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At least 23 students died in a fire at an Islamic school in Malaysia. The last major fire

disaster in the country happened 20 years ago.

Ahmet Rasim Terziakın I would like to express our condolences to our Malaysian brothers
and sisters from Turkey. Allah may give patience to those who lost their relatives. I wish
immediate health for injuries. May Allah gave them Firdevs Heaven.

It is so heartbreaking, May Allah help and give patient those who lost their beloved ones. I
hope that those who injured in this horrific event will recover immediately ins.

Teri Sandhovel-Gallardo Jesus, help the families who had to say good bye to their loved
ones. God, please bring peace and comfort to their hearts. Amen ...oh and help us learn to live
in peace. Though the world may be warring around me, I can live in peace and be at peace
with what the world calls my enemy. Amen

Aziaton Afzan Ibrahim Sadly, it is not the first tragedy of tahfiz school (fire, abuse, molest,
all in 2017). Touchy subject to be discussed. Government having hard time to regulate these
"school" funded by public and running their own syllabus and system. They keep
popping...See More

Han Myat Thu With those who are most affected victims

Very sad

Those who had died in their religion, wish you God's blessing.

Esther Swarupa Rani Oh God.What a sad thing it is!.Its really tragic.Were they burnt
alive.Oh god help the bereived families.May hod console them.

Numan Ur Rehman Extremely sad and heartbreaking to hear loss of young students May the
departed souls rest in Jannah and May Allah gives strength to the families who lost their
invaluable asset Ameen

Abdulrahman Siyaka I sympathise with the family of briefs and the entire Malaysia at large.
May Allah replace all the lost, Amin👏

Ahwan Cahpati Deep condolences for the victims. The teachers and staff in this islamic
boarding school should supervise all students' goods. Conducting routine sudden inspections
to all rooms, then take the dangerous goods belongs to the students may an alternative way to
avoid this massacre

Basia Jaafar I refused to listen or even watch the news on innocent young children got
burned to death due to negligence of the adult.

Abdul Muhaimin Hey guys, latest news.. A group of drug addicts who were responsible
burning the madrasa. And all were caught by the police.
Nuux Muuse Keysar It is really very sad days, I am sending condolences to all of the
families of the deceased students and the teachers and also all Malaysian People. May Allah
give patient tothose who lost their children and relatives. May Allah grant them all

Atik Suryahatikah Innalillahi wa inna illaahi roji'un ... I am so sorry for your lost , really

may Allah gives all strenght and blesses for all parent

Özer Arpat Yani trt world devamlı suriye ve dünyadaki müslümanları konuşuyosunuz başka
ülke yokmu şu koca gezegende. Başka hiç bi halt yok. Ya kardeşim mecburmuyum ben 7/24
müslüman görmeye islam konusu tartışmaya başka haber yokmu. Belçikada hiç bişey
olmuyomu veya arjantinde müslüman da mı yok. Devamlı uzak doğu müslüman ülküleri
devamlı suriye bıktım artık yaa

Rashid Majid one of the deadliest fire incident in Malaysia due to arson. Yet, the temporary
building's safety standard failed to be helping the students to escape.

‫إِنَّا هّلِل ِ َوإِنَّـا إِلَ ْي ِه َرا ِجعون‬

Dewan G Ahmed Real tragedy. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Grant these innocent
children best places in Jannah. May their parents and relations have the strength to bear these
irreparable losses & pains. We like to share our thoughts with them.

Ayman Yusof We have to really 'innovate' those grills! Times have changed from keeping
robbers out, what about letting people out in case of emergency??

Shahina Mujib Innalilahi wainnailihirajion V said I am sending condolence to all families

teachers and alsoMalaysian peoplesMay Allah Tala gran them allJannatul Firdus Aaameeen
Summa Aaameeen

Kamilah Camelia Rasheed KUALA LUMPUR: Investigations into the fire at the Darul
Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz centre in Jalan Keramat Ujung, here was not caused by a short
circuit, said Director of the Kuala Lumpur Fire and Rescue Department, Khirudin Drahman.

Khirudin said the forensic findings and the Energy Commission confirmed that the electricity
circuit from the school building’s main switch was in good condition.

“We found that the fire had spread in a strange and unusual way, quickly and in a big way.
Usually, if the cause is a short circuit, the main fuse box would ‘kick’ and it would take at
least 30 minutes for the fire to spread.

“Based on information from the victims who were saved (witnesses), the fire also started
from outside the door of the hostel, trapping them in. In addition, there were two gas canisters
there, which could have contributed to a bigger cause of fire and it spreading fast,” he told
reporters at the scene here.
Khirudin said the department believed there were other elements outside the building which
caused the fire and a thorough investigation was going on. -- BERNAMA

Nurul Amin It's so heard touching and painful for me. Oh Allah Grant them shahid and
jannatul firdous. Save all are injured .

Mohamed S Majrad ‫رحمه هللا عليهم جميعا ً واسكنهم الجنه وال حول وال قوه اال باهلل‬

May Allah bless their souls, and give them the highest levels in Jannah. My condolences to
their families walla hawla wala Gwah ala Billah.

Berri Bakhtiar Liambo Innalillahi wainnailaihi roji'un..

Semoga Allah melapangkan kubur para korban, diterima segala amal ibadahnya.. dan
diberikan ketabahan untuk keluarga yg ditinggalkan 😢

Aidil Ridzuan you should see the video where the deceased students were screaming in pain
inside the burning hunting😭

Nina Ya Allah 😢😢😢😭😭 insyaAllah anak2 yg mninggal dalam kebakaran itu arwahnya
langsung di angkat ke surga oleh Allah SWT mereka sama jihad di jalan Allah SWT mereka
berkumpul menimba ilmu agama mjadi pghafal Al Qur,an semoga yg di tinggalkan di beri
kesabaran dan keikhlasan Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin

Rajput Offical Pakistan with u on this disaster.

another case of system safety disasters, happened in Saudi in 2002, the exact same control
structures that were unsafe.

Muiq It was an arson case by bunch of drug addicted underage kids..may allah save our
ummah from violence..

Maram Masry ‫انا هلل وانا اليه راجعون‬

‫اللهم ارحمهم وارزق اهلهم الصبر و السلوان‬

god have mercy for their souls and give comfort and peace for their families

Bernadette Crandall It just see no one wants Muslims and Islamic beliefs in there civilized
country! Sorry no shariah laws only laws of the land that you've entered

Norman Goh Should be 21 students and 2 teachers.

Putri Priska Puspita I am sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences 🙏

Mohd Khairuz Iberahim They are kids just want to become tahfiz. Innalillah

Jonathan Dee Guess a god that doesn't exist can't protect them no matter how much they
worship a fictitious entity.
TRT is censoring posters! They are deleting my comments because I call them out on their
horrible practices. This is not a reputable place if they need to silence independent thinkers!
TRT is a joke! Ban me, instead of censoring me. Anyone that reads this post before it is
deleted will know the truth, because this post will be gone in a few seconds from posting!
Fight the crooked media!!

Fayyaz Khan V sad .Allah give them jannatulfirdos and give sabar there parents

Qaseem Khan Its so heartbreaking. May Allah gives strength to the families who lost their
invaluable asset. Ameen

Abdul Muhaimin Seems non here knew a word "tabayyun". If you red the malaysian news,
theres an "outside" element.

Shahid Ali Sad news.

May Allah(s.w) give patience to those who lost their relatives. I wish immediate health for
injuries. May Allah gave them jannatul ferdauos in Heaven.

Badang Laksamana Temasek Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

They r now with the angels in Heaven.

RIP little one.

Hilal Brarhaji They are among shuhada.May ALLAH SWT give strength to the bereaved.

Çhármiņg Ródy Heartbreaking 💔 May Allah (SWT) grant them patience #Ameen 👐

Alice Araneta Mirasol My deepest condolences to family,keep praying..from Hong Kong...

Naela Gunny Very sad may god give strength to their family

Arturo Sanchez The Kingdom of God belongs to the children

Rex Johor Sad. Same as JB Hospital Fire.

Dubai million dollar condo and London condo were in fire.

Fire Safety regulations in-force in Japan and Singapore countries only with jail term & $400k

Why Japan and Spore can do fire prevention ?

What UMNO or PAKATAN or Federations do in Parliament to pass the Laws after JB

Hospital Fire? 1MDB & Najib 26 billion.

Ignore of Fire Regulations, such they are not to pay tax by Ignore Tax Regulations because
Tanah Melayu above all.
Smoking in air-con restaurants and coffee shop also stupid mindset and idiots behaviour and

Mohammad Shohel Chowdhury Prayers for the familys..

Abbas Khan Tragic incident RIP little souls May Allah ease the sufferings of the deceased
families !!

Ena Deaga Ben may allah give them Eljennah



Shahul Hameed So sad Allah will give highest place in jannah give strength and peace to
victims family

Abdullah Aremsa Subhannah lah may Allah give the families the fortitude to bear there
beloved one that dies!!!!

Mohammed Kafaran May their soul rest in peace ameen yaRab

Züleyha İkbal Ünal I m really sorry to hear this, 😢😢 Muslimah Rahman

Muhammad Hassan Allah knows best..this is not a good sign..innalillahi wa inna ilahi

Sri Raam see goverment officials doing wrong things suffering kids for ths all of us is

HM Ziaur Rahman Innaa lillah. May Allah give them. Jannatul Fredous. aameen.

Hazrat Rahman Gujjar Allah give them All jannatul firdaus..Ameen...sabar to All sad
Families Ameen

Cem Binalioglu Did they sent back the girls who didnt wear their headscarf like it happened
in Saudi before?

Mowlid Samadon May Allah mercy full them who lost their lives amen

Tauseef Ahmad May Almighty Allah bless their soul ...

Mahmood Bahram so sad my Allah bless them

Sabaa Coll Saba may Allaha grant them janatjl firdous Aameen

Rusdi Mollah Innalillahi waiina ilaihi rojiun my Allah give grant them jannah.

Akif Shkupi May Allah Bless them all I'm

Jennatul Firdaus !!❤️Young Mualims

SittieJariyah IyahDisimban Saripada May Allah accept them to HIS Jannatul Firdausi.
And May Allah bestow shifa to their Families they have left.

Abdullahi Yusuf Gaaska so sad may allah grant them in jannah .

Hussain Xi I would like to express our condolences to our Malaysian brothers and sisters
from Afghanistan. Allah may give patience to those who lost their relatives. I wish immediate
health for injuries. May Allah gave them Firdevs Heaven.

Vera Masrura We belong to Allah n to Allah we will return.😢😢😢

Dan Antazo My deepest condolences to the family whos lost their love ones..😢😔

Lokesh Rianto This is a very very very sad news 😢

Anees Akbar Khan Might ALLAH give patient to the Families.

With out any doubt ALLAH is with Patient

Hadja Fatimah Atika YA ALLAH.YA RABB .grant them the highest level of paradise
.innalillah wa innahi lahi rajioun😭😭😭

Rawda Abdulkader May Allah give each and everyone of the family sabur!

Abdul Naasir Abdulle Sadly may allah mercy them.

Bushra Rahman May Allah bless the departed souls,, ameen

Sam Khan May Allah rest them in peace...

Waheed Khan May Allah bless them and his familys..

Khadija Tul Kubra Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon

Ya Allah give the parents sabr e jamil Ameen

Zul Haider May Allah rest them in peace.

Sumiya Sumiya Ya allah grant them Jannah parent subr ameen

Shafiq Ul Rehman May Allah grant them Jannah and sabr to their relatives

Shahid Rasool Mir Sad to hear that ya Allah help them all

Feyza Salt May Allah put these devils in hell in shaa Allah!!!! 😞

Zawir Az-Zubairi Latest investigation result. NOT SHORT CIRCUIT. IT WAS

ARSONISTS... it was the work of 7 teenagers

Wana Sedayu Turut Berduka Cita, semoga para korban meninggal dalam keadaan Khusnul
Khotimah... Aaamiin
Md Fahmi Kassim arsonist suspected ..for burning the school

Abdul Muin Breaking news, it's not a fire disaster. A group of drug addicts burned down the

Rakocevic Igor U vezi rešetki ba prozorima ustanova javnog obrazovanja Jpu Sestre
Radovic Kolasin

Smart Semsem Rasheed AbdulMajeed shoft ba2a .. Adamna kan wehesh 3alehom

El Ahmed Fauzi Innalillahi wa innalillahi roji'un. May allah accept all of them in heaven

Fadil Hamran ‫رحمه هللا عليهم جميعا ً واسكنهم الجنه وال حول وال قوه اال باهلل‬

May Allah bless their souls, and give them the highest levels in Jannah. My condolences to
their families walla hawla wala Gwah ala Billah.

Bob Beck no chance to grow up ,,,,so 72 virgins

Arif Hossain Møzûmdèr It is so heartbreaking, May Allah help and give patient those who
lost their beloved ones. I hope that those who injured in this horrific event will recover
immediately ins.

Kazi Zilani Allah u can saved our Muslim community...

Zaini Abd List of fatal incidents at Madrasah Tahfiz, Malaysia:

15/6/2013 - Sg.Petani

14/2/2014 - Kuantan

27/4/2015 - Dungun

September 2015 - Kuantan

8/3/2016 - Sabak Bernam

11/6/2016 - Butterworth

13/1/2017 - Pekan

16/1/2017 - Kuantan

6/8/2017 - Baling

21/8/2017 - Semenyih

29/8/2017 - Sepang
14/9/2017 - Ampang

Kayle Faris Why cant the govt provide them will them with a proper school like the main
stream ones? Why?

Ro Muhammad Hassan Innalillahay woinna ilyhay wrajayonn

Anwar Chowdhury

َ‫إِنَّا هّلِل ِ َوإِنَّـا إِلَ ْي ِه َرا ِجعون‬

. ‫هللا يرحمهم‬

Mohd Czar Inna lilla wa inna ilayhi rajioon

Adam Anwar May Allah grant them Jannah

Hafiz Kabir Fazy Allah strength them via patients

Hu Ju Sha Al-Balouch Inna lillahi waina ilaihi ra'jiun .. 😢😇

Midzi Harun inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajiun 😭

Nor Elmie Speculation made. No official report ye.

peculation made. No official report ye.

Syeda Fatima So sad

Yan Addams #donotgetdivided

Adnan Khan My GOD very bad news ALLAH


Hazrat Rahman Gujjar So sad

Binte Kazmi Inna Lillah Wa Inna Elaihi Rajieeon

Amina Mukhtar Inshaa illahi wa inaa ileihi rajicun 😢

Velvet Rose Our deepest condolences. Al-Fatihah dari Brunei

Ro Sonaing Arkani So sad

Emir Pia Sadaramil Innalillahi wa inna illahi rojiun..😢😢😢😢

Bazi Ali In allahi wa in allahi raajihoon

Sheikh SalahUddin Innalillahi wa innailaihin rajioun

Kamal Porazi Innalillah amiin

Imah Rahman Inalilahiwainalilahirojiun.

Fazeila Asvat Innahlillahiwainnahillayhirajioon

Esra Akkuş Bahadır InnaLillahwainnailayhiraji'un...


Rizvi Qalandar

‫ہللا کریم‬

Ali Adnan So sad news, May Allah bless all

Bernard Castillo Innalillahiwainnailayhiraji'un

Shaifta Asim Innalillilahiwainnaalihirajeoon

Khadeeja Ibrahim so heart breaking news

Munir Hussain InnaLillahiWaInnaIlayhiRajioon

Hina Fahd Khan Raaza J. Ali this is so so sad

Jawaria Chaudhary Astaghfirullah 😞

Sameer Cruzada Morbos Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Houd Daniail

‫ان هلل وان اليه راجعون‬...

Fadil Hamran

‫رحمهم هللا جميعا وأدخلهم الجنه انا هلل وانا اليه راجعون‬

Tris Sihok Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Indy Mustarja Bgmn kondisi tmn2 indonesia yg sama appakah aman ?smgg selamat

ZehraAinnul Amani Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Patma Sandag Kissaie Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Waheed Khan Very very sad....

Mostafa El Sayed It's disaster

Noyon Sam its heart breaking so sad.

Waled Bawazir

‫الحوله والقوه اال باهلل‬..

Hilal Brarhaji Great loss

Rizki Anugerah Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.


Al Fa Ro-bee Insyaalloh jannah...

Bilal Ahmad Bilal Ye In Budd kutoun nay kiya hoga

Bilal Ahmad Bilal Hifazat reham karae Rub in ki

Zak Miah Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Cherukkat Sainul Habid laa ilaha illallah...

Nidia Artha Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Mawar Che Mat Inalillahiwainailahirojiuun

Nishat Nazar Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rajioon

Atif Iqbal Innah lillahi wa innah ilaehi raaji oon

‫حلوانى حلوان‬

‫حلوانى حلوان‬

‫اناهلل وانا اليه راجعون‬

NK Ahmed Inna lillah

Arta Bajrami Aziri Fata Breznica mu kujtove ti kuala lumpur

Fatima Nasreen Innalillahiwainnailaihirajioun.

Nik Syazleen Nik Raimi Syazwan Ghazalli kawan mama yg muke depan sekali tu

Syeda Maliha Ali Syed Mashood Ali when this happened ? :o

Sh Mahi So sad news. Allah bless them

Sreetharan Nair Sreethara Nair Very sad My God Rest them in peace

Palden Chortenpa So sad pray for them

Damsa Galgalo Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilaihi raj'uun.

Athoye Islam Allah saves them

Nisar Ahmed Innalillahi wa inna illaahi roji'un ...

Fathima Ferah Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon

Khalid Nonong Quinto Inna lillahi WA inna ilayhi rajiun

Tubagus Winner Innalillahi wainailaihi rojiun

Mok Tar Pray the prayer their families


Half of tahfiz nationwide not safe from fire

KUANTAN: Fifty per cent of the 956 tahfiz (Islamic religious) centres inspected by the Fire and Rescue
Department throughout the country since last month are found not safe.

Fire director-general Datuk Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim said the premises had to be improved, including
the installation of fire safety equipment.

"The most common offence is not having fire safety equipment and from inspections conducted, 291
notices have been issued until last Oct 13.

“Another common mistake is that the buildings do not have enough exit or fire escape,” he told the
media after launching the department's fire safety campaign and exhibition at the lobby of Berjaya
Megamall here.

He said they should also install fire warning equipment, such as alarm system or smoke detector as a
safety precaution.

"We are now compiling the relevant data to be tabled to the government,” he said. - Bernama



Abu Hassan Ismail Its over a month already after the Keramat incident. Was told by a tahfiz
operator, they are still waiting for the fund promised for upgrading works

Fatimah Jahan Let us be proactive in handling this matter before more children are
sacrificed to human apathy and neglect.

The relevant authorities should conduct frequent inspection of these and other daycare

Michael Kok Well , ignorance is well blissed . But death TRAPS are death TRAPS ,
however bliss one could be . Hopefully the parents will wake up .
Joshua Tan Should close down all religious schools and incorporate each religious teaching
in respective house of worship . This will help in a multi worship society

Ian Russell close all religous schools, kids will learn more by playing with eachother than
learning things from ancient books

Mohd Safrizal Jom duduk semeja berbincang untuk cari jalan penyelesaian. Isu ni hampir
melibatkan setiap negeri di dalam Malaysia. Kita kena berbuat sesuatu. Mencegah dari parah
adalah lagi baik dari dari mengubati.

Ariff Khaled They think rules & regulations are human made, thus it's okay to be neglected

Bill Hong K B Cut Jakim funding and improvise Tahfiz.

Sheik Adam Yes its time the govmt must take over pls dont negelet

Leong SeeFoon Already RM30 million given to them to upgrade on safety, but they spent it
on salary. Hahaha.


Faizal Salleh The culture of waiting death than risk management

Chew Khien Fah Rm1billion should be used here for their

Chris Fam Result of poor governing, seem that serious problem arise every other day in this
country yet the govt still have shame to ask for support

Loganathan Somasundaram Umno n BN do not care

They r interested in their pockets n cronies

Stanley Jeptha Don just checking tahfiz... u all by right must make sure all building comply

Ben Ji 1 billion funds to JAIS but not one cent to Tahfiz?

Tangkap basah more important than education 👍👍👍👍👍

Kavin Raj Naidu After lives are lost then only action taken😠

Heather Fairhead Are these tahfiz schools places where children from broken homes or who
are difficult are sent?

Bidin Choudry So if not safe, is better not to allow them to activate. Stupid fanatic Melayu,
pakai hotak la. Jangan bunuh anak kamu yg tak tau apa2.

Giri Ram I think it's not just half of tahfiz schools that are unsafe from fire.

Sivaraman Nair How can they run this schools without the CF?

Ooi Chwee Hoon They shld shut them all down.

Chan Kong Art 50 percent?

Pt Tan An accident awaiting to happen 🙈

Keet Yee Not a problem at all..

Matthew Chong zali ismail. kafirs who care.

Soon Yew Liow Like murderer

Delren Terrence Douglas All under JAKIM

David Ann Khee Cheong not safe from fire... really rubbish country

Garland Genoho It is more like 90%.


PETALING JAYA: The seven youths held over the tahfiz fire last Thursday cannot be
punished with the death penalty as they are underage, said Minister in the Prime Minister's
Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said.

She said that the suspects will be tried in accordance with laws such as Section 97 (1) of the
Child Act 2001.

However, if the suspects are found guilty of murder, the mandatory death penalty cannot be
imposed on them, she said in a statement Thursday.
The offenders may also be punished under Section 91 (1) of the Act, which includes
whipping, fines or detention at an approved school.


Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun also said that the parents of the
suspects would not be charged as they had nothing to do with the case.

Azalina said the incident should be used as a lesson for all parties, especially parents, in the
fight against crime involving children.

"I urge all parties to stop speculating and give space to the authorities to complete the

"I believe the case will be brought to justice," she said.

The early morning fire at the Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah school resulted in the deaths of 21
students and two teachers.



Jimmy Mak In the near future, assassinations will be done by minors because they wont get
the death penalty. Just my prediction. Might be wrong...

Zubaidah Begum It's well planned cold blood murder. Age not the excuse. Law have to be
revised. It's a pre planned cold blood murder. In future hired killers going to use this 'under
age' for their criminal activities. Than what u all going to say !!!!

Malar Ratnam minors cannot be given death penalty but they can murder minors who are
jus 6 years old..wat nonsense..

Noonsod Rawaulam You want people to keep quiet and give space to authorities? People
have been quiet and now 11 yrs old kid have access to street drugs. Still want ppl to keep

Hey minister, dont tell us to shut up. Instead listen to our feedback and find solut...See More

Doreen Lim Well planned.

Killed 23 people.

No death sentence.

Because they're minors.

Clap hands.....bravo.
Next time wanna kill anyone, look for these 7 cheap can kaotim, plus point is
no need jail.

Add in some ganja kill 1 get 1 free....


Gabriel Chua A well-schemed murder plan which managed to kill 25 people in just one
night, under the influence of drugs. Even adults cant pull such McGyver themed murder...
Yeah, minors... Imagine the things they can "achieve" when they are adults. Professional
assassins, maybe??

Uthaya Kumar Murugesu Yeah they're minors.. stop calling for death penalty so they can
kills more once they're release from custody


Maksud qisas di sisi para fuqaha, hukuman yang dijatuhkan pada penjenayah dengan hukum
yang sama dilakukan ke atas mangsa. Contoh jika si pembunuh membunuh dengan
menghempapkan batu atas kepala mangsa, maka menurut hukum qisas penjenayah berhak
mendapat hukuman yang sama.

Berkaitan hukum qisas ke atas penjenayah yang membakar mangsa sehingga mati. Para
ulama berselisih pendapat tentang hukum membakar penjenayah bunuh dan seumpamanya.
Namun menurut majoriti di kalangan ulama termasuk mazhab Syafi'ie, membakar penjenayah
hanya boleh dilakukan melalui proses hukum qisas. Maksudnya si penjenayah layak dibakar
sehingga mati jika thabit dia membunuh mangsa dengan proses pembakaran. Jika tidak maka
hukumnya haram membakar si penjenayah.

Sepertimana yang disebut di dalam kitab-kitab fiqh mazhab Syafi'ie, syarat seseorang itu
layak dikenakan hukum qisas:

1) Akil

2) Baligh

3) Pembunuh bukanlah bapa kepada si mangsa

4) Si mangsa tidak kurang kedudukannya berbanding si pembunuh seperti hamba sahaya dan

Merujuk kepada syarat-syarat di atas, jika penjenayah yang sudah mencapai peringkat akil
dan baligh maka dia layak dikenakan hukum qisas. Seseorang itu dikira akil baligh menurut
kaedah fiqh, samaada melalui salah satu dari 3 perkara:

1) Keluar air mani samaada lelaki mahupun perempuan.

2) Keluar darah haid dalam tempoh minimum bagi perempuan apabila mencapai umur 9
tahun qamariah.
3) Mencapai umur 15 tahun qamariah jika masih tidak muncul mana-mana tanda dari dua
tanda di atas.

Disebutkan juga di dalam sebahagian kitab-kitab fiqh mazhab Syafi'ie. Jika seorang mangsa
dibunuh oleh sekumpulan manusia, contoh sekumpulan manusia membunuh seorang mangsa
dengan membakarnya, maka sekumpulan manusia itu wajib dikenakan hukum qisas
meskipun yang benar-benar membakar mangsa hanya seorang, tetapi mereka semua tetap
dikenakan kerana usaha dan kerjasama yang diberikan untuk memudahkan proses

Apa pun urusan qisas ini HANYA tanggungjawab dan izin pemerintah(Khalifah/Amirul
Mukminin) BUKAN urusan dan tindakan orang awam. Haram bagi orang awam menjalankan
hukum qisas tanpa izin dan arahan dari pemerintah tertinggi sesuatu daulah. Jika mana-mana
orang awam menjalankan hukum qisas maka ini dikira sebagai jenayah yang berat di mana
orang awam itu juga berhak dijatuhkan hukuman qisas.

Walaubagaiaman pun, hukum qisas boleh dikesampingkan jika penjenayah mendapat

kemaafan dari wali/waris si mangsa, namun penjenayah tetap wajib membayar
diyah(pampasan) kepada wali/waris dengan harga yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarak iaitu 100
ekor unta untuk satu nyawa, atau 200 ekor lembu, atau 2 ribu kambing, atau seribu

Perkongsian ini hanya bertujuan percambahan ilmu dan pengetahuan serba sedikit mengenai
fiqh jenayah.

Wallahu A'lam

Satis Kumar When minors can't sentence for death penalty I'm sure the number of crimes
sure will increase in future involving minors as they have a reason to escape without been
punished . Now anyone can free easily and escape from heavy punishment be engaging
minors to do a crime. A well updated law . Pls keep up ur good work to raise more minor

Albert Peter Mok Think about what they just did. Nobody would randomly pull off this stunt.
It's planned and carried out like an adult would have performed it. Maybe they shouldn't be
hanged, but these children remain a clear and present threat to innocence and the society. I
suggest life imprisonment as the next best punishment. They have to live regretting what they
did - a fate much worse than death. Besides, they've done a heinous crime. I'm sure they'll
withstand prison, that is if the other inmates don't teach them a lesson.

Quin Ester Loop holes. It was planned, well planned with backup plan. Seems like the child
act is now being manipulated. And parents not charged is another thing.

Sharon Dhaayaaliny Pasupathy Minors? You mean murderers?! They murdered innocent
people. Age shouldn't deter the punishment and shouldn't be an issue here! They didn't act
like what a minor should have been. They planned and executed a cold -blooded group
murder! A minor is not supposed to go around murdering people. Those so called 'minors'
executed an act that even an adult would hesitate to do so.

Lin Enzan When i was growing up, mischief is when you play tricks on your
hiding their slippers. Definitely not causing grievious hurt or death

Ben Lew If those kids gaduh and accidentally kill, I would agree with you.. but hey, those
turds plan and burn with intention to kill..

Jaclynne Chang The crime was premeditated. Plenty of evidence. Innocent lives were lost.
The victims' families lives changed overnight and forever. The perpetrators get away with
murder just cos they're minors. Diabolical and outrageous, to say the least.

Our very own M'sia's Believe it..Or Not

Mohd Hezery Bin Hussin It's a war criminal level massacre. And yet you say those
motherfukking murderers cannot be punished to death only because they're minors, just like
that...? Shame on you, Azalina. Don't fukk with us the rakyat.

And then in the future life is a lot easier for criminals & gangsters. They only need to send
kids to do the killing & stealing while they themselves wash their hands.

Ashley Ting If death penalty cannot be imposed, then go for the next best thing...whipping
and detention.. and whip them really hard.

Derrick Wong If cannot charge them with death penalty due to they are minor why not jail
them till they are old enough to be hang or shot? 23 people die. Lots of children die. They
don't even got chance to beg for mercy or even to say their last goodbye.

Rajena Mookan 23 souls, it's not a joke this is shocking and similar to terrorism. When an
underage can plan this what more when they grow up

Philip Yap 2 jb boys kill a security and got a death sentence. And now those kids kill 20
students! And you guys still can say pending?! Wow!.... unfortunately bias!!

Shamini GK Wahh,well if at this age itself,they can do this atrocious deed,they definitely
will do worse crime than this when they are no more minors! They only deserve death

Nevin Varma No death penalty okay. But because this is very neatly executed likened to
organised crime, the felons must be jailed for life. The Prison dept is running a FnB industry,
multi billion dollar business. These kids can work there.

Ho Evelyn Minors whom are capable to do things beyond what adults can do? From
planning to execution...taking drugs to killing?

Wow! So kiddos....please rob whoever you want to, take drugs till you die and kill
whomsoever you wish cause at the will be excused.
Carmen Leong They are underage, yeah...but what they had committed proved the
contrary...23lives yet showed no remorse!!??? don't be surprised they will commit more alike
crimes in near future ...these inhumane monsters should be hanged!

Mohina Sidom The main problem faced by the country now is drugs. If drugs problems are
solved, lot of issues will be solved. We should really punish the drugs kings , dealers &
corrupt enforcers. Otherwise things like this will continue to happen. The teens act that way
because they are under the influence.

Hyesu Choi An eye for an eye.. Blood for blood.. A life FOR A LIFE!! minor or not they
should be tried as an adult n deal with their actions.. Whether they get the death penalty or
not.. They should pay for their crimes as an adult because their crimes are adult...See More

Rahman Abdul Kadir There should be just one set of law applied to everyone who
committed crimes....Umno are known to be selective & did what they liked even to bent these
law without considering the victims & their families whom are traumatic as a result of
planned murders by those accused....

Chiang Choon Sern Those who called for exemption of death penalty for minors should be
hanged to death for encouraging minors to kill

Kingsley Robson Azalina said this or is it The Star? Why bother of peoples opinion. The law
is there and hopefully will be followed. Its in their hands so why worry of rakyats opinions or

Puvanenthiran Nair Krishnan Than get yourself back in parliament and get the necessary
amendment done. Stop treating the murder as child, if they mind can think and act as adults
should receive the equal punishment. This is not something new as we heard it in T. Nhaveen
case, dont these culprits take the law in hand cos been protected by the law itself.

Zach Poon If no death penalty.. Life imprisonment lar....this bunch of kids are so sinister that
they can create havoc to the societies

Aries Vanitha Huh??! The murder of Zulfarhan, T.Nhaveen and now these 23 kids shook the
nation. All of these involved minors. Yet, no measures to revise the regulations? Instead, we
are told to keep silent.

Nina Aziz Change with the times..they are minor to kill them, burn them to save
other minors. Be smart, change the laws. Stop being dumb. Disgusting.

Talal Sultan Salim At least their parent should be punish ! Example "if u son break the glass
at the shop ,who pay for it"

Lim Kh If the minors carry guns or knives, can they kill anyone at random and are free from
death sentence? Or worst, if they are members of any of the terrorists group, can they killed
people as they liked? I want answers and justice!
Cynthia Yip they killed because of handphones. so if they are exempted from punishment
now, in future can you imagine what they would have killed for? also, can the ministers say
the same if people are burnt down in a temple, church in similar pattern? usually, criminals
start early, means this group will most likely be big timers very soon.

Harmohan Mohan Mohan Our minister never never learn a lesson and don't blame the
parents.all this started cause leaders. Seniors, adults, youngest don't respect each others and
behave so teenages follow la.

Ryan Chin BRAVO! Now turn this country into Somalia I please youuuuuu!! Turn young
children into killers, groom them to be drug lords and make the city live in fear. Make the sea
so fearful even the sharks swim away. Make people in this country so afraid to go o...See

Paulus Nelson I can see the advantages of calling the death penalty on minors, yet also
concerned by the bigger implications it will have on our legal system. It would mean that
everyone convincted on a crime that merits a death sentence must be executed,
regardless...See More

Ck Lee such young age already have the mind of killing ppls, that call 'mischief'? this word i
just cant accept. I understand that law, underage cannot give death sentence, just hope you
carefully handle this kind of case, i wonder when they grown up, will they become one of the

Penny B. S. Lim What about life imprisonment, then? They didn't just take one life but 23 of
them? I find it hard to believe that they did not know the consequence of their action. They
are not little kids. They way they went about it showed that they were determined that there
be no survivors.

Ratha Viswanathan Kesian the parents who lost their kids in the fire...

They wer murdered..such a cold n evil hearted boys who bunuh all the innocent boys...

Jegatheesan Singaravelu When and where did this one come out from the woodwork? Does
this mean the election is coming soon? Everybody now wants to show they exist now! If a
people can have premeditated evil intent, as long as they know what is right and wrong, then
they must be tried as adults. Life in prison.!

Clara Shanti Minors caused the death of more than 20 kids and you call it mischief. Do you
know the anguish of the families involved? Its MURDER of innocent kids.

Vasanti Pushpam Minors my foot. They are mentally adults. Devils in disguise. Show no
mercy fr them all. They f killed innocent kids. Charge n sentence them accordingly.

Kaitlyn Teh They are minors and can plot to kill people. I wonder when they are adult, what
will they become?? Does this mean that after this minors can plot to kill people and no stern
legal actions against them?? Wow... !! I am speechless... totally speechless.
Sreemagen Shanmugam Poor Us... Can't overcome drugs within youth, it seems like anyone
can get drugs nowadays.... Cant give opinion....comments,cannot do anything.... Shut our
mouth, just watch all n move on....

Chew Jee Chean Its true cannot be death penalty but can be life in prison just like the case
where a 12 year old boy kills his tuition teacher daughter almost 10 years back, the boy was
send to life in prison in Sg. Buloh Prison.

Arvin Sivasundram Good.. in future, any murders, pls use minors so they will not be
convicted under murder. They r so exposed till they can consume drugs but in this case, they
r still juvenile. We can say this abt 20 yrs back, but not now. Kids knows what is murder n
consequences and they r not stupid

Karunagaran Yanasegaran If no capital punishment then put them away from civilians
inside remote island for 20yrs or more. We need a island infested with sharks around it for
criminals dumping.

Christine Gk Teow I feel sad that innocent ppl are killed and families lost their loved ones. I
also feel sad that young teens will be brought to court for their actions. I feel very angry that
those adults who are so irresponsible as the operate a school without permit...See More

Krisnan Karthik What's government plans to overcome the drug addicts within youth and
school boys??? Think wisely for future generations not for only today's action on these
addicted morons.

Ocram Teh Death penalty more for the parents of these wrongdoers. No one is born to be
good or evil. But we are guided to a good path or evil path most notedly by parents.

Keni Chi Vendettas and revenge cuts across all age. Minors or not, they were rotten from the
inside and worst than the grudge!

Nanogirl Anoopdev Shona Minors who take Ganja, criminal minded who burn innocent
children as young as 6 years old alive, and they don't deserve death penalty at all. Wow just

Noni Fauzi The law is man-made. So change it. No excuse for underaged to murder so many

If current law does not include death penalty, then life sentence.

Kam Fei 2 wrongs do not make it right. There are such things as adolescents in which the
law protects from prosecution and calling for the death penalty would somehow go against
the law in which the public has to abide to. There are too many critics whom are calling for
the death penalty for such a heinous crime; and it is a heinous crime no doubt but it does not
give us an excuse to excercise vigilante law.

Danny Nah Its the law for Killers. These pupils must be punished by death penalty as it
caused death of 23 lives. Nobody is abv the law
Man Sam Personal opinion:

I think all should refrain from commenting further. As Muslim I feel it's useless to give
comments on this issue. (i didn't want to from beginning knowing the end results) because
Malay people have this attitude:

1. Anything goes wrong they will swear you for next 7 generation. Like what you read &

2. The moment when they found culprits they will have this compassionate & emotional hype
and will talk about forgiving this and that, more so if they are also malay. very sentimental
and mental.

End of the day, the rest will look stupid for their comments. we all sad what had happened to
these kids who perished but sometimes you won't get the right justice

Sophia Lim These minors know whats their intention n what they were doing

I do not see what's minor in that other than their age

I m not calling for death penalty or otherwise however laws shud be amended

n also.. what about those adults who had Lack of responsibilities? They are so happy
collecting dermas but not held accountable

If safety was in place maybe the deaths could hav been minimized

Zelzan Kristy This is not caused by accident but intention. If no death penalty then in
future,all crimes will be done by minors. So my vote,DEATH PENALTY. Unless you think
the lives of the 22 means nothing then forget about it.

Angeline Dominic Oh this is good news for those who is planing to kill someone. They can
just hire a minor pay hefty after all a couple of yrs and this minor will be out. Case close is it?
Those who parished in that fire are also minor except for 2 adults, that much is the value of
their life? Come on if these happen to any of the authorities child will they say the same? The
culprits are minor? If you let them go free now than the future of the nation is at stake.

Evelyn S L Khoo Funny you say they are minors .. yet that did not stop them from burning
down the premise, knowing full well they'll cause fatality on more than one life. These
minors obviously are old enough to plan. Their intentions were clear

Siti Khatijah Jamaludin "I believe the case will be brought to justice", but no death
penalty.....what kind of justice is that? Pftttt....

Aimi Ism This is a massacre. And mass murder. This is what we called the act of terrorism.
Yes. Killing people with no remorse feeling or without having a second thought is worrying.
If they can do it when they're still so young. What do you think could happen in the next few
years. They know they can get away with it claiming they're still minors and unable to think
what is right and what is wrong. But there are people that died. More than 20 people. This is
not the time for you to think about mercy. The government need to think again about their
laws regarding youth.

SuresZan Spaz I agree minors should not be given death penalty. They are still so young to
even think whats right or wrong. Its going to be useless to just hang them anyway. You can
give them punishment to be locked up in a jail type boarding school for atleast 25 years or so.
Put them to learn skills or continue studiying. Provide councelling and after the 25 years done
only if they have good marks from examination and good behavior, their names can be
cleared and released. Be reminded that 25 years in prison is very long. No special food or
luxury of mobile phones and so on. So its more like hell.

Sayuri Kojima Remember the time where James Bulger the toddler was murdered in UK by
2 kids? If they are being tried as adults there, I see no reason why Malaysia cannot follow
that example. (Hell there was even evidence showing that they understood their actions.
Children are innocent my foot)

Eugene Summer its our (especially the mothers) to care, protect and serve the minors,
definitely not to hang them. If your son is kill in this fire, we are sorry, but suspect is only a
minor. Blame it to the mother, the society, but definitely not the minor.

Sheila Sunam These are not "kids just being kids" thing. It's a well planned crime viciously
executed with the intention to murder. Imagine more damages they can do if they haven't
been caught.

Jagdev Kaur Jassal Death penalty isn't going to bring back the 23 people that perished in
the fire. The minors need to be given a stiff setence.

Drug offenders are hanged. Does that mean people don't sell drugs?

So come on people don't insist on death penalty.

Sukumaran Chandran Why no suggestions from the religious department? Shariah or Civil
law to be enforced? My personal view is to abolish capital punishment.

Justin Sebastian Now They have experience the killing of the fellow human being & they
felt proud for what they have done. when they get out from Jail grown as a man. they will do
it again....jail them for life, 22 life have been kill with 3 brothers kill at one times..

Tini Rohayatini wow..more underaged will not be afraid to bully and fight into death after
this cos they know they wont get heavy punushment anyways."Malaysia Boleh!!!"

Thavamani Ramasamy Yes, we are paving ways to other minors to choose these strategies
to commit more crimes in future since the law will show kindness. Feel so sorry for their
future. What are their parents doing for their kids to commit in such brutal murder? With
syabu and drugs they made very strategic plans. From carrying the gas sylinder to the upper
floor and shutting the doors as a trap to ensure a 100% successful murder. Could 11 to 18
years old children dare to burn alive innocent souls for revenge? As they returned what is
next? Need to revise and study this case before giving the judgements. It involves the future

Lynnette Tay Im having mixed feelings. I want them to get death penalty but these kids are
uneducated. I want them send to a juvenile school where they are kept under high
surveillance but once they graduate, keep them behind bars for life. Sentencing them for
death penalty will reflect badly upon this country thus adding more problems.

Kalai Arasi Ok don't give them death penalty instead we burn them slowly every 3 months
or 6 months again and again , each part of their body let them feel the pain of the children
who died in the fire.

Emily Yee They are going to be adults soon. Can't imagine what they will turn out to be later
on if they can carry out a well planned mass murder like this when they were only minors.
Lose them or lose future potential innocent victims.

Meena Anand It's not for anyone to take another life, even by law; life is above everything!!!
There has to a better solution for minors engaging in criminal activity, it takes more work
(that's probably the problem; so pls engage passionate ppl!) ...compared to just switching off
a person.

Nasriq Ilyani I surmise that when the legislators designed our criminal laws regarding child
offenders, they took into consideration a child's mental capacity & ability to reason at that
particular period of time. Children from previous generation only played "masak-masak",
climb trees etc. Whereas children nowadays are more advanced & exposed to all sorts of
influences. Their minds are as matured as an adult's mind. Hence, a child is now capable to
plan & commit a crime, just like an adult. Having said that, it's high time that the existing
laws are reviewed, to cater to the changing times.

Leo Jack If that is what it takes to teach other kids on their misbehaviour and save many
more innocent kids? Thats what we should do. They committed murder, with intention and
with knowledge of what comes with it.

Anand De Silva 23 life's of minors excuses...death is the answer for a well planned
cold blooded murder...

Ally Lim I agree they must be punished n sent to detention . Too young for death sentence .
They hv to prove themselves Good b4 they can be released

John Lim Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, we the public also suggest that you let the law
carry out it's investigation and justice take it's course whatever the outcome. So stop making
public statement to pressure and influence the law to do your bidding.

Alvin Choo They operate illegally while they do not have the proper facilities. Death is on
both the hands of the murderers and the operator.
Mn Vasuthaven But did they act as minors? This case and sentence(s) should be well
publicised so that both children should not do serious crimes and also children are not used
for crimes.

Tang Yeth Fong Insane. Do the necessary and lay the judgement. Innocent lives are lost just
like that. These are monsters.

Jason Raj Samuel Just imagine what would happened if Indian or Chinese minor did the
same. Would be the same sentence or different.

#jangankecamsaya #curioustooknow

Cecill Rose Moss Of coz they are minors, but their mind & action NOT!! They planned it
like a pro, like an adult! Kalah along tau!!! Pfftttt!!!

Amy Noorlizam Hassan That's y safety guidelines must be followed .. we don't what coming
... Many evil people out there ... make sure the place is safe .

James Schwartz They are already killing people at such young age. What do you expect from
them when they are older? Hired gun to kill Altantuya?

Kelly Mok Bcos ppl like her make all the criminals will never learned their lessons. They
will keep repeating the same crime once they are release. This is why the numbers of
criminals are increasing in our country.

Sharalapathy Veloo All viewers well my view call the parents gv good punishment
if they can hear 23 parents crying sure they will gv good result .this r the ppl who bring up
such children to society.

Ming Hai Minors wouldn't have committed such heinous crime. They shouldn't be pardoned
and death penalty must be imposed!

Latiff Abd Isalmiah Minor is one do not have intentions to kill n it all premeditated n

These morons need to be hang

Ade dua bentuk hukuman kpd remaja yg membakar sekolah tahfiz di jln Dato keramat
menurut hukum hudud(1) RUU355 2016,iaitu yg pertama pancung Dan yg kedua disebabkan
kes tersebut pehak telah mengimplikasikan kes juvana mereka akan di penjara seumur hidup.


Ketua menteri kementerian dlm negeri/CMHA

Ku Aizad They are not even Malaysians right? So why should we care if they are minors or
not? Just hang them. They are a waste of space to our country anyway

Jezzelim He If only one of those killed were closely related to her, would her comment still
sound this way??? No feelings for the concerned families!!!
Josephine Chan Punishment for the parents then. Why would they allowed their kids to go
out at 2am and not giving proper guidance to their kids.

Zahrin Aziz A kill for a kill.. A crime for a crime.. No matter minors or what so ever.. If they
had taken a life then the penalty is sentence to death.

Michael Pheles I see.. if some minors kill a Duke for example you don't call for death
penalty? Bravo Malaysia one of the country with the finest law

Kavitha Saravanan Nonsence.....tats minor who kills the kids.... if they didnt get heavy there will b more cases ĺike tis in future

Maya Nil They are minors!!!!!!.... responsible for 25 deaths!!!....Dont spare

them...punishment must b severe... serves a lesson to other "insanes" out there!!!!

Nick Lim They are minor just reprimand them. Since they are so frighten give them a month
holiday at Europe then buy them a house each with motorcycle.

Kow Elainee Ha..minors committed crimes cannot get death the future they could
use them to commit crimes..replace something not death penalty but equal to it.

Chew Khur Fu Andrew Hahahah and those minors give 2dozen lives death penalty by
roasting???let the victims family drop judgement on them to be fair see if it's death or go on
giving others death penalty

Kimleng Yap Victims parent should stand up for their unfortunate children. Bring those
morons to justice. Don't play colour card.

Ellyn Kok If these young criminals would have come from better environment and family
background, i wonder were they be different.they need help not death penalty.

Sri Mahalekshumy Maha When they planned it was not minors, when they did it was not
minors but when it comes to penalty they became a minor.

What a hack is this.......

Raymond Fc Lim Does that mean minor are safe from death penalty even though they did it
with the intention to kill?

Popeye's Sandwich This will give minors or evil adults to teach them to commit crimes on
their behalf ... Those innocent kids died for nothing

Lucas Tan A human being causing casualty to another human being is called a murder.
Therefore, it should be similar law with the adults.

Ben Hao Chong He was 13 years old when he committed the crime and got 170 years jail
Nagin Raj Moganan Should make them stay a month with each of the victims parents... after
that they will know the pain they have caused..

Hanee Teoh Lol for a second I regretted not killing while I was a minor.. kids reading this
statement will be planning murders ha

Randeep Khalsa Oh i see

Dey r bloody minor murderers

Wait till dey murder or rape yr family member then u mke tat announcement again tat DEY R

Joan Dorai Minors who can plan and carry out such a terrible crime. Maybe they should
review the age of who they consider a minor.

Samuel Lai So any minors can go.and.murder knowing they will be ok??? Wow!! Clap my
hands and slap my butt cheeks.

Melinda Michal Minors doing acts that an adult would do!!!! So why not death for them too.
Innocent minors died in vain.

Thivaagar Parkour Minors? Oh come on law, what is this 23 lives gone like that. At least
put them on jail till last breath

Harvind Sri Balasubramaniam Minors capable of well planning an arson.. yeaaahhhh.. I'm
sure they thought those poor boys were fireproof.. 😑

Regit Tai The future terrorist wil be? Never mind la give them the chance to change la. If
they ever feel regret....

Vijaya Vadamalai But they knew n the intention to kill is there...think about the victims
family. well plan before the execution.

JoJo Chin Old enough to kill so old enough to pay the price for their actions! It's not just 1
death but 23 confirmed deaths, Think of those children burnt alive!! Were they given any
chance or any choices while they were roasted alive?

Paul Yeo They are murderers.

They know what they are doing and that is why they are not remorseful.

No one have to die such horrible death. Their screams tells the agony of being burn alive.
They have to suffer till they died. This the prosecution must do justice for their souls. The
police and government must not hide anything but do their job credibly. If there is no justice
then why prosecute. If there's prosecution then justicemust be serve.

Taufik Mahmudin Banyak nya wannabe lawyers kat ni thread.. kan budak2 lagi tu semua..
masih lagi boleh diubahsuai perangai mereka.. case seperti gini pernah berlaku di spura
dimana seorang pembunuh assasin umur 18 tahun di letak dalam penjara Till President's
Pardon.. TPP.. iaitu dipenjara sampai dosa dia dimaaf president atau dimaaf sultan msia..
saya rasa tu macam lagi lebih adil..

Virshnnu Rajahram I just pity the parents for what has happened....i also blame the
management for the negligence and also the authorities relevant that shoulda checked the

Faizal Salleh You can always kill someone during your minor years... No need to worry
about getting executed :) #sarcasm

Kishore Kumar it wasn't an accident , it was done with a purpose and people died - minors

Soon Foo if they go kill najisssss and hipposssssss, millions will give thump up and support.
no need death penalty!!! hahaha Lol

Mac Baker Wahhhh...minors who are capable of thinking to kill 25 other people.

Giovanni Lawai Laing Lock them in prison until their no longer considered as child. Then
hang them.

Peace Amitabha If they commit crimes like how the adult did it then they must be prepared to
be punished like an adult

Karen Lee Huey Shyan I am calling for the owners and school management to be charged as

Anastasia SA they are 16,17, 18 year olds.. they can be tried as an adult

Norman Wee Good, so ISIS would know what to do.....

Clifford Wayne Wtf...ask the victims do they feel??if they are one of ur
own..what would u say??

Sabariah Mard Dorm the question is. are they suit to fit in our society after they'd been
release? they are natural born killers

Chanthra Nair Those who died were minors too...

Ong Shuh Chien And WHY NOT, Azalina?!? Being a minor can go on a Rampage, Rob,
Kill and do all things Evil??? Pray tell!!!😡👿

Shyroslin Minville Amanda Everytime when ministers say something, it has to sound
utterly stupid. Klau x bunyi bodoh, mmg x sah.

Mohammad Ali Sadaat This minister must be out mind

Azlan Yeo Just detain them until they are of age and try then as adults.
Chuah Jyy Yin How corrupted a mind a kid age 18 and below.....such a terrible thing

Azura Annas amend the Act please!!! kids nowadays are so matured!

Jay Ming Meant the gov incapable teach the minor be a better man?

Sandy Gov Yah minors with criminal mind set maybe future so called militants

Valent Teoh More have to die to save others in these comments

Teh Kok Keong What justice to the family if not punished severly. Life in prison?

Betty Ong Why can't the 18 years old be trial for murder and get maximum penalty. He
knows what he is doing!

Youvaraj Vadiveloo I Am jusT curious abt the school's headmaster. Will the authority
charge him???

Christopher Pang I just notice another big loop hole as big as the size of the sun...

Gary Teoh More drug pushers will start at primary level.

Jacquie Hong When a crime is this serious minors can trial as adults

Sherry Sherry No death penalty but must for life imprisonments or else they will terrorise
innocent people again

Nasri Esa I wish Hudud had been implemented long time ago.

Komaran Narayanan Ha ha ha how nice.... Do you know the pain the 21 kids went
through... They are also kids but died....! Their parents went through immense pain... But kids
perished away.... What do call that? So kids start killing and except it as a gift is it? Stupidity
beyond limit.... There was a American boy 13 yrs committed homicide and now he is going
through 170 yrs jail term.... We need to fair and teach the society to discipline their kids from

James Teoh Since no death penalty then lock them up in jail for 15 to 20 years with.hard

Vincent Chew Hang them. If they can kill, then they deserve to be tried as adults

Sukumaran Nayar The same law should apply to all.

Wenjay Tew soon this place will be haunted

Stephen Kok Then the headmaster for not providing a safe living and learning environment
should be hung.

Chan Francis The principal seemed to have got off scot free.....
Elizabeth Yam Are we saying that minors have the rights to kill?


Ramza Ghani For the betterment of the safety, security, peace and harmony of the residents
of Kampong Datuk Keramat may I suggest that the RukunTetangga be formed/revived in this
area and KDN and relevant authorities help/supervise the Rukun Tetangga Committee.

Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah

73, Jalan Keramat Hujung, Kampung Datuk Keramat, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor

019-306 3385

Gene Lee This is a planned murder. Law has to be revise disgard age.

Amin Zulkarnain They are minors who just executed a high level planned of murder.

Kanapathy Sima Then kill them once they became major

Intiran Harikrishnan Screw you! They are murderers! How blind can you people be?

Jimmy Hooh Omg this is what I called minor. If non C

Lim Fong Yee Tell that to the parents of the students and teachers. They are killers! An eye
for eye.

Isfyandie Barji Good.. now assassins for hire got more excuse to do the killings?

Najmi Zabidi Just send them to warzones.. rather than feed them by using our tax monies!

Geetha Pillai Oh minors can kill others...what a fair play

Lawrence Khaw So minor has the licence to KILL?

Mista Rasta 23 life has gone , pls bring back them , we cancel hang punishment

Sylvia Kim Kim So the adults nowadays can engage minors to kill people cos no death

Gerard Pereira No death penalty but they must be jailed for life.

Farid Zul Lepas ni train budak2 la jd pembunuh upahan.. Xboleh di hukum gantung kn..
Siap masuk special school lagi.. Perghhh

Linda Jessy Sann But they never act like minor. ..pls Navins case and now this one. ...what
Chong Cheok Wing What if they are non malay, what will happen to them?


Linda Alfred Fernandez Adult crime, pay the price deserving so.

Shera Rashid Shah Stupid law you kill minor kids what about their parents how they feel.

Bidin Choudry No point arguing the Death sentence, because the law is binding that way.

Yoon Meng Piew Is child soldier legally in Malaysia cause they can kill anybody without
death penalty.

Siti Roslinah Abdul Malik Age not the excuse. 23 souls, Well planned, it's not a joke k.

D R Nurul Alia So the criminals can recruit underaged teens after this. Well done Malaysia

WanzLatiffr Rachman So later murder for hire or mafia will hire drug addict kids to kill....

Lucky Cat Navaratnam In no time, they will be adults and crave for bigger crimes.

This is a planned murder. What more??

Jeslyn Chow Shut up! Let them burn down your house and not found guilty!

Babok Song Death penalty when they reach adulthood, problem solved

Zaqwan Azhar Minors who kills 23 people. Potential business. Minor assasins for hire then~

Nurhisham Bin Bujang Death to them..jailing them will cost taxpayers money.. Our
money.. Teach the young generations that crime does not pay.. And not .. Because of
'underage' , no stiff punishment just a slap on the wrist..

Chandra Velayutham CANT imagine what they will do when they are adults.

Bing Noraida Death penalty to the principal and his staff then for letting this happened....

Omar Abdullah But minors can definitely kill.....hmmm

Chuah Ei Leng This is cold blooded murder.

Naim Hasan Better keep them all suspek in a safe place...i think they life in a danger after
this incident..

Alfred Allen What if a minor kill someone very important of the country ?

Morini Kudan Minors capable of killing.

Venoshia Vellasamy More juvenile cases in the near future

David Lush Great parents supervision. Kids can join a jihad group without them knowing......

Ah Booi Teh So minors can go around commit murders and walk free?

Jidz Mohamed In the court of public opinion, no one has a law degree.

Sivaraman Nair At least sentence them for life in prison

Peter Chen If this case involved lives of bn ministers he will say different thing

Lee Ri An This is a well planned arson. This is a murder, regardless of age.

David Liow And these "minors" can murder other minors?

Kay Kamarul Justice don't have matter who you are..put justice on it's place

Tengku Shahran AG can always decide to put them on trials as adults.

Nada Rajan Then how minor killed sadly

What nonsense

Gv them death penalty

Rohaida Hanum Hassan The live of the loss is all wasted.

Mei Ling See Same death penalty for their parents too!

Kc Chan ... death penalties for the school administrators for failing to provide safety

Maran Devaraji Minors are the criminals, and how bout the justice for the minors

Inthrah Sv No justice for the poor kids,what the hell is going on? Very dissapointing.

Jason Sng They should be tried as adults

Hooi Yin Another stunt to spare the rod when kids did wrong things

Enzo Korolev minors smoking ice @ syabu...very minor allright

Koghulapaalhan Krishnan Unfair....loop hole in law...mens rea is so direct but law kan ape
boleh buat...

Fibonacci Sequentia Need to redefine what minor is...

Rania Rania What about the victim r they old enough to die

Kathrine Kan Keat Peng Then minor , i will say minor will the the drug lord for no law can
bind them .

Atun Pakmat They are minors but they caused death to other minors.
Ricky Lee Wondering thoughts, were these minors under drug influence???????

Anu Satg They are minors but thinking like majors... they deserve get death penalty

Eric Khoo If I read correctly, most of the "minors" have "record"?

Jaypu Jaypu Umi Called it a minor,,and they keep on doing,,wait and see

Mohd Faisal Jaafar perfectly staged n organized crime...took 23 lives...done by Minor...and

because of Section 97(1) Children Act...prohibit them from being charged of murder...

Siow Chuan those who causes life have to pay with life.

Bohayen Gustav But their mentality are beyond adults..

Rebel Artiste Minors are the ones who commits the most crimes nowadays

Halim Ahmad How u feel if your children was dead in fire-u free them n say goodbye

Sp Aw N We should publicly torture them to death, cut their throat and burn them over and
over and over 😱

Casandra Kok This is our best law here.....plan and kill is nothing and same goes plan and
corrupted too

D'Jentayu Putih Killing with strategy, lock the door, and start fire like profesional killer
...first degree murder... in young ages they have high level genius, how about 5 to 10 years ...
can be more than myanmar buddhist

Nicole Khoo Simple...use the fire and try burn the minister tat put out the comment...and see
what she say abt the pain..

San Zuan The problem is when you breed too many offsprings and then just don't take care
of them...

Sharma Rao Balakrishnan 55% parents fault

15% police fault (no arrests due to drugs, since they have previous crime records, they shd be
in juvenile detention by now)

30% their fault

Fila Morshidi wait till they are not minors!! then give them the death penalty~!!

Karen Sk They are minors yes but with a dangerous mind.

Nagarajan Periasamy The parents who lost their child only know the real pain. Dont take
decision by age factor only.

David Chan The law is the u can't change that done

Eddie See The usual loophole in law. One minor and one lunatic, untouchable.

Wan Yusof Marzuki Jika mereka ddapati bsalah 'death penalty' adalah tindakan takhir
adalah tepat oleh kerana tindakan dlakukan oleh mereka adalah sangat kejam.

Lee Amanda the children r train to behead n kill in other country

Sammy Lee Killer teens..drug pusher teens..exempted..laws have to be harder than deaths...

Willemina Timmer What to do the whole world has agreed on this. No death penalty to
children under 18yrs... Hope justice will be serve

Rayjiv Thevendram ...Yeah... Don't hang them...they are minors... give them chance to kill
more ppl when they grow up...

Shane Lin Minors have brains too.Maybe death is not an option.Life sentence in jail could be
a better option.Stop trying to gain political mileage from this Minister....


KUALA LUMPUR: Police have arrested seven teenage boys in connection with the fire at
Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah school, which claimed the lives of 23 students and teachers, early
Kuala Lumpur Police chief Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh, when contacted, confirmed the

“Yes, I confirmed the arrests have been made,” he said.

The report on the arrest of the seven boys, aged between 12 and 18, went viral  over social
media on Saturday.

The 5.15 am fire at the tahfiz school resulted in the death of 21 students and two teachers.

Six others students sustained injuries. -Bernama

吳景杰 Ya. Manja yr kids.pamper them more. This is what will happen if you don't beat or
scold yr children. Sikit sikit hal mahu saman sekolah sebab anak kena pelempang. Akibatnya
jadi sampah masyarakat.

Amaranathan Pathmanathan Neglect our youth, this is the result: bullying, rempit, teen
pregnancies, and now, murder. Chase all the wealth you want, but if there's no human
development and nurturing, we're sitting on a time-bomb

Ong Jing Quan Perhaps we, as Malaysian should start reevaluate what has gone wrong in
our society, that how a simple quarrel could turn into a deadly murderous intent. Education
should start at homes, parents should always supervise their children so that they won't mix
around with wrong people. If you can't teach your kids properly, please don't breed, you
might as well as raising another murderer. At the same time, lets not forget the drug abuse
issue is rising especially among the teens, partly caused by lack of supervision of parents.

Jenni Tan Govt should tk immediate countermeasures on risk at others schools..this building
should hv met all the safety regulation whenever there is a fire..latest update this building
operate without fire permit. govt need to act fast to check all schools building that ur kids
might be studying..

Norihan Darus ‫ نوري‬What have we become as a society? Kids in their teens are now capable
of planning/carrying out a murder. They should be tried as adults in court for the painful
deaths they have caused. Perhaps we need laws that hold parents responsible for their kids'
behavior. Drugs too play a part...

Anis Hussain adakah ini bukti kegagalan kita sebagai ibu-bapa,pemerintah,masyarakat dan
system yg gagal memberi contoh dan tunjuk ajar yg baik pd anak2 zaman sekarang? 😢😢

Sonia Bilbir Miss Grace for heavens sake please dont bring up race issues - any one can be a
thug and anyone can be a murderer - some parents have lost their beloved kids - these were
our kids too - lets all do our bit and help out if we can but lets not bring up race issues .

Sandra Muhijuddin Sending them to jail will not solve this issues. They should be send to
the school to do the clean up, repair works, until the school is fully repaired. Under
supervision of course, at night send them to a detention center. They should be made to work
from 7am to 7pm..that is the appropriate punishment. Hard Labour until the years they are
supposed to be in jail are served.

Penny Ho The parents should go to jail. They are the ones letting their children out in these
hours and no monitoring. Drug addict sampah masyarakat.. innocence life taken

Sook Mun Wong Why ??? Please get to the root cause why the young generation are
behaving this way nowadays ! Poor parental guidance, education system, drug issue need to
be seriously look into

Sean Stress Wow the comments here..blaming the government, schools, parents, bla bla
bla..but never want to blame yourselves..funny human..these people who only know how to
criticize..look at the mirror and blame how i feel is malaysia's day
but i feel like i fail to become a good malaysian that contribute to society..reflect on yourself
as human and malaysian..these kids and parents definitely need to be punish for the justice of
the victims but lesson to be learn what can we all do to make malaysia is a better home for

Noel Leong Whether it's homicide or accident; the fatality count would have been lower if
the building was safety worthy. The owner of the school is equally complicit in the death of
these poor souls.

Ganesha Ganesha What has happen to our community now days, stupid fellows now it's a
nation issue, why needed to do this kind of behavoir, 21 kids has lost their lives for nothing, i
who ever did it or what ever race, steen punishment has or must be carried out, no any 3rd
party involvement, i hope their sole rest in peace up there.

Abdul Hafidz Win Will remain as one of the worst case in Malaysia history due teenages
attitudes and behavior problems. Who to blame? Parents can't run away from their
responsibility. So sad and can't imagine they dare to do it.

Charlotte Rodrigues Don't blame the children ! They don't know . The govt should take the
responsibility and the school ! Why do parents send their children to this type of irresponsible
school I don't understand. Pls also do your homework as parents . Loss of innocent lives . An
incident that could have been avoided

Karen Dhillon So much anger at such a tender age? What has happen to our society? It's
sickening and disheartening. To some extend I blame the parents as well, they need to be
responsible for their child's act.

End Rick I think nowadays everything is possible and nothing is impossible. The teens can
learn all these stuffs from movies and they always feel proud of themselves like a Hero or
Taiko if they act and showing that kind of attitude arrogant and stronger in from their buddies
and they could earns the respect front their fellow.
Look at these teens they all seem so expertise and well planned to fire up and burn the school.
This is really unbelievable from the teens at this ages.

May all the innocent kids rest in peace 😞

Sitheravellu Sathasivam Time and again Mat Rempit; Basikal Lajak; drugs & gangsterism
in our school system among our youths calls for the Youth & Sports Ministry;Ministry of
Education;parents;teachers& religious leaders,police to have a clear plan of action on how to
handle our youths with so many social issues at hand.Our youths are our future leaders and
current social issues doesn't augurs well for our country in the supply of qualified & quality
human capital leadership.

Joel Ych It's a mass murder of 23 ppl, and if they are guilty, the court should at least sentence
them to life sentence. If its only consultation as punishment due to the ridiculously young
age. It'll give a very wrong impression to the younger society, no one can rule out on the
possibility of second mishap.

Noel Then Yun Sen Oh, so now so-called problematic teens causes the murder lah?! Where
are the Islamic values on those 'ganja-influenced samseng teens' had gone? Only aged 12 to
18 years old already have capability to commit murder. Not just tahfiz school, nowadays
where are the good values learned by students at school had gone? What is the use of wasting
govt money to built school when the youngsters never learn much good values at all? And
there you have it, a group tahfiz students died in the hands of 'drug-influenced' dropout
students. Nowadays, young school children already know how to bully, teens know how to
bully and involve in crime, later in their adults who knows they will be criminals or terrorist?

Angeline Dominic Unbelievable!!! Whats going on with the young generation? What will be
the future of the Nation if these kind of unruly children grew up? My God can't even imagine.
So heartless at this tender age. Then what exactly they study in religious school? What
promote them to do this kind of heinous wicked deeds?

Deepa Shanmugam Arson is one. The main thing we should look into is those kids were trap
in the building with no basic fire safety.No route to escape. Take action against the
management.Then deal with the criminals.

Puan Nysa MH The first teacher is matter what..we as a parents must change the
way ..its not easy to educate childs nowadays..we must change. Gosh

Teresa Chan So sad that these kids chose to do something so demonic and never think of the
consequences at all.. maybe they should be asked these questions.. "so do you feel happy that
you have killed someone?"... or "do you feel good at all.. now that those who have belittle
and made fun of you are dead"..... very sad to hear this happening.. May God forgive them..

Harkiret Singh Guys.. hold on.. no one said they commit crime yet.. lets wait for
investigation to take place.. it could also be an accident..
CK Go I feel sad for the victim as well as the suspect. At this age they should be nurtured
and not letting them running around... society has let them all down their parents too.

Pustaka Anda These tahfiz may follow all the required government conditions but we have a
few culprits like this, they can burnt whole building.

Sharfox Zac Kalau mak bapak dah gagal didik anak, biar cikgu2 diberi kuasa mendidik
anak2 dgn rotan mcm dulu2. Kita dulu pun nakal jugak dan ramai drop out jugak tp xda la
sampai membunuh2 peringkat extreme dan berkumpul berbasikat sampai 3-4 pagi mcm di
JB. Skrg bila diberi homework mak bapak komplen, bula x siap homework pun cikgu x boleh
marah sbb sistem pendidikan x benarkan cikgu menjeling anak murid generation
skrg menjadi manja x tentu arah. X dtg sekolah pun cikgu x marah...hisap rokok depan pagar
sekolah pun xda siapa boleh drp situ melarat2 sampai ambik syabu, join
gangster, jadi perogol, yg perempuan pun dah start street fight sebab lelaki.

Cindy Ng the kids doesn't deserved to die in such horrible way ... so sad... what makes the
young boys have the heart to do so 😂😣☹

Linus Lai When children are brought in an environment of hate, bigotry and lack of
discipline, this is what you get!

Roshan Ravidass Nair Why were this teens smoking up ganja in that particular school??
further investigation must done and plz be transparent insted of sweeping under the carpet..

Gop Manik Parents should be blamed for children's wrong doings. Discipline starts from
home. Those days we get whacking from teachers, we dare not tell our parents. We will get
more if we reveal. Everything has gone opposite now. Parents are against teachers now.

Zamri Zain Unforgiven to All of them...they should be punish n let them feel the pain...Let
All mom & Dad watch ur teenage boys movement 24 & always.

John Whichelow The parents of the seven teenage boys are very liberal-minded...or perhaps
they are simply unaware of what their offspring get up to after midnight..

Karen Lim Even if it is true that the fire was intentionally started, the school should not get
away with failing safety measures and operate without proper permits

Mala Tutor Despite race or religion. When some breed like animals, they produce animals.
The society feed and pamper them in the name of humanity. When a mishap happens,
everyone cry foul. No discipline, no enforcement. That's the root cause of the problems in our
society. Government should look into this matter seriously instead of focusing only on
collecting tax and managing finance. Poor victims. May their soul rest in peace :(

Karen Lee Huey Shyan Don't forget gross negligence resulting in death. In the eyes of the
law, it is called manslaughter.

Mary Ponnusamy What's their role in this tragedy? If they are the culprits, please you great
scholars find out what's gone wrong in our teaching. Is something should be dropped or
added in our education system? Some serious thinking has to be done. Even adults are doing
a lot of negative things. These are not good signs.

Connie Yap Mei Lin These seven boys will never live in peace for rest of their life knowing
that so many died because of their stupid for the innocent victims.

Kasthoori Anbalagan Parents should also take note and question the kindergarten/
enrichment schools etc where you send your kids for even any extra classes.. managements
should have a bit of fear of parents being concerned.. coz I've noticed some enrichment
centres don't have emergency exits.. parents please look into it..

Lesley Linggod World wide young peopke are doing terrible things. USA and their young
school killers .....all because they couldn't take the taunting. Perhaps teaching youngsters and
enforcing teachings on not to taunt/bully. Such a sad outcome

Mohina Sidom How they got drug so easily i wonder. The drug problem is so serious in our
country & we cannot take it lightly anymore.

Hazizah Baba I just hope the the court will use the provision of the akta keluaega dan
kanak2 since these boys are under 18 years of age ... whereby parents are also liable to be
charge any crime done by the children .... mungkin bila dah dilakukan .... baru ada kesedaran.

Choo Keang Wooi When they do rempit, ku nan encouraged it and seek a circuit in kl for
them! These are the parents of malay youths. Also snatch thieves.

Le Anne Where are their parents??? Why are they exposed to drugs at this young age? Why
are they allowed to leave the house as they wish?

Before blaming the education system, the gov., education starts from home! Absolutely the
parents are irresponsible ppl!!!


Janu Panicker Future of our country ya...for small issues, innocent lives lost. Many social
problems begins from house...with our own attitudes....

Josephinelee Lee Sad very sad i can feel for them and parent's! May all they soul rest in
peace Justice for victims!!

Devan Nair Forgive them. The deaths is GODs willing kan. So why bother.(Hint: for you
morons out statement was a sarcasm).

Le Anne Usia kecil tapi berjiwa iblis! kecil2 dah buat dosa besar. Tidak patut berbelas
kasihan dgn iblis2 ini kalau ingati kekejaman mereka terhadap 23 mangsa 😢😢

Hati kejam, otak kejam, jiwa kejam, perbuatan kejam!!

iblis2 ini perlu diseksa seteruk2nya sbg pengajaran dan ingatan kalau tak digantung!
Kumar S DN Blame the parents because they are below 18 and under drugs... parents too
busy? Now, too late... parents get ashamed in community n in their family!!!

Mary Nicholas If they only knew the basic of life, to love and to forgive, that most tragic
incident would not happened. RIP to the victims and condolences to their family.

Keeboon Kok Bad upbringing, immoral behavior, No God. no conscience..Pure evil. Poor
boys murdered by juvenile delinquent.

Puan Nysa MH Whoever the culprits..i hope they will be trapped in contena and locked from
outside. And hand to hand we burn them down.

Haxen Mozi Smoking Ganja does not make you want to kill...Police are using a red herring
to cover up the real culprit, the people who build and ran that tahfiz school got away.

Saad Mohamed Buhari Sejuta terima kasih kepada anggota polis ,yang memang terkenal
dengan efficency mereka. Walaupun yang terlibat bawah seksan juana, pastikan mereka di
rotan tidak kurang dari tiga kali.

Ide Drea you condone the samseng act like in lowyat you breed more of these type of
creatures who think they can get away with anything

Mok Chow Hor Way has happened? Why a building without obtaining oc can start
operating? How could a school b operating for years without obtaining valid bomba licence?
How about the town council? No proper trading licence also can run a business? Why no
body query on these points? What has happened to the efficient Mr ppr? Some body has to be
brought out to face the music now that we have lost so many kids lives n teachers too!! So
many question marks crop up in this sad tragedy!

John Whichelow At the very least the parents of these horrible adolescents should be named
and (unless they have a good excuse) shamed.

Azid Barja Jurang antara mereka amatlah jauh mcm langit & bumi. Umur mereka sama.
Mcmana bole baiki?

Sama2 lah kita renungkan dan cari Jalan penyelesaian yg terbaik. Insyaallah...

Kingsley Robson What will the govt and everyone think anout this? Ehats wrong with the
young community without guidance, control monitoring and right teachings?

Weng Yeaw WTF? Miss understood and want life? Burn with petrol are not enough and
need 2 gas cylinder? Unbelievable. . .

Ava Mei Kee Chang How do children become so vicious, cruel and destructive? What has

Saya Chopi Mana yang power power hari tu menghina. Di harap jumpa tuan punya diri
memohon maaf. Yang dah delete fb tu.. minta kawan kawan sampaikan.
Punnithamalar Murugesu I am wondering what was the parents doing, how come they
didnt realize the kids not in the house at that hour?

Keet Yee Malay NGO and umno will provide free legal assistance to the boys this time ?

Shopiea Suling Pasal benda kecik jer dik. Orang lain jadi mangsa. Kesian lah Kat yang
taktau apa apa. Tak baik berdendam. Benda boleh selesai, kenapa nak bakar macam tu?
Tengok berapa nyawa dah hilang!!! Budak budak Sekarang memang susah lah! Kecik2 dah
main dadah, besar Nanti jual dadah pulak! Gaduh jer terus pergi bakar asrama!!

Azman Kmr 6 of them pos+ drug according cheif kl police during the press conference jz

Mirai Shikadai Nara It's a murder.. Then set their on fire is the only legit punishment

Zam Ree This is another type of social issues these days 😊

Kama Azlan Muhammad ...sampah masyarakat...buat malu bangsa!!...your parents pandai

buat anak..tapi tak pandai jaga!...mendela!

Sunita Thomas Another 7 lives "up in flames" - what a tragedy! What are kids being taught
these days??

DerDer Ric Bullying is the cause of this I think. School should have zero tolerance on

John Whichelow Whatever the age, it is almost always MALES!!

Foo Wee Chin kids are gift from god, so pls love them, guide them, teach them, educate

Roy Azizul Just hang them all....

Hatta Bin Morshidi So young n yet already deeply involve in drugs. Where r the parents n
what r they doing?

Zubaidah Begum Penjenayah tak layak di gantung.

Mesti di bakar....bakar...bakar.


Robert Michael Fernandez Well..if these were indian or chinese kids. All hell will break

Apuu Rassa Suspects are also tahfiz students as published in other news media - extremism

Deli Koesoma Cempakancana Thumb ups for RMP (Royal Malaysian Police). Mystery

Tsewang Bhotia That was quick, way too quick..

Hj Ridzwan Hj Ramli Bring them to the gallows

Balraj Shanmugam People please think before you comment

Anuar Senin ibubapa yg biarkn anak2nya berkeliaran selepas jm 12am perlu dipenjara dgn
anak2nya sekali biarkn mereput sama2

Michael Lui I want to say mercy but I also want to say .... burn them in hell ... I'm torn.

Choo Keang Wooi It is youths like these that caused low yat plaza riot a few years ago. This
is their karma.

Alias Abdullah Satan has recruited young boys to help him kill muslims.

Chikni Nonia Who are they ??

Whoever they are jz hang them !!!!!!!!!!!!

Calvin Tham Let them receive the same treatment! Burn them too! 😡😡😡

Roslan Rashid Budak dadah ke ni? Sampai hilang pertimbangan.. mana mak bapak nak letak

Oghenevwede Vwede If confirm this teen do this, oh God keep them deep deep in jail

Shyan Jenq After all these I can tell you, your problem is still not solved.

Ganeson Gani God will punish them + the law.they have 2 spend their lives in prison.

Dev Roland There must be a reason y they did these??

Catch that..

Ramli Ahmad Their parents should be remanded too

Mac Snoopee Ong Crazy times we live in. When society lacks proper education...

Merickans Rumbli Berita yg sangat mengejutkan sekali jika betul dan dibuktikan sahih oleh
pihak berwajib.Sampai begitu sekali tindakan mereka kerana ejekan.Hai kanak2 dan remaja2
yg terlibat...kini masa hadapan kamu agak gelap dan keluarga kamu pasti sangat sedih dan
pilu atas tindakan tanpa gunakan fikiran dan otak...Apa yg silap sebenarnya?

Steven Ng Send them to life time counseling session

Rayn Dicanio We supposed to blame theirs parents for their's crime

Arjel Arshed no safety windows, the room of 30++ children's only have one door and no
CCTV at the school!
Zainal Abidin yelahhh maki hamun je lah korang boleh buat. bile nampak budak buat bnde x
betul bukan berani tegur depan2 pun

Piara Singh Wat if yr son is in that how will you feel.Its easy to say. They need motivation
this n that.If its my son i will burn them.

Cynthia Yeoh Dangerous.. Youngsters but.... the mind of adults....!!

Patricia Leong Lives are lost due to these youths taking 'revenge'. They should be trial and
severe punishment.

Chris Woo Rubbish sent them to the GALLOWS GANTUNG SAMPAI MATI

Jo Karlsberg Put them inside the cage and burn them alive..

Emmanuel Abdullah Bring to justice - terrorist punishment

Naresh Pds Thakur Need to take counter meassure to overcome this fire problem...

Rozaidin Yazid No...I don't think so they will do it. For what reason?

Iqbal Bravo Hope they are not among BRIM recepient!

Regina Bridget In due time they'll ask for forgiveness.

Karunagaran Yanasegaran Omg case bunuh dgn niat. Apa sudah jadi dgn remaja &
pemuda-pemudi sekarang? Mass murder 😱

Josephine Tan It's arson? What the ...!!!

Christopher Pang Holy crap... age 12 to 18... took 23 lives... I am Speechless...

Christopher Robbin Lee One nyawa for one life .. pls gantung sampai mati ...

Surya Ganesh Burn them to death!

Nor Haslina 2 issues here..arson and safety measures

Andrew Tan Government should start getting strict on safety adherence of all schools
including tahfiz as we r talking about children lives here. Don't just talk and leave things as it

Cassius Pereira Fire extinguishers and fire drills as immediate remedial measure need to be
more strictly enforced especially in boarding schools!

Give our Bomba a break from this madness for once.

Alex Lim Another task force will be set up and forgotten and soon the incident repeat it
self.That is how bodohland works
Nelson Choong Tahfiz school being allow to teach, breed, mould it's intent education system
without much control from t edu dept.wonder is open to public enrollment for environmental

Ahmad Suhaimi It is very sad when we treat religious schools like second class or third class
Schools. They should be accorded same status as other Government schools.

Vince Liew I thought we have a special task force to find out if these schools are fire-safe?

Derek Saw So the parents didn't question the school's safety again?

Kartik Tiben Place all the fireman next to the Tahfiz schools in Malaysia

Ooi Beng Cheang What happened to the bomba checking all the tahfiz schools? Was this
school vetted already?

A Mary Joseph Doesn't anyone find this out of the ordinary?

Kiera Gill Thank god the kids are safe. Bravo Bomba team.

Ken Robert it's fated.

Ong Nic Probably they want some millions for Najib too ... hahahahaha

Reginald Ho Chun Yoon No martyrs this time round...

Marcus Chuah Home minister over to you

Venu Kunjambu Tahfiz schools phobia!

Noel Silas There we go again.


KUALA LUMPUR: Following the arrest of seven youths in connection the deadly fire at the
Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah school, police are investigating the case as mischief by fire and

The youths aged between 11 and 18 will be remanded until Sept 22. The case will be
investigated under Section 435 of the Penal Code for mischief by fire and Section 302 for

Kuala Lumpur Police chief Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh said that six of the seven
teenagers arrested tested positive for ganja.

Amar said that the motive was believed to be from a misunderstanding due to teasing
between the suspects and some of the tahfiz students several days before the fire.
"But maybe because of their age, they didn't know that their actions would lead to the final
result," he told a press conference on Saturday.

He also said that two of the youths also had police records - one for rioting and another for
theft of a vehicle.

Amar said some of the youths are school leavers while others were schooling in the
area. Police also seized clothes, helmets and a motorcycle from the suspects.

Amar added that investigations show that an accelerant was used and that two gas cylinders
were moved from the lower floor of the school to the upper floor.

Amar also urged the public to stop the circulation of viral messages regarding the case.

"Stop this, because it will affect the investigation and the process in court," he said.

The 5.15 am fire at the tahfiz school resulted in the death of 21 students and two teachers. Six
others students sustained injuries.



Sylvia Kim Kim Better parents don't give birth to many children if can't educate them. Wat
the point raise them and the result they become evils

Kingsley Robson But still the problem is also the authorities and school owners for operating
an illegal building non compliance. They should be charged too .

Janet Nioh Very very sad. One case after another- Nhaveen, Zulfarhan, and many other
cases. Where is the love for mankind?

Sukhato Aramo This is the consequences of the leaders of the ruling Federal Government
who look after their own pockets and welfare, as well as their cronies. Where and when did
these leaders seriously care, concern and serve the needs of the Rakyat??????

Ster Lim Very sad...something had be done to curb the distribution of drugs.why drugs is so
easily available for kids. I wish the victims rest in peace n the family of the victims stay

End Rick Positive ganja? I think this case shouldn't taking lightly cos of their age or mischief
by fire or something else. These kids should learns from their lesson and law punishment
must take fairly accordingly otherwise these teens they won't feel regret on they actions. And
also the message delivery to the young society teens/kids for better understanding of this
punishment. Do not forget they have took away in total 23 innocent life.
Also, importantly msg to the parents. If you don't take good care your childrens next your
children might be one of them. Nowadays, we cant just blame to school or teacher when
something happening to the kids. Parents are taking most important role and the way you
educate and raise your children. Children can easily copy-cat misbehaving from parents and
anybody else therefore parents should paying more attention to their children especially in
their teens ages. I would say many of parents lacking of their responsibility as a parents. They
always expect sending their children to the school and the teacher will help them to raise and
educate their children.

So guys please think carefully and spend sometime to do study and also understand yourself
before giving birth. If your children step to a wrong way which mean you are failure and do
not try blame anybody else.

CK Go I feel sad for the victim as well as the suspect. At this age they should be nurtured
and not letting them running around... society has let them all down their parents too.

Mitta Raj Nair The crime was so appalling. Those kids and their teachers never stood a
chance against those vindictive young criminals. I wonder what they did while those kids
perished? Did they go home and sleep? Where was their conscience the whole time? I hope
the parents of those affected will be able to stay strong despite the circumstances.

Tink Tinker In the end these culprits will be asked to attend some detention classes due to
their age and couldn't be prosecuted like an adult in court even though they are already
smoking pot now!

Vinci Tan Yee Yin Such a young age already terrorist-like behaviour. These minds are so
evil. Really dunno what they are being taught.

Saravanan Sanmugom when we condemned parents and kids who cycling at odd hours,
many called us racist. opps MCMC said public shouldnt comment about the case in social
media. wink!

Thinusha Selvaraj Only arrested? What's next? Under age....n bla bla bla.....? please take
serious action n make this be a lesson to others. It is very sad to see our country in this state...
Also, poor innocent lives gone is really heartbreaking. May their souls rip.

BX Ho Make no mistake, this is no small mischief. This was well planned arson. The gas
cylinders moved to upper floor to cause maximum damage and than accelerant used to spread
the fire. Furthermore, escape door block by mattress, so victims can't get away. The intent
was clear. To roast the victims alive. It pain to say this, but the kids can officially be cerified

Jeremy Yong So there's 2 possible causes that made this accident worse.

1. Intentional fire starting by vengeful teens.

2. No official approval of safety precaution for young student to stay in.

Kiera Gill Sukhato, u r rite. They instead want to help other countries n ppl. Rakyat is only
used as slaves to earn n feed them...disgusting.

Lisa Ng "But maybe because of their age, they didn't know that their actions would lead to
the final result," he told a press conference on Saturday."

At that age they should already know fire kills. And that 'burning a school' is against the
teachings of religion.

And two of them have police reports against them. At that age!

Mmuda Mohamed And this is the situation in the heart of thr country? These are the human
infrastucture for the future? Open your eyes politicians and so called leaders your youth are
in serious trouble and the country is headed for disaster if this is not addressed. Are we going
to become a nation of Illiterate youth,drug addicts?

Ken Green All mafia and drung dealer are responsible for this, mafia also should be fight as
no1 enemy because they are source of drug.

Mohamad Nordin Khairuddin The slogan "drug kills" is not a phrase to be taken easily.

Martin Sebastian Swerving the non compliance issue away from public. Even if the
perpetrators were to be convicted, the authorities who ran the school and agencies who did
not do their jobs should be tried

Kin Bleasdale Should usher the whole murderous brats and their parents to the morgue to see
their ugly killings. They will be mortified.

That horrendous sights will haunt them for life..till even on their death bed.

Leroy NG They blame this and that. Now they blame ganja. Nobody is owning up to
responsibility and failure on the parents, teachers and religious classes.

Kin Bleasdale What a menace to the society. No shortage of such low life.

Inclusively count in those CYBER BULLIES!

Who unawaringly harbour that SMALL MAN OR PETER PAN'S SYNDROME..! Without
the trace of their INSANITY!

The urgency to a Shrink would have done them the world of good. To nit pick their abnormal
behavior. If undetected will cause innocents to pay the price. It well applies to all of those

Giovanni Lawai Laing Charge under Section 302 la. The mastermind does have the
intention to kill by burning those innocent kids and two ustaz to death.
Alicia Amran At the same time we have a group of people insisting to get ganja (weed)
legalised. A drug is a drug. These kids used ganja and what good came out from them?

Christie Kung The cause of it maybe mischief in the wrong time at the wrong place.To
young to be charged murder. The warden should be called up for question and the school
principles and the approval authority's to that building. Why is the world gone crazy.
Students needed guidance by the teachers and parents.

Shaun Long Haiz ... So young those all ... 1 stupid move 23 ppl die in vain ..

Fiona Jobs They murdered the 21 victims with no mercy.

Billy Teoh Inhuman act. They'll taste the fire when they'll burn in hell.

Jienn Ong if they are not positive drug, means they will be charged with murder.... best just
say u do drug.

Nurhisham Bin Bujang ganja users need not comment about this.. hahahaha..

KT Kong So many lives lost and charge is only mischief?

Salaka Woh Should trial them as adults. Hope they ll be hange

Ahmad Ibrahim THIS IS MURDER



Sam Antha Should sentence for life. Don't release them

Jinj Hoh *stop playing with fire * we always teach our children. What 's wrong with these
arrested teenagers?

Haxen Mozi A hollow discriminating indictment using Ganja that does not make someone
wants to kill.

Zam Ree Don't forget, drugs still our top enemy 😊

Niezam Gus Exactly the reason I agree with Duterte to kill these drug addicts.

Nor Elmie Be it on drugs or what ever, yet they were able to plan ahead.

Eddie See Where they get stock so easily for weed?

Jason Yong Just let them taste their own medicine see siok or not.

Rajasekaran Sangaran Than why there was a comment saying it was due to short circuit?

Suzie Saras Upbringing of children parents to be blamed

Popeye's Sandwich Drugs or no drugs - Do to them as how they did to the 23 innocent
victims ... These are evil bastards😡😡😡

Aisyah Ruslan Can the parents/guardians of the drug addicts be held responsible also

Shah Afin Not Mischief but cold blooded murder!..

Stewart Pang Next yr puasa all sin "cuci" then got chance to go "heaven" why so serious?

CK Go pantang dicabar attitude.....

Cathy Chan PDRM..well done

Joan Dorai These boys are heartless.

John Lim Now that the culprits who set the fire that caused the death of the 23 kids are
charged, how about the owner and management of the school whose negligence and non-
compliance to safety standards are responsible for the death of these kids? Why are the
authorities so quiet about these? As if to Cover up and protect them. Or maybe the families of
the victims should sue them for negligence.

Joshua Tan the biggest culprit was the fact that principle housed the student in a non CF able
building with grills that cannot be opened and a exit door single with no nearby fire
extinguisher in place. and that principle attribute his own student death as takdir.

Mark Tay Kuan Meng The principle should be charged as well for negligent homicide. His
failure to ensure proper bomba safety contributed to the deaths also. He placed the kids in
harms way by housing them there. Takdir my foot.

Tantty Ali So sad, but this was not an accident, it was well planned. 23 young lives perished
and they died in a horrific and suffering death, being burnt alive. Think about that when your
feeling sorry about the accused.....

Swaran Singh Death sentence ain't worth it they should rot in prison for rest of their
miserable life's without any visitation plus confinement never too see another day light. Let
them beg for their own death. They should go thru similar how those perished which were
screaming for their life's till their demise. Only then strong message will be heard to all those

Ally Lim Wonder how they come up with who to put on death sentence . Well if the
management of the building follow guideline , the kids wont die or at least hv some chance of
survival rather than all locked in .

Fauzi Og Not siding with the accused but Trial behind closed doors because they are
"minors". Yet you want to hang them. Plus shouldn't the Principal be charged too for Locking
those kids like animals at night.
JoJo Chin If these 2 arsonists and murderers are given the death sentences, then the Other 4
arsonists and murderers should be given LIFE sentences !! If they are old enough to murder
innocent people then they are a danger to society and should be locked away for life when
they reach 18 years old. Detain them in Reform schools until they reach 18. Then lock them
away for life!

Mageswaran Subrammaniam With the punishment already given... hopefully goverment

will take steps to control and eliminate drugged personals instead of fully focussing on
making the schools safe.....

Yen Ching Dear gov/judge, everyone is looking forward to hear your punishment for d tahfiz
principle and management. I cant brain why such ppl still get donations for their own
mistakes while d victims families get nothing for their loss 🙄 🙄 🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Derek Kf Law Misleading headings, it was mentioned that there is no death sentence even if
they are found guilty as they are minors.

Jared Than What happened if the building is actually complied to the fire & safety
procedure, would there be death? Just wondering.

Adrienne Kim What about the blasted headmaster?!! Still being trusted by gullible parents
who entrust their most precious gifts to him while he goes around blaming the whole world,
making excuses and talking rubbish. C'mon guys.

Colin Choong Though it's a heinous crime but the criminals are minors. Ofcourse cannot let
them go scot free. There are other punishments !

Victor Low This is most unfair I say !. Why are students behaving like criminals ?. When I
was a little boy and behaved badly, my elders will ask, dont you go to school ?. I say its the
education they recieved. The eduvation ministry is to be blamed

They must r all review religious school. I thinl they provide only religious thoughts nothing
that builds character.

Siti Aisyah Safren They can be prosecuted under section 302 of penal code. However, for
minor they cannot be sanctioned with death penalty in line with child act

PORT KLANG: The Fire and Rescue Services Department has been instructed to visit and
inspect all tahfiz schools in the country, says Tan Sri Noh Omar (pic).

The Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government Minister said this was to ensure that
these schools were not fire hazards.

He added that his ministry would also initiate action against those who breach building safety
regulations as contained in the Fire Services Act 1988.

"By right, tahfiz schools can only operate after they have our approval, but some of them
started operating without it," he said.

He added that his ministry had launched the Skuad Bomba Tahfiz (Tahfiz Fire Squad) six
months ago to promote safety in religious schools.


Kumario Vkt Why are the authority always reactive and not proactive. Only when an
incident happens then action is taken. What is the point of using an umbrella when already
soak in rain water?

Afral Abdullah Why was it not done before this incident?

Because you are too occupied finding faults of the Selangor government?

I have always said, "When your 1 finger is pointing on other(s), forget not, 3 are pointing at
you". Wrong?

Sukumaran Nayar Why selectively thafiz for inspection. All type of schools must be
inspected not leaving other buildings.

Bart Pang I read in another Star article that said 519 of such schools was registered
nationwide and out of that 211 burnt in the last 2 years. That's 40.7% chance your school will

Muthuvel Thevar Velayutham Lives are lost.. so just be quiet n let them rest in peace rather
than mockin each n evry personel from the goverment.. u idiots! U guys keep writin day in
and day out.. so what changes has the governement made or what sort of contribution that u
guys have given the least? Nothing.. u guys punch in and out.. gettin the money in for the
well being of ur family and then go to sleep...So shut up.. it is ok to be a political enthusiast..
but one shud noe when it is the right tym to speak n when it is the right tym to zip up! Thank

Sam Foo Budget Hotel,Karaoke,Pub & operate in shoplot & etc got escape staircase install at
back external building.Kindergarden operate in houses also have escape staircase too.I saw
one religious school operate in Sri Petaling with extentsion to 3 rd floor also got exit staircase
install externally but not sure it is approved.Sad to said, Home Minister got a heart to said
happened every 2 to 3 yrs & another asking Bomba to start inspecting now to check.Shall I
said this is normal for our country waiting disaster to happened then only take action & short
while memory lapse & again......

Alex Lee The problem is with fixed grills. This is the second case of death because they are
unable to escape fixed window grill since the johor fire case that involved a family on the
second floor. It shouldn't be fixed or at least there should be a large sledgehammer nearby for
them to break open when needed. Please learn from this.

Abdul Hafidz Win Not only inspect, what is the whole plan? Without inspect also can
predict lot of them do not comply with lot of things. Need to look into overall revamp before
it happen again not to madrasah but to other public facilities like erderly care centre,
hospitals, gov school, old hotels...etc

Helen Chew If we are serious of becoming developed and progressive nation, we need to be
serious about safety laws and prevention. Education and enforcement must be adhered. No
short cut and corruption. We cant just wait for bad incidents happen and then take actions!
The government shld have learn this! Lives are at stake.

Henry Por Soon Aik Very funny....why only tahfiz school? What is the justification behind...
Other school no need inspect? Why promote safety to religous school only.. Other school no
need safety?... Sound more political benefit Cock talking...

Kay Han Why not before, why now? Why wait for things to happen? Why must someone to
die? The statistics is there, but you fail to act.

Sean Ram Malaysia has many good monitoring systems to prevent disasters. But due to poor
enforcement, the system does not function as intended for.

An integrated system should be able to detect any non-compliance through a check and
balance mechanism without depending on a particular system.

For example CCF was not obtained from Bomba does not lead to problems undetected. Other
mechanisms such follow up inspections by council on plan approved and its compliance
could have detected the problem.

The problems also could have been detected by TNB at the point of electricity supply was
given. A compliance by TNB to ensure CCF is obtained before electricity power connection
was given could have prevented the incident.

This incident shows there are multiple enforcement systems failure that had failed to prevent
or reduced the risk of fire.

Thomas Chan The truth is that most buildings in malaysia fail fire safety test let alone
having CF. Most buildings do not have water sprinklers nor fire extinguisher though it is
mandatory by law. Please inspect all buildings especially those with illegal extensions and
not only religious schools. Enforcement is lacking here.

Harmohan Mohan Mohan Bomba to inspect so Noh Omar all this while what has ur
department doing sleeping or finding faults of others and jamal so much problem u can make
why not u inspected all this type of schools.if ministers are weak this will never be the end.

Marcus Mehta II There has been too many deaths associated with negligence by authorities
and the school.

Too many lives have been lost to stupidity, to saying its fated as an excuse to not do what is

But the decision and the means to prevent or to reduce such occurrences lies in the hands of
people demanding action is taken and to the good conscience of the authorities to ensure all
attempts are made to prevent such occurrences.
These children should have been better protected. The school authorities failed to ensure their
safety and by their inaction and their haste to open the school bear the responsibility for their

Shame on the school authorities. You should never have opened the school without first
ensuring it was safe to operate....

Ammalanathan Muthupandian Do it now. Better late than never. Another incident at these
schools will only show our continuous lackadaisical attitude towards the precious lives of our
children. On another point stern action should be taken against those who build potential
death traps.

Alex Foong Make sure you also follow through that those who has not complied to Bomba
regulation and approval be shut down immediately so as not to lead to more death, if not your
words are nothing but political statement only.

Abby Saan Every building should have a fire exit. That's a requirement for every building
when it is being built. But there are still some buildings that doesn't have a fire exit! I dunno
why accreditors of the school failed to overlook this very 'BASIC' retirement.

In the building, there is only one narrow space where students enter and exit. In d event of d
fire ,there was only a bottleneck escape which caused the stampede & d kid's trampled on
each other & GT trapped.

The school did not have any sprinklers, alarm system, fire extinguser & no regular
preparatory drills.God!

Our anger & comments canot bring back d souls tat has perished in d fire today.

Bt it can save people's lives if d authority impose a stern action before approving this kinda of
buildings to run as schools in d future.

My deepest condolences to d parents & families who lost their sons today.

Kiera Gill Normal lar Afral, the interest of rakyat is always KIVed. How many fires took
place in d last two years n yet they have not done anything. Our hero dpm want to put up task
force only to be announced but it wont take place. They r only interested in defending their
money n power. One seldom hears having fire drills. Life has become cheap. Their normal

Mohd Haidir Ariffin someone even said the principle will not be investigate/charge bcoz
that tahfiz school has suffered a lot. Not even get through the court, not even the enforcer
finish their investigation, someone already show his power and order to skip the law. Now
the investigation pointing towards sabotage. U cant exclude someone from Law just like that!

Philips Tan It's always like that with them. Wait until something happen then only take
action. Why can't you be more proactive instead of finding fault with the present Selangor
government. One life lost is too many.
Razak Aziz Inspections is good. But what if it doesn't pass the fire safety inspections. Would
the school accept all the suggested changes, some might cause major renovations like a 2nd
door (exit), fire extinguishers or a sprinkler system, maybe a fire escape stairs.

Would the fire inspectors or fire department allow the school to still be open if they refused
to follow the guidelines.

I've read previous reports or comments that the boys died as martyrs (mati syahid), which to a
Muslim is a big thing. However, the school board and its management should still be
responsible for them dying in the first place. Their negligence or don't care attitude that
caused the death. A school is supposed to be a safe place for kids.

Now, we just need to wait for the result on the cause of the fire.

Siau IE Hong Noh Omar is lying about Tahfix schools. 1. He said the said school has
applied to the Bomba for approval but he is scared to share the date.2. He didn't say why the
Bomba is holding up the application? 3. He said the structures in the application is different
from the actual building. How does he know as Bomba has yet to vet the application. 4. Zahid
says the government has no rights over Tahfix schools but suddenly NOH OMAR has the
rights to order inspections for all Tahfix schools throughout the country. Who is telling lies

Jason Foo After tragedy then only action by right in Japan the minister in charge always
resigned to take responsibility but in Malaysia it won't happen cos they have the tidak apa
attitude and no action will be against them cos the head and tail is of the same color.

Valentino Chan There was already a case pertaining to a death by alleged abused and many
issues were unfolded then.

Why was it not enforced? Why must these religious school be exempted from general safety
and other legislatives in the first place???

Rubbish minister and ministries indeed

Andy Phang You mean all this while and all the Tahfiz school are not currently compliant to
fird safety? May I ask which Ministry that approved the school set-up without proper license?
Do you realise you ard putting people in harms way? Stupidity and ignorance cannot be

Zainon Salleh Its sll yr fault! If you had done yr work insted of busy trying to disgrace
Azmin, nothing like this wd hsppen. Now yr instructions are a little bit too latr...dont you

Shahrul Mohd Hamid Bomba should inspect all building new or old from fire
hazard&safety( having fire extinguishers,overhead spriklers..etc)

Seb Ho Sudah happen baru nak bertindak... ni bermakna fail. remember, u work for the
society... Now the ppl suffer, the minister hold responsibility and you are fired.
Saraa R Morthy Just inspection? If found not adhering to guidelines are u gona close the
school until proper facilities and guidelines met? Cakap buat inspection so just buat
inspection saja ka?

Koh Bee Lian Better late than never. Please check out all the home schooling centres and
kindergartens too. And also shoplots that are converted to colleges and education centres.

Fakhron Diyana Fakruddin Yep it always takes fallen lives before somebody 'acts' like
they will do something about it. Well i truly hope this is not talk cock only. Wall the talk and
really do something about it!!

Bhaskaran Muthu Today they are using humans as guinea pigs for experiments. I suppose
this is only done in M'sia. Am I right?

Manogaran Govindan They cannot be proactive because they cannot think forward - the
reason every one have brain on head - but this people have brain at knee

Suren Raj Complacency and lackadaisical attitudes that you will always expect from a
minister like him until an overhaul happens in the govt

Kenny Lee Why when innocents die, then they start to work?

Are they not responsible to carry out their duties?

What do U have to say minister?

Saidin Abd Karim This your duty noh oii, if other country the seat should gave vacated
immediately cos so simple orders were nit done...

Komaran Narayanan Where did you before the incidence nor? Trying to be pathetic is it.....
Only now you check these schools

Mark David Wait for people to get killed first, then scramble around like cockroaches trying
to rectify things. Typical Malaysia.

Azlan A Aziz Why must innocent lives be lost before you incompetent donkeys get down
from your high horse and do your jobs???

Enough foot dragging lah!!!

Stop going for your bloody breakfast at 10am and teh trail at 3pm lah!!!!

People are dead becoz you buggers are not strict enough in enforcing the country's laws.

Nandah Kumar Menon Not tahfiz schools but all schools and kindergartens nursaries for
heaven's sake. Go inspect all schools from nurseries upwards

Siah Guan Ooi Is it to late now after 23 lives ? All Sleeping Full Pay Doing Nothing and
don't forget to Corrupt Can you Sleep at Night RIP
Dickson Hor Why must wait until give instruction than take action. Are all our authority just
pick which one can make side income

Haridas Sivasupra All relevant authorities have their own SOP. But when some
irresponsible person gets in n misuse their power. These is wat happens. Rule should be rules
n there should NOT be any comprimise on SAFETY. Crrouption is the main cause for all

Sumathi R. Allimuthu Trending ~ take actions only after something fatal happens. There is
something called 'preventative maintenance'???

Vishnu Arumugam Please also check all the kindergardens. Regulations are not followed.
They don't even have fire extinguishers.

Vincent Rammaya Sekolah Pondoks were raised everywhere authorised or not. The safety
was unrecorded. Religion rose above lives.

Fred Gnanakkan Minister all schools must be checked by bomba guys nationwide bcous no
stairs n doors escape fires.even mydin senawang escape fire doors close so how people going
to run frm fires

Josh Ho Sleeping for long time till incident happen

Augustin Anthony How about other schools!? How did this fellow become a minister!?

Soon Yew Liow Nobody learn from hospital fires happened very recently?

Khairul Afif How to know all if some of them not register?

Ambikai Bala · 13:26 Deepest condolences to the family ... hope the money to be given or
used to invest in the US is used to improve our homeland security & firefighting. 🤕😭

Razif Nasardin · 2:04 The education ministry must regulate these schools. No more excuses.
No more turning a blind eye. Mahdzir Khalid at Kementerian Pendidikan must act NOW!

Chan Kong Art · 19:01 Unnnecessary deaths...if there were safety features...maybe the death
toll will be less. very sad...condolences to the families of the victims.

Izzuddin Jamalie · 8:36 Short circuit & the fire started at the main door while all of them
still sleeping at 5AM, some of them managed to escape & most of them already passed in
sleep from inhaling the smoke

Raymond Noel · 0:00 The death of these innocent children is clearly negligence on the part
of the supervising authorities

Sara Ramdass · 0:17 My deepest condolences to their families and such a lost especially
those young kids who tend to be someone in the future. Rest in peace...
Lynn Hadeni · 3:09 Innalillawainnaillahirojiun... this is so sad... deepest condolences to their
family n friends. Alfatihah...

Oon Lay Wah · 15:06 Shocking and sad news. Deepest condolences to the family members.
How was the Fire and Rescue Team performance? How were the facilities at that moment if

Hetish Sharma · 0:00 How did this school start with only one door? Will things be swept
away after a week? Are they going to check other schools for safety?

Surya MohdKuzi · 4:35 Innalillah... takziah kepada semua keluarga mangsa. places like this
need proper Bomba check to make sure there is a fire escape, alarm etc... Hope it is not
caused by 'jeriji mati' they can't escape on time.

Lee Chu Ng · 0:00 This isn't the first n I doubt it will be the last until the necessary
authorities do something about fire safeties especially on privately operated hostels.

Smyth Wang · 8:34 It's such a sad day, indeed. I believe there are just too many factors that
led to these unnecessary deaths.

Alan Choy · 0:00 Sad indeed to know about such tragedy happening now and then. Our
heartfelt condolences to their families. May their family members stay strong. And those who
are injured gets immediate treatment and may they have a speedy recoveries !

Chandra Letchimy · 3:38 Condolence to all the family members.

Kenneth Chia · 11:52 Our Fire and Rescue Dept. Is not well equipped and not well trained !

Sean Ram · 17:46 I am so devastated with the incident and my sincere condolences. May
their soul rest in peace.\



KUALA LUMPUR: Mocking between students of Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz school and
a group of local teenagers in Jalan Datuk Keramat led to the revenge arson attack which
killed 23 students and teachers of the school.

Seven aged between 11 and 18 have been arrested in connection with the fire early on

City police Chief Comm Datuk Amar Singh said the teenagers were picked up between 6pm
on Friday and 2.30am yesterday.

He said insults exchanged between the youths and the students early in the week was
believed to be the trigger that led to the tragic fire.
“But maybe because of their age, they didn’t know that their actions would lead to the final
result,” he said adding that there was a possibility that the suspects were “high” during the

Comm Amar also confirmed that two gas cylinders were brought from the lower floor to the
top floor of the building where the fire started and that an accelerant was also used.

The 5.15am fire at the tahfiz school resulted in the death of 21 students and two teachers. Six
other students were injured.

He said police also seized five shirts, five pants, four helmets and three motorcycles from the

He added that six of the seven suspects also tested positive for ganja and checks showed that
two of them had previous criminal records.

Comm Amar said the seven were school dropouts living nearby the area.

Comm Amar added that the seven have been remanded for seven days starting yesterday.

He said that the case was being investigated for murder, mischief by fire, sudden death and
fire report.

Asked whether any fuel was found on the clothes of the suspects that were seized, Comm
Amar said: “I can only confirm that five pairs of clothing and pants were seized to undergo
hydrocarbon analysis.

“We have completed the investigation and with the arrests, I can confirm that the case is
solved and there would not be any more arrests,” he said.

Comm Amar also confirmed that one of the suspects was caught on CCTV footage that went
viral on social media.

He also urged people to stop spreading information about the case on social media as it would
affect the investigation.

The police announcement shocked parents of those who died in the fire.

“I could not believe that the fire was an act of arson, as I previously thought it could have
been due to a short circuit,” said Siti Salfari Ismail who lost a 10-year-old son Muhammad
Aidil Aqmal Mohd Zamzuri.

She said what was even more shocking was the revelation that the suspects were teenagers.

“This is so cruel to my son and his friends. So many of them lost their lives. I cannot believe
someone would do this,” Siti Salfari said.

She learnt about the news through her friends working at the police station.
The grieving mother said she hoped those involved would get their just punishment if they
were proven guilty.

She also said her son was happy studying at the tahfiz school and had never complained
about any untoward incidents.

Ahmad Nor Ramli, the father of 13-year-old Muhammad Hazim, said he would leave the
matter to the police.

“I hope the police will find the truth and justice will prevail,” he said.

He also said his son had never complained about any disagreement involving the students at
the school.

Norakma Aini Ruslan, 29, the mother of 14-year-old victim Muhammad Daniel Md Amin
said, “I hope those involved will get the punishment they deserved.”



Rayden Chan Wow..underage kids, riding motorbike at midnight, breaking into school,
taking ganja, bringing cylinder gas to start fire..and you say they don't know what they are

Solene Ming At this tender age already so rotten. I cannot image what will they be in future.
Notorious criminals?

Jason Lim BN bolih

Cx YuNg Sure they didn't know as they were on drug at that moment.

Chucky Nair Not acceptable they are juvenile criminal....if you don't nip this problem early
then when they reach adulthood....just imagine

Salaka Woh Meth/ice....if ganja, the most they do would be breaking convenient store to get
some snacks

Zann Hussin And they claimed the tahfiz students started it first?

Doesn't make any sense to me

Zaimi Mohamed Nor Actually our society n country is sick and at critical stage. This is a
wakeup call to improve situations of our youngsters. Leaders pls spend time and money for
improving our youngsters condition and handle their problem well. Stop trying to win votes.
Do your job first with strayed youngsters.
Sashi Kumar despite the culprits who burned the school are caught, the management who
ran the school without approval, safety measures and fire drills should NOT be left off the


Sandra Muhijuddin Why should they feel insulted, it is right, they are a menace to the
society. The thafiz boys are just pointing it out to those losers!

Thomas Chan Underage kids roaming at the wee hours of the morning . Where are their
parents ? The parents need to be arrested as well

Sreemagen Shanmugam They don't know what they r doing?? Petrol ,gas cylinder ,fire ????
Their intent just want to burn the building???? Even kindergarten children can explain ... I
really hate reading all this so cruel pity them all kids ...surely so much pain for the
families... No words to console ....

Lawrence Khaw Insulted ke or tease ke doesn't matter. This is a serious criminal case....we
talking about human life. Hope they get the necessary punishment (they could be future

Farhana Jasmine Well. Parents didnt allow teachers to rotan the kids, cannot stand on chairs
or table, cannot cut the boys hair. So whT do u expect. Right? At the age of 16 the teenagers
took the petrol and gas just to blow up a tahfiz school. Because ? Ejek.

Michael Tang The youths didn't know that their actions would lead too the the final result?
They bought the gas cylinders and brought them to the top floor. Do you even know how
heavy is a gas cylinder? It required at least two of them to carry it to the top floor. Their
intention was clearly to burn everyone to death, not merely to set the school on fire. With all
the effort they put in it was clear that this is pure murder.

Try them as adults as they should not be allowed to hide behind the protection of child law.

Sherry Sherry Failed govt. Failed Education systems. Failed religious bodies. Failed
parenting leads to sampah masyarakat Drugs addicts Mat Rempits children not sleeping but
playing in highways at midnite ..bullies in sad our country has become with
raising rates of crimes n social ills baby dumping n killings!!!

Revathy Supramaniam Insulted...????what they did is an act of anger n w/o any mercy...the
act that caused 23 lifes....they shld be brought to the same time pls don't forget the
school operator...who was running the school w/o proper permits n safety....they shld be
brought to justice too...

Ummu Ubaid Insulted???? My goodness is this reporter watched PC held by police last
night? Why should you use such a word?

Ros Nisha The Star ni......bahasa tu jgn over boleh..

"Insulted? Y should u use such a word..pls mind your word ok.

Sya Sha 1. Those culprits obviously knew what they were doing. Every action taken was
well planned and premeditated to burn down the whole building and kill everyone in it. 2.
While this is a case of arson, questions remain on why there were no smoke detectors, fire
alarm didn't trigger, no proper emergency exit, and apparently no fire drill conducted as
victims didn't seem to know where to go or what to do.

Tini Rohayatini are u sure they are being insulted? after what they have done(murder),can
we believe 100% the words come out from their mouths.I believe that the tahfiz students
advised and warned not to smoke stone behind their tahfiz.but these spoiled kids took it
differently from negative perspective and called it insult.what an excuse just to cover their
own wrongdoing just to mintak kasihan!!!

Ricky Liow Meth, Ice, Ganja..... The question to ask is:-

1) How come it's so easily accessible?

2) How come it's so affordable?

This is simple the last chance for us to eliminate the drug problems in our Country. We have
already seen the result if we doesn't.

This is a Malaysia problem!

Ivy Dominic Being mocked or insulted does not warrant you to kill & burnt a building to the
ground. Those kids are just plain evil to the core. How come that school do not hv a jaga or
security on guard.....?

Amaranathan Pathmanathan Really sorry state of affairs. See so many of these "kutu

Rempits zigzagging through traffic without helmets. Threatening road users who dare to horn
at them.

Cat-calling ladies.

We just try to pretend they don't bother us with their antics. Parents don't seem to care. And
neither do the authorities or society.

And this doesn't absolve blame of whoever is in charge of building standards and safety.
Those poor kids may still be alive if there were at least enough exits.

I hope at least now there will change for the better.

Robert E Chan Get use to it. The new breed of Malaysians.

Spoilt to the core, watching and apeing the examples set by the elders.
Mohamed Rafi Even in this sad inncoent ..many people are more focused on finding fault on
relgion race and name bashing .... if you are one of them know that your are the problem.
Don't talk about changing the country or system when you own self is corrupted

May the children get jannah inshallah

Abby Saan Beside d culprits who burned d school, d school management who ran d school
without any safety measures shld also be taken into account.

If in any fire incident proper safety requirements are basic rules..

Melvin Kandasamy These youths need to be treated with mercy and kindness to make them
aware of their terrible wrongdoing so that they never repeat it again. I suggest burning them

Milo Swang-Taj Fire extinguishers were inside the locked office.What is the point having
fire ex when it is just for show?Just to save the office?

Chong Yuen Bing Premeditated action. Well planned. Where r the parents of these
delinquent drug addict teens? What's wrong with KL society?

Nur Izzati Zulkifly When i was teased a fat bum when i was kid, i only hoped that those
who teased me will have their ice cream drop on the ground. I have never thought of setting
up their houses to get on fire

Sherry Sherry How did those hooligans get into the school carrying the tong gas n mattress
upstairs?? As a boarding school why is there lack of security guard???

Simba King No excuse, so young and so touchy, a lil bit of criticism got them going. If these
kids feel insulted, they should hv reported the behavoiur of their enemies to the school
authority. Instead they took matters in their own hands.What will happen when they are
older? Will they ensure that the public will be going, going, gone!

Eunis Chan just wonder how these killers would be sentenced since they are underage.... the
motive is clear, well planned murder!! all of them should be sentenced to death!!

Sazrina Sham Bad and stupid news title... ."insulted by tahfiz students"...we are still
mourning over their deaths. No sensitivity at all.

Mohamad Nordin Khairuddin "He added that six of the seven suspects also tested positive
for ganja and checks showed that two of them had previous criminal records."

Ganja kills.

Jill Ridgewell What about the students' inability to be able to escape? Where were the fire
escapes, sprinkler systems? Do such students have fire drills? Maybe this should be looked at
by the authorities to avoid another tragedy. The lack of safety procedures is a huge issue here
too, many learnings can be taken.
My thoughts are with ALL families involved.

Ahmad Sanusi Husain This Star Reporter should attend a translation course. "Ejek-
mengejek" means "teasing each other" NOT "insulting". The title is putting the Tahfiz
students in bad lights.

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