Congenital Rubella Syndrome With Autistic Disorder

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Congenital Rubella Syndrome With Autistic

Shyh-Jou Hwang, Ying-Sheue Chen*
Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) consists of a group of abnormalities that develop in children as a result of maternal
infection with rubella virus. CRS may lead to new physical symptoms during adolescence or adulthood, referred to as
“late manifestations”. Psychiatric disorders are often seen among CRS patients, with an incidence of 4.12–7.3% for
autism. We report a case of adolescent CRS with autism. A 20-year-old man had received treatment with antipsychotics
and antidepressants since the age of 12 years because of unstable moods, violence, and stereotypic behavior. During
follow-up, he developed some insidious-onset physical problems, including hyperlipidemia, dyspnea, constipation, torti-
collis and a tilted trunk. Under careful survey and evaluation, some physical problems were recognized as side effects of
psychotropics, which gradually subsided after adjustment of the medications, and some of the problems were consid-
ered partially as manifestations of CRS, such as progressive pulmonary artery stenosis-related dyspnea. We managed
some of the patient’s physical problems and then he received catheterization for pulmonary artery stenosis. His general
physical condition improved and some further improvement in psychiatric status was noted thereafter. Because of a high
comorbidity rate for patients with autistic disorder, the clinician should be aware of the possibility of CRS if the patient
has multiple congenital physical abnormalities with a history of maternal rubella infection. If patients develop physical
symptoms in adolescence, awareness of late manifestations of CRS and differentiation from the adverse effects of psy-
chotropic medications are essential. In addition to psychiatric treatment, management of physical problems associated
with CRS would be beneficial for the patients’ psychiatric condition. [J Chin Med Assoc 2010;73(2):104–107]

Key Words: autistic disorder, congenital rubella syndrome, late manifestations

Introduction and some of them may not present until adolescence or

adulthood. These are referred to as “late manifestations”
Rubella, also known as German measles, was first or “delayed manifestations”,3 and include auditory
described by 2 German physicians in the mid-18th and visual disorders, cardiac disorders, endocrinal dis-
century.1 In early 1941, Sydney ophthalmologists, orders, esophageal and gastrointestinal problems, and
Gregg and Banatvala, identified a group of infants urogenital problems.4
with congenital cataracts and other abnormalities, Psychiatric disorders are seen in up to half of all
most of whose mothers reported having had patients born with CRS.5 The rate of mental retarda-
rubella early in pregnancy.2 Their suggestion about tion among children with CRS is as high as 42%,5 and
rubella’s teratogenicity was subsequently confirmed 4.12–7.3% of CRS patients show signs of autism.6
by others.3 Prenatal rubella-exposed subjects demonstrate a greater
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is used to risk for nonaffective psychosis than those non-exposed,
describe the group of congenital abnormalities that with a relative risk of 5.2.7 A high rate of impulsivity
occur in a child as a result of rubella infection of the and behavioral problems such as disruptive activity,
mother during gestation. The clinical features of CRS tantrums and outbursts, self-injury, and aggression,
can be classified as transient, self-limiting, or permanent, has also been observed.4

*Correspondence to: Dr Ying-Sheue Chen, Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital,
201, Section 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei 112, Taiwan, R.O.C.
E-mail: Received: March 12, 2009
● Accepted: November 11, 2009

104 J Chin Med Assoc • February 2010 • Vol 73 • No 2

© 2010 Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the Chinese Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Congenital rubella syndrome with autistic disorder

Case Report argumentativeness and refusal to comply with teacher

directions. The above symptoms worsened and caused
Our patient, a 20-year-old male, was delivered full- him to be suspended from school in 7th grade and
term with a low birth weight of 2,000 g. Many con- then to remain withdrawn at home. In recent years,
genital abnormalities, including hearing and visual he was frequently preoccupied and demanded that he
impairments, iris hypoplasia, heart problems (patent be bought original VCDs/DVDs (about 2–3 disks
ductus arteriosus, pulmonary artery stenosis, and aor- every week), and would fly into a rage with temper
tic regurgitation), as well as inguinal hernia, were tantrums and violence if his demands were refused.
found immediately after birth. The diagnosis of CRS Psychotropic drugs had been prescribed for the
was made based on the fact that the patient’s mother patient’s severe symptoms of violence, irritability,
had rubella infection during gestation and his multi- inflexible thinking, impulsivity, and stereotypic behav-
ple congenital physical defects. The mother’s history ior and motor tics starting from age 12. In October
included a flu-like episode with fever and malaise, which 2001, risperidone was initially administered, with a
was accompanied by a reddish skin rash at approxi- dosage of 1 mg/d, and then up-titrated to 4 mg/d
mately 8 weeks of gestation. Although symptoms according to his condition over the following 3 years.
subsided spontaneously, “rubella infection” was diag- The patient had a relatively good response to risperi-
nosed by both her physician and obstetrician, and ter- done treatment in the early stages, especially for treat-
mination of pregnancy was suggested. The mother ment of impulsivity and rigid thinking. Fluvoxamine
was unable to recall whether her own or the patient’s was combined with risperidone for compulsive buy-
serum rubella immunoglobulin had been measured ing behavior beginning at the age of 15 years (May
when rubella or CRS was diagnosed. 2004). However, neither of the medications appeared
The patient was noted to have developmental to effectively control his progressive violence later in
delay, was walking at 2 years of age and was speaking 2004. In addition, with the higher dosage of risperi-
at 3 years of age. He was brought to our psychiatric done, intolerable adverse effects of rigidity and tremor
clinic in 2001 at 12 years of age, while in the 6th were observed. Olanzapine 10 mg/d was then used
grade, because of poor adaptation to school, impul- to replace risperidone starting in January 2005, and
sive behavior, and a short temper when he was pro- this resulted in less aggressive behavior, although his
hibited from doing things he wanted to do, or when condition was variable depending on his drug adher-
he was criticized. Since his early childhood, his ence. However, 1.5 years later, in July 2006, he became
mother had observed that he did not understand the overtly suspicious, with worsening violent and threat-
social situation and how to engage with other chil- ening behavior. This behavior was difficult to control
dren in conversation or in play. He also displayed little in spite of olanzapine being adjusted up to 20 mg/d,
eye contact and had difficulty in developing peer rela- accompanied by valproate sodium 1,000 mg/d and
tionships. There was a lack of social and emotional fluvoxamine 100 mg/d, and then he was first admitted
reciprocity, idiosyncratic use of language, inflexible to psychiatric hospital in 2006.
adherence to nonfunctional routine (such as refusing The patient had a short stature of 147 cm and cen-
to eat rice because the rice looked disgusting to him, tral obesity, with a weight of 51 kg. Mild hearing loss
and refusing to flush the toilet out of a belief that the in the left ear and mild optic atrophy associated with
running water would not stop). An obsessive preoc- amblyopia of the left eye had been observed since very
cupation with being dirty was also present, and the early childhood. However, there was an intermittent
patient checked the door and windows compulsively. decline in vision, constipation and dysuria over the
He also displayed a persistent interest in reading years.
comic books that was limited to violent themes. He The patient had 3 psychiatric hospitalizations; 2 at
was diagnosed with high-functioning autistic disor- the age of 17 years (2006) and 1 at the age of 19
der. An intelligence test had been administered twice— years (2008), all related to severe violence. During
first when he was 12 years old and then when he was the last hospitalization, he was also distressed with
17 years old—with the full-scale IQ/verbal IQ/per- physical discomfort including dyspnea, general weak-
formance IQ results of 87/78/101 and 80/76/89, ness, abdominal distension, torticollis and a tilted
respectively. trunk. Since he was a victim of autistic disorder with
The patient was barely able to graduate from ele- limited verbal ability, he could not describe his dis-
mentary school; he needed the assistance of his par- comfort precisely. Degenerative retinopathy was
ents and teachers. His attendance was irregular from found by the consulted ophthalmologist. Worsening
the 4th grade due to irritability, aggressive outbursts, pulmonary stenosis was suspected according to the

J Chin Med Assoc • February 2010 • Vol 73 • No 2 105

S.J. Hwang, Y.S. Chen

cardiac examination. KUB (kidney-ureter-bladder) Discussion

showed stool impaction, which was consistent with
constipation. Laboratory findings showed normal blood The exact way in which rubella continues to affect an
sugar and thyroid function, elevated serum triglyceride individual with CRS has yet to be determined. Most
levels (789 mg/dL), cholesterol levels (365 mg/dL), experts believe that new problems are either due to a
and uric acid levels (11.2 mg/dL). persistent infection of the rubella virus in the affected
Several physical problems were recognized as side organ, or to the old infection, which causes an autoim-
effects of psychotropics and some were considered mune response.8,9 Although efforts to eradicate the
partially as manifestations of CRS. Retinopathy with a disease have been in place for some time, it still affects
decline in vision was thought to be a late manifesta- many persons worldwide. Because of the progressive
tion of CRS. The patient’s torticollis and tilted trunk nature of CRS, it is important to monitor the wellbe-
were recognized to be antipsychotic-related extrapyra- ing of the victims regularly. However, while most
midal symptoms and they improved after adjustment people are able to identify changes in their own health
of psychotropics or combined use of anticholinergics. and seek treatment, many CRS patients cannot com-
Constipation was considered to be related to the anti- municate their underlying symptoms, especially those
cholinergic effects of the psychotropics and delayed with autistic disorders or hearing impairments.
manifestation of CRS; it was partially resolved after Among the late manifestations of CRS, the devel-
the giving of enemas and laxatives. The patient’s opment of diabetes mellitus is common, with a rate of
dysuria was a long-term, progressive problem that approximately 20% by the third decade.10 In our case,
emerged in his childhood. It was not a rare late mani- the blood sugar was normal, but hyperlipidemia and
festation of CRS, although it could become worse by hyperuricacidemia were present. Olanzapine was pre-
psychotropics. Hyperlipidemia and hyperuricacidemia scribed for many years, which was thought to have
were thought to be partially due to sequelae of the a metabolic effect. Our patient’s stereotypic dietary
antipsychotics. Fenofibrate 400 mg/d and benzbro- habits may have been another contributing factor.
marone 100 mg/d were prescribed in accordance Additionally, the possibility of late manifestations of
with a metabolic physician’s suggestion for the signif- CRS cannot be ignored. Our patient showed a good
icant hyperlipidemia. We attempted either to switch response to fenofibrate and benzbromarone. Further
to olanzapine to other antipsychotics with fewer close follow-up should be arranged.
metabolic side effects or to reduce the patient’s olan- Esophageal and gastrointestinal problems are also
zapine dosage. However, this treatment was discon- frequent complaints of CRS, with 24% of CRS patients
tinued under the request of the patient’s mother having problems with swallowing, gagging or vomiting.
because the patient’s impulsivity worsened immedi- Urogenital problems, especially dysuria, are not rare
ately or severe drug-related extrapyramidal symptoms late manifestations for these patients.11 Our patient
emerged after a shift back to risperidone. After par- has suffered from such physical problems for a long
tially resolving physical and psychiatric problems, he time, which may have been neglected because of poor
was discharged. communication abilities.
Because of persistent dyspnea, which was thought Cardiovascular anomalies include proliferation and
to be related to the patient’s cardiac problems, a car- damage of the integral lining of blood vessels, causing
diac catheterization for pulmonary stenosis was per- obstructive lesions of medium-sized and larger arter-
formed after psychiatric discharge, and both dyspnea ies in the systemic and pulmonary circulatory sys-
and general weakness markedly decreased postopera- tems.12 Because of progressive pulmonary stenosis,
tively. As the patient’s physical condition improved, our patient gradually developed dyspnea and general
the psychiatric symptoms, irritability and violent weakness, which had once been mistaken as behav-
behavior, also improved. Psychotropic drugs were able ioral problems by his parents.
to be titrated down gradually with olanzapine 10 mg/ New onset of CRS is now rare in Taiwan, which
d and valproate sodium 1,000 mg/d. Fluvoxamine has had rubella vaccination programs in place since
was replaced by escitalopram 30 mg/d. The possible 1986. However, there were 3 major rubella epidemics
adverse effects of psychotropic drugs of constipa- in 1958–1959, 1968, and 1977, and then rubella
tion, torticollis and a tilted trunk also improved later. became endemically transmitted during the early-
With fenofibrate and benzbromarone treatment, middle 1980s.13,14 It is estimated that newborns with
triglyceride and cholesterol levels were all decreased CRS account for approximately 0.4–3% of all new-
(308 mg/dL and 214 mg/dL, respectively) 4 months borns alive during epidemics.15 Therefore, there should
later. be some CRS victims in Taiwan mostly in their 20s to

106 J Chin Med Assoc • February 2010 • Vol 73 • No 2

Congenital rubella syndrome with autistic disorder

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