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Your Name: Genre of the Book:

Ariadna Bahena Informational Book
Book Title: Author:
Plants Can’t Stand Still Rebecca E. Hirsch
Publisher: Date:
Millbrook Press 2016

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

N.PK1.a Observe their world.

N.PK1.b Ask questions about their world.
P.2.A Students understand that matter has observable properties

2. Objectives:

Students will plant a mung bean and study its growth over time.
Students will document their observations.

3. Materials/Equipment:
● Clear plastic cup
● Mung beans
● Paper towels
● Spray bottles
● Water
● Paper
● crayons, pencils
● Plants Can’t Stand Still by Rebecca E. Hirsch

4. Teaching:
A. Plan for reading the book

● Ask students to observe plants in their daily life

● Discuss the difference between living and non-living things
● Bring in a houseplant for class to observe
● Ask class if plants are able to move
● Read “Plants can’t stand still”
● Ask children the different ways plant can move as described in the book
● Ask the children what plants need in order to grow according to the book
(sun, water and room to grow to grow)
● Give children opportunities to care for plants in the classroom.

B. Plan for extension activity:

Soak mung beans in water for an hour beforehand
Explain to the class that we will planting mung beans and watching their growth
Pass out the materials

Demonstrate to the class how to set up the experiment:

● Dampen paper towels with spray bottle.
● Place wet paper towels in clear plastic cup
● Place 5 mung beans on top of wet paper towel.
● Have the children place their mung beans in varying conditions
● have a group put their plants in direct sunlight, indirect sunlight and in a dark area
● Ask students to predict which mung bean will show the most growth
● Students will water their mung beans over the course of 5 days
● They will record the growth of the mung beans by drawing a picture of their seed on the
first day, third day and fifth day

5. Closure:

Students will present their pictures and discuss what they observed
Go over what plants need in order to grow\

Ask students what the next step should be now that their mung bean is a seedling
Should we keep in the cup or move it to a bigger container with soil?’

Display the students drawings

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