versions of the tool will now be built with
emphasis on improving the weaknesses pinpointed in the References
prototype testing. These include the temperature limitation, 1 P. W. Ott, et al., “Azimuth Determination for Vector Sensor
which will be boosted to 150°C (302°F). Also, the poor Tools,” U.S. Patent No. 4 433 491, February 28, 1984.
sampling technique will be improved by using dedicated A/D 2 D. H. Titterton and J. L. Weston, Strapdown Inertial Navigation
converters, and the simplistic calibration approach will be Technology, London, UK: Peter Peregrinus Ltd. on behalf of
IEE, 1997.
enhanced by application of system-level TFC4 methods. 3 R. H. Hulsing, “MEMS Inertial Rate and Acceleration Sensor,”
Enhanced diagnostics and quality indicators will be developed Proc. of National Technical Meeting of the Institute of
to ensure the reliability of data delivered from the tool. Navigation, Long Beach, CA, January 21, 1998.
A 3-axis tool is also under development to address the 4 R. A. Estes and P. H. Walters, “Improvement of Azimuth
demands of horizontal operation in reentry and extended reach Accuracy by Use of Iterative Total Field Calibration Technique
drilling. and Compensation for System Environmental Effects,”
SPE19546 presented at the 64th Annual Technical Conference of
Acknowledgments the Society of Petroleum Engineers, San Antonio, TX, October
The authors wish to express their appreciation to Koen Noy of 11, 1989.
Shell SIEP (Rijswijk) and Oddvar Lotsberg of Statoil


Table 1 — Wireline Gyro Replacement Example Gyro Sensor
Casing Window Cutting Wireline MWD Gyro Specifications
Drilling Rig Daily Rental Rate $60,000 $60,000 Operating Temp. (°C) 100 100 75 120 125 150
Directional Drilling $10,000 $10,000 Shock [g] 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 4000
Daily Rental Rate Random vibe [g rms] 20 30 20 30 36 40
Gyro Orienting (during 2 days) 13 hours 1 hour Size (OD) φ [mm] 90 50 40 19 25 25
Cost to Cut Window (during 2 days) $140,000 $105,000 Linearity SF [ppm] 10 200 500 70 50 100
Rig Time Saved 12 hours g-sensitive bias [°/h/g] 0 0 1 3 0.1 1
Window Cutting Savings $35,000 Bias [°/h] 0.01 0.03 20 0.3 15* 10
Total Savings/well $35,000 Random walk [°/√h] .005 .001 .05 .008 .002 0.15
Cost high high med low Med low
* Prior to bias removal by indexed gyrocompassing
Table 2 — Wireline Gyro Replacement Example
Intermediate Radius MWD Steering MWD
Re-Entry Kickoff Alone Gyro * Gyro
Drilling Rig Daily Rate $60,000 $60,000 $60,000
Directional Drilling $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Daily Rental Rate
Window Cost $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Drilling Time 1 day 1-1/2 days 1 day
Plug-Back Cost $80,000
Cost to Build Curve $225,000 $180,000 $145,000
Window Cutting Savings -$35,000
(from Table 1)
Cost to Cut Window & $365,000 $320,000 $250,000
Kickoff the Curve
Total Savings/Well $45,000 $115,000
* Assuming a wireline gyro steering tool is available
10 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

Table 4. Results of first MWD Gyro downhole drilling test.

MWD GYRO DATA MWD Magnetic Wireline Gyro

Beginning: 22-Nov-1999 Horiz Accel Gyro Corr data
Time Depth Azimuth Incl Earth Toolface TF Surv# Azimuth Azim Toolface Azim Incl TF
01:05 30 286.5 0.2 11.33 60.4 84.3 1 234.8 250.0 158.9 (M)
07:40 7600 224.3 3.3 12.58 330.4 196.8 2 88.6 103.7 329.0
09:00 7665 223.9 3.3 10.78 251.7 118.1 3 242.6 257.7 250.0 228.9 3.28 71.0
11:10 7665 227.8 3.4 12.50 241.8 111.1 4 2.8 18.0 244.7
12:47 7705 254.2 4.0 12.50 92.8 350.1 5 90.4 105.5 90.0
14:35 7736 268.9 6.8 12.66 5.6 278.4 6 275.6 290.7 11.25 251.3 4.02 253.8
16:02 7736 265.1 5.9 13.98 42.2 309.3 7 178.6 193.7 49.2
17:53 7768 271.8 8.6 10.63 71.7 348.7 8 282.0 297.1 74.5
19:50 7799 285.1 9.8 11.95 331.8 262.9 9 260.0 275.1 122.4
21:50 7830 281.3 11.6 12.03 354.3 282.6 10 271.4 286.5 357.2
23:40 7862 290.7 12.6 14.53 115.3 52.0 11 285.5 300.6 125.0
02:00 7894 306.2 14.2 14.14 56.2 5.6 12 289.3 304.5 65.0
04:35 7927 309.7 15.6 14.06 36.5 351.5 13 293.2 308.3 43.3

Figure 1. Gyro turn-on transients


Figure 2. Gyro Lab Accuracy Check - Initial

Figure 3. Gyro Lab Accuracy Check – After Vibration Qualification Test

12 ESTES, R. A. AND EPPLIN, D. M. SPE 63274

Figure 4. MWD Gyro Module Block Diagram

Figure 5. Photograph of Downhole Sensor Section


Figure 6. Field Test Data Comparison

Figure 7. Field Test Detailed Data Comparison

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