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Chemistry Plan and Design Lab

Problem statement: Two brands of margarine are consumed by the majority in Jamaica. Coco
margarine made from coconut and hemp margarine (hemp oil) in marijuana plant. The heart
foundation of Jamaica wants to recommend the healthier margarine to the population. Plan and
design an experiment to determine which margarine is healthier.

Hypothesis: Coco margarine is the healthier margarine and it will require more potassium
permanganate (VII) to reach its end point by the means of titration where it has the more
unsaturated bond than hemp margarine.

Aim: To investigate the concentration of double bonds in two different type of margarine.

Materials /Apparatus: Water, a seal pack of both coco and hemp margarine, potassium
permanganate (VII), conical flask, burette, beakers, measuring cylinder, retort stand, Bunsen
burner, triple beam balance


1.Gather the necessary equipment’s to carry out the lab.

2.Label two (2) beakers A and B respectively.

3.Use an electronic triple beam balance to measure 65 grams of both margarine

4.In beaker A add 65 gram of hemp margarine in beaker A and the same 65 gram of coco
margarine in the beaker B.

5.Set up a retort stand and use a Bunsen burner to heat the margarine in both beakers so they can
melt. Measure 100 ml of water to be placed in each beaker using a measuring cylinder. Stir the
solutions in each beaker.

6.Rinse a burette with distilled water, then fill the pipette to the initial volume of 0cm3 with
potassium permanganate (VII) solution. Measure 25cm3 of the solution in breaker A and pour it
into a conical flask.
7.Titrate the potassium permanganate (VII) against the hemp margarine in the beaker labelled A.
Observe keenly the color change from purple to colorless and then back to purple. Then record
the final volume of potassium permanganate used in the titration to reach its end point.

8.For the solution in the beaker labelled B, pour the same 25cm3 of the solution in a conical flask
and refill the burette with potassium permanganate to 0cm3. Observe the same color change from
purple to colorless until the solution obtains a purple color.

9.Record the final and initial burette reading and volume used in cm3.


Controlled variable: Amount of both margarine

Manipulated variable: Coco margarine and hemp oil margarine

Responding variable: The volume of potassium permanganate (VII) used in both titrations.

Expected results:

It is expected that coco margarine will use the most potassium permanganate (VII) to reach its
endpoint and obtain a purple color from the potassium permanganate (VII). While hemp oil will
use a least amount of potassium permanganate (VII) during the titration.




Burette reading/cm Coco margarine Hemp margarine

Initial volume
Final volume
Volume of acid used
Assumption: It can be assumed that coco margarine has the most double bond while hemp
margarine has the least double bond.


Unsaturated fat containing a high proportion of fatty acid molecules with at least one double
bond, considering to be the healthier in the diet than saturated fat. A double bond is a covalent
bond between two atoms involving for bonding electrons instead of the usual two or single
bonds. Double bonds occur most commonly between two carbon atoms, for example alkenes.
Many double bonds exist between two different elements: for example, in a carbonyl group
between a carbon atom and an oxygen atom. Other double bonds are found in azo compounds
and sulfoxide. Double bonds involving carbon are stronger than single bonds and are also
shorter. The bond order is two. Double bonds are also electron-rich, which makes them
potentially more reactive in the presence of a strong electron and also reactions of the halogens.
The effect of double bond is the key in hydrogenation, double bonds can either be cris or trans
forms (boat or chair shaped) and this affects the bond between molecules and the melting point
of the fat. Also, it is important to know that the longer the fatty acid chain or more saturated fatty
acid present in the fat molecules will make it harder or solid, whilst shorter ore more unsaturated
fatty acid will make the fat softer or liquid.

Based on the experiment the solid margarines were melted and water is added to create a
solution. The hemp oil and coco margarine were both titrated against potassium permanganate
(VII). The coco margarine used more potassium permanganate (VII) during the titration and
changes from purple to colorless and then back to purple obtain the color of the potassium
permanganate (VII) indicating that no further reaction can take place because the solution has
reached its end point. Hemp margarine used less potassium permanganate (VII) than coco
margarine because it reacts quicker with potassium permanganate (VII) and the solution create
with the hemp margarine is stronger compared to the coco margarine solution. Therefore, coco
margarine is the healthiest and is preferred over hemp margarine for the population because it
uses more potassium permanganate (VII) meaning it has the most unsaturated fat or double
bonds. Additionally, the double bond, alkene reduced the purple manganate -4 ions to manganese
2+ ions in each equation.

●The coco and hemp margarine may have been at different temperature after the solid melted.


● Ensure the burette and measuring cylinder is rinsed properly to prevent


●Swirl the solution during titration slowly to prevent the solution from spilling.

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