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An airliner plunged 1200 m over Bass street. One of its engines blew up.

It caused a
midair panic among 102 passengers.
A passenger said that Boeing 717 was about 50 km north of melbourne when the
passengers and crew heard a massive explosion from the right-hand side of the plane about
11.30pm on Friday.
“ There was a loud bang and the whole cabin shuddered “ another passenger said.
According to an airline spokeperson in matter of seconds the plane dropped from 7300 m to 6100
The pilot shut down the fuel supply to the damaged engine and studied the craft. The
international distress call “Pan-pan-pan” was radioed to Melbourne’s tower. The plane flew to
melbourne on one engine and landed safely. It was met by a 60 strong contingent of fire
,ambulance and tecnical teams.
The damaged engine was being replaced yesterday and the plane would be back in the
sky today, said the manager of the airline. The emotional passengers praised the captain and
crew for their handling of emergency.

1. The text talks about ......

2. Why were the passengers so panic ?
3. What did the pilot try to overcome the problem?
4. Could the plane land on Melbourne safely?
5. What is the social function of the text ?
Find these below words which have the same meanings on the text !

6. Honored 8. Huge 10. changed

7. Entire 9. broadcasted

JAKARTA ( JP ) : Contraceptive use has dropped 20 percent in Indonesia, A trend that

sparked of a population explosion.
Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) data revealed that Jakarta headed the plunge with a
22.24 percent drop from the 71.72 percent of women of childbearing age who used
contraception. West Java recorded a 21 percent decrease , 15 percent in East Java , the
country’s most populous province and 10 percent in Bali which has the country’s lowest birt
The secretary of BKKBN told to Jakarta Post that the decline was caused by reasons
ranging from financial concerns to male attitudes.
“ Contraceptives are no longer affordable to most poor people “ suyono said poor people
were reluctant to buy contraceptives. He added “ they think that contraceptives burden them
to spend their money for daily needs”

11. What is the social function of the text ?

12. What are the reasons of the dropping of using contraceptives ?
13. He added “ they think that contraceptives burden them to spend their ...(par. 4 )
He in here refers to ....
14. Why were many people in Indonesia unwilling to buy contraceptives ?
15. How many percent the decline of using contraceptive in Jakarta from previous
statistic to recent statistic ?


MACKAY – A PILOT’S first flight a MacKay aircraft charter Company

went wrong when he had to ditch the aircraft in the ocean near
Brampton Island yesterday .
The freelance pilot Roderick Ross Harrison, was rescued
unhurt, but suffering from sock , about hours after he factor to
ditch the twin- engined aircraft when both engine failed soon after
take off.
He was taken to nearest hospital in Mackay but was later
He had flown the Beech craft Baron, owned by air Pioneer,
from MacKay to the Island then taken a group of passengers for
scenic flight around the Islands
An Aviation Department spokes person said Harrison had
16.Where did the pilot get treatment?
A. In Mackay hospital d. In Brampton hospital
B. At this own house e. at the plane
C. At the Island of Mackay
17.Which is true according to the text ?
After the accident, the pilot was taken to the hospital for several days
The pilot was only shocked and hurt
The pilot was taken to hospital and then he could go home
D. The pilot died because of the accident
E. The pilot ran away after the accident happened
18.The freelance pilot, Roderick Ross Harrison, was rescued unhurt …….
The underline phrase means …….
Injured D. dead
painful E. was safe
Text 7.
This text is for questions 32 to 35.

J.P. There was a bad accident on Sudirman street last night. A bus which was travelling south
was hit by a large truck. Several people in the bus were killed, including the driver. The injured
people were taken to the hospital. The driver of the truck was drunk. He was taken to the police
station to be interrogated.

19. What happened on Jalan Sudirman last night?

A. A bus crash.
B. B A truck crash.
C. A terrible accident.
D. A dead drunken driver.
E. A fight between two drivers.

20. The accident happened because ....

A. the driver of the truck was killed
B. the driver of the truck was sleepy
C. the driver of the bus was drunk
D. the driver of the bus escaped
E. the driver of bus was ill

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