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Cooperative Response of Pichia kudriavzevii and Saccharomyces

cerevisiae to Lactic Acid Stress in Baijiu Fermentation
Nan Deng, Hai Du,* and Yan Xu*
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ABSTRACT: Lactic acid is a universal metabolite, as well as a growth inhibitor of ethanol producers in Baijiu fermentation.
Revealing the mechanism of lactic acid tolerance is essential for the yield of fermented foods. Here, we employed reverse
transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction to explore the degradation mechanism of lactic acid, based on the coculture of
Pichia kudriavzevii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Under high lactic acid stress, P. kudriavzevii decreased lactic acid from 40.00 to 35.46
g L−1 within 24 h. Then, S. cerevisiae restored its capacity to degrade lactic acid. Finally, lactic acid decreased to 26.29 g L−1.
Downloaded via CARLETON UNIV on July 13, 2020 at 12:43:37 (UTC).

Coculture significantly enhanced lactic acid consumption compared to the monoculture of P. kudriavzevii (90% higher) or S.
cerevisiae (209% higher). We found that lactate catabolism, H+ extrusion, and glycerol transport were the lactic acid tolerance
pathways in yeasts. This study reveals the novel acid tolerance mechanisms of microbiota and would provide new strategies for
ethanol production under acid stress.
KEYWORDS: Pichia kudriavzevii, lactic acid degrade, stress response pathway, coculture, Chinese Baijiu

In fermented food and beverage industries, the yield and
fermentation.10 P. kudriavzevii has a considerable contribution
to the flavor of Chinese Baijiu, which can generate higher
quality of products are limited because of the generation of alcohols and volatile acids.11 P. kudriavzevii is also able to
some inhibitory compounds during the fermentation process.1 decrease the concentrations of unsafe compounds, such as
Lactic acid, a universal metabolite as well as a growth inhibitor, ethyl carbamate in Baijiu fermentation.12 Moreover, recent
studies have shown that P. kudriavzevii has significant effects
often appears in the fermentation process of fermented foods
on improving the product quality in other fermented food and
and beverages.2,3 For example, lactic acid is the highest organic
beverage industries. For example, the use of P. kudriavzevii in
acid formed during the Moutai-flavor Baijiu fermentation
the wheat sourdough bread making leads to the higher
process, up to 36.20 ± 6.20 g kg−1 fermented grain.4 As a
concentration of esters, aldehydes, and other aroma com-
major inhibitory compound, lactic acid can penetrate through
pounds.13 Moreover, the degradation of malic acid by P.
the cytomembrane and flow into the cytoplasm by simple
kudriavzevii was observed in wine fermentation.14 Previous
diffusion because the undissociated form of lactic acid is
studies have shown that P. kudriavzevii has a special capacity to
lipophilic.5 In the nearly neutral cytoplasm, lactic acid
resist environmental stress during the fermentation proc-
dissociates, releasing protons (H+) and lactate ions. Because
ess.15,16 For instance, P. kudriavzevii NG7, isolated from grape
these ions have electric charge, they cannot pass through the
skin, is quite resistant and can tolerate 4% lactic acid at 50
hydrophobic lipid cytomembrane bilayer. These ions accumu-
°C.17 The tolerance and response mechanisms to weak acid
late in the cell, leading to the change of intracellular pH (pHi)
stress have been widely studied in S. cerevisiae.5,18−20 However,
and the disruption of the cytoplasm anion pool. Then, the
different yeasts may have different responses, differing also
integrity of purine bases is affected, causing the vital enzymes
among weak acids.21 The tolerance mechanism of P.
to denature in the cells, which inhibits ethanol production
kudriavzevii to lactic acid accumulation is still a problem to
during Chinese Baijiu fermentation.6,7 Therefore, it is essential
solve. Moreover, identifying the interaction between P.
for fermented food and beverage industries to study the lactic
kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae in response to lactic acid stress
acid tolerance and mechanisms of microorganisms.
is vital to ensure ethanol production in Baijiu fermentation.
Chinese Moutai-flavor Baijiu fermentation process is a
In this study, we explored the influence of lactic acid
typical spontaneous fermentation, involving Saccharomyces and
accumulation on core functional yeasts involving P. kudriavze-
various non-Saccharomyces yeasts to produce various alcohols
and aroma compounds.8 Among these yeasts, one of the most
significant species is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which contributes Received: December 19, 2019
considerably to the production of multiple alcohols (78,018 μg Revised: March 14, 2020
L−1) and esters (4023 μg L−1).9 In addition, Pichia is a Accepted: March 17, 2020
dominant yeast, which is the most abundant genus in fungi (on Published: March 17, 2020
average, accounting for 91.34 to 64.59% of fungi).4 Pichia
kudriavzevii is the dominant species of genus Pichia in Baijiu

© 2020 American Chemical Society

4903 J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Table 1. Primer Sequences for Gene Transcription Analysis in P. kudriavzevii

gene primer direction primer sequence (5′ → 3′) primer size (bp) production size (bp)

vii and S. cerevisiae in monoculture and coculture. Furthermore, with a commercial kit (AceQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix;
we revealed the gene transcriptions related to lactic acid Vazyme, Nanjing, China). Each reaction was performed in a reaction
tolerance in P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae and illustrated the volume of 20 μL containing 10 μL of SYBR mix, 0.4 μL of each
mechanisms of lactic acid tolerance in the P. kudriavzevii−S. primer (10 mmol L−1), 1 μL of DNA template, and 8.2 μL of double-
distilled water. The qPCR thermocycling steps were set as follows: 95
cerevisiae group. A new opinion on the function of P. °C for 5 min and 40 cycles of 95 °C for 10 s and 60 °C for 30 s.
kudriavzevii was showed, which could provide guidance for Melting curve analysis, which was obtained by 0.5 °C s−1 increments
its effective use in food and beverage fermentation. from 65 to 95 °C with continuous fluorescence collection, was

performed to determine the specificity of the PCR products.24 The
MATERIALS AND METHODS experiments were performed in triplicate.
HPLC Analysis. To analyze the concentrations of lactic acid,
Yeast Strains and Growth Medium. P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. glucose, and ethanol, the fermentation broths were centrifuged at
cerevisiae C-3 were isolated from the Chinese Moutai-flavor Baijiu 8000g for 10 min to remove the cells. Then, the supernatant was
fermentation process. The yeast strains were deposited in the China filtered through a 0.22 μm syringe filter and quantified by high-
General Microbiological Culture Collection Center with the accession performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; Waters, Suzhou, China).
numbers CGMCC 19337 and 19336. The yeasts were stored at −80 HPLC was performed using a Waters HPLC separation module (e-
°C in yeast peptone dextrose broth (YEPD) glycerol stock. For liquid 2695) equipped with a refractive index (RI) detector (2414) kept at
cultivation, the cells were pregrown on YEPD agar plates (1% yeast 35 °C and an Aminex HPX-87H ion exclusion column (300 mm ×
extract, 2% bacto peptone, 2% glucose, and 2% agar). 7.8 mm, 3 μm). The mobile phase was 5 mmol L−1 H2SO4 with a flow
Sorghum extract medium was used for fermentation and was rate of 0.6 mL min−1. The column temperature was 60 °C, and the
prepared according to the method below. One kilogram of ground injection volume was 10 μL. The concentration of lactic acid, glucose,
sorghum was added to 4 L of deionized water. Then, the mixture was and ethanol in the fermentation samples was determined by the peak
added with the moderate thermostable α-amylase solution (2 × 107 U area of the standard samples.25
L−1) and cooked for 2 h. It was subsequently saccharified by Transcription Analysis of Genes that Confer Tolerance for
glucoamylase (5 × 107 U L−1) at 60 °C for 4 h. Finally, the above Lactic Acid. Cells were collected from mono- and coculture by
mixture was filtered through two layers of gauze and centrifuged at centrifugation at 8000g at 4 °C for 5 min, immediately frozen in liquid
8000g for 5 min. The supernatant was collected as the sorghum nitrogen, and stored at −80 °C.
extract. The sugar content was measured with a Leica refractometer RNA was extracted as follows: the cell pellets were crushed into
(Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg, PA). The obtained sorghum extract was fine powders in a precooled mortar (China National Pharmaceutical
diluted with water to provide a final sugar concentration of 8 ° Bx (55 Group Corp., Shanghai, China). The sample powders were transferred
± 5 g L−1).22 Each 100 mL of sorghum extract was dispensed in a 250 to RNase-free 1.5 mL centrifuge tubes, which were filled with 1 mL of
mL flask. The fermentation media were sterilized at 115 °C for 30 precooled RNAiso Plus reagent (TaKaRa, Dalian, China), mixed
min before use. immediately by pipetting, and then incubated at room temperature
Mono- and Coculture Fermentation. P. kudriavzevii and S. (15−30 °C) for 5 min. After this, 200 μL of chloroform was added,
cerevisiae were precultured in sorghum extract media at 30 °C mixed upside down, incubated at room temperature for 5 min, and
overnight, shaking at 200 rpm to obtain the seed culture. They were then centrifuged at 12,000g at 4 °C for 15 min. Then, the supernatant
then respectively inoculated into the fermentation media supple- was mixed with 1 mL of isopropyl alcohol, mixed upside down,
mented with different DL-lactic acid amounts (40 and 0 g L−1) at a cell incubated at room temperature for 10 min, and then centrifuged at
density of 2 × 107 cells mL−1. Cocultures were carried out under lactic 12,000g and 4 °C for 10 min. The obtained pellet was washed with 1
acid stress (40 g L−1 DL-lactic acid) with P. kudriavzevii/S. cerevisiae at mL of 75% ethanol and centrifuged at 7500g and 4 °C for 5 min. The
ratios of 107:107. Fermentation was performed at 30 °C for 72 h, with pellets were dried at room temperature for 5 min and dissolved in 50
shaking at 200 rpm. During fermentation, samples were taken at 12 h μL of RNase-free water. DNase treatment was conducted with 1 μg of
intervals to quantify yeast biomass and analyze the concentration of RNA sample in a 16 μL reaction mixture using HiScript II Q RT
sugar, lactic acid, and ethanol. Uninoculated sorghum extract medium SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) (Vazyme, Nanjing, China). All
was used as a negative control, and the experiments were performed the operations followed the manufacturer’s instructions. The ratios of
in triplicate. A260/A280 and A260/A230 were calculated to assess the RNA purity
Determination of Yeast Biomass. The biomass of different using a NanoDrop ND-1000 microspectrometer (Thermo Scientific,
yeasts in mono- and coculture fermentation was determined by Wilmington, DE). The quality of the total RNA was analyzed by 1%
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Genomic DNA in nondenaturing agarose gel electrophoresis.
mono- and coculture fermentation was extracted using the DNAiso Reverse transcription was conducted using the HiScript II Q RT
reagent (TaKaRa, Dalian, China). All operations followed the SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper) (Vazyme, Nanjing, China)
manufacturer’s instructions. Genomic DNA was used as the template immediately after RNA extraction. Reactions without both reverse
to amplify S. cerevisiae using primers SC1 and SC2 and P. kudriavzevii transcriptase and a template were used as negative controls. qPCR
using primers PK1 and PK2.23 qPCR was performed by a was performed using a StepOnePlus instrument (Applied Biosystems,
StepOnePlus instrument (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) Foster City, CA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Each

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Table 2. Primer Sequences for Gene Transcription Analysis in S. cerevisiae

gene primer direction primer sequence (5′ → 3′) primer size (bp) production size (bp)

Figure 1. Optical density at 600 nm of P. kudriavzevii (A) and S. cerevisiae (B), with and without lactic acid.

reaction was performed in a 20 μL reaction volume containing 1 μL of control. The glucose consumption rate of P. kudriavzevii C-16
cDNA, 0.4 μL of each primer (10 mmol L−1), 10 μL of the SYBR mix, under 40 g L−1 lactic acid was 0.78 g L−1 h−1, whereas that of
and 8.2 μL of double-distilled water. The amplification conditions control (without lactic acid) was 0.96 g L−1 h−1 (Figure S1A).
were as follows: preheating at 95 °C for 5 min, 40 cycles of 95 °C for
The glucose consumption rate of P. kudriavzevii C-16
10 s, 60 °C for 30 s, and an increase of 0.5 °C every 5 s from 65 to 95
°C for melting curve analysis to confirm the specificity of the decreased by 19.47% in lactic acid-treated cells in comparison
amplification. The experiments were done in triplicate. Negative to the control.
controls were maintained with no SYBR mix, no template, and only In the presence of lactic acid (40 g L−1), the growth of S.
double-distilled water. For each gene, the cycle threshold (CT) values cerevisiae C-3 was severely inhibited (Figure 1B). S. cerevisiae
of the technical and biological replicates were averaged. The CT values C-3 rarely grew under 40 g L−1 lactic acid, and the final OD600
of reference genes (UBC6) were then averaged. The relative was 0.080 ± 0.033. Correspondingly, Figure S1B shows that in
transcriptional levels of genes were quantified by the the absence of lactic acid (0 g L−1), S. cerevisiae C-3 could
2−ΔΔCTmethod.26 The primers for reverse transcription-quantitative
deplete glucose during the 36 h culture. However, when it grew
PCR (RT-qPCR) for the genes in P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae are
listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. with 40 g L−1 lactic acid, 33.09 ± 0.65 g L−1 glucose remained
Statistical Analysis. Each treatment was performed in triplicate. after 72 h of fermentation. Also, the ethanol yield of S.
All statistical analyses and data plots were performed with Microsoft cerevisiae C-3 was greatly influenced by lactic acid (Figure
Office Excel 2016 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA), OriginPro 9.5 S1D). In the absence of lactic acid, the ethanol yield of S.
(OriginLab, Northampton, MA), and Adobe Illustrator CC 22.0 cerevisiae C-3 peaked at 23.99 ± 1.30 g L−1 at 24 h and then
(Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA). Differences were reduced to 13.55 ± 0.85 g L−1 at 72 h. However, when S.
considered significant when P values were lower than 0.05 in a two- cerevisiae C-3 exposed to 40 g L−1 lactic acid, the final ethanol
tailed, unpaired Student’s t test.
concentration was only 4.66 ± 0.14 g L−1, which reduced by

Effects of Lactic Acid on the Growth and Metabolic
65.61%. The ethanol production rate of S. cerevisiae C-3 was
1.00 ± 0.054 g L−1 h−1 at the first 24 h, whereas it reduced to
0.13 ± 0.0074 g L−1 h−1 under 40 g L−1 lactic acid, which
Profiles of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae. There are showed an 87.08% reduction.
notable differences in the lactic acid tolerance between P. Improvement of Lactic Acid Tolerance by P.
kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3. During the first 12 h kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae Coculture. Figure 2 shows
culture, the growth rate of P. kudriavzevii C-16 without lactic the biomass of P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 in
acid was 0.22 h−1, whereas it was 0.027 h−1 when it grew with mono- and coculture in the presence of lactic acid (40 g L−1).
40 g L−1 lactic acid (Figure 1A). Compared to the control At the initial stage, the biomass of P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S.
(without lactic acid), the growth rate of P. kudriavzevii C-16 cerevisiae C-3 reduced in both mono- and coculture. At 12 h
reduced by 88% when it grew with 40 g L−1 lactic acid during culture, P. kudriavzevii C-16 achieved a minimum biomass of
the first 12 h culture. The final OD600 of P. kudriavzevii C-16 3.8 × 106 copies mL−1 in monoculture and 2.8 × 106 copies
without lactic acid was 4.48 ± 0.27, whereas it was 2.41 ± 0.08 mL−1 in coculture. Then, it gradually increased as fermentation
when it grew with 40 g L−1 lactic acid. The final OD600 reduced progressed and finally achieved the maximum biomass of 5.7 ×
by 46% in the lactic acid-treated cells in comparison to the 107 copies mL−1 in monoculture and 5.0 × 107 copies mL−1 in
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

whereas S. cerevisiae C-3 showed a maximum consumption of

4.44 ± 0.72 g L−1 lactic acid (Figure 4A). Interestingly, when
these two strains were cultured together, the maximum
consumption of lactic acid (13.71 ± 0.63 g L−1) significantly
increased (P < 0.01). P. kudriavzevii C-16 showed a maximum
lactic acid consumption rate of 0.16 g L−1 h−1 at 24 h and S.
cerevisiae C-3 showed 0.15 g L−1 h−1 at 36 h (Figure 4B).
However, when these two strains were cultured together, the
maximum consumption rate of lactic acid was 0.32 g L−1 h−1 at
24 h, which was significantly increased. This result indicated
that the coculture of P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3
Figure 2. Biomass of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae in mono- and
cocultures under lactic acid stress. enhanced the consumption of lactic acid in the presence of
lactic acid (40 g L−1). Figure 5 shows that the pH was almost
coculture. No significant (P > 0.05) variation in the biomass constant and fluctuated around 2.5 during the mono- and
was observed in the monoculture and coculture for P. coculture of P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3.
kudriavzevii C-16 over the fermentation period. The minimum Effects of Microbial Interactions on Gene Tran-
biomass of S. cerevisiae C-3 reached 7.1 × 104 copies mL−1 at scriptions Associated with Lactic Acid Tolerance. As
48 h in monoculture, whereas S. cerevisiae C-3 showed a shown in Figure 6, genes that we monitored involved in three
shortened lag phase in coculture, and the minimum biomass pathways. Pathway 1 (P1) was about lactate catabolism;
reached 5.0 × 105 copies mL−1 at 12 h. At 48 h, the biomass of pathway 2 (P2) was about H+ extrusion and intracellular pH
S. cerevisiae C-3 in coculture (9.6 × 105 copies mL−1) was 13 recovery; and pathway 3 (P3) was about glycerol transport for
times that in monoculture. It showed that coculture could counteracting osmotic pressure in cells.
increase the lactic acid tolerance of S. cerevisiae C-3. The transcription levels of each gene were significantly
At the end of fermentation, the ethanol yield of P. different. Among these, ADH5 encodes alcohol dehydrogenase.
kudriavzevii C-16 was 16.23 ± 0.78 g L−1, whereas that of S. At 12 h, lactic acid decreased the transcription of ADH5 in P.
cerevisiae C-3 was only 4.66 g L−1. When P. kudriavzevii C-16 kudriavzevii C-16 in monoculture (7.98-fold) and coculture
and S. cerevisiae C-3 were cultured together, the ethanol yield (5.04-fold) compared with the control (0 g L−1, monoculture)
(18.08 ± 0.71 g L−1) increased (Figure 3A). The ethanol (Figure 7A). No significant (P > 0.05) variation in the
production rate of P. kudriavzevii C-16 was 0.26 g L−1 h−1 at 12 transcription of AHD5 was observed in monoculture and
h culture and 0.30 g L−1 h−1 at 24 h culture, whereas that of S. coculture for P. kudriavzevii C-16. At 24 h, lactic acid
cerevisiae C-3 was 0.21 g L−1 h−1 at 12 h culture and 0.045 g decreased the transcription of ADH5 (6.2-fold) in P.
L−1 h−1 at 24 h culture. However, the ethanol production rate kudriavzevii C-16 monoculture. Meanwhile, coculture signifi-
of coculture was 0.42 g L−1 h−1 at 12 h culture and 0.38 g L−1 cantly increased the transcription of ADH5 under lactic acid
h−1 at 24 h culture, which was faster than that of P. kudriavzevii stress (P < 0.01). In coculture, the inhibiting effect of lactic
C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 (Figure 3B). This result indicated acid stress on P. kudriavzevii C-16 ADH5 was relieved at 24 h,
that coculture could increase the ethanol production rate of and its transcription level was similar to that of the control
yeast in the early stage of fermentation. Figure S2 shows that P. group (1.07-fold). At 12 h, ADH5 in S. cerevisiae C-3 (40 g
kudriavzevii C-16 completely consumed glucose at 72 h L−1) was downregulated 3.75-fold (in monoculture) and 5.95-
culture. In contrast, S. cerevisiae C-3 could not completely fold (in coculture) compared with the control (0 g L−1,
exhaust the glucose in the medium, and 33.09 ± 0.65 g L−1 monoculture). At 24 h, the transcription level of ADH5 in S.
glucose remained after 72 h of fermentation. However, when cerevisiae C-3 under lactic acid stress was downregulated 5.86-
these two strains were cultured together, the glucose was fold in monoculture, whereas it was only downregulated 1.72-
consumed at 48 h. This result indicated that the coculture of P. fold in coculture (Figure 8A). At 24 h, coculture significantly
kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 enhanced the increased the transcription of ADH5 under high lactic acid
consumption of glucose in the presence of lactic acid (40 g stress (P < 0.05).
L−1). lldD (P1) encodes the enzyme converting lactic acid to
P. kudriavzevii C-16 showed a maximum consumption of pyruvate. To tolerate lactic acid toxic effects, P. kudriavzevii C-
7.20 ± 1.41 g L−1 lactic acid at the end of fermentation, 16 increased the transcription of lldD in monoculture (6.2-

Figure 3. Production of ethanol in mono- and cocultures in sorghum media with 40 g L−1 lactic acid.

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 4. Consumption of lactic acid in mono- and cocultures in sorghum media with 40 g L−1 lactic acid.

C-3 in monoculture was not expressed at 12 h. Interestingly, at

12 h, coculture significantly increased the transcription of
VMA8 in S. cerevisiae C-3 under lactic acid stress (2.15-fold) (P
< 0.01). At 24 h, the lactic acid stress increased the
transcription of VMA8 in S. cerevisiae C-3 in monoculture
(1.59-fold), whereas it was significantly increased in coculture
(2.71-fold) (P < 0.05).
In addition, there is an osmotic pressure maintenance
mechanism in S. cerevisiae C-3. STL1 (P3) encodes glycerol
importer. Figure 7D shows that STL1 in P. kudriavzevii C-16
was not expressed in both monoculture and coculture. At 12 h,
Figure 5. pH in mono- and cocultures in sorghum media with 40 g S. cerevisiae C-3 increased the transcription of STL1 (11.55-
L−1 lactic acid. fold) in monoculture under lactic acid stress relative to the
control (Figure 8D). At 24 h, STL1 in S. cerevisiae C-3 was
upregulated 46.21-fold (40 g L−1, monoculture) and 6.14-fold
(40 g L−1, coculture) compared with the control. Under lactic
acid stress, coculture significantly downregulated the tran-
scription of STL1 in S. cerevisiae C-3 compared to monoculture
(P < 0.01).

Effects of Lactic Acid on the Growth and Metabolic
Profiles of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae. In Chinese
Moutai-flavor Baijiu production, the core yeasts encounter
considerable amounts of the stress of weak organic acids,
which affects ethanol production. Lactic acid represents one of
the important organic acids produced by microbial fermenta-
tion.27 In our previous study, we found that during the
Figure 6. Pathways of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae response to fermentation of Chinese Moutai-flavor Baijiu, the concen-
lactic acid stress. tration of lactic acid was 28.05 ± 4.75−36.20 ± 6.20 g kg−1 of
fermented grain.4 Therefore, 40 g L−1 lactic acid was selected
fold) at 24 h. Interestingly, in coculture, the transcription of as the concentration for lactic acid tolerance tests. In response
lldD (18.3-fold) (P < 0.001) significantly increased (Figure to acid stress, P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 reduced
7B). At 12 h, S. cerevisiae C-3 expressed lldD neither in in biomass and growth rate compared with the control (Figure
monoculture nor in coculture. However, at 24 h, lactic acid 1). This is consistent with the effects of other organic acids,
stress increased the transcription of lldD in S. cerevisiae C-3 such as acetic acid, that have been reported.28,29 The reduction
monoculture (2.3-fold) compared with the control (Figure in growth rate may be attributable to the decrease in protein
8B). In coculture, the transcription of lldD in S. cerevisiae C-3 synthesis and the decline in glycolytic enzyme activity in
was upregulated 3.9-fold compared to the control, which was yeasts.30 In this work, we found that P. kudriavzevii C-16 could
significantly increased than monoculture (P < 0.05). tolerate 40 g L−1 lactic acid, whereas S. cerevisiae C-3 could not
Besides the increased transcription of the gene in lactate grow and metabolize under 40 g L−1 lactic acid stress (Figure 1
catabolism, the transcription of the gene encoding the enzyme and S1). This result suggested that P. kudriavzevii might be a
pumping H+ also was upregulated. VMA8 (P2) encodes H+- promising candidate for fermentation in high lactic acid
ATPase, which links ATP hydrolysis to H+ extrusion. At 24 h, conditions.
to respond to lactic acid, VMA8 in P. kudriavzevii C-16 was Improvement of Lactic Acid Tolerance by P.
upregulated 9.01-fold compared with the control (Figure 7C). kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae Coculture. Microbial
No significant (P > 0.05) variation in the transcription of interaction is important for the fermented foods to successfully
VMA8 was observed in monoculture and coculture for P. obtain the desired product.8 We developed a P. kudriavzevii−S.
kudriavzevii C-16. Figure 8C shows that VMA8 in S. cerevisiae cerevisiae coculture system to explore their interaction in
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 7. Relative transcription ratios of genes associated with lactic acid tolerance in P. kudriavzevii with 40 g L−1 lactic acid as compared to the
control (0 g L−1, monoculture). These genes include alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5) (A), L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) (lldD) (B), V-
type H+-transporting ATPase subunit D (VMA8) (C), and glucose-inactivated glycerol proton symporter (STL1) (D).

Figure 8. Relative transcription ratios of genes associated with lactic acid tolerance in S. cerevisiae with 40 g L−1 lactic acid as compared to the
control (0 g L−1, monoculture). These genes include alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5) (A), L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) (lldD) (B), V-
type H+-transporting ATPase subunit D (VMA8) (C), and glucose-inactivated glycerol proton symporter (STL1) (D).

response to lactic acid stress. In our work, we found that the more ethanol than the monoculture of P. kudriavzevii C-16 or
biomass of S. cerevisiae C-3 was more in coculture than in S. cerevisiae C-3. In addition, one unanticipated finding was
monoculture under lactic acid stress (Figure 2). Furthermore, that the concentration of lactic acid decreased in P. kudriavzevii
the production rate and yield of ethanol in coculture were C-16 fermentation (Figure 4). The toxic effect of lactic acid,
higher than that in monoculture (Figure 3). This result and weak organic acids in general, involves the accumulation of
confirmed that under lactic acid stress, coculture produced the weak acid counterion (RCOO−) in yeast cells. For
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

example, previous studies showed that acetate caused stress.1 Interestingly, STL1 encoding glycerol importer was
programmed cell death and increased reactive oxygen expressed in S. cerevisiae C-3 and not in P. kudriavzevii C-16.
species.18 Besides, sorbate has been shown to influence Moreover, coculturing with P. kudriavzevii C-16 decreased its
membrane structure.31 P. kudriavzevii could metabolize lactic transcription level (Figure 8D). This can be explained by the
acid, thereby reducing the lactic acid in the fermentation dominance of lactate catabolism in P. kudriavzevii against lactic
system, which provided a relatively suitable environment for S. acid stress, not glycerol. These results confirmed that the
cerevisiae to grow and produce ethanol. osmotic pressure maintenance mechanism only occurred in S.
Effects of Microbial Interactions on Gene Tran- cerevisiae. Under lactic acid stress, coculture significantly
scriptions Associated with Lactic Acid Tolerance. The upregulated the transcription of ADH5, lldD, and VMA8 in
undissociated form of lactic acid can enter yeast cells by simple S. cerevisiae, compared with monoculture. These results
diffusion.5 Our findings assumed that the intracellular lactate indicated that the interaction between P. kudriavzevii and S.
ion dissociated from lactic acid could be degraded by P. cerevisiae could upregulate the microbial metabolic activity of
kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 to tolerate lactic acid ethanol and lactic acid in S. cerevisiae under lactic acid stress.
stress. It was reported that lactate could be converted to In this work, we revealed the synergistic lactic acid
pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase (LldD).32 To maintain the degradation mechanism of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae.
intracellular pH within physiological values, H+ dissociated Under a high concentration of lactic acid, P. kudriavzevii
from lactic acid can be extruded out of cells by H+-transporting reduced the concentration of lactic acid, thereby facilitating S.
ATPase, such as VMA8.33 The high concentration of lactic acid cerevisiae to grow. Under a lower concentration of lactic acid, S.
causes an increase in osmotic pressure, which affects the cerevisiae and P. kudriavzevii could utilize lactic acid together.
growth and metabolism of the cells. Glycerol, a recognized In addition, P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae resisted lactic acid
compatible solute, can stabilize osmotic pressure in yeast stress also through H+ extrusion and glycerol transportation. In
cells.34 STL1 encodes glycerol importer.35 To verify the addition to these three pathways, other lactic acid tolerance
abovementioned hypothesis, we monitored the transcription mechanisms have been reported in other yeasts.40 In the
levels of genes associated with ethanol production and lactic future, we will use mRNA sequencing to comprehensively
acid tolerance. examine the transcription level of key genes in the lactic acid
We observed the downregulation of the gene encoding synthesis and degradation metabolic pathways, which can
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH5) under lactic acid stress, facilitate the mechanisms of lactic acid more accurately and
whereas coculture significantly increased the transcription of comprehensively. This work reveals a novel synergistic effect of
ADH5 in both yeasts under high lactic acid stress (P < 0.05) core functional yeasts in the tolerance to lactic acid via three
(Figures 7 and 8A). These results confirmed that coculture independent pathways. Our findings can be used to enhance
elevated the yield and production rate of ethanol. With the the stability of yeasts in the fermentation of Chinese Moutai-
synergistic metabolism of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae on flavor Baijiu and provide a new approach to improve the
lactate and other lactic acid tolerance mechanisms, the fermentation process of various fermented foods and
inhibition of lactic acid was gradually relieved, and the ethanol beverages.
production capacity of yeasts was gradually restored. More-
over, we found three independent pathways, including lactate
catabolism, H+ extrusion, and glycerol transport for counter-

sı Supporting Information
acting osmotic pressure in cells (Figure 6). At 12 h, P.
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
kudriavzevii enhanced the transcription of gene lldD through
the pyruvate metabolism pathway to degrade a high
concentration of lactate to pyruvate (Figure 7B). At 24 h, Glucose consumption and ethanol production in the
coculture significantly upregulated lldD in S. cerevisiae C-3 monoculture of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae, with and
compared to monoculture (P < 0.05) (Figure 8B). This result without lactic acid and glucose consumption in the
indicated that S. cerevisiae restored the capacity to catabolize mono- and cocultures of P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae
lactic acid when lactic acid decreased to 35.46 g L−1 in under lactic acid stress (PDF)

coculture (at 24 h). Previous studies have reported that S.
cerevisiae can express LldD and utilize lactic acid as a carbon
source and energy source.36 Moreover, we found that lactic AUTHOR INFORMATION
acid increased the transcription of VMA8 (P2), encoding H+- Corresponding Authors
ATPase, in P. kudriavzevii C-16 and S. cerevisiae C-3 (Figures Hai Du − State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology,
7C and 8C). S. cerevisiae has been reported to use H+-ATPase Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology of Ministry of
to control intracellular pH under weak acid stress.37 Other Education, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,
yeasts also have developed this mechanism to tolerate weak Jiangsu 214122, China; Institute for Chinese Jiang-Flavor
organic acid toxicity. For example, Pichia anomala can tolerate Baijiu (Liquor), Renhuai, Guizhou 564500, China;
low pH by H+-ATPases coupled with increased mitochondrial Email:
ATP production.38 Candida krusei also showed higher Yan Xu − State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology,
tolerance to lactic acid than S. cerevisiae, probably because of Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology of Ministry of
a quicker H+-ATPase response.39 Interestingly, we found that Education, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi,
coculture significantly upregulated VMA8 in S. cerevisiae C-3 Jiangsu 214122, China; Institute for Chinese Jiang-Flavor
compared to monoculture (P < 0.05). H+ extrusion requires Baijiu (Liquor), Renhuai, Guizhou 564500, China;
ATP hydrolysis. In this study, the increased glucose; Phone: +86-510-
consumption rate in coculture lead to an increase in ATP 85964112; Email:; Fax: +86-510-
production, supporting the proton extrusion under lactic acid 85918201
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 4903−4911
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Author Fermentation of Chinese Moutai-Flavor Liquor. J. Agric. Food Chem.

Nan Deng − State Key Laboratory of Food Science and 2018, 66, 387−392.
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(15) Li, C.; Xu, Y.; Li, L.; Yang, X.; Wang, Y. Acid stress induces
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06). Molecular mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae stress adaptation

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