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1. What kind of sculpture this Bul-ul?

- Bulul or also known as bul-ul, is a carved wooden figure.

2. What was its purpose and function?

- Bulul plays an important role in the agriculture of the ifugao people,
it is a wooden figure to guard the rice crop by the ifugao. The bulul is
treated with care and respect to avoid the risk of the spirits of the
ancestors bringing sickness.

3. What kind of belief does it embody?

- This sculpture is an ifugao humanlike carving that symbolizes an
ifugao rice god or guardian spirits. Bulul also conveys fertility and
sometimes believe to house spirits of ancestors.

4. What can you say about tha posture of the Bul-ul? What do you think is
the reason why it was carved like this?
- The bulul is commonly represented as seated on the ground, with
arms crossed over his upraised knees. I think it was stylized like that
for the representation of their ancestors and to gain power and

5. Can we consider bulul carving as a representation of the philippine art

abroad why? Or why not?
- Yes, for the reason that bulul is one of the carve sculptures that the
Philippines are also made to be proud of. Inside of this carve has a lot
of histories to tell and lessons to learn.

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