3 Grade Musical Development, Mid-Year: This Assessment Informs Parents of Their Child's Musical Development Each Quarter

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3rd Grade Musical Development, Mid-year

This assessment informs parents of their child’s musical development each quarter.
Name__________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher______________________________________________
Standard: Perform: MU:Pr4.2.3b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic
patterns and melodic phrases using iconic and standard notation
List Objective: Student can sing the melody of “Almost Summertime” (uses low La) with accurate pitch, matching a
pitch given by the teacher.
On given pitch, and accurate_________ Not on given pitch, but accurate pitch relationships__________

On given pitch, but not accurate pitch relationships________ Not on given pitch, not accurate_________

List Objective: Student can sing the melody of “The Triplet Songs” (uses triplets) with accurate pitch, matching a pitch
given by the teacher, and with accurate rhythm.
Able (Mastery)_________ Able (Developing) _______Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)__________

Standard: Create: MU:Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate selected musical ideas for a simple improvisation or
composition to express intent, and describe connection to a specific purpose and context.
List Objective: Student improvises using the parameters of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 on ukulele, xylophone, with voice, and with body
Able (Mastery) __________ Able (Developing)______Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)___________

List Objective: Student creates a dance to accompany “I Have a Little Dreidel” within the parameters of the piece and
with a group.
Able (Mastery)___________ Able (Developing) Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)_____________

Standard: Create: MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and
describe connection to expressive intent.
List Objective: Student creates and performs an arrangement to the song “Cedar Swamp” with group mates in the key
of C Pentatonic.
Able (Mastery) ____________ Able (Developing) ____Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)__________

Standard: Respond: MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and describe how a response to music can be
informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as personal and
List Objective: Student will identify 3/4 meter by ear and through notation.
Able (Mastery) ____________ Able (Developing)____Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)__________
List Objective: Student can identify dynamics (pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff) through listening and reading notation and sing/play
at dynamics as given by the teacher.
Able (Mastery)____________ Able (Developing) Not able yet, but attempts skill (Beginning)______________

Standard: Respond: MU:Cn10.0.3a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to
personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
List objective: Student composes a new verse for the song “Kitty Alone” using the same amount of syllables as the given
Verse:___________________(See Student self-evaluation for this unit.)

List Objective: Student participates in a dance unit and program studying various folk dances. Student is familiar with
their body and the space around it (special awareness).
Style of dance this student researched_________________. (See student’s written work and performance evaluation.)

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