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1 JGS 210-120-1-60E
I Rev . 1 DATE 1UL.-31-'96


1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................3
. 2 . WORK PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 3 .
2.1 Data Preparation ..................................................................................................................... :........ 3
.. 3
2.1.1 Source of Process Conditions....................................................................................................
2.1.2 Data for Valve Sizing ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Products of Basic Design .................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Work Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Computer Programs ........................................................................................................................4
3 . DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................5
3.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Control Valve Design Data .............................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Flow Rate ............................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Pressure Drop of Control Valve ................................................................................................ 5
3.2.3 Fail-safe Action ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.4 Seat Leakage ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2.5 Maximum Shut-off Pressure ..................................................................................................... 7
3.2.6 Shut-off Speed ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Noise and Vibration .................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Control Valve Manifolds .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4.1 Block and Bypass Valves ......................................................................................................... 8
3.4.2 Piping without Block and Bypass Valves .................................................................................9
3.4.3 Vent and Drain Valves and Steam Traps ................................................................................... 10
3.5 Accessories ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................. 10
4 . RELATED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................... 11
5 . DEFlNITIONS .......................................................................................................................................12
6 . ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................13
7 . REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................... 14
LITERATURE ................................................................................................................................. 14

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APPENDIX4 FLOW CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................ 15
. . .......................................................................................................... 15
A 1.1 Inherent Flow Charactenstlcs
A1.2 Installed Flow Characteristics........................................................................................................ 17
A1.3 Selection Guide for Flow Characteristics........................................................................................ 17
APPENDIX-2 TYPE OF CONTROL VALVES ........................................................................................ 18
APPENDIX3 ESTIMATION OF CONTROL VALVE SIZE ................................................................. 20
A3.1 Calculation of Flow Coefficient, Cv ...............................................................................................20
A3.1.1 Critical Flow Factor .............................................................................................................. 20
A3.1.2 Liquid Service .......................:............................................. :..................................................20
A3.1.3 Gas and Steam Service with Conventional Valve .................................................................... 22
A3.2 Valve Size Selection ...................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX4 NOISE ESTIMATION ....................................................................................................... 24
A4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 2 4
A4.2 Aerodynamic Noise ...................................................................................................................... 2 4
A4.3 Hydrodynamic Noise .................................................................................................................. 2 5
APPENDIX-5 TYPE OF ACTUATORS ............................................................................................. 2 7

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I JGS 210-120-I-6m I

(1) This standard practice provides the guidelines for the preparation of basic design information concerning
control valves in refineries, petrochemical plants and similar plants.
Selection and sizing method of control valves given in Appendixes are only for reference, to outline the
(2) Specific instructions given in the Project Specifications take precedence over requirements given in this
standard practice.

2.1 Data Preparation
2.1.1 Source of Process Conditions
The data to be used for the preparation of the control valve data sheets should be clarified on the following
points :
(1) Source of data
The data will be obtained from, but not limited to, the following documents:
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
Basic Engineering Design Data (BEDD)
Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID)'
Equipment data sheets
Hydraulic calculation sheets
Piping material specification
Line index
(2) Related documents to be used as a part of the input data
(3) Related documents to be checked or revised based on the design results of control valves
2.1.2 Data for Valve Sizing
The following is a summary of data to be prepared for the control valve sizing :
(1) General data
- Tag number for identification
- Service for identification
(2) Operating conditions
- Fluid name
- Flow rate - normal or maximum
- Flow rate - minimum, if any
- Inlet pressure at normal or maximum flow rate
- Pressure drop across valve at normal or maximum flow rate
- Operating temperature
- Physical properties at inlet conditions for single phase flow or at inlet and outlet conditions for flashing
Liquid service : Specific gravity, Vapor pressure, Critical pressure
Vapor service : Molecular weight, Specific heat ratio (k), Compressibility factor (Z)
Viscosity, when larger than 50 cs.
- % flash, if applicable
- % solid, if applicable
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(3) Construction data
- Design pressure
- Design temperature
- Fail-safe position
- Required seat tightness, if specifically required
- Maximum shut-off pressure
- Line size, inlet and outlet
- Line class, inlet and outlet
(4) Note regarding sizing
- Maximum Cv-selected to limit the flow rate, if specifically required
- Requirement of minimum stopper
- Other process requirement, if any
2.2 Products of Basic Desipn
The products of basic design will include, but not limited to, the following.
(1) Data sheets, containing data listed in 2.1.2 above.
(2) The following data shall be determined and prepared on P&ID ;
- fail-safe action of the control valve
- accessories on the control valve such as hand wheel, limit switch, solenoid valves, etc.
- necessity of block valves
- necessity of bypass valve
- necessity, location and size of drain valve
(3) The following data shall be shown on P&ID, if they are available at the basic design stage;
- size and q p e of control valve
- size of block valves
- size of bypass valve
- size of connecting fittings
- special requirement such as tight shut-off, etc.
2.3 Work Steps
The preparation of control valve design data will be done as follows.
( 1 ) Hydraulic calculation in accordance with JGS 2 10-120-1-37E "Hydraulic Design".
(2) Prepare data sheets of control valves.
(3) Check the critical items for size, Cv value, and noise; and specify any requirements of the basic design.
(4) Evaluate piping design around control valve as stated in 2.2(2) above.
(5) Sizing will be donc by other parties.
(6) Add the sizing data around the control valves on P&ID, if sizes of control valve are available during the
basic design stage.

2.4 C o m ~ u t e rProprams
Computer program is available as a part of the computer system, BEST, working on PC.
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3.1 General
(1) The pressure drop across the control valves and the basis of flow rate will be determined in accordance with
JGS 2 10-120- 1-37E "Hydraulic Design".
(2) Preparation of P&ID will be described in JGS 2 10-120-1-7 1E "Design Criteria for P&ID Preparation".

3.2 Control Valve Desiyn Data

3.2.1 Flow Rate
(1) Flow rate and pressure drop to be provided on the data sheets shall be consistent with each other. The data at
the normal flow condition or maximum flow condition shall at least be provided. Data at the minimum flow
rate condition is optional where specially required by contract document.
(2) For 3-way control valve in heat exchange service
Flow to the exchanger side shall be the maximum flow with zero flow to the bypass side, or vice versa. All
normal, exchanger-max., and bypass-max. conditions shall be provided on the data sheets.
(3) For 3-way control valve in mixing or divergency service
All possible conditions, normal and each side's maximum, shall be provided on the data sheets.
(4) For alternate operating conditions such as start-up or shut-down
When critical operation of the control valve is expected, such conditions shall be examined and clearly
provided in the data sheets.
3.2.2 Pressure D r o ~ of Control Valve
The pressure drop of the control valve at the normal flow rate should be determined as follows.
(1) Liquid pumping service

Where :
APcv = control valve pressure drop at normal flow rate (kgflcm2)
APfi, = friction losses at normal flow rate (kgflcm2)
: 0.5 CAP,,, 2 5kg/cm2
: 0.4 5kg/cm2< CAPf,, <10kg/cm2
10.4 CAP,,, 2 102 kg/cm2
(2) Vapor centrifugal compressor service
aPC, 2 O.jC P,, and 5% of suction absolute pressure.

(3) Other general services

control valve pressure drop

friction losses
upstream pressure - downstream pressure
equipment pressure drop

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(4) Minimum pressure drop of the control valve
The control valve pressure drop should be greater than, but not limited to, the following:
Liquid service (Pump discharge)
General vapor service -
AP, = 0.5 -- 1.0 kg/cm2 (0.7 kg/cm2 Recommended)
AP, = 0.1 0.35 k&m2 (0.2 kg/cm2 Recommended)
Control valves in some special services may require smaller pressure drops than the above, depending on the
system pressure, rangeability, available pressure difference, and so on. Engineer should carefully evaluate
the control valve pressure drop.
(5) Static pressure fluctuations
In the case 5vhere large fluctuations in the static pressure are expected, sufficient pressure drop of the
control valve should be considered to absorb the fluctuation and to reduce the detrimental effects of external
3.2.3 Fail-safe Action
(1) Fail-safe control valve action (failspen "FO"?fail-close "FC", or locking in the last position "FL" on the
loss of supply air or signal failure) shall be considered from proper plant design viewpoint.
(2) The fail-safe characteristics shall be decided so that the failure action may cause the plant to move into safe
(3) The fail-safe characteristics shall be decided so that the failure conditions will minimize to affect to other
plant. Also, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of disposal of toxic, flammable, or extremely coldfhot
(4) Typical fail-safe characteristics
(a) Temperature
The fail-safe action shall be considered to prevent the increase of temperature; however, rapid cooling of
fired heater or subcooling of fluids below their freezing or pour point shall be avoided. Typical applications
are ;
- Fuel to fired heaters Fail-Close
- Heat source to reboilers Fail-Close
- Cryogenic cooling mehum Fail-Close
- Reflux to tower top Fail-Open
- Cooling water to coolers/condensers Fail-Open
- Process fluid to fired heater Fail-Open
- 3-way temperature control Close bypass for valves provided in cooling service
Open bypass for valves provided in heating service
(b) Pressure
The fail-safe action shall be considered to block-in the system. Typical applications are ;
- Control valve discharged to low pressure Fail-Close
- Control valve connected to flare Fail-Close (sometimes clients requests Fail-Open)
- Minimum flow bypass Fail-Open
- Spill-back or kick-back Fail-Open
(c) Material balance (liquid level or flow)
The fail-safe action shall be considered to block-in the system. Typical applications are ;
- Feed to the system Fail-Close
- Product to other system Fail-Close
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3.2.4 Seat Leakape
(1) Seat leakage specification and classes are described in ANSIRCI 70-2 as follows.

Table- 1 Leakage class

Leakage Maximurn Seat Description
Class Leakage (Note)
Class I No test is required. A modification of any Class 11, ID or IV valve ivhere design intent is the same as the basic
class, but by agreement between user and supplier, no test is required.
Class 11 0.5% of rated valve This class establishes the maximum permissible leakage generally associated nith
capacity coinmercial double-port, double-iat control valves or balanced single-port control valves
with a piston ring seal and metal-to-metal seats.
Class Ill 0.1% of rated valve This class establishes the masimum permissible leakage generally associated uith Class 11,
capacitv but mith a higher degree of seat and seal tightness.
Class IV 0.01% of rated valve This class establishes the masimum permissible leakage - generally
- associated nith
capacity commercial unbalanced single-port, single-seat control valves and balanced single-port
. .
control valves nith extra t i h t piston rings or other sealing means and metal-to-metal seats
Class V 5x10-lL m3 / sec- This class is usually specified for critical applications lvhere the control valve may be
water / mm-orifice required to be closed, vithout a blocking valve, for long periods of time with high
diameter l bar- differential pressure across the seating surfaces. This class is generally associated uith
differential metal seat, unbalanced single-port, single seat control valves or balanced single port designs
nith exceptional seat and seal tightness.
Class VI Bubble-tight, as per This class establishes the masimum permissible seat leakage senerally associated nith
specified in FCI 70-2 resilient seating control valves either unbalanced or balanced single port nith "0"rings or
similar gap-less seals.
(Note) This standard does not apply to control valves with a rated Cv less than 0.1.

Leakage specification for Class VI is detailed further in ANSIRCI 70-2.

(3) Seat leakage class should be specified on the data sheets, if specifically required. Leave the data sheet blank,
if any leakage requirement is not specified.
(3) Leakage class in some specific senices should be specified as follows.
(a) Class IV (0.01%)
- Larger control \,al\re of parallel (large and small) control val\.es installation
(b) Tight shut-off. to be specified on the data sheets for following senices:
- Control \.al\,es on discharge lines to flare or to blow-donn system
- Control 1-alvesused for shut-off senices as well.
3.2.5 Maximum Shut-off Pressure
(1) The masimum shut-off pressure for actuator sizing should basically be as follo\~s

Where :
AP,ll,t = Masimum shut-off pressure for actuator sizing (kg/cm2)
P iP = Design pressure of upstream line (kg/cm2G)
= Atmospheric pressure (Escept for \*acuum senices) (0.0 kg/cm2G)
= Full Vacuum (for \.acuum senices) (- I .O k g / c m 2 ~)

Wlen the \.al~.esare provided in the closed loop circuit, such as closed hot oil system, the shut-off pressure
is not likcl!. to esceed the pump shut-off head even if the system pressure is elevated by external source of
The shut-ooressure. that ma:. be de\.eloped%nder the normal operating, start-up or shut-dorm conditions,
shall be e\,aluated carefully in each indi~idualcases.
(2) Refer also to JGS 2 10-120- 1- 18E "Determination of Design Conditions" and JGS 2 10- 120- 1-37E

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3.2.6 Shut-off Speed
( I ) The shut-off speed requirement of the control valves shall be evaluated, considering the requirements on
process control. The results shall be specified on the data sheets, as required.
(2) Standard shut-off speed is 10 seconds for valve of sizes 4 inch and smaller, or 15 seconds for valve of sizes
6 inch and larger.
(3) For anti-surge control valve for centrifugal compressor, the shut-off speed should be 5 seconds or shorter (2
to 8 seconds depending on the operational requirements). The requirement shall be accepted by the
compressor and anti-surge controller vendors to ensure the design safety.
(4) For shut-off service in long liquid pipelines, the shut-off speed requirements shall be evaluated to prevent.
pressure surging (2 to 15 minutes depending on the line length).

3.3 Noise and Vibration

(1) When the pressure drop across control valve is significantly hlgh, check that the high noise and/or vibration
will not occur in downstream piping. The general prediction method of noise from the control valves is
provided in Appendix-4.
(2) Final noise level calculations of the control valve shall be carried out by the valve vendor.
(3) The requirement of noise level limitation shall be described in Project Specifications.
(4) When specific noise level limitation is not required in Project Specification, assume that the limitation to be
equal to or lower than 85dB(A).

3.4 Control Valve Manifolds

3.4.1 Block and Bvpass Valves
In case where block and bypass
.- valves are installed, the following criteria will be applied, unless othenvise
specified in the Project Specifications.
(1) B~.passvalves in sizes of 6 inches or smaller shall be globe valves to allow throttling. For larger sizes. gate
valves are to be used. Block valves shall be gate valves for all sizes.
(2) The bjpass valve shall have a capacity equal to the Cv-required of the control valve as minimum, but not
greater than twice the Cv-selected.
The values of Cv for manually operated globe and gate valves may be assumed as follo\vs if other source of
data is not available.

Table-2 Values of Cv for globe and gate valves [KITS catalogue]

Valve size (inches) % 1 1% 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
Globe valve (3) (6) (12) 33 51 121 189 442 (793)

(3) Block valves shall be one size larger than the control valve, but not exceeding line size. However, with
Clients agreement, block valve size can be selected as the same size as the control valve size from
economical viewpoint.
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(4) The size of bypass valve may be as same as the siu: of w m l valve from economical viewpoirlt with client's
Fig. 3.4.1 The cost comparison of control vavle and bypass valve arrangement

Case-2 is about 20% cut off compared with Case-1.

(5) Recommended minimum sizes for block and bypass valves are given in Table3 below.

Table3 Block and bypass valve size [ A H RP 550 Table 3-11

Control Valve Type of Line Size
Size (inches) valve (inches)
% 'A 1 1% 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
% Block 'A 1%

Block 1 1% 7

1 Block I 1% 2 2

1% Block 1% 2 2 3
2 Block
- -..
- 7 1 1 4
3 Block 3 4 4 6

4 Block 4 6 X

6 Block x x in

12 Block 17

(6) For flashing service or gas expansion service where the-controlvalve outlet piping may become larger than
the inlet piping size, the block valve of downstream of the control valve should be equal to or one size
smaller than the downstream piping size.

Page 10 o f 27
3.4.2 P i ~ i without
n~ Block and Bvpass Valves
(1) Bypass valves may not necessary in the following cases:
- Where the process cannot be feasibly operated on the bypass valve.
- Where 3-inch or larger valves with hand wheel are used in clean services.
- For control valves for spare-turbine steam line.
- For three-way valve
(2) Block valves are not always necessary in the following cases:
- Where a block valve is already provided.
(3) Both block and bypass valves may not necessary in the following cases:
- Where the process can be shut down to repair the control valve without causing significant losses.
- Where it is desirable to reduce the sources of leakage of hazardous or toxic fluids.
(4) For high pressure drop service, a spare control valve, instead of block and bypass valves, can be provided in
parallel with main control valve.
3.4.3 Vent and Drain Valves and Steam Traps
(1) Where required, vent andlor drain valve(s) shall be provided between the control valve and block valves.
(2) A drain valve should be provided at the outlet of the failure-open control valve; or, two drain valves should
be provided at the inlet and outlet of the failure-close control valve.
(3) A steam trap shall be provided at inlet of control valve for steam service if the control valve is provided in
intermittent service and carry-over of condensate is expected.

3.5 Accessories
(1) Hand wheels are available to operate the valves manually; however, type and maximum valve size on which
hand wheels can be provided are depend on manufacturer. Requirement of the hand wheels shall be specified
for the following services:
- Control valve with no bypass, except for emergency shut-off valve.
(2) Mechanical stoppers shall be specified, if required. (Minimum & Maximum)
(3) Limit switch shall be specified, if required.
(4) Air reservoir or operation mode at instrument air failure shall be specified, if required.

3.6 Miscellaneous
(1) Gas break through
Abnormal full-openi'ng of control valve or of the bqpass valve (gas break-through) will cause excessive flow
of vapor or flashing fluid flowing into the low pressure downstream. This may happens to the fractionater
downstream system of the hydro-de-sulfiding unit. The vessels downstream system, then, shall be protected
against over-pressure by providing emergency pressure relief devices.
(a) Flow rate through the valve-block shall be based on Cv values of control valve or of bypass valve,
whichever is greater. Both control and bypass valves are not opened simultaneously.
(b) The Cv value as maximum limitation, used for basis of pressure relief design, shall be specified on the
control valve data sheets.
(2) Welded-end of control valve shall be specified for special services such as high temperaturelpressure service
or highly toxic service.
(3) Fire safe
For the control valves in tight shut-off service, the requirement of fire safe shall be indicated on the data
sheet if it is requested in the Project Specifications.

Page 11 of 27
The following publications will constitute a part of this stan&ird practice. Unless otherwise specified. refer to
the latest edition. Applicable publications for the Project will be specified in each of the Project Specifications

JGS (JGC Standard Practice)

JGS 2 10-120-1-1 8E Determination of Design Conhtions
JGS 2 l0-12O-l-37E Hydraulic Design
FORM 847 Project Specification - CONTROL VALVES

ANSI / FCI (Fluid Control Institute)

Std 70-2 Quality Control Standard for Control Valve Seat Leakage

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)

534 Industrial-Process Control Valve

API (American Petroleum Institute)

RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation

I S 0 (International Organization for Standardization)

5208 Industrial Valves - Pressure Testing for Valves

BS (British Standards Institution)

1655 Specification for Flanged Automatic Control Valves for the Process Control Industry
(face-to-face dimension)
6739 Code of Practice for Instrumentation in Process Control Systems : Installation Design
and Practice

ISA (Instrument Society of America)

S75 .01 Handbook of Control Valve - Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves

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Flow Rate Normal : the normal flow rate or maximum flow rate in the normal operation (normal maximum
flow rate) defined in the process specificationstsuch as in the heat and material balance for the process.
Flow Rate -Design : the normal (or normal-maximum) flow rate plus extra margin added to the normal flow
rate, in order to enable the rate to be controlled around the normal flow rate. If the normal flow rate is not
specified such as in the case of normally no flow lines, this flow rate shall be determined based on the
process specifications or operational studies.
Flow Rate System Limit : the highest flow rate, wvhere the control valves will be hIly opened or all head
losses will be equal to the system driving force. This flow rate shall be equal to or higher than the design
flow rate.
Flow Rate - Minimum : the minimum controlIable flow rate or specified lower operating range of the process
Turndown : the ratio of the minimum flow rate to the normal flow rate.
Rangeability : the ratio of the maximum flow rate at which the control valve will provide safe, stable control to
the minimum flow rate at which the control valve will provide safe, stable control.
Cltokedf701v: is that condition at constant inlet pressure when no increase in flow rate is achieved for a
dccrcase in downstream pressure.
Vena contracta : is that point downstream of the flow restriction where the flow stream reaches its minimum
cross sectional area and thus its maximum velocity and minimum pressure.
Cavitation : is a two-stage phenomenon, the first stage of which is the formation of vapor bubbles within the
liquid system. The second stage is the collapse or implosion of those bubbles back into the all-liquid state.
Valves with incremental pressure reduction may be one of the solutions to minimize or prevent cavitation.
Flaslzing : is that condition where the cavitation vapor persists downstream of the region wvhere bubble collapse
normall!. occurs, ie, the cavitation process stops before the completion of the second stage defined in the
above "Cavitation".

Page 13 o f 27
Cv = valve flow coefficient
Cf = critical flow factor
Cfi = valve reducer critical flow factor
d = valve size
D = line size
G = gas specific gravity (air = 1.O)
Gf = specific gravity at flowing temperature
kf = friction loss factor obtained from Fig-1
ks = static head factor obtained from Fig-1
L = trim travel or lift
P I = upstream pressure
P2 = downstream pressure
PC = critical pressure
Pdown = minimum probable downstream pressure
Pup = maximum upstream pressure with the valve fblly closed
PV= vapor pressure of liquid at flowing temperature
PVC = pressure at vena contracta
q = liquid flow rate
ro = valve pressure drop ratio
R = sub - critical flow capacity correction factor
T = flowing temperature
Tth = steam superheat
W = flow rate
Z = compressibility factor
AP = actual pressure drop P I - P2
A P c v = control valve pressure drop
A P ~ ~=W static heads
APfric = friction losses
APhead = total static heads
APs = critical pressure drop for cavitation
APshut = maximum shut-off pressure for actuator sizing
APtota~= total pressure drop between source and destination
a = design margin
4 = Flow rate ratio to maximum flow rate
y = rangeability = Cvmax / Cvmin
p =viscosity
o = lift ratio = L / Lmax
o = Cv ratio = Cv / Cvmax

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[ l ] Gas Processors Suppliers Association, "Engineering Data Book", 10th Ed.,(1987)
[2] R. H. Perq, "Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook", 6th Ed (1984)
[3] R. H. Warring, "Handbook of Valves, Piping and Pipelines", Gulf Pub. Co., (1982)
[4] R. W. Zappe, "Valve Selection Handbook", Gulf Pub. Co., (1981)
[ 5 ] "Handbook for Control Valve Sizing", 7th Ed, Masoneilan North American Operations (1987)
[6] 0. P. Lovett, "Control Valves", Chem Eng. October 11 (1971)
[7] J. A. Carey and D. Hammitt, "How to Select Liquid-Flow Control Valves", Chem Eng. April 3 (1978)
(81 C. G. Langford, "Installing, Maintaining and Troubleshooting Control Valves", Chem Eng, September 5 (1983)
[9] B. G. Liptak, "Control Valves in Optimized Systems", Chem Eng, September 5 (1983)
[lo] H. D. Baumann, "Control Valve vs. Variable-Speed Pump", Chem Eng, June 29 (1981)
[I I] E. R. Forman. "How to Improve Online Control-Valve Performance", Chem Eng, June 5 (1978)
[I21 H. D. Baumann, "Control-Valve Noise : Cause and Cure", Chem Eng, May 17 (1971)
[13] J. B. Arant, "Special Control Valves Reduce Noise and Vibration", Chem Eng, March 6 (1972)
(1.11 J. F. Monsen, "Program Sizes Control Valves for Gas and Vapor", Chem Eng, October 3 1 (1983)
1151 J. F. Monsen, "Program Sizes Control Valves for Liquids", Chem Eng, May 18 (1981)
[lG] L. Driskell, "Predicting Flow through Control Valves", Chem Eng, September 5 (1983)
[17] H. D. Baumann, "How to Estimate Pressure Drop Across Liquid-Control Valves", Chem Eng, April 29 (1974)

Page 15 o f 27


This Appendix does not form part of the requirements of this standard practice, but is included for reference
purposes only

Al.1 Inherent Flow Characteristics

(1) Quick opening. This trim design provides a large opening as the plug is first lifted from the seat. with lesser
flow increases as the plug opens further. This type is most commonly used where the valve will be either
open or closed with no throttling of flow required. The flow characteristics can be calculated as folio\\-s:

Where : o = Cv ratio = Cv 1 Cv, (-)

o = lift ratio = L /,,,L (-)
y = rangeability = Cv, / Cvmi, (-)
Cv= flow coefficient (-)
L = trim travel or lift (unit of length)
( 2 ) Liiiear. Linear trim provides equal increases in Cv for equal increases in stem travel. Thus the Cv increase
is linear with plug position throughout its travel. The flow characteristics can be calculated as follo\~s:

( 3 ) Butterfly. Butterfly trim provides second power increases in Cv for equal increases in stem travel. The flow
characteristics can be calculated as followvs:

( 4 ) Equalpercentag~ Equal percentage trim provides equal percentage increases in Cv for equal increases of
stem travel. This is accomplished by providing a very small opening for plug travel near the seat and very
large increases toward the more open position. As a result, a wide rangeability of Cv is achieved. The flow
characteristics can be calculated as follows:
log 0
or o=- +1 (A 1-4)
1% Y
This equation will give a straight line on a semi-logarithmic graph.
(5) These inherent flow characteristics are illustrated in Fig. Al-1 and A1-2, assuming the rangeability of the
valve, y = 40.

Page 16 o f 27
Fig. Al- 1 Inherent flow characteristics

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Cv
Fig. A 1-2 Inherent flow characteristics (semi-log)

Page 17 o f 27
A1.2 Installed Flow Characteristics
(1) The pressure difference across the valve o k n varies
with flow due to pump performance and friction Total pressure drop
losses in the system. This results in an "installed I\
characteristic", which will differ from the inherent Valve pressure drop
(2) Assuming total pressure drop, i.e. the sum of friction
losses and control valve pressure drop, is maintained
at constant for any flow rate, the Cv ratio, w ,can be
calculated as follows :

0= (A 1-5) > Flow rate
Flow rate Masimum
flow rate
Fig. A1-3 Pressure drop in the system
Where :
rg = valve pressure drop ratio = (APcv at maximum flow rate)/(Total pressure drop)
4 = (Flow rate)/(Maximum flow rate)
(3) The installed rangeability can be calculated with previous equations (Al-1) to (A1-4) and (A1-5): making
the valve pressure drop ratio, rg, a parameter. The calculation result for linear and equal-percentage
characteristics are illustrated in Fig. A1-4 and A 1-5, respectively.
Note that the particular installation can have a substantial effect on both flow characteristics and
rangeability. Equal-percentage characteristics will be distorted toward linear or even quick-opening
characteristics. Installed rangeability will be decreased down to 10:1 to 15:1 fiom the inherent rangeability
of 40:1.
Fig. A 1-4 Installed characteristic (Linear) Fig. A 1-5 Installed characteristic (Equal-percentage)

A1.3 Selection Guide for Flow Characteristics

(1) The flow characteristic of the control valve will be "Linear", except for the following items (2) and (3).
(2) "Equal percentage (denoted as EQ%))"will be applied for the following services:
- For temperature control
- For the services where the pressure drop across control valve or flowrate varies significantly
- For service relatively small yo (Fig. ~ 1 - 4 )
(3) "Quick opening (denoted as On-off)" will be applied for the following services:
- Self-actuated pressure regulator
- On-off control service
- For service with relatively large friction, such as product rundown line.
Page 18 o f 27
This Appendix does not form part of the requirements of this standard practice, but is included for reference
purposes only.
(1) Although valve type selection is described herein, due to the many proprietary valve designs to vendors' own
criteria, selection of valve type for a particular service wdl be conducted by the instrument engineer.
(2) General features and typical application for control valves are summarized as follows:

Table A2- 1 Tjpe of control valves

Type General Application '
Globe body Flow characteristics : Optional Most common, provided in the middle of straight line.
valve Rangeability (effective) : 10 1l/Inand smaller : Single seat valve
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 0.01 to 0.5% 2" and larger : Double seat valve
Single seat valve can be used for tight shut off service.
Angle body Flow characteristics : Optional Applicable to flashtng, erosive, high hP, or slurry services.
valve Rangeability (effective) : 10 Available single seat valve only
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 0.01 to 0.5% Solid contained less than 0.05 kdm3
Butterfly Flow characteristics : Optional Applicable to high flow rate and low pressure drop services.
valve Rangeability (effective) : 15 Simple and economical, use for 4" and larger.
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 3 to 5% Gas service with low pressure drop
High viscous, slurry service
M~ximumopening is usually limited to 60 degrees for throttling.
Do not use with opening of 10% or less as a control valve.
Ball valve Flow characteristics : essentially EQ% Applicable to high flow rate and high shut-off pressure services.
Rangeability (effective) : 50 Low resistance at full open
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 0.001 Suitable as a shut-off valve
Solid contained service
High rangeabilitv
Eccentric Flow characteristics : globehall Advantages over butterfly valves
plug valve Rangeability (effective) : 100
(Camflex) Leak (%I of rated capa.) : 0.001
Three-way Flow characteristics : Splitting into two lines or mixing of two streams.
valve Rangeability (effective) : 10 For splitting flow : double seat valve
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 0.01 to 0.5% For mixing flows : single seat valve
Economical rather than two 2-way valves.
Applicable for 4" and smaller.
Saunders Flow characteristics : S~ecial Corrosive. slum. hieh viscous service
valve Rangeability (effectivej : 10 ~ o d i e can-be
s i l l y lined with corrosion resistant materials.
Leak (% of rated capa.) : 0.001 Self cleaning ability
Suitable as a shut-off valve

(3) The control valve will be "globe type", "eccentric plug tjpe (camflex type)" or "cage type" for the general
throttling service, except for the following items (a) to (d).
(a) Angle body control valves may be applied for the following applications:
- Slurry service
- High viscous service
- Service that requires valve flushing to prevent coking or polymerization in the valve
(b) Butterfly control valves may be applied for:
- Large size piping application but to allow excessive leakage and limit of pressure drop.
(c) Eccentric butterfly valve with soft seat may be applied for :
- On-off service
(d) Ball control valves may be applied for:
- On-off shut-off service or for slurry service
(e) Saunders (diaphragm) control valves may be applied for the following applications:
- Corrosive service
- . --

- Slurry service
- High viscous service
- Service that requires no stagnation in the valve body, such as sanitary service

Page 19 o f 27
Fig. A2-1 .i'ype of control valves

Angle Body Valve, Low Noise Trim Butterfly Valve
Globe Body Valve, Top Guided

Eccentric Plug Valve

Ball Valve

Saunders Valve Three-Way Valve

Page 20 of 27
This Appendix does not form part of the requirements of this standard practice, but is included for reference
purposes only.

Although estimation of control valve size is described herein, due to the many proprietary valve designs to
vendors' own calculation method, valve sizing for a particular service will be conducted by the instrument

A3.1 Calculation of Flow Coefficient. Cv

The equations provided in this Appendix are Masoneilan's method, that is based on ISA S75.01 "Control Valve
Sizing Equations".
A3.1.1 Critical Flow Factor
(1) Assume valve type and select the critical flow factor, Cf, fiom Table A3-1 below.
If valve type is not determined, assume as Cf = 0.85.
(2) When valves mounted between pipe reducers, Cfi, R, Cfr/R will also be necessary in later calculations.

Table A3-1 Critical Flow Factor At Full Opening

Valve Type Maisoneilan Flow To cf cfi R CfiIR &
@PC (Note-1) (Note-1) (Note-I )
Single seat, 21000 Series Close 0.85 0.81 0.96 0.84 0.58
globe Open 0.90 0.86 0.96 0.89 0.65
Double seat, 10000 Series Contoured 0.90 0.86 0.96 0.89 0.70
globe V-Port 0.98 0.91 0.96 0.95 0.80
Camflex 35002 Series Close 0.68 0.65 0.95 0.68 0.35
Open 0.85 0.80 0.95 0.84 0.60
Ball 36002 Series Open 0.60 0.55 0.87 0.63 0.24
Buttefly 37002 Series Either 0.65 0.60 0.81 0.74 0.32
LO-DB 41000 Series Either 0.94 0.87 0.94 0.91 0.80
(Note-I) Reducers correction for D/d = 1.5. Refer to vendor's instruction for other than Did = 1.5.

A3.1.2 Liauid Service

Turbulent liquid flow (Including flashing service)
I Liauid 1

Flow I If AP < Ct2(APs), flow is sub-critical. If not, flow is critical.
If reducers are provided, check critical flow with (Cfr~)2(APs) instead of c?(APs).
Region Sub-critical Flow Critical Flow
Cv without
Reducer C, =-

Reducer Cv(without reducers)

Correction ' Cv(without reducers)

Page 21 o f 27
(2) Laminar flow
Calculate turbulent and laminar Cv, use larger value as required Cv.
Turbulent flow Laminar flow

C, = 0.0324. (z) 213

(3) Cavitation check

If AP < &APs, cavitation will not occur. 1
Where :
AP = actual pressure drop P1 - ~2 (kg/cm2)
P1 = upstream pressure (kg/cm2A)
P2 = downstream pressure (kg/cm2A)
AP, = critical pressure drop for cavitation (kg/cm2)
PC = critical pressure (kg/cm2A)
P, = vapor pressure of liquid at flowing temperature (kg/cm2A)
Cf = critical flow factor, see Table A3-1 (-1
Cfi = critical flow factor, see Table A3-1 (-1
R = sub-critical flow capacity correction factor, see Table A3-1 (-1
Cv = valve flow coefficient t-)
q = liquid flow rate (m3m
Gf = specific gravity at flowing temperature (water = 1.0 at 15OC)
p = viscosity (cP)
K, = coefficient of incipient cavitation, see Table A3- 1 (-1
d = valve size tmm)
D = line size (mm)

Sample Calculation A3-1. :Liquid with specific gravity of 0.561 is flowing through a control valve at the rate of
32.5 m3/h, inlet pressure of 33.1 kg/cm2G and outlet pressure of 3 1.5 kg/cm2G. Calculate the flow coefficient,
assuming vapor pressure of 20.2 kg/cm2A and critical pressure of 43.3 kg/cm2A.
Solution : Assume single seat globe valve with reducer; Cfi = 0.81, R = 0.96, Cfr/R = 0.84, Kc = 0.58.
AP = (33.1+1.03)-(31.5+1.03) = 1.6 kg/cm2
APs = (33.1+1.03)-[(0.96)-(0.28)~{(20.2)/(43.3))](20.2)= 18.60 kg/cm2
Flow is sub-critical, since AP =1.6 kg/cm2 < ( C f r ~ ) 2 ~=P (0.g4)~(18.60)
s = 13.12 kg/cm2
C.v = (1.17)(32.5)d{(0.461)/(1.6))= 20.4 without reducer correction.
Hence, Cv = (20.4)/(0.96) = 2 1.3 with reducer correction.
Page 22 o f 27
A3.1.3 Gas and Steam Service with Conventional Valve

@ = P I -p2
Gas and Steam I
Check If reducers are provided, check with Cfi instead of Cf .
If AP < 0.5C?-P1, flow is sub-critical. If not, flow is critical.
Flow -
For sub-critical flow : y = (5 1.5), yo = 1.40 for LO-Dl3 valve, = 1.63 for others.

Region Sub-critical Flow Critical Flow

Cv without Cv =
c f p 1,&(y - 0.148y3)
Steam 85.4(1+ 0.00126Tsh)W
Cv =
Cv without cfP~(y - 0.148y3)
Correction Cv =
Cv(without reducers) Cv(without reducers)
R Cfr

Where :
AP = actual pressure drop P1 - P2
P1 = upstream pressure (kg/cm2A)
P2 = downstream pressure 0cg/cm2A)
Cf = critical flow factor, see Table A3-1 (-)
CV = valve flow coefficient (-1
W = flow rate (1000 kgh)
Z = compressibility factor (-1
Gf = specific gravity at flowing temperature = G x 288 / (T+273) (air = 1.O)
G = gas specific gravity (air = 1.0)
T = flowing temperature ("c)
Tsh = steam superheat ("(3
Cfi = critical flow factor, see Table A3- 1 (-)
R = sub-critical flow capacity correction factor, see Table A3-1 (-)

A3.2 Valve Size Selection

(1) Cv required, CvEq ,will generally be twice the calculated Cv for the normal flow, Cvcal , i.e.
Cvreq = 2.0 x Cv,,, , for normal flow Cv
The Cv for the selected valve, CV,,~,will be next larger Cv-value than the required Cv, Cvres .
(2) Lift ratio of the control valve, which is described in Appendix- 1, wiil preferably be between 50% - 70% for
the normal flow conditions. (50% I Lift% I 70%)
(3) It is better to maintain the lift ratio over 10% (Lift% 2 10%) for the minimum flow conditions, taking higher
pressure drop than those in normal conditions into account.

Page 23 o f 27
Table A3-2 Typical control valve flow coefficient, Cv (SAMPLE)

Single seat, globe, full or high capacity Double seat, globe: full area
I Valve Size I Orifice Dia. I Cv 1 I Valve Size IOrlfice Dia. 1 Cv
(in.) (in.)

Camflex. full area

I Valve Size I Orifice Dia. I


Butterfly (MiniTork)
I Valve Size ] Orifice Dia. I Cv
(in.) I (in.) I

Page 24 o f 27
A4.1 General
Major sources of noise generated in a control valve are :
( 1 ) Mechanical vibration
Mechanical vibration is induced by the pulsation of the fluid (liquid or gas) passing through the valve, and
can lead to resonance of the valve trim and fatigue failure of the valve stem, plug post, or other parts.
Possible cures for this t?pe of noise include reduction of guide clearances, larger stem size. change in plug
mass, or sometimes reversal of flow direction. There is presently no reliable method for predicting noise
generated by mechanical vibration in a control valve.
(2) Aerodynamic noise
Aerodynamic noise is the result of turbulent flow, and is propagated to the downstream and, to some degree,
the upstream piping. As a result of the propagation, this noise is accompanied by the damaging effects of
vibration and creation of potentially dangerous sound pressure levels in the surrounding atmosphere. The
problem can be reduced by the use of one or a combination of the following:
- Specially designed valves that have curved paths or multiple orifices to reduce velocities.
- Several valves or valves and orifices in series.
- In-line silencers upstream and downstream.
- Hca\?.-walled piping.
- Acoustic insulation covering the affected piping.
While the last item can effect ambient noise levcl reduction, the potential for damage to the piping will not
be reduced and the noise will still be propagated in the piping beyond the insulation.
(3) H\,drod~1.namicnoise
Cavitation noise and flashing noise can be generated by the flow of liquid through a valve and piping.
Cavitation is more serious than the other causes, since it will strongly limit the life of valve components and
domstream piping.

A4.2 Aerodynamic Noise

Prediction of acoustic energy generated within a control valve is based on Jet noise theory. basic all^.. for
subcritical conditions where the jet velocit!. at the vcna contracta is below sonic. control valve noise is generated
b!. the intense turbulence created in the shcar la!w downstream of the vena contracta. For critical conditions,
additional noise is induced by the interaction bet\\-ccn the turbulence and the shock waves developed by the
critical flow velocit!..

The aggrcgnte quant~t!of sound energy generated. dcnotcd by the sound power, can be given as follows:

PWL = k l log [Cv Cf P 1 q ~1121

Where. PWL = Sound power level (dB)

Cv = Actual required flow coefficient
Cf = Critical flow factor at actual lift
P1 - Upstream pressure (Pa)
- Acoustical efficiency
T - Absolute temperature (K)
k1 -
Constant for determination of sound power level

Page 25 o f 27
This acoustic energy is transmitted into the downstream piping, then re-radiated into sunoundmg environment.
Fortunately, the sound intensity is reduced dramatically through this process. The reduction in sound intensit?'
provided by the pipe walls is given as follows:

TL = -k2 log [P2 D3 T112 t3]

Where, TL = Sound transmission loss (dB)

P2 = Downstream pressure (Pa-a)
D -
- Downstream pipe diameter (m)
t -
- Pipe wall thickness (m)
k2 = Constant for determination of transmission loss

Valve vendors have been determined, based on their shop tests, kl , k2 and q for individual type and size of
their valves. Thus the sound pressure level is unknown until process data are fixed and the valve vendor is

Fortunately, Acoustic Engineering Team of Systems Technology Department keeps computer program for noise
prediction of various control valves and can provide noise level data in the early phase of the engineering.

Process engineer should be requested to consult a noise control engineer when the process data indicate the
excess of the following criteron:

L(from Fig.A) + 10 loglO( m C2 ) L Screening Criterion

= 85 dB(A)

Where, m - Mass flow through the valve (kgls)

C - Speed of sound in the gas at the valve ( d s )
- 91.2 ( kT / MW )0.5
k Ratio of the specific heats in the gas
T Gas temperature (K)
M W : Molecular weight

A4.3 Hvdrodvnamic Noise

No noise andlor vibration problems may occur in liquid service lines when the valve is selected properly.
Contrary, when the valve is used under sever condition and once the downstream pressure reaches down to
vapor pressure of the liquid significant noise and vibration will be generated associated with flashing andlor

For the purpode of screening the following criterion may be convenient:

Where, P1 and P2 are upstream and downstream pressure of the fluid (Pa),
PV is vapor pressure, in Pa, of the liquid downstream of the valve.

Notes: The above equation assumes 0.7 as liquid pressure recovery factor (FL).
The actual value of FL depends on lift and type of valve.

When the left side of the above equation fails to reach PV process engineer should consult and ask a valve
vendor for precise study to avoid cavitation.

Page 26 o f 27

Fig. A4.3 Noise Intensity at lm downstream 'of Control Valve and lm from Pipe Surface

Page 27 of 27
STANDARD PRACT ICE ~ N F I D E N T I A L ~ [ JGS 210-120-1-60E 1
This Appendix does not form part of the requirements of this standard practice, but is included for reference
purposes only.

(1) Although actuator type selection is described herein, due to the many proprietary designs to vendors' own
criteria, selection of actuator type for a particular service will be conducted by the instrument engineer.
(2) Advantages and disadvantages for actuators of control valves are summarized as follows:

Table A5-1 Type of actuators

Type Advantages Disadvantages
Diaphragm type Low cost Limited torque availability
Simplicity Limited temperature range
Inherent fail-safe action Inflexibility for changing service conditions
Low supply-pressure requirement Limited stroke
Ability to throttle without positioner
Fast stroking speeds possible
Cylinder type High capability (large thrust, long stroke, etc.) Fail-safe requires higher cost
Fast striking-speed possible - Positioner required for throttling
Relatively high actuator stiffness Higher cost
High supplypressure requirement
Electric motor type Compact High cost 1torque ratio
Suitable for remote applications Lack of fail-safe action
Long stroke Limited throttling ability
Large torque Slow stroking-speed
Lack of adjustability
Hydraulic or High torque High cost
Electro-hydraulic Very high actuator stiffness Complexity
Excellent throttling stiffness Large size and weight
Fast stroking-speed Fail-safe action requires accessories

(3) The diaphragm actuator is commonly used, due to its dependability and its simplicity of design.
(4) The following guidelines are applicable to select the actuators, and will be detailed by the valve vendor.
(a) Power supply
The available source of power at the location of the valve can point directly to what type of actuator to
choose. Examine the source of power, mainly compressed air and electricity, to choose the type of actuator.
Also, minimum air pressure for air actuator design will be available from BEDD or Basic design group.
(b) Fail-safe action
Although the overall reliability of power sources is high, many processes require specific valve actions if the
power source fails. Many actuators, such as the diaphragm type actuators, can incorporate failure modes at
no extra cost.
(c) Actuator capability
An actuator must have sufficient torque or thrust for the specific application. Also, the direction of force,
rotation or thrust force, will be a major factor in choosing the actuators.


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