Industry Forecast - South Korea Household Characteristics Forecast

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Industry Forecast - South Korea Household Characteristics Forecast

15 Mar 20 19 So uth Ko re a Co ns ume r & Re tail

Key View: High and rising disposable incomes continue to make South Korea an attractive market for consumer-facing companies. In particular, growth in the upper-
income segment (household disposable income of USD75,000+) will buoy luxury spending. However, slow growth in household numbers and the rise of more single or
dual-income households will weigh on the type of opportunities present for retailers.

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Net average income per household will rise rapidly from USD48,622 in 2019 to USD55,823 in 2023.
More than 99% of households will fall in the middle-income segment and above (with a disposable income of USD10,000 or more), with the
upper-income segment (with a disposable income of USD75,000 or more) increasing to account for 17% of total households in 2023, up from
11% in 2019.
Household number growth will slow, growing by an average 1.1% annually over the medium-term to 2023, down from 1.5% over 2014-2018. In
addition, the share of single or dual number households will also pick up by 2023.

Purchasing Power And Demographic Trends

Hous ehold Income Breakdown (2019-2023)

f = Fitch Solutions forecas t. Source: National s ources , Fitch Solutions

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Structural Trends

The number of hous eholds will increas e at a tepid pace over the next five years , amid an ag eing population and low fertility rates . We forecas t the number of
hous eholds to ris e from 21.0mn in 2019 to 21.9mn in 2023. The number of working adults per hous ehold will marg inally decline over the next five years ,
which reflects the ag eing population. Given the modes t population g rowth, g rowth in hous ehold income will be a boos t to purchas ing power. Between 2019
and 2023 we forecas t net income per hous ehold to ris e from USD48,622 to USD55,823 which bodes well for retailers acros s mos t categ ories .

More than 99% of Korean hous eholds have net incomes of more than USD10,000; therefore, virtually all hous eholds have acces s to modern forms of
cons umption, offering a s izeable cons umer bas e to retailers . The proportion of hous eholds with net incomes of more than USD75,000 will reach 17% of
total hous eholds in 2023, which will create s trong opportunities for retailers offering luxury products and operating in premium categ ories . This trans lates
to 3.8mn hous eholds in 2023, up from 2.3mn in 2019.

This re po rt fro m Fitch So lutio ns Macro Re s e arch is a pro duct o f Fitch So lutio ns Gro up Ltd, UK Co mpany re g is tratio n numbe r 0 8 78 9 9 39
( 'FSG') . FSG is an affiliate o f Fitch Rating s Inc. ( 'Fitch Rating s ') . FSG is s o le ly re s po ns ible fo r the co nte nt o f this re po rt, witho ut any input fro m
Fitch Rating s .
Co pyrig ht © 20 19 Fitch So lutio ns Gro up Limite d. All rig hts re s e rve d. 30 No rth Co lo nnade , Lo ndo n E14 5GN, UK.
THIS CO MMENTARY IS P UBLISHED BY FITCH SO LUTIO NS MACRO RESEARCH and is NO T a co mme nt o n Fitch Rating s ' cre dit rating s . Any
co mme nts o r data include d in the re po rt are s o le ly de rive d fro m Fitch So lutio ns Macro Re s e arch and inde pe nde nt s o urce s . Fitch Rating s '
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HO USEHO LD INCO ME DAT A (SO UT H KO REA 2 0 17 - 2 0 2 3)

Indicat o r 2017e 2018e 2019f 2020f 2021f 2022f 2023f

Ho us e ho lds , '0 0 0 20 ,474.8 20 ,714.3 20 ,9 54.8 21,19 6 .3 21,438 .4 21,6 8 0 .8 21,9 23.7
Ho us e ho lds , % y-o -y 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
Ave rag e wo rking adults pe r ho us e ho ld 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6
Gro s s Inco me , pe r ho us e ho ld, KRW 58 ,9 9 8 ,6 0 8 .77 6 0 ,6 51,28 1.23 6 2,0 6 7,543.54 6 3,712,9 9 5.0 4 6 5,6 9 2,9 55.6 3 6 7,731,6 59 .50 6 9 ,9 37,8 9 4.45
Gro s s Inco me , pe r ho us e ho ld, USD 52,175.6 0 53,6 73.70 53,9 71.78 54,9 25.0 0 58 ,135.36 59 ,9 39 .52 6 1,8 9 1.9 4
Gro s s Inco me , pe r capita, KRW 32,0 11,8 25.8 33,0 9 5,157.2 34,0 22,6 57.7 35,124,6 20 .0 36 ,432,9 43.9 37,78 2,9 0 1.6 39 ,247,19 9 .9
Gro s s Inco me , pe r capita, USD 28 ,30 9 .76 29 ,28 7.75 29 ,58 4.9 2 30 ,279 .8 4 32,241.54 33,436 .20 34,732.0 4
Dis po s able Inco me , pe r ho us e ho ld, KRW 53,323,6 25.47 54,724,8 14.51 55,9 15,0 21.8 5 57,48 9 ,754.9 8 59 ,243,742.9 8 6 1,0 71,9 56 .73 6 3,0 79 ,9 47.21
Dis po s able Inco me , pe r ho us e ho ld, USD 47,156 .9 48 ,429 .0 48 ,6 21.8 49 ,56 0 .1 52,428 .1 54,0 46 .0 55,8 23.0
Dis po s able Inco me , pe r capita, KRW 28 ,9 32,6 58 .70 29 ,8 6 1,30 3.8 9 30 ,6 50 ,119 .8 8 31,6 9 3,78 2.31 32,8 56 ,246 .8 2 34,0 6 7,9 0 4.8 3 35,39 8 ,710 .78
Dis po s able Inco me , pe r capita, USD 25,58 6 .7 26 ,425.9 26 ,6 52.3 27,322.2 29 ,0 76 .3 30 ,148 .6 31,326 .3
Tax and s o cial co ntributio ns , % o f g ro s s inco me 9 .6 9 .8 9 .9 9 .8 9 .8 9 .8 9 .8
Tax and s o cial co ntributio ns , pe r capita, KRW 3,0 79 ,16 7.13 3,233,8 53.33 3,372,537.8 5 3,430 ,8 37.6 5 3,576 ,6 9 7.0 8 3,714,9 9 6 .74 3,8 48 ,48 9 .12
Tax and s o cial co ntributio ns , pe r capita, USD 2,723.1 2,8 6 1.8 2,9 32.6 2,9 57.6 3,16 5.2 3,28 7.6 3,40 5.7
Ho us e ho lds '0 0 0 Dis po s able Inco me USD5,0 0 0 + 20 ,46 9 .1 20 ,70 9 .3 20 ,9 49 .8 21,19 1.6 21,434.5 21,6 77.4 21,9 20 .6
Ho us e ho lds '0 0 0 Dis po s able Inco me USD10 ,0 0 0 + 20 ,39 3.9 20 ,6 41.7 20 ,8 8 2.7 21,129 .0 21,38 2.3 21,6 30 .8 21,8 79 .1
Ho us e ho lds '0 0 0 Dis po s able Inco me USD50 ,0 0 0 + 6 ,9 6 4.1 7,533.4 7,6 9 6 .5 8 ,154.1 9 ,36 2.3 10 ,10 2.0 10 ,8 9 9 .8
Ho us e ho lds Dis po s able Inco me USD5,0 0 0 + , % to tal ho us e ho lds 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0
Ho us e ho lds Dis po s able Inco me USD10 ,0 0 0 + , % to tal ho us e ho lds 9 9 .6 9 9 .6 9 9 .7 9 9 .7 9 9 .7 9 9 .8 9 9 .8
Ho us e ho lds Dis po s able Inco me USD50 ,0 0 0 + , % to tal ho us e ho lds 34.0 36 .4 36 .7 38 .5 43.7 46 .6 49 .7

e / f = F i tc h S o l u ti o n s e sti m a te / fo r e c a st. S o u r c e : N a ti o n a l so u r c e s, F i tc h S o l u ti o n s

This re po rt fro m Fitch So lutio ns Macro Re s e arch is a pro duct o f Fitch So lutio ns Gro up Ltd, UK Co mpany re g is tratio n numbe r 0 8 78 9 9 39
( 'FSG') . FSG is an affiliate o f Fitch Rating s Inc. ( 'Fitch Rating s ') . FSG is s o le ly re s po ns ible fo r the co nte nt o f this re po rt, witho ut any input fro m
Fitch Rating s .
Co pyrig ht © 20 19 Fitch So lutio ns Gro up Limite d. All rig hts re s e rve d. 30 No rth Co lo nnade , Lo ndo n E14 5GN, UK.

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