Odyssey Socratic Seminar

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Name: _______________________Period: ____________


Remember how to score points on debate:
Discussion Goals:
● Use an appropriate language phrase (1 pt)
● Make a unique claim (1 pt) Make CLAIMS: An argument or opinion that is powerful, unique, and can be
● Refer to a specific moment from Odyssey for evidence (2 pts) supported by evidence.
● Paraphrase another debater's claim (1 pt) Use APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE PHRASES: See handout
● Each student may speak only 4 times (unless you are in debate)
● 4+pts=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0=F

Question/Statement CLAIM/S and EVIDENCE from the texts/your Possible COUNTERCLAIMS and Points PARTNER
(answer, agree/disagree) readings/the world evidence to refute Their
1.Why do societies create Round 1:
heroes? What values do we
expect our heroes to represent
(use textual evidence from
one of your heroes)? What
values did the Greeks expect
their heroes to represent?
2. Odysseus is a good leader. Round 2:
Agree or disagree and why?
Does being a hero
automatically mean that one
is a good leader?
Round 3:
3.What other character/s
could be considered heroes in
the Odyssey? Why?
Round 4:
4.The ancient Greeks truly
believed in caring for
strangers. The media is quick
to praise good Samaritans,
and civic groups still award
medals to humanitarians. But
what forces in our time
threaten to extinguish this
tradition of kindness to care
for strangers? What can we
do to care for strangers in

5. Do you agree with Homer’s Round 5:

structure of the Odyssey (in
media res)? Why do you
think he orders the plot this
way? Does it add or take
away from the story? Why or
why not?
6.Hubris is one of the Round 6:
major downfalls of most
characters in Ancient
mythology. Make
connections to examples
today regarding people
with too much pride.

7. Imagine that a Round 7:

messenger delivers a letter
to Penelope detailing the
affairs of Odysseus. Should
Penelope stay married to
Odysseus? Why/why not?
Would you wait for a loved
one for 20 years?
8. In what ways does Round 8:
Odysseus develop as a
character as the story

Create (and answer) 3 original Socratic Seminar questions that are related to The Odyssey in the space below:



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