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Essay (30 pts)

Instructions: Read the Case Information and plan what you will say. Your essay should be as
well organized and carefully written as you can make it.


• In 2002, the Tarlac City Police Office received a call from a motorist reporting a traffic
accident along MacArthur Highway.
• JOYSIE GAMBALA was seen dead on the road side during that stormy night.
• Her husband NOEL, a Police Officer, claimed that Joysie’s death was a tragic accident. He said
she jumped out their moving van while they were having an argument. When he backed the van
to find her, he accidentally run over her.
• He also claimed, he picked up her bloody body and put her inside the van while waiting for
• Noel’s colleagues knew Joysie as an overly jealous woman in her 30’s plus some suicidal
tendencies as her case in previous occasions.
• A number of witnesses drove by the van that night and reported seeing suspicious behavior.
• Some police investigators believed that Noel had intentionally killed his own wife but other
believed his version of events.
• The Chief of Police went to the hospital that night of the incident to console with Noel and the
police classified the incident as Negligent Homicide.
• Several things in the van caught the investigator’s aye, including physical evidence in
unexpected locations, a rope with hair on it, broken glasses, and a shoe with drops of blood.
• Medico legal findings showed cause of death was multiple head injuries.
• Another pathologist reviewed the case and concluded that the injuries that caused the death of
Joysie were not caused by the van.
• The van was seized as evidence and secured by investigators.
• By crime scene reconstruction based on pattern evidence found inside the van enabled the
forensic team to determine facts of events.
1. Approximately 200 bloodstains were found on the instrument panel, these bloodstains were
consistent with medium-velocity impact spatters. The blood droplets traveled from left to right
downward and were deposited on the instrument panel at approximately 45 degrees angle.
2. Approximately 50 small bloodstains were found on the driver’s side window and door. Those
bloodstains were produced by medium-velocity impact force.
3. Medium-velocity blood spatters found in the cargo bay.
4. A mixture of soil and blood was found on a piece of sheet rock in the cargo bay floor are.
Through detailed examination, it was determined that the blood was deposited before the soil. 5.
A bloodstain, was found on the driver’s side sun visor
6. Bloodstains found on the floor of the van where whole blood with no indication of any
dilution by water, as would have been expected if Joysie had been outside the van in the middle
of a storm.
7. A large amount of bloodstain and head hair were observed on the roof over the driver’s seat.
The bloodstains were similar to a combination of multiple swipes and wipe patterns. Head hair
were found embedded in the blood. These patterns were the result of a multiple contacts and hair
swipes from a bleeding head.
8. Hairs were found on a piece of yellow rope embedded in the blood. These hairs were
microscopically similar to the victim’s head hair.
1. Based from the findings, if you were to be asked of your analytical conclusion as a crime
investigator, give your concluding statement. (7 pts)

If I am the crime investigator I noticed something in the findings that the blood stain is having a
different angle specially in the van. If the victim jumps on the road the victim fall on that road and it
never happen that there is a blood and hair on the roof over the driver sit. With this finding I observe
that if you hit a person when he stand there is a posible that bloods and hair will have on the roof of van
but the victim is jump on the road while the van is running so the victim fall to the road or even rolling.
Additional is the blood stain is having a different angle.

One thing is according to Noel Colleague the victim is a jealous woman this is one thing that may
cause to their misunderstanding. It possible they have misunderstanding and Noel hit the head of victim
on the roof of the van and according to medico legal there is no van cause of the death of the victim.
Noel committed murder by killing his wife Joysie.


• A week after DR. MANOLO, a sociology professor, at a community college in Urdaneta City,
died of heart attack, his widow went herself to clean out her husband’s office. It was a quite
Sunday afternoon.
• BRIAN, a campus Security Guard was on patrol, suddenly heard some gunshots somewhere.
• BRIAN found a woman’s body in the second floor female CR of the social science building.
She was later identified as Mrs. Manolo, the widow of the professor.
• Police responded to the scene found Mrs. Manolo’s partially clad body on the floor of the
restroom next to the sink.
• Her upper body was fully clothed but lower body was exposed, and her skirt and panty were
partially pulled down. There were no witnesses and no immediate leads.
• The SOCO team from the Urdaneta City Police Office arrived and scene of the crime was
studied. The following physical evidence was found:
- Three spots of apparent fresh semen were found
- Three bullet wounds located at the upper back and two bullet wounds in front of the
upper body.
- One shell casing was found at the victim’s scarf
- Pubic hairs were found on her stockings
- Two bullet holes were found on the divider wall of the rest room. Two fired bullets
were recovered from the wall.
- Paper towels were found in the waste basket in the restroom, appeared to have
recently used.
• Investigators interviewed Security Guard BRIAN after they arrived on the scene. The guard
provided a statement and indicated that he was on patrol outside the social science building when
he heard several gunshots.
• He said that he rushed into the building and found Mrs. Manolo’s body on the floor.
• He immediately called the police. He also informed the police that he did not carry any
• A search warrant was obtained to search the guard’s office, body, clothing, and vehicle and to
collect blood and hair samples.
• The following were obtained:
- Gunshot residue test kit from his hand. Result was negative
- Seminal stains were found on the front lower left side of his uniform. Semen appeared
to be fresh.
- 9mm fired cartridge casing found inside his right boot. Casing was the same brand
and caliber as the spent casing found under the victim’s scarf.
- Pubic hair samples were collected from Brian. Had similar characteristic compared with
the hair found on victims stocking
- Blood samples were collected for DNA tests
- 9mm automatic pistol was found under the right front seat of the vehicle. Bullet
trajectories were reconstructed.
- A firearm examiner test fired the weapon and found that bullets found in Mrs.
Manolo’s body were fired from the same gun.
1. Should BRIAN be arrested, and be indicted for murder? Discuss. Cite legal basis as necessary.
[You could copy and paste the legal basis found on the internet then supply it with your
explanation (10 pts)]
2. What physical evidence/s will serve the greatest if the guard be indicted for murder? Explain.
(3 pts)
3. Discuss possible area/s in this case you need to boost in order to ensure conviction, in case the
information be filed in court? (10 pts)
1. Yes, Brian should be arrested because of those evidence that match from the evidence
found on the victim and the crime scene. This case is not consider as a murder because there is
a rape case. This will be a Rape with Hommicide case.
2. Nothing
3. This will be the evidence which match to the semen coming from Brian. Like pubic hair and
the gun found under the right front seat of the vehicle that mutch up from the bullet found in
Mrs. Manolo's body. It serve as big evidence to the crime that Brian committed.

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