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CLIMATE Union (EU), where biomass fuels have been

declared carbon neutral and are thus consid-

Are wood pellets a green fuel? ered to count toward fulfilling the commit-
ments of the Paris Agreement. The EU aims
to generate 20% of its electricity by 2020
A return to firewood is bad for forests and for the climate using renewable sources, including burn-
ing woody biomass. In part to revive a lan-
guishing forest products industry, the U.S.
By William H. Schlesinger mate change have now turned to seeking Congress may also declare wood a carbon-
alternatives to coal. Natural gas is cleaner neutral fuel. Despite its withdrawal from the

ames Watt’s steam engine vaulted and less expensive but, like coal, returns Paris Agreement, the United States may see a
coal to its major role as a fuel for the fossil carbon to the atmosphere. Recently, few utilities switch from coal to wood, which
Industrial Revolution. Today, about attention has focused on woody biomass— costs roughly the same as natural gas. The
40% of the world’s electricity is gen- a return to firewood—to generate electric- switch could be further incentivized with a
erated in coal-fired power plants, ity. Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere, carbon tax on fossil carbon (1).
consuming more than 80% of the and burning wood returns it. But recent Cutting trees for fuel is antithetical to the
coal mined each year. Because combustion evidence shows that the use of wood as fuel important role that forests play as a sink
of coal produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and is likely to result in net CO2 emissions and for CO2 that might otherwise accumulate
other air pollutants, efforts to combat cli- may endanger forest biodiversity. in the atmosphere. Each year, an estimated
In recent years, ~7 million metric tons 31% of the CO2 emitted from human activi-
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Post Office Box AB, of wood pellets per year have been shipped ties is stored in forests (2). However, man-
Millbrook, NY 12545, USA. Email: from the United States to the European aged forests store less carbon than their

1328 23 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6382 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Young loblolly pines are harvested al. (12) argue that the impacts on warming
in the southeastern United States. should always be reported for both 20- and
100-year periods, so that policy-makers can
plantations achieve a maximum biomass understand the net CO2 emissions that are
of 125 metric tons per hectare in about 40 associated with the time horizon of differ-
years (7). But because this species achieves ent policy options. Full international partic-
its maximum rate of biomass accrual in ipation is paramount; it makes no sense to
about 20 years, rotations are usually kept have Europeans embracing wood pellets as
short to maintain the fastest carbon uptake carbon neutral, thereby overlooking the CO2
possible. Thirty-four operating and pro- emitted during shipment and the losses of
posed wood-pellet plants dot the landscape carbon stock from forests harvested outside
of the Southeast, each anticipated to receive Europe. This is another example of export-
logs from the region within an 80-km ra- ing CO2 emissions beyond the border (13).
dius. Maine and the Canadian Maritime Many environmental economists be-
provinces also eye the potential for wood lieve that the increased value of forests for
pellets to revitalize their forest products wood-pellet production will ensure that
industries; most of this wood would derive more forests are planted (14); when trees
from natural forests and not plantations. have little or no value, the landscape is
It is not only the burning of wood that more likely to succumb to commercial or
adds CO2 to the atmosphere. Making wood residential development. But in the south-

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pellets and shipping them to Europe can eastern United States, these forests are
account for about 25% of the total carbon most likely to be pine plantations, which
emitted to the atmosphere from the use of are of limited value for the preservation
wood pellets in European power plants (8). of its rich regional biodiversity. Further-
Carbon neutrality for wood is only achieved more, increased demand for wood pellets
if the areas that are harvested are allowed can raise the price of raw wood, diverting
to regrow such that they store more than harvest to old-growth forests, which are
their original biomass. Furthermore, the important areas for biodiversity.
benefits of wood power must be discounted Biodiversity losses in the southeastern
by the loss of the carbon sequestration that United States mostly result from land clear-
would have occurred in the original forests ing (15), and agricultural clearing during
if they had not been harvested (6). the past two centuries likely already had
Although the carbon uptake by south- great impacts on biodiversity. Following
eastern forests is greatest at about 20 years, agricultural abandonment in the early 20th
regrowing stands continue to have lower century, forests are now more widespread
biomass than unharvested stands for 40 to but are mostly pine plantations with low
100 years (9, 10). Rotation lengths of less biomass and low diversity. Ultimately, the
than 40 years seem certain to transfer car- question is what kinds of forests are most
bon from biomass to CO2 in the atmosphere. desirable for the future. Unless forests are
By contrast, nonwoody biomass fuels such guaranteed to regrow to carbon parity, pro-
as switchgrass or silvergrass (Miscan- duction of wood pellets for fuel is likely to
thus) regrow within a year, balancing the result in more CO2 in the atmosphere and
native counterparts (3), and harvesting of emissions from their combustion to their fewer species than there are today. j
native forests will therefore be a source of, subsequent uptake of CO2 through photo-
not a sink for, atmospheric CO2. Further- synthesis. With wood, there is the assump-
1. P. Dwivedi, M. Khanna, Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy 7, 945
more, wood contains less energy than coal, tion—but no guarantee—that new trees will (2015).
and wood burning thus generates higher CO2 be planted and will persist long enough to 2. W. H. Schlesinger, E. S. Bernhardt, Biogeochemistry: An
emissions per kilowatt of electricity. The CO2 pay back the carbon debt created by burn- Analysis of Global Change (Elsevier, ed. 3, 2013).
3. K.-H. Erb et al., Nature 553, 73 (2018).
emissions from burning wood offset CO2 that ing the previous stands. If that carbon stock 4. K. C. Kelsey et al., Carbon Balance Manag. 9, 6 (2014).
might otherwise be emitted from fossil-fuel is not restored, burning wood may actu- 5. S. V. Hanssen et al., Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy 9, 1406
combustion (4, 5), but full carbon account- ally emit more CO2 to the atmosphere than (2017).
6. M. T. Ter-Mikaelian et al., J. Forestry 113, 57 (2015).
ing must also consider how long it takes to burning coal (10). 7. P. M. Schiffman, W. C. Johnson, Can. J. For. Res. 19, 69
restore the carbon pool of forested land that Much of the argument about the carbon (1989).
has been converted to atmospheric CO2 (6). neutrality of wood power centers on the 8. A. L. Stephenson, D. J. C. Mackay, Life Cycle Impacts of
Biomass Electricity in 2020 (U.K. Department of Energy
The large-scale abandonment of agricul- time frame of analysis. Because CO2 per- and Climate Change, London, 2014).
tural activities during the Great Depression sists for many decades in the atmosphere, 9. J. G. G. Jonker et al., Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy 6, 371
(1929 to 1939) led to a rapid expansion of some scientists argue that CO2 emitted to (2014).
10. J. D. Sterman et al., Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 015007 (2018).
mostly natural forests across the south- the atmosphere does not contribute sub-
11. J. K. Shoemaker et al., Science 342, 1323 (2013).
eastern United States. Later, these natural stantially to global warming in intervals 12. I. B. Ocko et al., Science 356, 492 (2017).
stands were replaced by plantations of lob- less than a century (11). Others hold that all 13. K. Kanemoto et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 10512 (2016).
lolly and slash pine, which were the favor- CO2 molecules in the atmosphere exert the 14. C. S. Galik, R. C. Abt, Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy 8, 658
ites of the forest products industry because same effect and that plantation rotations of 15. S. Martinuzzi et al., Ecol. Appl. 25, 160 (2015).
they grow well in the warm, wet climate of less than 20 years make a substantial net
the Southeast (see the photo). Loblolly pine contribution to global warming. Ocko et 10.1126/science.aat2305

SCIENCE 23 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6382 1329

Published by AAAS
Are wood pellets a green fuel?
William H. Schlesinger

Science 359 (6382), 1328-1329.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aat2305

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