Professional-Development-Plan 2022 460 Oss Plan

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Professional Development Plan - 12 Months

Name: Monica Tran

Date: 13 May 21

What is your 12-month career goal? Make sure its SMART.

To create three (3) executable PD events for OSOT instructors by January 2022.


What skills, knowledge or resources do you need to achieve the What actions will you take to address each skill gap? When will you complete this?
career goal(s)?

Advanced teaching and learning knowledge so that  Set aside 1 hour every 2 weeks to learn about January 2022
instructors are more confident in working with a new teaching/learning strategy
students on a more strategic basis.  In-person PD:
o Guest speaker to provide insight on how
they incorporated the new
teaching/learning strategies in their
classroom and discuss challenges/road
o Rest of PD will be activity-based for
adult hands-on learning.
 Provide podcasts, videos, or
other handout resources for
teachers to consider

Authentic Assessments and how to properly evaluate  In-person PD: May 2022
students o Formative vs. Summative definition,
discuss examples of each, how to use
each type, how to use pre-tests and then
an activity on writing proper test
Public speaking skills and techniques for effective  Provide Youtube / Articles to support September 2022
presentations strategies
o Schedule observation with
mentors/senior instructors to provide
feedback and advice
 In-person PD:
o Public speaking workshop (1 day)
 Unit-funded
 Networking with traditional
teachers within Denver/Aurora
Public Schools

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