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Impregnable Bullying: Reverse the Game Flow

Bullying is as impregnable as ever. It’s still dominating our generation; breaking children’s
confidence and character, bringing children to the dark side of life, and badly taking lives of many.
Although somebody says that it’s a usual topic, we must take it seriously. In any means, it must be

According to the data by DepEd, there were total of 19,672 cases of bullying in public and
private elementary and high schools were recorded during school year 2016-2017. Now, there were
almost 100 cases of bullying recorded by them and there’s a possibility of not reporting because of fear,
doubt, shyness of the children involved in that incident.

Imagine those numbers of children that were mercilessly bullied by their fellow schoolmates.
They were unconscious about what’s truly happening with the victim. Those who were bullied suffers
anxiety, low self-esteem, feeling of shame, social isolation, and sleep disturbance. They also have a poor
school performance, lack of concentration and school avoidance that might lead to school drop-outs. It
may also affect the child’s ability to trust others. The worst case scenario: they might suffer extreme
depression that can lead to suicide.

Those bullies were just kids and they’re still unconscious of what they are doing. They might be
seeking some attention to others because they were lonely and feeling unimportant to others. They
might be also jealous or envy of the one being bullied that’s why they were taking their frustrations for
the particular person. Lastly, they might have problems at home that may be physical or verbal abuse
that affects their mind and turns into an aggressive and emotional person. In that case, they might be
also victims.

The government had pushed the anti- bullying law to make sure that the students are studying
in a safe and positive learning environment thus giving them the quality education that they deserve.

Republic Act 10267 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 mandates all public and private
kindergarten, elementary, and the high schools in the county to adopt policies to handle and prevent
incidents of bullying.

The bully will face disciplinary measures such as written reprimand, community service, and
expulsion by the school head depending on how severe the act was.

Laws were imposed to prevent these kind of incident but the change begins with ourselves. We,
especially the parents and teachers, must encourage the students in preventing those activities. The
elders must be a role model for the children by reinforcing their positive social and emotional skills in a
safe environment.

Bullying is like a childish game that has a serious problem that cannot be resolve easily. But if we
faced it positively, we might reverse the flow of this kind of game.

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