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English 10

Quarter III Module 3: Persuasive Writing Techniques

MELC No. 2. Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques

What I Need to Know

This learning module will provide you with opportunities to enhance the different
competencies in English through a variety of contextualized and differentiated learning
In this module, you will be guided to use a variety of informative, persuasive, and
argumentative writing techniques (Quarter III MELC no. 2)
After going through this module, you are expected to attain the following competencies:
a. state the characteristics of persuasive text;
b. recognize persuasive writing techniques used in a text presented; and
c. compose a short persuasive essay

What I Know

As part of your initial activity, you need to answer this pretest to check your prior knowledge
about the topics of this module. Read each question below and encircle the letter of the correct
1. It is a form of writing that presents logical arguments with emotional appeal in order to sway
readers to a particular point of view.
A. informative writing B. persuasive writing
C. argumentative writing D. expository writing

2. Persuasive writing appears across media in the following forms except

A. reviews B. advertisements C. editorials D. news articles

3. The primary stage of the persuasive technique writing is______.

A. introduction B. body C. conclusion D. resolution

4. It restates the writer’s opinion/position, thesis statement, or focus

A. Body B. Conclusion C. Resolution D. Introduction

5. ________provides evidence to support the writer’s opinion/purpose.

A. Resolution B. Introduction C. Body D. Conclusion

6. Which of the following is correct about persuasive writing?

A. It can be powerful,
B. It influences people to believe in a cause
C. It puts out a call to action, like donating to a certain charity or voting for a particular
political candidate.
D. All of the above
7. What is the main intention of the author when writing a persuasive paper?
A. To convince the reader to write their own counter argument.
B. To raise awareness about issues in the world.
C. To convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue through use of facts.
D. To convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue through the use of
fictional facts.

8. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?

A. To inform B. To persuade C. To tell a story D. To tell 'how-to'

9. What is the sentence that tells the main idea or point of view of the whole persuasive essay?
A. Topic sentence B. Main idea C. supporting details D. Thesis statement

10. What are the basic elements of a persuasive essay?

A. Argument, Details, Thesis
B. Topic sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence
C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
D. Introduction, Details, Thesis

From the previous lesson, you have learned that informative writing is designed to inform
the reader about a given topic. It is sometimes called expository or explanatory writing that uses
evidence and information from credible sources to support a focused and logical explanation of
the topic at hand. Are you familiar with those terms?

What’s New
Fill in the description about the following elements of persuasive writing. Choose your
answer from the given choices below. Write the letter of the correct answer.




A. It is the only element which justifies your thesis.

B. It is the main stage from where the reader understands the basis of the thesis.
C. It includes an argument along with at least three evidences supporting each
D. It clearly conveys the writer’s opinion/position on the topic/thesis. Statement.
E. It provides evidence to support the writer’s opinion/purpose.

What is It

What Is Persuasive Writing?

Persuasive writing is a form of argumentative writing that presents logical arguments with
emotional appeal in order to sway readers to a particular point of view. Where an argumentative
essay introduces both sides of a debate and allows the reader to make an informed choice, a
persuasive essay is about the inclusion of information that supports your thesis statement, only
involving counterarguments as a means to discredit them.
Persuasive pieces appear in various forms of marketing. Advertisements often tug on
heartstrings to influence people to buy a product or service. Health magazines publish columns
about new must-try diets. Travel brochures convince you where the next trendiest vacation spot is.
Persuasive writing is everywhere, but the writing process is not as simple as just sharing an opinion.
Persuasive writing is utilized by writers to take a stance on an issue, convincing readers to
agree with a certain opinion or idea. Persuasive writing appears across media in many different
forms, such as op-eds, reviews, and advertisements. A good persuasive argument uses a
combination of thorough research and careful word choice in order to present the writer’s opinion
strongly and get the reader to agree.

Persuasive essay writing is a useful writing skill. It allows a writer to clearly present their
ideas in a structured and convincing way. Persuasive writing can be powerful, influencing people
to believe in a cause and putting out a call to action, like donating to a certain charity or voting for
a particular political candidate.

Parts of a Persuasive Essay

The following are the basic elements of persuasive writing techniques include:
A. Introduction
This is the primary stage of the persuasive technique writing. The introduction of a
persuasive essay or paper must be attractive. While reading the introduction part, the reader
should get a clear idea of the author’s purpose in writing.
The introduction is the main stage from where the reader understands the basis of the thesis.
Therefore, it should be simple and catchy.
B. Body
This forms the volume of the persuasion. It includes an argument along with at least three
evidences supporting each argument.
In this segment, the writer tries to prove his thesis by providing examples. You will get all the
information of the article here.
The conclusion of the essay should repeat the main points. It should never introduce new
ideas or things not discussed in the body of the paper. It is the only element which justifies your
thesis. In addition to this, the writer may use some strong point to convince the readers.

Characteristics of Persuasive Essay

I. Purpose
A. To get the reader to accept the writer’s point of view on the issue posed by the writing prompt
B. To adopt the writer’s way of thinking about the issue posed by the writing prompt
II. Organizational Pattern
A. Introduction
 May have a hook or grabber to get the reader’s attention
 Clearly conveys the writer’s opinion/position on the topic/thesis statement
B. Body
 Provides evidence to support the writer’s opinion/purpose
 Evidence will be in the form of facts, reasons, examples, details, etc.
 Effective transitions show how ideas connect
 May present pros and cons of an argument
 Anticipates the reader’s questions
C. Conclusion
 Restates the writer’s opinion/position, thesis statement, or focus
 May summarize the main point included in the body
 May include a personal comment or call for action

Persuasive writing helps improve a writer’s ability overall, teaching them how to use facts
and research in an expressive yet succinct way. A writer learns to communicate their main points
efficiently and present a clear argument.

Eight Tips for Better Persuasive Writing

In order to be a more influential writer, there are a few persuasive writing techniques a
writer may utilize:

1. Pick a topic you’re passionate about. You’ll do your best persuading when it’s something
you truly believe in. If you have the option to pick a topic, choose one that appeals to your
own sensibilities. There will be research to do regardless, but already having a strong
opinion about your subject will make its defense a bit easier.

2. Know your audience. If you want to convince readers to believe and agree with you, know
who you’re talking to first. For example, if you’re writing a persuasive letter about why
standardized testing should be removed from school systems, your audience will likely be
parents: Keep that in mind when writing to your targeted demographic.
3. Hook the reader’s attention. A persuasive writer should present their opinion with a
declarative statement that clearly expresses their point of view. Starting with a fact,
research findings, or any other evidence that explicitly states information supportive of your
thesis will immediately clue the reader in to what the essay will be about, what your position
is, and if they’re interested enough to read on to see if they’ll be on your side.
4. Research both sides. In order to convince the reader to agree with you, you also have to
know what you’re trying to get them to disagree with. Your audience may be completely
stuck in their ways, so knowing both sides of your argument—and how to effectively
counter the opposition—will assuage any follow-up questions a reader may have that can
cast doubt on your position.
5. Be empathetic. An effective persuasion technique is the use of empathy. A reader is more
inclined to believe you if they feel like you can relate to and understand their experiences.
Emotional appeal is important for persuasive writing, as it targets the audience’s
sensitivities, while also providing a logical explanation for why their beliefs should change.
6. Ask rhetorical questions. Presenting questions that the reader will be forced to answer
for themselves later on is another good persuasive strategy, especially when the
information provided to help make that decision is supportive of your point of view.
7. Emphasize your point. The use of exaggeration in order to express urgency, exclusivity,
or just to make a point is another useful persuasive technique. Hyperbolic statements aren’t
meant to be taken literally, but are used instead to convey an impactful image. For
example, if you’re attempting to persuade a reader not to go to a restaurant, you might say
their bad service “nearly starved you to death.” Although likely untrue, it still creates a vivid
picture. In marketing, another example is Disney’s slogan: “The happiest place on Earth.”
It’s a subjective statement that makes use of hyperbole to immediately create a desirable
feeling for its audience—children and their parents.
8. Repeat yourself. Strategic repetition can be an effective way to gradually remind the
reader of your message. Finding different ways to make the same point by use of
rephrasing, true stories, metaphors, or other literary devices all serve to reinforce your
point without bogging down the reader with repetitiveness.

Eight Persuasive Writing Techniques

The persuasive writing technique plays an important role for a writer. He can use a variety
of techniques to persuade their readers. While reading or writing a topic, the persuasion should
reflect in the article. Most noteworthy is the use of persuasive writing techniques in the essay.
The following are the eight persuasive techniques:
1. Appeal to Authority
Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing; Using reliable
research can help your argument seem convincing.
Example 1: President Rodrigo Duterte defended his government’s decision to purchase
Chinese- made coronavirus vaccines.
Example 2: A recent study found that students who watch TV during the week don’t do as
well in school.
2. Appeal to Reason
Facts, numbers, information, and logic can be very convincing.
Example: A chocolate bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy.
3. Appeal to Emotion
Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument.
Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home.
4. Appeal to Trust
If people believe and trust in you, you’re more likely to persuade them.
Example: Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you.

5. Plain Folks
People will believe you if you appear to be an “Average Joe.”
Example: A politician says, “I’m going to clean out the barn!”
6. Bandwagon
If everyone believes it, it must be true!
Example: Nine out of ten people prefer our soap!
7. Rhetorical Question
Rhetorical questions are not intended to be answered. They’re a way to state the “obvious.”
Example: Who wouldn’t like to earn more money?
8. Repetition
If you repeat information or present information in repeating patterns, people will remember
it and believe it.
Example: Duty does not trump honesty. Duty does not trump common sense. And duty, my
friends, does not trump morality.

What’s More

How did you find the lesson? Let us test your learning from the discussions by doing the
following learning tasks. Good luck!

Activity 1: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s false, change the underlined word or
group of words to make the whole statement true.
1. You’ll do your best persuading when it’s something you truly believe in.
2. A persuasive writer should present their opinion with an interrogative statement that clearly
expresses their point of view.
3. Presenting answers that the reader will be forced to do for themselves later on is another
good persuasive strategy.
4. An effective persuasion technique is the use of empathy.
5. The use of exaggeration in order to express urgency, exclusivity, or just to make a point is
another practical persuasive technique.

Activity 2: Match the correct persuasive technique in column B with its description in column A.
Write the letter on the space provided.
_____1. Facts, numbers, information, and logic can be very A. Appeal to Trust
convincing. B. Bandwagon
_____2. If people believe and trust in you, you’re more likely to C. Appeal to Reason
persuade them. D. Appeal to Emotion
_____3. If everyone believes it, it must be true! E. Appeal to Authority
_____4. Important people or experts can make your argument seem F. Plain Folks
more convincing.
_____5. Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your

Activity 3: Fill in the correct words to complete the sentences about the Eight Tips for Better
Persuasive Writing. Choose your answer from the given choices in the box. Write the letter only.

A. questions B. exaggeration C. know D. declarative E. empathy

F. repetition G. believe H. emotional I. convince J. hyperbolic

1. Strategic_____ can be an effective way to gradually remind the reader of your message.
2. You’ll do your best persuading when it’s something you truly _________ in.

3. Presenting _______ that the reader will be forced to answer for themselves later on is another
good persuasive strategy.
4. The use of __________ in order to express urgency, exclusivity, or just to make a point is
another useful persuasive technique.
5. If you want to convince readers to believe and agree with you, ______ who you’re talking to
6. A persuasive writer should present their opinion with a _______ statement that clearly
expresses their point of view.
7. _________ appeal is important for persuasive writing, as it targets the audience’s sensitivities.
8. In order to ________ the reader to agree with you, you also have to know what you’re trying
to get them to disagree with.
9. An effective persuasion technique is the use of _______.
10. _________ statements aren’t meant to be taken literally, but are used instead to convey an
impactful image.

What I Can Do

Read the sample persuasive essay below. Answer the questions that follow by writing
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

Today science and technology has come to pervade every aspect of our lives.
Computer, television and radio have almost replaced the newspaper and letter once
dominated our lives. Accordingly, the issue about whether the ability to read and write is more
important today may attract our attentions. It is clear that classified views have converged into
two: some think reading and writing ability is more important today than in the past, while
others deny its importance. As I see it, I agree with the former view without any hesitation and
my choice is based on a careful consideration of the following reasons:
The main reason which may win most of people's support is that if lack of the
reading and writing ability, one would be considered as illiterate who has been deprived of
the most basic right of human beings in the 21st century. It will be hard for us to imagine how
somebody who can't read and write communicates with other people. A case in point is that
one of my neighbors who is an old man and cannot read and write may only talk with others
face to face. As for making friends by email and search information in newspaper, it is
absolutely impossible.
The second reason I would like to point out is that people today who cannot read and
write cannot even make a living. Good jobs are difficult to find because of economic
depression. Nearly all the jobs require people who can read and write very well. Even if one
just plans to be a driver, he must read the road sign and know where he is and where he will
Furthermore, the ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages. Suppose
that people who have tried out with a hard week's sweat and effort may get lots of benefits
and relief from reading a short novel and broaden his horizon by appreciating a nice poem.
Many friends around me would believe reading and writing some effective ways to relax
People today especially those children may find it easier for them to manipulate the
mouse of the computer than to write things down by hand. Watching TV instead of reading
may still occupy someone's most leisure time. Yet if all the factors I discussed above are
contemplated and we are to minimize the losses and maximize the gains, it will not be hard
for us to realize that the ability to read and write is more important today than in the past.

1. From the essay, which of the following statements is the attention catcher?
A. Computer, television and radio have almost replaced the newspaper and letter once
dominated our lives.
B. Today science and technology has come to pervade every aspect of our lives.

C. It is clear that classified views have converged into two: some think reading and
writing ability is more important today than in the past, while others deny its importance.
D. Accordingly, the issue about whether the ability to read and write is more important
today may attract our attentions.

2. Which of the following is the thesis statement?

A. As I see it, I agree with the former view without any hesitation and my choice is based
on a careful consideration of the following reasons.
B. It will be hard for us to imagine how somebody who can't read and write communicates
with other people.
C. Even if one just plans to be a driver, he must read the road sign and know where he is
and where he will go.
D. People today especially those children may find it easier for them to manipulate the
mouse of the computer than to write things down by hand.

3. The following statements are main points in this essay except

A. If lack of the reading and writing ability, one would be considered as illiterate who has
been deprived of the most basic right of human beings in the 21st century.
B. People today who cannot read and write cannot even make a living.
C. The ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages.
D. The ability to read and write is more important today than in the past.

4. Which of the following is the clinching statement?

A. Computer, television and radio have almost replaced the newspaper and letter once
dominated our lives.
B. The ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages.
C. The ability to read and write is more important today than in the past.
D. Today science and technology has come to pervade every aspect of our lives.

5. What is the best title for this essay?

A. The Role of Science and Technology in our lives
B. The Importance of Reading and Writing
C. Computer, television and radio dominated our lives
D. The Advantages of computer, television and radio .

What I Have Learned

Now, let us see how much you have learned from this module by completing the following
paragraphs. Choose the correct answer from the parenthesis.

I. I have learned that ___________( 1.persuasive, argumentative) writing presents logical

arguments with emotional appeal in order to sway readers to a particular point of view.
Advertisements often tug
______(2. Newspaper, Health magazines) publish columns about new must-try diets. Travel
brochures convince you where the next trendiest vacation spot is. Persuasive writing is everywhere,
but the writing process is not as simple as just sharing an opinion.
The basic elements of the persuasive writing techniques include:_______(3.
Introduction/Body) which may have a hook or grabber to get the reader’s attention;__________(4.
body/conclusion) wherein evidence will be in the form of facts, reasons, examples, details, etc.

and_____(5. introduction/conclusion) restates the writer’s opinion/position, thesis statement, or

II. In order to be a more influential writer, I learned that the following may utilize by a writer:
A. Tips for Better Persuasive Writing
1. Pick a topic you’re passionate about 5. __________________________________
2. _____________________________ 6. Ask rhetorical questions.
3. Hook the reader’s attention. 7.__________________________________
4. _____________________________ 8. __________________________________
B. Persuasive Writing Techniques:
1. Appeal to Authority 5.__________________________________
2. _____________________________ 6. Rhetorical Question
3. _____________________________ 7. _________________________________
4. Appeal to Trust 8. _________________________________

A. Directions: Read each question below and encircle the letter of the correct answer Choose the
letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Persuasive writing appears across media in the following forms except
A. reviews B. advertisements C. editorials D. news articles

2. ________provides evidence to support the writer’s opinion/purpose.

A. Resolution B. Introduction C. Body D. Conclusion

3. It is a form of writing that presents logical arguments with emotional appeal in order to
sway readers to a particular point of view.

A. Informative writing B. Persuasive writing C. Argumentative writing D. Expository

4. The primary stage of the persuasive technique writing is______.
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Resolution

5. It restates the writer’s opinion/position, thesis statement, or focus

A. Body B. Conclusion C. Resolution D. Introduction

6. What is the main intention of the author when writing a persuasive paper?
A. To convince the reader to write their own counter argument.
B. To raise awareness about issues in the world.
C. To convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue through use of facts.
D. To convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue through the use of
fictional facts.

7. Which of the following is correct about Persuasive writing?

A. It can be powerful,
B. It influences people to believe in a cause
C. It puts out a call to action, like donating to a certain charity or voting for a particular
political candidate.
D. All of the other choices

8. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?

A. To inform B. To persuade C. To tell a story D. To tell 'how-to'

9. What are the basic elements of a persuasive essay?

A. Argument, Details, Thesis
B. Topic sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence

C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
D. Introduction, Details, Thesis

10. What is the sentence that tells the main idea or point of view of the whole persuasive
A. Topic sentence B. Main idea C. supporting details D. Thesis statement

B. Directions: Create a persuasive essay choosing one from the following topics. Use the space
provided for your answer or you can use a separate sheet of paper.

1. Stop Procrastinating! Do your Stuff Now.

2. Stay Home and Fight COVID-19.
3. Victory Over Mobile Games Addiction


Additional Activity

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters enclosed in parenthesis to form the important word/s to
consider in writing a persuasive essay.

1. Pick a ________ (P T I O C) you’re passionate about.

2. __________(R A E T E P) yourself.
3. Ask __________( R E O I A L C R T H) questions.
4. _______ ( R A C R S E E H) both sides.
5. If everyone believes it, it must be true is an example of ______(B N W G N O A D A)
6. Know your ________(A I C U E D N E).
7. ________(E H I E R S A P M ) your point.
8. “Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument.” Is an appeal to
_________(E T O M I N O )
9. Be ________ (E H M I A T C P).
10. _______(K H O O) the reader’s attention

1. B I. 1. persuasive
2. D 2. Health magazines
3. A 3. introduction
4. B 4. body.
5. C 5. conclusion
6. D II. A. -Hook the reader’s attention
7. C -Research both sides
8. B -Be emphatic
9. D -Emphasize your point
10. C -Repeat yourself
WHAT’S NEW B. -Appeal to Reason
Activity 1 -Appeal to Emotion
1. B -Plain Folks
2. D -Rhetorical Question
3. C -Repetition
4. E
5. A
1. C A. 1. D
2. A 2. C
3. B 3. B
4. E 4. A
5. D 5. B
6. C
Activity 3 7. D
1. F 8. B
2. G 9. C
3. A 10. D
4. B B. Answers vary
5. C
7. H 1. TOPIC
8. I 2. REPEAT
3. D 10. HOOK
4. C
5. B
Answer Key

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