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Stingless bees and microbial interactions

Gabriela Toninato de Paula1, Cristiano Menezes2,
Mônica Tallarico Pupo1 and Carlos Augusto Rosa3

Stingless bees (Meliponini) are a monophyletic group of that are typically located inside cavities sealed with plant
eusocial insects inhabiting tropical and subtropical regions. resins and beeswax, and these species store food over long
These insects represent the most abundant and diversified periods of time and proliferate by swarming, with transfer
group of corbiculate bees. Meliponini mostly rely on of nest materials from existing (mother) to newly founded
fermentation by symbiont microbes to preserve honey and (daughter) colonies [2]. These attributes, in addition to
transform pollen in stored food. Bee nests harbor diverse the high humidity of tropical environments, have favored
microbiota that includes bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi, the establishment of numerous microbial interactions in
and viruses. These microorganisms may interact with the bees stingless bees throughout their natural history, as we
through symbiotic relationships, or they may act as food for the discuss below.
insects, or produce biomolecules that aid in the
biotransformation of bee products, such as honey and bee A major challenge that these bees had to overcome during
bread. Certain microbial species can also produce their evolution was to develop a strategy by which food,
antimicrobial compounds that inhibit opportunistic bee including nectar and pollen, could be stored for extended
pathogens. durations. Even in tropical environments, these resources
are not available throughout the year due to seasonal
patterns in plant flowering [4]. When food resources are
Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências scarce, honey bees abandon their nests and migrate to
Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, 14040-
903 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
areas of greater resource abundance. This behavior is rare
in stingless bees, and they have developed strategies to
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Meio Ambiente,
sustain their colonies during periods of food scarcity [5].
Jaguariúna, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Microbiologia, ICB, C.P. 486, Universidade Federal Therefore, to survive during periods of low resource
de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31270-901, Brazil availability, colonies maximize foraging during the peak
flowering season and store collected resources for later
Corresponding author: Rosa, Carlos Augusto ( consumption [4–6]. Some species diminish their foraging
activity and downregulate their brood production to the
Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47 minimum level necessary for colony maintenance, and
This review comes from a themed issue on Ecology
these changes in brood cell production are primarily
associated with the quantity of stored pollen [5]. Other
Edited by Rachel Vannette and Robert R Junker
species inhabiting the regions with pronounced seasonal
changes decrease or even interrupt their brood production during adverse climatic conditions, and their reproductive
diapause is triggered by abiotic environmental factors [5].
2214-5745/ã 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

While Apini use dehydration techniques to preserve

honey, Meliponini mostly rely on fermentation by sym-
biont microbes [7]. Although Meliponini also dehydrate
nectar up to a certain level of humidity, it is extremely
difficult to attain high sugar concentrations in humid
environments, particularly in cavities. Consequently,
Meliponini (stingless bees) represents a monophyletic
sugar concentrations of stingless bee honey generally
group of eusocial insects that belongs to a larger group
range from 60% to 75% (min. 55%; max 86%) [8]. This
known as the corbiculate bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
makes it a suitable growth medium for many types of
that includes honeybees (Apini), bumble bees (Bombini),
and orchid bees (Euglossini) [1]. Meliponini are found in
all tropical and subtropical regions of the world. As their
name suggests, all species of this group share a peculiar Pollen is also fermented following storage, and this pro-
characteristic among bees, specifically the absence of a cess is characterized by an increase in moisture and lactic
functional sting. Although Meliponini encompass a acid, and also by increased proliferation of microorgan-
diverse group with approximately 550 species and 61 gen- isms [9]. It has been speculated that stingless bees prefer
era, a number of features are common to most species fermented pollen over fresh pollen [9]. This hypothesis
[2,3]. Nearly all Meliponini species live in perennial nests was tested using experiments examining Scaptotrigona aff. Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47

42 Ecology

depilis in cages, and it was found that more bees fed on beneficial microbes vertically in a manner similar to that
fermented pollen, and this type of pollen was consumed of fungus-growing (attine) ants [19], or if they acquire
at a 2.2-fold higher rate than the fresh pollen [9]. In these microbes from the environment when establishing a
contrast, Carrol et al. [10] reported that honey bees new colony in a manner similar to that of most species of
exhibited a marked preference for the consumption of macrotermitini termites [20].
freshly stored pollen. Foragers of stingless bees use honey
to carry pollen grains on their hind legs. When large The microbiota associated with stingless bees
pellets are formed on both legs, they return to the nest The microbiota associated with stingless bee nests
and deposit the collected pollen inside food pots that are includes viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi.
closed once they are entirely filled. A food pot is thus, a Bacteria and yeasts are metabolically active in bee hives,
perfect environment for microbial proliferation, as it is and their physiological traits, including enzyme produc-
warm, humid, and nutritious [11]. It may also be difficult tion, sugar fermentation, and organic acid production, are
for stingless bees to avoid extensive interactions with be instrumental in the microbial transformation of pollen
microbes on the carried pollen. Given their advantages, and nectar by initiating biochemical changes that may
these interactions may have been conserved over time. provide nutritional benefits to the larvae and adult bees
[8,21,22,24,25]. The beneficial interactions among
Another important feature of almost all stingless bees is stingless bees and viruses or filamentous fungi remain
their use of plant resins in nest building. While their sister poorly studied, although these microorganisms are the
group (Apini) uses pure wax for brood and food combs, opportunistic pathogens that are most likely associated
Meliponini mix resins with wax to produce their primary with disease symptoms in these bees.
building material, known as cerumen, and this material is
used in all structures of the nest, including brood cells and Bacterial symbionts and their functions
food pots [2,12]. Plant resins are well-known for their The major bacterial genera associated with stingless bees
potent antimicrobial properties [13]. This strategy may are Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Streptomyces, Clostridium, Staph-
have evolved in response to pressure from opportunistic ylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterobacter, Ralstonia, Pantoea,
microbes that could quickly exploit the favorable condi- Pseudomonas, Fructobacillus, Lysinibacillus, and Neisseria
tions present inside stingless bee nests. Although little is [21,22,23,24]. Kwong et al. [18] reported that the sting-
known regarding the properties of stingless bee propolis, less bee microbiome appears to be highly variable in
examples from other social insects suggest that there is a composition, richness, and evenness in comparison to
great potential of revealing interesting findings regarding those of Apis and Bombus. These authors demonstrated
this issue in stingless bees. For example, wood ants that Gilliamella, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Firm-4, and
(Formica paralugubris) collect pieces of solidified resin Lactobacillus Firm-5 are prevalent in these three bee
from coniferous trees that they then mix with their nest groups, suggesting that these taxa comprise the core of
material, and this strongly improves the survival of adults the corbiculate gut microbiome. The phylotype identified
and larvae exposed to pathogens [14]. In honeybees (Apis as Acetobacter-like appears to be specific to stingless bees
mellifera), the collection and in-hive use of plant resins is [18]. Ngalimat et al. [22] reported that bacterial isolates
an important mechanism of social immunity, which pro- associated with the Malaysian stingless bee Heterotrigona
tects the colony from pathogens [15] and stabilizes the itama were capable of utilizing carbohydrates, amino
honeybee microbiome [16]. Future studies examining acids, carboxylic acids, and various derivatives. Certain
this subject should include species from Malaysia, known isolates of Bacillus species exhibit proteolytic, lipolytic,
as ‘crystal bees’ (Figure 1), that almost exclusively use and cellulolytic activities. The enzymes produced by
resins to build their nests and yield extreme levels of these bacterial isolates may be involved in the breakdown
fermentation in stored foods [17]. of carbohydrates and proteins present in nectar and
pollen, which helps to form nest products [22]. These
Finally, the reproductive system of stingless bees, where enzymatic activities may play a key role in improving the
the daughter colonies are connected to their mothers for nutritional value of the nest products utilized as food by
many days or even weeks, are believed to have favored the stingless bees. Although several bacterial species
the stabilization of beneficial relationships between bees were associated with stingless bee nests, the biological
and microbes across generations [18]. As workers trans- interactions between them are still unclear.
port building materials and stored food from the mother
to the daughter colony during the swarming process, it is Bacterial species associated with Meliponini nests have
highly likely that the microbes present in the mother also been reported as producers of antimicrobial com-
colony would be transported to the newly founded daugh- pounds [23,26]. Streptomyces sp. ICBG1323, and Micromo-
ter colony. In this manner, any new beneficial interaction nospora sp. ICBG1321, also isolated from Melipona scu-
that emerged would be replicated in the next generation. tellaris, produced polyketides (lobophorins and
This is also an interesting topic for future research, as it anthracyclines) that show variable levels of activity
remains unclear if Meliponini bees actively transfer their against the entomopathogen Paenibacillus larvae, the

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47

Microorganisms associated with stingless bees de Paula et al. 43

Figure 1

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Current Opinion in Insect Science

Crystal bees from Malaysia, Tetrigona binghami (a). These bees have received this name because of the characteristics of their nests, built almost
exclusively with dipterocarp resin (c), including the pollen pots (b) and honey pots (d). Honey fermentation is so extreme that it makes the honey
taste like vinegar (e). (Photos: Cristiano Menezes).

causative agent of the fatal honey bee disease American Bacillus exhibit probiotic characteristics, thus, suggesting
foulbrood; however, this pathogen has not previously their therapeutic potential [28,29]. However, it would be
been detected in stingless bee samples [23,27]. One interesting to study the bioactive metabolites produced
isolate of Paenibacillus polymyxa obtained from the larval by these bacteria, as they may benefit bee health.
food of M. scutellaris produced (L)-(-)-3-phenyllactic acid
and fusaricidins that were active against entomopatho- Yeasts associated with stingless bees and their
genic fungi and P. larvae. Streptomyces sp. ICBG1318 functions
isolated from M. scutellaris produce two novel cyclic The yeast species most frequently isolated from stingless
hexadepsipeptides (meliponamycin A and meliponamy- bees belong to the genus Starmerella. This genus includes
cin B) that exhibit strong activity against P. larvae [26]. approximately 50 species, most of which have been
These results indicate that the antimicrobial compounds described to be associated with bee species and their
produced by the microorganisms associated with stingless floral niches [30,31,32]. Gonçalves et al. [31] suggested
bees could protect their colonies against opportunistic that the genus Starmerella is adapted to the floral niche
pathogens. Several species of lactic acid bacteria and and associated insects, and many species exhibit unusual Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47

44 Ecology

metabolic traits such as fructophily and the production of to that observed when they ingested larval food supplied
sophorolipids. Starmerella species are found primarily in with Zygosaccharomyces sp., thus, revealing the molecular
the neotropics, and most of them seem to be restricted to mechanism underlying this symbiotic interaction [41].
certain regions possibly following the geographic distri- The ecdysteroid 24-epi-makisterone A was detected in
bution of their insect vectors [25,30,32]. Starmerella bom- the pupae, suggesting its production from ergosterol
bicola, Starmerella batistae, Starmerella riodocensis, and Star- during the metamorphic process of S. depilis [41]. The
merella cellae are mostly associated with solitary bees, modulation of Zygosaccharomyces sp. growth in S. depilis
while Starmerella meliponinorum, S.tarmerella apicola, Star- colonies appears to be partially regulated by small mole-
merella neotropicalis, and Starmerella etchellsii are mostly cules produced by two additional microorganisms isolated
associated with stingless bees [25,30,32,33]. These latter from the cerumen, Candida sp. (possibly a novel Starmer-
species are frequently isolated from pollen, nectar, unripe ella species), and Monascus ruber [40,41]. This Candida sp.
and ripe honey, garbage pellets, and adult stingless bees. produces the volatiles ethanol and isoamyl alcohol that
Certain species, in association with bacteria, ferment the stimulate Zygosaccharomyces sp. growth. In contrast, M.
nectar collected by bees [25,30,32]. Starmerella species ruber produces lovastatin, an inhibitor of steroid biosyn-
have also been isolated from honeybees and bumble bees thesis, and monascin. Lovastatin inhibits the growth of
[34,35]. However, the beneficial effects of these yeasts for Zygosaccharomyces sp., whereas monascin inhibits Candida
bees remain to be elucidated. sp. growth [41]. These results, not previously reported in
the literature, demonstrate the intricate relationship
Several species of the osmophilic yeasts of the genus between the microbiota of the brood cell and the stingless
Zygosaccharomyces have been found to be associated with bee S. depilis. The occurrence of similar symbiosis
different aspects of honey bee and stingless bee colonies, between Zygosaccharomyces and other species of stingless
including those of Zygosaccharomyces gambellarensis, Zygo- bees is a plausible hypothesis that is worthy of further
saccharomyces mellis, and Zygosaccharomyces siamensis investigation.
[36,37]. Zygosaccharomyces strains appear to be involved
in the spoilage of food in the hive; however, Z. siamensis The origin and life cycle of Zygosaccharomyces sp. strains in
was also recently associated with the honey fermentation bee colonies remain to be described. Interestingly, A.
process in Apis cerana [36]. Zygosaccharomyces machadoi was mellifera queens harbor larger quantities of Zygosacchar-
described in association with garbage pellets of the sting- omyces in the gut and ovaries compared to that in the
less bee Tetragonisca angustula in Brazil [38]. Z. osmophilus workers [43], thus, providing opportunities for similar
was obtained from different samples of ripe and unripe investigations in stingless bees. Further studies are
honey, and pollen from Scaptotrigona crf. bipunctata and required to better understand the role of Zygosaccharo-
also from the ripe honey of T. angustula. Honey has been myces in host insects.
suggested as the natural habitat of Zygosaccharomyces
osmophilus due to its high abundance in this substrate [39].
Filamentous fungi and their interactions with stingless
Despite the reports of Zygosaccharomyces strains in bee bees
colonies, including stingless bees, honeybees and bumble Filamentous fungi associated with stingless bees and
bees [35,36,38,39], little is known about their ecological their hives typically possess a saprophytic lifestyle. Some
functions and their benefits to the host bees. A more species of these fungi have also been reported as oppor-
comprehensive description of the molecular mechanisms tunistic pathogens of many bee species. Barbosa et al. [44]
involved in nutritional/hormonal symbiosis has been reported Penicillium and Talaromyces species from honey,
reported in the interaction between a novel species of pollen, and the interior of nests of M. scutellaris. Twenty-
Zygosaccharomyces (without formal description) and the one species were identified in Penicillium and six in
stingless bee Scaptotrigona depilis (Figure 2). This fungus Talaromyces, including four novel species of Penicillium
grows inside the brood cells of S. depilis, and its ingestion and three of Talaromyces. These authors verified that
by the larvae is essential for their survival and metamor- these species produced bioactive extrolites; however,
phosis [40,41]. Metamorphosis in insects is controlled by the benefits of such compounds to their hosts were not
a balance between two hormonal systems that include determined. Menezes et al. [45] reported, for the first
juvenile hormones and ecdysteroids [42]. Insects time, a mutualism between a fungal species, identified as
acquire steroidal compounds from their diet as precursors Monoascus sp., and the bee Scaptotrigona postica. The
for the biosynthesis of ecdysteroids, as they do not syn- authors demonstrated that the fungal mycelia growing
thesize these hormones de novo. Zygosaccharomyces sp. on the provisioned food within the brood cells is essential
associated with S. depilis was found to accumulate the for the larval development of this bee. Additionally,
steroid ergosterol in lipid droplets in its cytoplasm. In vitro fungal spores could also be utilized as a food resource
experiments examining S. depilis larval development by stingless bees, although the nutritional value of these
revealed that larvae that were fed food supplied with spores is lower than that of pollen [44]. The beneficial
ergosterol could complete metamorphosis at a rate similar relationships of these microorganisms with stingless bees

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47

Microorganisms associated with stingless bees de Paula et al. 45

Figure 2

(a) (b)
Current Opinion in Insect Science

The Brazilian stingless bee Scaptotrigona depilis. (a) Egg in the brood cell; (b) Zygosaccharomyces sp. growth in the borders of the brood cell
(white mass) and larva in the center. (Photos: Cristiano Menezes).

and the species richness of these fungi that are associated sampled. These studies focused on the occurrence of
with these insects both remain poorly studied. viruses responsible for diseases associated with stingless
bee colonies. However, other viruses with beneficial
Viruses associated with stingless bees and their properties may be associated with these bees. Bonilla-
functions Rosso et al. [49] studied the phages associated with the
Viruses that infect stingless bees have also been poorly gut microbiome of A. mellifera using metagenomic
studied. Viruses found within stingless bees include acute sequencing. The majority of the phages found in the
bee paralysis virus (ABPV), deformed wing virus (DWV), bee guts in this study were considered unclassified and
and black queen cell virus (BQCV) [46–48]. Caesar et al. represented novel viruses. Similar findings could be
[46] characterized the Melipona quadrifasciata virome obtained for the gut microbiome of stingless bees.
using high-throughput sequencing in an attempt to iden-
tify potentially pathogenic viruses. A total of 40 621 reads Conclusion
were mapped to viral contigs of the metagenomes of The microbiota associated with stingless bees confers
unhealthy bees, while only 11 reads were mapped to advantages to these insects by promoting the microbial
contigs identified as viruses of healthy bees. The families transformation of stored food. The fermentation capabili-
Dicistroviridae, Parvoviridae, and Circoviridae were pres- ties, associated with the production of enzymes, organic
ent in the largest copy numbers in the unhealthy bees. acids, antimicrobial substances, and steroids of yeasts and
These authors call attention to the presence of a diversity bacteria isolated from stingless bee products and their
of as yet unknown bee viruses in stingless bees. Using nests suggest that these microorganisms are essential to
PCR analyses, Guimaraes-Cestaro et al. [47] reported the the life cycle of these insects. Bacteria, yeasts, and spores
presence of viruses in samples from ten nests of stingless of filamentous fungi may also be considered food supplies
bees (Nannotrigona testaceicornis, T. angustula, and Tetra- for larvae and adults. These microorganisms represent a
gona elongata). ABPV was the most prevalent, followed by source of concentrated proteins and vitamins that are
DWV and BQCV. Teixeira et al. [48] studied the diseased essential for insects. The interaction between the yeast
colonies of Melipona spp. in two Brazilian states, and the Zygosaccharomyces sp. and the stingless bee S. depilis sug-
authors did not detect viruses in any of the colonies gest a nutritional/hormonal symbiosis that is partially Current Opinion in Insect Science 2021, 44:41–47

46 Ecology

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