City Dangers From Midnight's Terror-3

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‘Try Char is an extremely charismatic old man, He specializes inbreeding raising and trading camels. Besides being very good at what he dos, be is also incredibly dishonest Try reserves his finest camels to trade with the rich and the aifluent, since he demands the highest possible price for his mounts. His camel ranch is located on a private estate just cutsde Thygasha. No one is allowed to vist the Ranch except by tavitation. It i here that the camels are bred, tained and tsised. Try is « member of the Plaza Five and has a permanent booth in Prophers Head where he sell and trades his trained camels of lesser quality to the general public. It is here that Try runs one ofthe biggest scams in the Bazaar All of his camels se rigorously trained, which of course is constantly demon- strated for potential buyers. The buyer marvels at what he sees ‘When asked how old he is the camel taps out the number of years with his left hoof, When asked to kneel, the camel obedi ently lowers himself to his bely so the rider can get on ‘There is one trick the camel has been taught which the buyer is not old about. Once purchased and laden with goods the camel will inexplicably throw its rider and run as fast as it can for Try’s Ranch. Try will sell any goods the camel may have brought back with him and then place the animal up for sale agnin. He has several skilled slaves who are experts at ying camel wool and changing the animal's appeaance in ‘ase a previous owner shows up. ‘Another scam Try runs is selling sick or diseased camels. He keeps 2 wizard in his employment who casts minor illusion spells on such camels so that they fetch a top price. Within hours of purchasing such camels the spell dissipates and the buyer realizes he's been had Shopping in the Bazaar Prophet's Head Bazaar should offer a wonderful opportunity for role playing. The DM should attempt to caprure the lively axmosphere. Payer characters who venture into the Bazaar will bbe bombarded with the sales pitches of dozens of vendors at every tur. Thieves and curpurses will be looming in every shadow. Obnoxious guards will be rudely shoving their way through the crowds, INTO THE DESERT Rigors of the Desert Geological Note: Fr several miles around Kadar, the topo raphy is primarily barren sand broken up by low rock forma: tions, Closer to Thygasha, the desert is home to hearer small animals scrubs and exci The erie adventure takes place io + region of mild geological instability. As such, it fs subject 10 periodic tremors which are usually very minor. While this will have no effect in the time frame covered in this scenario, its long. teem effect has been weaken even the most well bul struc ture, The Temple of Kadar is no exception. Portions of inner ‘woes have collaped over the cenruries so tht today the inner pyramid isbuta third ots former ize In addition, a large ert ‘quake about four centuries ago gave access to the burial crypts. “he stuctue is now acessbl to small desert reptiles that sek shelter from the scorching hest Although Thygasha is relatively far north, the daytime temperatures inthe Khydoban tothe east surpass 90 degrees F for about nine months ofthe year. During the winter months it is much more hospitable in terms of temperature. Nighttime lows range from about 45 degrees F inthe summer to well below freezing inthe winter. Dusing the hot months travelers inthis area of the Khydoban must dress smartly to effectively deal with the heat. The locals know that this means donning armor is only done when necessary and then only for ashore duration. Normal travel garments include chin, white or light gray cotton robes and a proper hat ‘Heat Dangers: Tn extreme temperatures, characters must frequently make Fortitude saves (DC 15, +1 foreach previous check) or suffer 1d points of subdual damage. Characters wearing any type of armor for heavy clothing save at 4. Characters who pass out begin taking real damage. In temperatures between 90 and 110 degrees F saves must be made once per hour. In environments between 111 and 140 degrees F, saves must be made every ten minutes, (Characters who take subdual damage this way become fatigued ‘until ehey regain the hit points lost to heat exposure. Water: ‘all imes ofthe year, the Khydoban Deserts incredibly dry. Inhabitants must drink at least two gallons of uid per day (Small characters only need to drink one gallon per day). ‘Thirst Dangers: (Characters can go without water for 1 day plus a number of hhours equal o their Constitution scores. After that rime, each hhour they must make Constitution checks (DC 10, +1 per previous check) or suffer 1d6 points of subdual damage and become fatigued. This damage cannot be healed by any means until the character ges enough water. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS See Appendix G for random encounter inthe Arajyd Hills and Norther Khydoban Desert. Check for random encounters thee times per day (1 in 10 chance) Ifyou determine tht there isan encounter, roll on the chart above. See alto the dered random encounters below, You may use these unique encoun ters at your discretion, ether when the foe described in the encounter appears on the able, oF in place of whatever you actualy rolled. 1) The Lost Patrol (EL 8) “The party ha stumbled across one of Tur Radhlke's bugbear patrols. These poor souls were patroing the outer perimeter of the pyramid when a sandstorm suddenly flared up. The patrol panicked and in their rush to get back to the pyramid and find shelter they became lot. You are traveling along a sandy road. Crude trail ‘markers in the form of white, granite rocks spaced approximately 100 yards apart are the only clue that you ate on an established madetoute. As you crest «sand dune you notice 2 group of large soldiers struggling up ‘the other side Bughears (8): hp 10, 12, 13,35, 16 (x2), 17,19 (MM 27) Suow Intust#aniON 4 oN 103. ‘The bugbear “] posing as the officer in charge is actually an Impostor. When the bugbears realized they were lost and were probably going to die they murdered their officer. As such they have na intention of rejoining their brethren back at the pyramid for fear that their crime will be found out The bugbears are desperately hungry and thirsty. They artack if they have a clear advan- tage, otherwise they attempt trickery or resort to negotiations in ‘order to obtain water and/or food. If the players give aid to the patrol and question them, the bugbears exaggerate and le about the powerful nature ofthe forces at Kadar 2) Haf'Ben ‘As you tavel across the shifting sands, you come across 2 ‘man siting with his legs crossed in the burning sand. ‘Except fora ttteed loin cloth, he has no clothes on. His chest and shoulders are covered with lacerations and scratches. Athis side are the half eaten remains of severa! SHOW ISTRATION 5 OW IQ3. "This is the poor unfortunate ‘volunteer’ that Radhkke lowered into the sand pit in order to retrieve a sample of Silver Sand. The giants attacked the ‘group and during the foray poor Haf'Ben was dropped inthe pit and abandoned. ‘Halen (sale human Wart) was trapped in the sand pit for nearly a week, inhaling the Silver ‘Sand and going insane. Finally, one night the fomorian giants returned to gather some sand ‘and pulled HafBen out. They were about to kill him when they noticed he was already insane and decided it was more amusing 10 toy with him, so they let him live. HafBen eventually escaped fiom the giants and has been wandering the desert ever since, He has managed to stay alive by pretending he is dead and lying on the burning sand. When one of the circling vulrures ‘ovethead swoops down to feast on his carcass’ he leaps up and chokes the bird HafBen is not particularly dangerous. If attacked be attempts to block the blows with his hands or run away. If the party attempts to communicate with him they find that he bubbles nonsense. Haf'Ben cannot communicate his tale coherently to snyone, but his thoughts are magically probed, the reader may learn of how Tur hired him to go on his expedition. 3) Search Party (EL 5) Bight Thygashan soldiers are mounted on camels, outfitted in chain shirts and armed with shortspears and longbows. Soldier, human Wart (8: hp 5 each; chain shir, shorspesr, longbow, 10 arrows In the distance you see the fluttering banner ofa military ‘parrot heading your way. Rogishan, the officer in charge is arrogant, obnoxious and insulring. He questions the PCs on the whereabouts of his lost ‘comrades and does not believe that they have no information for him. He considers the party to be no more than brigands. Rogishan uses his position of [minor] authority 0 enrich himself if possible. If he notices any interesting weapons or items of value in the party he attempts to confiscate them. If is efforts ae resisted he avoids physical confrontation but ea studies the PCs and tell them to be on their guand within “Tygasha since he will be watching them. fully 4) Expedition (EL Variable) ‘Six individuals ae seeking their fortune in the desert ‘Your party comes upon a small oasis. As you approach, ‘you notice the smoke'of« camp fire coming from the ‘small grove of tees. “The pazty has stumbled across another adventuring party. The group was taken by merchant sn Thygasha who sold them counterfeit map to a ‘second source’ of Silver Send. They have just slaughtered one of their camels and are cooking it because they have been several days without food Ifthe player’ party has mounts the expedition wil offer to buy at less to of them a normal marker prices. their offer is refused chy wil nss and p tei price. They do nt relish the idea of walking out ofthe desert and will goto great engths to besin new mounts and/or provisions If obviously outmatched, rather than ss direct confrontation, the expedition will atempe wo follow the parry and steal their mounts under cover of darkness. otoo Dea, male human Fert: CR 4; hp 11; bastard sword shortbow, 4 arows chainmall (not worn), large wooden shield 9 ep 125. Sexi, female balfelf Fr/Wiat: CR 2 hp 12; longsword, longbow, 10 arrows, dagger, small wooden shield, 160 gp. Net, male human Rog2: CR 2 hp 14; longsword, daguer, leather armor. ‘Bef male human Fer? CR 2 hp 19; bastard sword, shonbow, 4+azows chulnmall not wor), large wooden shield 9 gp, 12 sp. Refsen, male human Fr: CR 1; hp 9; butleae, large wooden ‘hie, pline mal (not worn, 2 gems worth 20 gp each ‘Nai, male human Clr2 CR 2: hp 12; baleae,chainmall (cot ween), pp, 8t gp, 4, cp silver holy symbol 5) Merchants Four men on camels come into your view. They wear lightly colored, thin robes and appearto be keeping their distance once they notice you. These nomadic merchants are on their way into Thygasha to get supplies. They are carrying salt and other spices to tide le interest in speaking o the PCs but might They have very li

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