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Criteria Excellent Good Poor

4-5 2-3 0-1

Create spreadsheet - Spreadsheet created and - Spreadsheet created and - Spreadsheet created and
accurately populated with the mostly populated with the data populated with some of the
data provided. provided. data provided.
- Correct text alignment and - Mostly correct text alignment - Some correct text alignment
font formatting applied. and font formatting applied. and font formatting applied.
- Data was aesthetically - Data was aesthetically
presented presented
Calculate the total runs - Accurate function used - Accurate result acquired using - Accurate formula/function
scored - Function entered in the correct a formula used with incorrect cell
cell - Formula entered in the correct addresses
- Accurate result derived cell
Create summary table - Table complete with required - Table complete with required - Table complete with some of
items items the required items
- Appropriate function used - Appropriate function used - Appropriate function used
throughout - Most calculations yield - Some calculations yield
- All calculations yield accurate accurate results accurate results
Create chart - Appropriate chart type used - Appropriate chart type used - Appropriate chart type used
- Accurate selection of charting - Accurate selection of charting - Accurate selection of charting
data data data
- Chart consists of all required - Chart consists of most - Chart consists of some
chart features required chart features required chart features
Data edit - Correct edit made to data - Correct cell edited but with - Incorrect cell edited
incorrect value
Calculate the number of - Appropriate function applied - Appropriate function applied - Appropriate function applied
times best runs were scored - Correct parameters were - Most parameters inserted were
against Trident inserted in formulae correct
- Correct result derived
Naming file - File name correctly - File named but not accurately - File named by default
following the guidelines
This rubric will be used to assess each student’s performance on the assignment,

measuring progress made on the unit’s learning objectives. The rubric will act as a guide to the

students through the execution of the various tasks entailed, describing what is expected of them

and how it will be assessed. It indicates what will be evaluated according to specified criteria,

making grading and ranking simpler, more transparent, and fairer.

The criterion, listed on the leftmost column, describes the key elements required of a

student’s work. This spreadsheet performance assessment examines a range of 7 criteria. At the

top of the rubric is the rating scale which identifies the different performance levels, Excellent,

Good and Poor, and the corresponding marks of 4 to 5, 2 to 3 and 0 to 1, to be allotted to

student’s work. The third attribute of this rubric are the indicators which provides concrete

descriptors for each level of performance. These descriptors guides the process of fair,

transparent allocation of marks on completed student work.

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