Stronghold Defenses From Dungeon Magazine #135

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CAMPAIGN WORKBOOK [isteiang STRONGHOLD DEFENSES Gi BY STEFANHAPP, Le cates, lly monte, Many ofthese eas egies walls, and halberd- an enormous expenditure of gold and JOIVKVIEHRNTER, carrying guards the aid of high-level spellasters, but pacing the parapets are standard fare wouldn't mos ofthe nobility and wealthy for heroic fantasy common sense holds merchants in your campaign spae litle that residents of D&D worlds would expense to protect themselves against Ihave ereated methods to counter threats the greatest threats oftheir world? posed by magical creatures, outsid- crs, and enemy spellesters, adapting MAGICAL SITE PROTECTION their defenses to match the available Beyond the standard guards and wards, offensive technology there are several spells in the Players Presented here are some ideas that Handbook that can be used to protect you can incorporate into your campaign important sites, This list is by no to make redoubte and cities more means comprehensive, but is designed defensible aguinst high-level threats to illustrate how to think creatively and the invasion of mtelligent, powerfal with your magical defenses BR one TY “sk L Dimensional Tock is an excellent guard against extradimensional intru- sion, but has only a 20-foot radius and avisible barrier. Forbiddance, a great spell for prevent- ing unauthorized magical entry, has a permanent duration and a large area of effect. The casting of ferbiddance might well be used as a final seal on a newly ‘nished stronghold, accompanied by a religious ceremony (because it takes a high-level cleric to east it) or a grand fete to celebrate the consecration and blessing. Hallow takes a day to cast and only protects a 4o-foot-radius area, but ean be 4 powerful deterrent against creatures of evil alignment. Bermanent alarm spells in key loca- tions help guards pinpoint intrusions. Continual flame spells help light the perimeter ofthe site's outer defenses at all times. ‘Animate plants (entangling) can be east con ivy-covered walls for added defense against gatecrashers, and permanent walls of stone, walls of iron and alls of | force can be incorporated directly into a strongholds construction, Permanent nondetetion east on spe- cific chambers ensures that a ruler’s seerets remain such, ‘The various symbol spells (symbol of pain, symbol of death, etc.) are the land mines of the D&D world—cast them in key locations, but be sure to warn the castle staf first. CONVENTIONAL SITE PROTECTION Conventional medieval castles, with large courtyards and towers, are far more vule erable ina magical universe than in our ‘own. Flying creatures, dimension door, tle~ port, and similar threats make it all too easy to bypass heavily defended walls. Here are some upgrades you might want to incorporate into your non-magical stronghold designs. 1m areas with dangerous flying crea- ‘ures, replace large, open courtyards with extensive sturdy roofing, Sharp rocks and shards of glass or susty metal atop a wall ean discourage stealthy interlopers. Roaming guard creatures (dogs or oth- cewise) can pateol perimeters and alert defenders to any intruders, Builders might consider an enclosed ‘outer perimeter almost like double wall, ‘where traps, guard creatures, and guards ‘could facus their attention and prevent entrance tothe inner building. This outer perimeter would ideally extendall the way tothe roof ofthe building, and would also help protect against siege weapon attacks by providing a buffer layer. Should invad- cersbreach the first wall- murder holes and arrow sits give defenders theabilitytorain oil and projectiles onto the enemy while ‘they deal with the second blockade. Siege engine teams in critical locations ‘ought to have a supply of magica, silver, and cold iron ammunition on hand for ‘use against special opponents Use of summoned or trained web-spin- ning spiders to place cebsebs in key areas helps protect against invisible intrusion and poses other difficulties to thieves and sneaky attackers. While it might sound simple, keeping, the most sital areas of the stronghold as secrotas possible makes its harder to sry and teleport into ther. CITY GUARDS For large, sprawling cities, place tall watchtowers. throughout the area, arming each with loud alarm bells and ballistae in case of a full-scale attack. ‘These watchtowers can double as bases for teams of trained falcons or hawks ‘whose only function is to spot flying, invisible intruders. Atnight, tained ows could perform the same function. Placing time and intelligence. In larger cities, guard pateols might try to contain major threats in a manner similar to 4 ie, responding in strength (platoons of go) and evacuating nearby residents in the face ofan overwhelming aggressor. Any such response team in a city with a decent economy would likely have a few magic items and spelleasters as well. Medium: to high-level spelleasters fo adventurers who live in urban areas ‘would Tikely be pressed into emergency service in times of need, and may even ‘be obligated to sign a contract of sezvice with the city watch (which would go a Tong way toward explaining the pres- ence of so many lonely iat toversin the wilderness) Many cities practice and hold drills for all types of threats and events, so even [high-level characters seeking to rampage through a hostile city may quickly find ‘out that they have bitten off more than they can chew. If your guards seem underpowered, sive them magical items provided by local spelleasters in liew of taxes. Guilds, being already organized and highly trained, area powerfl asst in city defense. I's in everyone's best interests to hhave wizards’ guilds heavily involved in defense planning and magical response efforts, and thieves guilds might be obli- gated to help ambush, track, or hunt down criminals who have damaged the city orate trying to fle ater committing ‘a major crime (perhaps in exchange fora blind eye to their own affairs) DEFENDING FROM BELOW Underdark dangers are well known to most high-level NPCs who rule towns and cites or live in fortified strongholds. Beyond the typical dungeon stocked with monsters and guards to help protect sgainstan assault from below consider the following options for your campaign. The stronghold has a large cellar completely filled with water, perhaps stocked with dangerous aquatic creatures. Anyone trying to dig int it fom below finds thertunnel quickly flooded alerting the defenders that something is coming. Acideille cellars area deadlier but more costly option. ‘Beneath the castle ies avast cavern lit by everburning torches. The defenders keep watch from the vaulted ceiling 50 ‘or more fet above the flor, eady to rain ‘burning ol, flaming missles and spells at intruders. Permanent walls of ron sunk verily 3o feet into the ground around the Stronghold, combined with similar walls installed horizontally, provide 4 tough barrier for digging intruders to reach. ee orem

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