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l.{ $)i:i{i* r'N i..}q {.liiF ryi{* rit

Work in pairs and discuss. Doyou prefer otd or new styLes of
buiLdings/houses/f urniture? Why?

2a Make a list of:

. five buildings you can live in (e.9. house).
. five rooms in a house (e.9. kitchen).
. f vF nia.a< f r la o r:hlcl
^f 'rn 'rc
. five machines you find in a house.

b Compare your Lists with your partner

work in pairs and discuss.Which ofthe things in the box do you

use forl

l washing/cleaning?
2 keeping warm/coo [?
3 entertainment/iniormation?
4 food/cooking?
wifirouter centralheating microwaveoven airconditioning
ftat screei television computer freezer oven washing machine
dishwasher shower fridge vacuum cleaner
'sdnor8 raqlo qI^{ seap! rno^ aredLuol l
(ofir. or riqlo iqr ro+ IU
.rsnlu Jo s utuuo-+r.d ;urop u3r Irll Zrql Z^{ou aJn rno^ uror} sslLu no^ Plno^
srtl p.pntiur sro'ssrs.s.tu siLUr].uros a)irr no,( plno^ sSulqlleql
leql zt!uoqe
nar.\!q p(r )lrx or 8ullt.\) i.'.r. 'oBe srea{ perpunq e 3ll ol )lreq oB plno)
.r.rp.ior 1.,3 or,it'ur€-+.loq{ rqr.Lo-} no^ aulBeult ssnrsrP Pue sdnor8 ur )loy' Pt:
lluourpcrt oslr sE.r rt 1iulru\\puxq
rusqrplo purt lEli.ds .) nqdcl;'rl'r:) ure] esaql Suunp oP leq/\\ 8
asruil Pp
iurslt.t.rd ro (r.dEd qr.{ r-'r-to pur) ^l t.S s.lLl.rPl ^eql
esauPdefPLp u.lo,' oH 1
pn.ds O !urn:rro Surop -nuulu.ds loP alioad sal^lre
u.Uo .tdoid iunoi :siuNd.l \aq-L ) tsrlrp lo sPu )l oMl lPLl^\'uedPf 9 u
'o;€ srD.i p.rfrn! ! rlrortriu'xtJ z,sreMol PU ,\r\
rurur!.rp r sr srtJ .ttp nl.\. s-nuxi e^eq sasnoq P p rlPPlN eql u s
iur{tld ro ^qM'lse:j,srsnoq-aAP),
s.Nrqlt!q e
plP o\\Uo^f;{
a;€ri\. uc u i^Ll^o)rntpue ureis u eldoed Ptp,{qA t
zsa^lasLuaqt qseM alcoac P P u.llo €
tu.ds :ldo:d ;un oi ': tdrueri .rol ^\oH
llEd'rf ut n.mdLoo. pu| s^.l. s.^lo\ll' isaqlol) s,^l Lupl eqi
3u rlspM rol asn {iqt pp
r.leM q)nur MoH z
s.\fpEr\ou ruioq .qr ur nl.u'
lseqlop rreql qse^
rqnclocL rsou'
orlJ tuaulultrritlug
ot raleM leaq aldoad p P Moq ')n all] u L
u !!ol 1r loor ol:sno! :qr Punoru n_u'qsi.{\ suolsanb aqlia^ sue Pue uleSP xal allt peeu
1. N ;u|q ot si.rtd .tuxu u L uourtuo. osltr -!u.{\ lJ .snoq -.qr trl
Surnolu.rrN.!|d.:rl 01f.dt.i{ qJq{,srir\or turN. poqs.u"lruos 's€aPlrno^)lraqr 4l
Pue lxel eqr PeaU
1slrE .tpprt^[ lqr $ srs.oq puY s.{opul\\ 3i]lcl put s8ul.. qirq
p l rlarjo s.snoq llrqro r!*.eld pui loor s{c.{\|r si.\l .srsnoLl
-a1er. assrp ur re.qI unrrm)u' tJo eprs .r! ur Isor.ql u' ?uaururPlalua Pue lool 3u rdaa) 'Sulqse \
lnoqe )ulqf zsrea,{ 001 lsel sql ul PaSueq)
nr. s.lort :sa,\er,{!nd .a q)trI,\sasnoq rt p.\rl
.r.lseq /v{oH ss,rrslp pue srrPd u lloM
',(-)rnl pun ur|ds.II] s..!td rluos ul p.lslx. ;tr'uo 0puor
rD !Lr.po!!r ou 1r.!1n1q toor srsnoqino d.:I ol;ut!()u'ttror
rr! irNq r.{'siEPPr\oN s.urunor iuhrl.ldo.dro-1
roq ur BulpeeX
,( 0r.adsi r:\e,{oq iruold. ss.!\ :roor 3u!daa)
u.rt.]r) 3r0 ur qll1 aqr ?trrs']os N \llllou E err.r\l 'sarloql rno^ uleldxo
.ro ir.uo itlro rlt.q E prq:tdo.d lsolrl puP Nr sI lI sc iruoud N pue ra,r,rsue -rnoX areduof sdnorB u1)roy' 4
rtrrs rou sE,$ urat.;urd..) trl)rrrlo
slati'nq.{r)irs oq€ s.rlot. lno,{ ro} Luat q)pa sr lLtelodut n'o|1 9
s..(lLLu!-I eqllJe
rtsrN of^.W
u.qI'I.rtl j^q,\\ lr-lltM s&alqord
u.rq poor I uo I pelD.rtu.$ PUE
a^pq ueuo no{ op sLlratr oq1}o qrrql €
riEIIr^:rLIr ur dlrr.rtqnd D uo.u.r.le.!\ z,{]\oL-r u arP
r.r!\ijurLloq no^ Surpl nq .ql u are sLuatl .ql lo qr q/\\ z
srqt p.t.i or trlrro iiql
2{epo1 pasn no( e,req sLuet €qt lo qr qA\ L
lo sqrt i;nq u' s.qtot.r.qr p.qs€.{
.tdo.d pu! r.l'r,\\ ;u'urnr oo j.r
a'rqr 'suorlsanb aLlt rts/.^suP Pue 8133ed
'.ldurE)i. ro.I ) surd ul
rn uo € ssDrdro u! xoq oql ur sLrelr oql le lool P!:
's.t|Iqrlru :rrys!,!\ .^rq t. upr p .tdo.d
isnl].!q ;t rt|1nslro.-!rul] puE rtnr$rp
'€tqelfs p.ssarrs €qr
roor slr.{ seqlop Sultlse.\\
'pnu or uotluaue tutled 3proM 3L]1 3ur,(es .stperd €
!b_u s.l?r{ p punq y ::urqsl:\\
lrqr.)urs itsno' e patupq. snt +rl.i|Np q.rq,\ raqspMLls P !a^o a^P^\oD u
| .(p.\Jr-.. .:,r '-rr'. | | ro.r' itr.rJ '.. tro ratior ]a raueatr urinrp^ aurqreu 8Lr qseM
i!^ p.lrr ptros.qr r:no n:tdo.d oiE s.r!:.{ p.rpunq \ '))rq)Pueu.Fn sProM uo ssa[s.qr ]revt? d tt tL z
'Mo]oq sunou Punoouo) €qr ua.MFq
ssa4s u!r)u.J.#!P aqro1uersllr. 6 ll 1l I
Grammar focus 1
,r!r.,, r'i:,i,irirr i:tr,.rr,t': :.t t, ,: ::, 'l Number the sentences in the corect order l = most
probabte,s = least probabte.
'I a t deflnltely won't happen.
Read the comic strip from the '1950s and answer b t'Lldef n tet happen.
the questions. c t may/rnight happ€n.
1 What yeaf are the chafact€15 talking aboLrt?
d t llprobably happ€i.
2 What fooms do they look at?
e tprobabtywonthapper.
2a Do probably and definite I come before or after wiil?

Work in pairs. Find aLt the predictions in the comic b oo probably and definitety come before or after wor't?
strip and put them into three groups.
. things that are posslble now
. things that are not posslble now
. things that may happen ln ihe futufe


v0! (0!

You wu:i negd to

9o to the cinemo. You'll,
w<tcn novat ln your own
living roon!
':: .
zsalnu u aarql ul
]eql^ .
asnoq rno^ aleu-r ot l^oq lnoqe e^13 no^ plno) sdll ^ssslrl
Mou) no^ oC .
/Surupel) lnoqE sdrt lensnLrn raqlo true (rM
Z ras' loL Lrr
Zlr:IUnotr ra!louE
ro asn no,( plno^^ aurtle.r8ord o PPr aqt ul sdLr aql +o q)!q/Y\ .
o^ o] o6 ,no,{ )ur!t} noI oC
'ssnrslp PuP sdnolS ul)lloy' t
-seaplino^ ereduror
Pue sdnor8 ul )lo A q
ue^o iqi ut seleld lnd 3
ia^ oqs.ql ur sSulql
^llP lnd ,
L 3Eq qslqqnr e ul s8ulql lnd e OL
s.drM qll^ -L aLll lPap P 6
punolP rouaqsa4 rle r 'Plo sreaxool aq 01 e^tl I
tooP aql ^Prds q 'erleuolllL!e^Ieu-I
lallol aql ul q)eilq lna e laPlo
ur, uaqM r Pq a^eq
'u.l3ql reaq -
'09 ur,t Laq^ qol
noxrapro aql u! suotpru$u! aql laqLunu Pue uleSe ua$!] q
'sslels pelrun oql lLsl^
q)eolq ]o aluoq uaq^^ opE^jtuno] eqt ur a^tl
e' -lgraplo ru,lI €
leUeell ulnnfe^ e t
'iaqrPat uell
rauoqser, rle . lrueq qsllSu: )eads oi ureal
-l ^ur Iz
sBeq qsrqqnr e8rel ' '^rlunor raqloue ul .^ll or oB | L
seoL^ . -
'sPep! u/!\o
euolluaLu X6ql oP ^^oleq rnotr qll,r sarueluas aroL! o^u
- PPv no,( ro,
sSullll eqt,o q)lqi aLuluerSord olPer aql ol ualsll € 6 (9 e€ arul uraql a)pLu pue saruauas - aql atelduo] eZ
'srarvrsue rnor( pue srled ul)iro,{ q
zlou / zelqlssod
ueil) ol /{oq
^q,\ e^q/t
slslql lulq] no^oo salnulur aarql ulasnoq
no^ sllel qlrq^ eurluerSold olPer Bol ualsll olSulo8ale no Z seuoqd aulpuel areldar sauoqd slrqoh
7 / I
qooq / / aldoad I
ulerl ^nq / eldo.d 9
/ lo^erl
'$Ll e a)eh zasnoq rno{ ueal) 01 Poau nox op sSurllleLl,^ '
ser^our q)le.^ ot
^q/ tno oB / €ldoad s
lslql rnoqP slP€ur
oH zasnoq rno,( ul Sulu€el) aql s.oP )ool / sloqo! t
lee, no^ oP oq^ ' MOU Ueql
/slqi lnoqe laeJ no^ oP oH
^ . uaqrlrl eqt url alutl sssl Pueds / eldo.d €
2^l rupl/asnoq rno^ ur uosrad lsalssaLu^salPl] 0q1sl ollM pillr
e XllProuoB lqSlaM rno,{ / gorrrLu uroortllp€
2uorad,{ssaLLl e ro uoted ro^ arv '
sisnoq ur a^tl/ aldoad L
'ssn)s!P Pue srled ul)roy' L '/r^ou L!or, sreeX 0s lnoqP
suolplpard e)pu ol,1^oleq stdLtrord aql €so eL
$ii:\{,lli\.tl iSii}Jr.l,\ i.ll +r\5ll{}lll \l Illl'iiil:) l:i. l
turleeds Pue Surualsll l)lr)vud
Ad.jectives for describing ptaces Did liell you? l'm moving out of my parents' house soon?l l've
found a lovely fat to reni and l'm rcally excitedl lt's n a nice
area and the streei is really quiet. But there is ashopjusi down
1 Work in groups and discuss. the road, and a livey caf6, which s great.
. Do most people thatyou know live with The flat s attractive - it ooks quiie srna lrom the ouiside, but t
their family, tive with ffiends or live atone? feels spacious insid€. The best room isthe kiichen - it's mosily
' At what age do people in your country whiie and very modern. Just my siyelThe living room is nice,
Lrsuatty move out oftheif parents'house/ ioo. lt's a large, comfortable room ard ai ihe momert, ii's goi
ftat? Why do you think this ls7 oldJashioned furniiure n it, but lthink my furniture wil look
really good;n ihere. Also, there's a doorio ihe garden, which
is lovely. And the garden is small and quiie prlvaie ... mosily
2a Read Ceorgia's emaiL and answerthe srnry. bLl wlh a ,rice shady a€a for sining. Tfe€s a s-a I
questions. bathroom, and lwo bedrooms - one's quite dark, but th€ oiher
1 Who do you think Ceorgia is writing to?
is rea ly ighi and sunnyl
2 Why is she writing? l'm attaching some photos ofiheflat. Of course, it will ook
3 Which is her favourite room? differeni wh€n I move myfurniture ln, bui what do you think?
Do you ike ii?l!

Read the emaiL again and Look at the Gxx

photos that Georgia attached to her
email.which photo is different from her
description in the emait?

look at the adjectives in th€ boxand answer

the questions.

r.odern sunny light small attractive

shady lively quiet large private
old-fashioned dark comfortabLe spacious

1 Which word means the opposite of:

. modern?
. sunny?
. tight?
. small?
2 Which word has a sirnilar meaning to
3 What is the diffefence between gulefand

4 Which word describes a place:

. where lots of things are happening?
. which is nice to look at?
. which makesyou feel physicatty relaxed?

Cross out one adj€ctive which does rotgo

with the noun in boLd.
1 a rcom old-fashioned / large / dark / Lively
2 akitchen light / spaciaus / shady /
3 a stteet confottable / quiet / attractive I
liveLy Choose eitherth€ house/flat you Live in now or a house/
4 a garden: sunny / shady / lively / private flatyou woutd Liketo Live in.Work in pairs andtake turns to
5 a cat6: madern / shady / spacious / small describe it.

It's a sma , modern house in a qulet area oftown.

There ls a sma , sunny kitchen - yolr can see the
garden from the window The garden is very sunny.
))aqJ PUP zlL aSed uo s 6ldlDs olPnP le )ool q
' e-rJd. SJrddoq'Me" e (lrd)-
lr ,{at€lduor (a8ueqr) eare aql 9
]lel (eq)- rl]lerl aq1'arlual uMol eql
ol iuror 01 (lupM) aldoad arour sP uoos sV S
's^rlrerlle 0loul (aq)
'BurproJar aql uo sauo 3ql eare aql'(oB)-- uorlpls ra^ od plo aqlreuv t
q{.M suollPra^uo) ino^ereduro) q Pue ua$!]9 6 'uolrL).p e (a)Pu)- arolaq sEePl
ul rLaLll rol aldoad lerol ()se) ^aqt .rns ur.l €
''' uaq^ no^ iuoqd ll,l lnq 'luaLuoL| (eq)
€loldr o' ^.ql
aql tP )roM te {snq Xla^ u], ,\ oul l,uop | ;€
.tro\ rqr lle uoqv prseald { d^ (ra)
-eare aqt
- |z
jurp8e roqto qrea oos ol3ulo3 al arE ueqM oS:V 9 ulsossaulsnq laqlo
. .]r (dlaq) 1r 'steu Meu
(plrnq) ]t L
'os adoq | :8
Zres{ srql e a^eq ol SuroB no.{ aiv :V ! 'sts)lrerq u!qre^ parof,
oqljo t!ro,^aqr
sP e^e€l ol &eM jlr aleq I oN :€
''' ualM / sP uoos^pptoq aql ql!^ sa)ualuas aql elalduro) Pue ua$ll5 6ul ez
iMou arou qofr' ou rno^3ur{ofua no( arv:v t
''' se uoos se auros,(nq pue 03ll, iou qo :€ '"2PePr Peq e
1o31,ua^eq ay' :V €
i)llur ro eeP pooS P sr ueld eql )ulqt uosr.d qrea seoo z
''' ll &lunor eql |-]r
e rol 03 lq8 ur ay' :€ llnoqp 3ur)le] uolad qrpe s ueld qr qy' L
puo)ooM sLql .rru areqr' Suro8 no^ arv z :v 'suo!$anb eql rslt^sue Pue
''' uaqM 1r oP ll, 'unh 'qo :€ supld aql lnoqp3ut)ilel oldoad rnol o1ua5119,6qg q
Z^ ou )roMauroq rno,{ oP no^ Plno) LlO :V L la
'Pnole suo!lEsrs^uof,
a^ql Z$aq
rno^Surppar esrpprd seapr ur o rno,( ql!/v\ o)ll no,( op ueld q:rq/\ 'ssnrslp pue srled u!)ro/\
suo!*sra^uo) aql aleldurof eleo ulIlo A Pz 'slet,,o )lrolq e ro laloq e 'artuer 3ulddolls e'eureulc
e qlli ll a)eldar ol suPld erP sraqf ercL!^ue pesn
].usl u,{ ot Jo orluar eql rPeu uollels ,ra plo uv e
)ueq.ql ur^auour LlSnoua e e{r4 ^od L
/a eq Ise uoos se sseulsnge yeTs lA /ueF I I
'PUO)aaM S ql euJoull
lsp")$il $l.l.l!l
e!ioto6ll!^ 'aU.]\a^eqn!/ Ie^eqIt\
l06 I
arulo ue ut qol e teoilJ a "iiir,{lO pu$ ii$qfnA f.r'lilsjts $\sLritl $tl{3$iild
/ 9a6 aq 'eenor s q qslull11!M I saqsluu aq )a\Y 9
,(trsr€A un ot oB ot elqBagl,uo,,tl z snf,ol reuurerD
/ l,uer l'sr.uexa sspdl,uo$ / sszdl,uoP | ! s
^ur 'qo[ Mau raq sl]Pls
eqs arol.q elerlsnv Puno)e la^e4lI^ / sle^PJlaqs I
'aeJ6e la I saarae euafuete
ueLlM Su Pl nq /\\.u$lllM I yets fagl e
'uoluldo r eqt rol sPuolrl )s?
,,1 1/ }|Je 'uolslraP e a)Pur ^ur
n!^ la\eur Iaap? z
'erluer ul ol aql ul 6sno! P
tnq r^ / ,tnq t'gal )anag e F6 la I p6 aal/ L
'sr3,1 suP ]farJor oql asooq] I
lseuootte pue lail,l4 ua./'^raq .ru.riglP €qlslleq/y\ t
aqr to asnep .€qro .ql u! sauor urot q€^ qrrLll s
zuolag Pue
Jale5puooste'uaq l!!a1,te s.uo) urol qra^ q)!q/\\ z
2arnu aqr F ru.$rd aqr orr.tar a)u€lu.s
q)e.s€oq Z aslrioxo u!siru. €s.qrtpu!e?etoot I

Plan a cafe ma keover

. Llvety caf6 - popular with locaLs and

hoL daymakers
. Comfortabte terrace on ihe beach
. - sunny 365 days a year
BeauiifuL vlews
. Clean, modern interiorwlth attractive decof
. Deticious iropical Jood
. Wide setection of hot and cold drinks
. Potite, atientive staff walt ng to serve youl

lq L m ..ct .f l"rlar^u,n qt Lna

Preparation :r. . i .r "r'.. :.": i,\i .

Read the information on the website and answerthe

'I Where is the B[ue Pafiot Caf6?
2 Who owns it?
3 Do yo! think it seems to be a good pLace to go?
F nd four reasons why.


t o8en8uel lnlssn <
'upld $sq aql uo aej8v lsaq rql are seaPr-tno^leql
sluaPnlsraqp aPensjad 01^rl Pue dnorB raqloue qll/t^ lro A
'dnor3rno( u!se.p!jo tsn P eleN eZ
q pLre e aSPnSuPi tnrEsn <
'Preoq nueur iql ')le 's8u luled
Zu]aq]urel} ar no^ llM
ro "fta s)oo)'sral eM rol sLuatl)uuP/Pool 'arnl urnl 'srnolol
. p e)eh . lnoqe)urqll)ooleql
Mau laB no^ lly' zl 0l Jo 15ll
zel eql ,ll.s nox 3u e^eq
^res op seaPrtEqM
e^ordrlr nox llrM r' oH lllM pooJ Jo put)l 1ew\
e)!ruas )u!P Pue Pool ernl!urnj puP ro)3o
'paeu no^ saserqd/sPro/v\ Aue roJ req)eal lno^)sV /,^olaq
suorlsanb aqlSulrn'a)eur ol sluaura ordLlllerli oPlrap pup sdnorS u!)rol
'alel torred aq€ aql s^ordur ot dleq
rno^roj Polse a^eq sotlel Pue eull
'xoq aBPnBuel
lnlesn aql ulrP3q no^saserqd tsql )rlt gjef loxed anlg aql
a ordl!! ol oq Sulssnrslp srauoFnr o,Mt ol ustsll 1 6 E
^ Ul
;ppq ro PooS eruelradxa ,sJauJoFD q)Pe
se A gJef lorred anl€ eqllo s.Me!^ar sql Peau rled uluoy' z
?'5".TiIqffi'q-tu1Tt--ryITr.F. r 1:fqTYll.{r*alrl
'uo)iorq seM o6p4€qr€sne.€q a.L ro stlllp plo. iL€ a^eq l !p p eq p Es aq
,' h aldo.c i,,^ t 'selo. oMl rol potw ea uaqM $turp p oc oalloc ro eer l€s l,uplp
'' ol qt P,3,{\ pPsr€uaoaqI 6uurou elo.elo. erolu luaa ^iuolpue€lMIn ruopuol o^Pc ^aql
'_ ol paPDaP.^,./1 r $lulrp plo. oN
suo!snpLrot rno^ Bu l1uas€rd ) |p oc araa sd q.
'' lor rq8lu €tdo.d'a^6r.dx. trr.^ srpoot aqlll sq plelunq sEMr.6rnq s,pueqsnq,4u €sroM solrql atl€u 01Ltuae polPd
plE tneluMo Iu sEM ! pesrel€aorl palEtduoc L !.qM qlnou Iu rur.q
-asnprrq Ptnoqs.M)ur{ 1,UoP pue ua^o o^eaorolu P oq.L rll €u^€c
I lort os sM uo4€uEc, Erc.ds qs!],
''' ol e€p PooB e s,]r)tu ql1,uop ra3!ruas apnu
+ pool |nl.{e
suatqord SuFs.)stc q
''' €{r sPM pool €r.1t lEqa lno pu I or lup p €M iqnuFo eql
2 '1nd aM Prls daqr\\ 6uD€a €snou E s€a €reLI puE rEq aql lE po|@ | pa ^eF !e eeu rno aoF€ uolorq
-'p|ioqs.a)! rl1 ar€M srEqc .Lt! ]o auos ple Atr p pue p o partoo rc.ap 6q.L luErnere €ql u
souolsr5 .ql aaa €a lo@d 6nt€ aqt t€ t€a ol u6M ea !.qM :xl e 66ei\
^tuo \L iol lrnla, ualaseld e IoN
t!( raueaP/ sfo tr€ds arou /rall.q)foot an
, (3!rnd/Sutrutpd/BurBueqr)lioqEAoH saa^dtz :tnyt^v \ :s€r^a0 :rood + t
suo!1s€33n5 3ut)eN P ,1
:sa€r^aro rpooc +
.! :saor^a 0 :ualFcxS \ r+i!
apnf ts uo quern€rsar 99lo 99 oN 9lec prrPd anlg
Find out first View
IA Work in pairs and discuss. How much 2a You are goingto watch a video about Masdar City. Before
do you know aboutAbu Dhabi in the you watch, checkyou understand the meaning ofthe
United Arab Emirates? Try to answer words and phrases in thegtossary beLow.
the questions below.
Where are the lJnited Arab
from the beginning
e North Africa notfarfrom one side to the other
not in ihe centre (of a city)
b CentraL Europe
far from one side tothe other,
c Middle East,Asia
What does Abu Dhabi's weatth
come from?
a banking
b coal
O Watch thevideo and decide ifthe statements true (T),
false (F)or don't know (?).
c oil and gas
3 What isAbu Dhabisurrounded by? 1 The presenter betieves that Masdar City is a true city of
a aesert the future.
b lakes The buitding of Masdar City willcost 518 bittion.
c mountains 40,000 peopte live there at the moment.
4 What is the ctimate inAbu Dhabi? 4 Afteryou parkyour car on the outskkts of the city,
a very coro someone drives you to the centre.
b very hot and dry The cartravets under the city of Masdar City.
c very hot ana wet Masdar City has a lot oftaltbuitdings.
7 The streets of Masdar City are simitarto the streets of
Abu Dhabi.
Go ontineto check your answers
It is cooler in Masdaf than in Abu Dhabi.
or ask your teacher

Search: llnitedArab Emirates / 3a Look at the phrases from the video. Do they describ€
Abu DhabiweaLth / Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi(AD) or Masdar (M)?
geographicalfeatures / Abu Dhabi 'I ... one of the fastest-growing cities on the ptanet.
cL mate
... a new green city...
3 ... free for pedestrians to enjoy, with no traffic.
... taLler towers and ... wider highways ...
... surprisingly comfortable...
... the streets are narrow and shady...

b Watch again to check.

rno^eieduo) Pue srled u!l.iol^ q
'a^l ol erPld PooB &a^ e o)ills)oolll
asneraq rePseN ul e^ll ol a^ol P,l
^1ll alLl
sualqord p oM raqlo uo^lio^od
uollllq 8LS
Puads olrelleq iq 1l)ulql I
'sauo l au Pllnq ol lou
- lertnau-uoqrer a-loLu Pue reuee]S
sartLr rno eleLu ol lueuodlul s,]l
'rqo e-laqM^ue
uaddell ra^a lM lL )u tll l,uop I lnq "
lualuUedxe 3Ullsalelu! ue 5l lPPser{
2a8ueq) oS sl..lF aql uL
3u!|]orl puor rle ^rlM
paau t,uop e^ PUP
ee) rleql Bursn a)ll eldoad (1!l ul
iarnlnj srE) lnoqllM ssltl) -lPPseN
a)ill selrlr arour Plrnq ol Paau a A
'uoluldo u/!\o
rno^ Bu:^!B lualualpF e 3l!4\A aqu[
aar8enp/.a8e no^ op q)!q^\
rePsehl lnoqe sluaLuaPls eql le )ool et
/v\a!^ Puo A
may , might, will definitely, etc. Present tense after i, when and other time words

l wiL definitely 1 'Th€ fir5t conditional'

We use will det iret when we are sure something will happen. The fcLause maii clause
negative of ihis phrase is delir,tely wor'r.
We will definitely be out tananaw evening. lfwe have tine, we llga and see sa?h.
1 definitely wont get thete befare 5 o clock.
use a presenltense in lheifclause and afuture
z witl prcbably fom in the main clause. Thisform isoften calLed thefirst
we use witt probably when we arc fairly sure something wilt conditionat. We use this for something rhar might happen in the
tdppen. I he le8afve of tI'is ph?se is probably 4 an1
We will prcbably be out tonotow evening. ' We can aLso use oth€r furure forms or a modal verb in the
I prcbably won't get there befarc 6 a clock.

lftheweathe/sgood, we rcgoingto play tennis later.

3 naylmight Ityau're very goad, I might buy you an icecrean.
. we can chaigeihe position ofthey'clause and the marn ctause.
We use naylnight ta say ir' s posible that something witlhappen.
t'U te ll yo u if a nything un us uat happens.
The negative of these verbs is nay nat I might not.
If anything unusuaI happens, I'U tel| you.
We nay/night be aut tonarrow evening.
t hay not / night not get there befare 5 a clack.
2 when, as soon as, before and after
. We a{so use a prcsenttense afterwrenandas5oora5totalk

I ideClqr i aboutthingswearesurewitlhappeninthefuture.
Wher\|e get hane, t llshowyau ou new kit hen.
1 Put the words inthecorect order to mak€ sentences.
1 arive / definitety / won't / 10 o ctock / before / We t'll phone yau as toon as we affive. (= | witl do this jmmediatet)
2 for / There / not / food / everyone / might / enough / be I ll phane yau wheh we aftive. (= it's nor so urCenr)

3 p.obabLy / spend /this year / at home / wilt /

thesummef/We Renember to tuth aff all the Lights beforc you go.
4 might / | / the children / larer / rake / swimmjng After t graduate, t'll take time off to think about ny future.
s not/time / be /There /enough /may
5 iomorrow / you / see / won't / I / probably
7 The / weather / tomorow / better / get / may I PRACTICE 2
8 definitely / a / will / be / lt / game / difficult
1 Choose the corect .nswers.
2 choosetheoption (., b or<) that mean5thesame asthe '| |tell |'Iltellyouif I see I Usee him.
2 | cook | 'lI cook difetget / ?i gef hom€.
as soon as we

1 | promise I ll rhink about it.

3 My / night cone to visit when they 6ome / wili
.ome back frcm hoLiday.
a l'lld€finiteLy b I might c ILlprobably
2 lt s possibLe we'll buy a house abroad.
4 \ / 'Ilgive you ny enailaddress before l9o / ?go.

a We lLdefinitely b We definitety wont cWe might

5 lf she pases / l{pass her exams, I a'' / ?i 6e very surprised.

3 I don't think they'lt change their minds.

6 | phone | 'lI phone het wher flni* / 'llfinish ny honewatk.

a They probably won't b They might c They may

7 lf | 90 / will go to rhe supermarket, | 6uy / ?buy some miLk.
4 There might betoo many people.
A He enaik / witemail tonight if he /rai / Ilrave time.
a Im surethere'lt blhere may c I'm sure th€r€won't
9 lt it ft ins |' ll rain, I don't go / won't go ta the bea.h.
5 l'm fairly sure it'tt cost abour S40.
10 lf he gefs / 1l9et thejob, he 1l Doye / rove to Shanghai.
a lt might b lt'llprobabty c lt'Lldefinitety
6 He mightnotgive meihe day off.
a I'm sure hewon't b l'msure he'll c ltl possible he won't
7 l'm sure the chiLdren witt be in bed when you arrive.
a The chitdren witldefinitety b Th€ children might
c The chitdren probably won't
8 | definit€Ly won't lose it.
a Im fairtysu€ iwon't b I'm notsure lwon't
c l'm very sure l won t

Foute s,aFql ped /(t6 nItanbtu ^eu!a^lI
'zloa ul
+ltngseMri - ltPeqs / uePou tue^ sr ssnoq M.u rl.tll
'uns3qloasra^3u u€r no,^ PUe MoPulM
ll€r!5 alo s,araql-)JeP / rnlrr€rre,to^ sl arulo
^tuo ^l^
i{ePlle.raq sltfvld DNtstulstc tol s:t^lrfltlov
sr plos slqt 5
Anco | - alqeuoluo / ,rapo@
^e!s '.roqr saoS
- isnoq .q1 Jo do1 3ql 1e uoar fla^ll pE a^,t
/ at?^ld e ^Poqou ,
's334 a8r€l ler.^.s
rapun uaprpS aqlJo ued rq6t / rpegs aql ut 1es ./t €
oBe sresf ParPUnq P r.^o
apeu.l uapow / pauolqset-Pro seM.rnrturnl aqlJolsow z
'^Poqtua€ ro] uoor
INil,ldlnO:l Nllool^]
,o fruatd qrn - rro.rr€ds / fr.r, sea uoor Suoeaur 3qI !
'si.asue rrarror 3q1 .sooq:r z
' /s3u srq 8!r'pleM
seMsq.sneraq pu.).aaIe.uoq rP pa^Pls phec ot
l3ur ro, raleM
suoq (raB) ,, I sP se Pretr e (^nq) I r€
loq s,sraqi-.qi urBuotos spuadsi.r.!d 6 ',oos "
^uers^au -Pto) oor s,l pue il.&ol l,uopuq')o
(r,3) Je, $ 1 roPl :€
u.)tojq sr-aql asner.q pssop 3q1 8 -ea
no^ aroJ.q prptr fepq!Lq e €urpler0 Puos olroquiuial :V
aql utrauutur aarqllnoqe utoFlod Poteq € aleur uer I l is)UeLll :8
' {LU ut upeD ar jo daat s^eAlp | 9 iua€ 3^PH :v
3uaqlv ULPUa)aaM1eor3 e
^ruald '3pFur)rnis
'^\orourol no^ aas lesrB i)o :v
sr\ro r,(u lle .tlr4 tq8 L tset atoro ,{h S
'.rouIue Pueij ,(q sa*id oor'et.;uv ()5e) 6I ',eur 1(e^eq)-s In arns r€
dqr te t\ea o- c^eq - Joa I os' sal e ron e^,1 t 1o^ure)-, ruaqM rof (a!oqd)-, ileare :v
'rq8!u Ie toor ou rdq I rnq ',{stou sP/'\ aqI €
u^3sq1o1(oB)-r arojaq (auror)-r L)o :€
'-.qlulta.ME oi dnro, q$4^]a^)illur dsaiuer no^ z '34ua) uoptaqs aqlle u d O€:5 :V
- lll sl .t1r 1req/^ )o :€
23s€ld' eql ra8 no^upl 4lear strco aql L
^u!p aao!ouo]
u36ap uapret uo )te1e or.uor ol a)tlno^ Ptno/l^ :YZ
ratnor u-tM uolst^aFl u.3Ds leu :€
raMoqs riqse/sqstp eutqreu BulqsP 'auroq G.B)
Sutreaq te4u3r puv
I sp roos se soloqd oqr nof (Ieur.)-? |
'or.^olP,a,M :€
'spro^\ 3q1ro or pa.u lou
op no^ xoq €ql u! sproM .qlqtM s.ruaru.s .qr €l.Furo) I Pue[ors utrxau (.q)-L
nofuaLt/i iur q1M ple auo)lsnur zr'r Pue no^
^e$ '3uorl.M arinol :€
rr15v!"al PUa)aaM e rol qteql
qJ.^ aqrlo urol rrsror 3q1 qIA suollesra^uoc aql.relduo)

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