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ITC Classmate

(Retailer feedback over the Company, Distributor and the customers towards the Product)

Dear Respondent,
I am Deepak Shetty, conducting a “Survey on Retailer perception towards ITC Classmate
products, study conducted in Bangalore”, In fulfillment of project requirement under Mangalore
Please spare a few minutes to fill this questionnaire and provide the necessary information
for my research. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used for
Academic purpose only.
Thank You

A. Questionnaire about Company:

1) How company is helping you with the selling of ITC Classmate products?
By offering product Display
By giving offers
By offering shop name hoarding
2) Do company officials visit your retail?
If YES then daily/weekly/monthly_______
3) How do you rate the ITC Classmate products over competitors?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B. Questionnaire about Distributor:

4) How is the service offered by the distributor:

Very Good Good Medium Bad Very Bad
5) Does the salesman give all the help/information that the retailer asked for?
6) How distributor is helping you with the selling of ITC Classmate products?
By taking orders on time
By delivering the products on time
By giving offers/Discounts
C. Questionnaire about Customers:

7) Do customers directly ask for the ITC Classmate products 1st or?
8) Based on which factor Customers complaints or rejects the ITC products?
9) Which segment customer purchases more ITC classmate Notebooks?
Primary Students
High School Students
PG/UG Students

D. From Retailers

10) Do Retailer have any Questions TO:

➢ ITC Company:
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

➢ ITC Distributor:
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________

E. About Retailer:

• Shop/Retail name:___________________________________________
• Name of the respondent:______________________________________
• Area:_______________________________________________________
• How long running this shop:____________________________________
• Per day profit from ITC products over others:______________________
• Whom do you think the real competitor of ITC:_____________________

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