City Events From Ptolus - Campaign Setting

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Events are things that happen “in the background” in Ptolus. Most won’t directly affect the player characters or their
current adventure, but they make the city seem more dynamic and alive.

The following are detailed, one-time-only events that might occur at some point during the Ptolus Campaign. Like the
standard events on the reverse side of this sheet, these can happen in the background, or they can involve the player
characters. Most, however, will have some kind of lasting impact on the setting.
Aeroship Explosion. House Shever’s aeroship explodes in a fiery holocaust above Oldtown. Six people
aboard it and ten on the ground die, with others injured. The resulting fire destroys many important
buildings. A public outcry erupts against Shever and its allies, the Shuul, as well as technology in
general. Meanwhile, House Shever claims that the aeroship was destroyed as a result of sabotage.
Frog Fall. A terrible storm comes to Ptolus, bringing rain, hail, high winds, and lightning strikes.
Suddenly, in the middle of the storm, live frogs fall from the sky all over the city. Most are killed in a
terrible mess on the streets and rooftops, while others survive the fall and hop around in the storm.
Some fall with such force that they punch through roofs and cause damage to merchant stalls in the North Market.
Ghost Ship. A ship arrives in the harbor, but it is completely empty, with no crew or passengers aboard. Rumors of the
ship spread quickly, with misinformation carrying more weight than the truth. Still, the mystery is very real, and the
Dockmaster has difficulty finding anyone who will investigate further.
Giant Squid. A number of dead giant squid wash up against the seawall of the Docks. Others foul the nets of fisher-
men in the harbor or farther out in the bay. No one knows what is harming these creatures or driving them from the
murky depths where they normally live. The Keepers of the Veil seem particularly interested but refuse to say why pub-
licly. They believe it has something to do with sahuagin activity, which in turn is linked to the Covenant of the Blood
vampires, whom they obviously oppose.
Magical Accident. A plume of golden, violet, and reddish light rockets skyward, soaring almost
three hundred feet into the air over Vock Row in Oldtown one night. The result of some magical
experiment, the conflagration destroyed a tower belonging to Ellabala Inchom, a wizard. Ellabala
apparently was also killed in the explosion. In the days that follow, however, inexplicable events
begin to occur in points east of the ruined tower (the winds were blowing east that night). People
begin to fall victim to bizarre illnesses, others gain telepathic powers. Items disappear, appear, or are
completely transformed. A goat gains intelligence, and the cobblestones of one street begin to float.
These strange events persist for many days.
Noble Arrested. Tollifer Zepeldis, a member of House Abanar, has been arrested on charges of
extortion and murder. Dered Abanar, head of the house, has filed an official protest, claiming that the City Council—and
in particular Sorum Dandubal of the Delver’s Guild—has political motivations for weakening House Abanar.
Orc Refugees. A small tribe of Ornu-Nom orcs gains admittance to the city via the South Gate.
They claim they are fleeing their traditional lands because basilisks have moved in, ending all hope
of successful (and safe) hunting. An armed vigilante militia gathers to drive the orcs back out of the
city. At first the City Watch attempts to only keep order, but after a few bloody clashes in the streets,
they decide to force the orcs out in the name of keeping the peace. Instead, the orcs simply scatter
into the alleys and streets as night falls.
Outbreak. An outbreak of severe influenza spreads through the city. Dozens are already dead, and
many think that it will kill hundreds—or worse—before it is over. Although some physickers and
healers are already doing what they can, the Commissar reportedly is considering conscripting all clerics in the city to
magically help stop the spread of this highly contagious plague. Worse, rumors circulate that the affliction was created
via magic and loosed by a chaos cult called the Plagueborn. A bounty of 500 gp has been placed on the heads of each
leader of the ten cult cells.
Queen in Exile. A thirteen-year old girl claiming to be the queen of Nall shows up with a retinue
on a ship in the Docks, seeking asylum. The girl, Holga Kallenstrohm, is on the run from Imperial
forces who want her imprisoned or dead, so that she will not inspire Nallish folk into uprising. The
Commissar orders the ship boarded and the girl seized. The Holy Emperor, however, sends his own
troops to stop the Commissar’s Men, wishing to grant the young queen sanctuary (because she was
menaced by rival Emperor Segaci’s troops). A standoff at the Docks ensues, with tensions running
high. The City Council eventually rules in favor of Emperor Rehoboth, and the Commissar concedes.
These are run-of-the mill events that occur in the city from time to time. They likely would occur at the rate of perhaps one
or two a week (roll 1d3–1), with some recurring multiple times during the course of the campaign. Use standard events to
flavor a visit to a tavern as the locals gossip and talk about the news of the day. Use them as fodder for Gather Information
checks. Use them as hooks to lead into an adventure. Use them simply to lend verisimilitude to the city.

d% Event
01–03 A ship bearing exotic cargo arrives in the Docks.
04–06 Two rival gangs clash in the streets, with much bloodshed.
07–10 Strong winds off the Bay of Ptolus damage a few buildings.
11–12 A stopped-up sewer line sends sewage back up into homes and the street.
13 A member of a noble house gets married.
14 An earth tremor shakes the town and causes minor damage, particularly in the Warrens.
15–16 Dysentery spreads through Midtown.
17–18 Vandals deface temples in the Temple District.
19–20 An Imperial envoy from Empress Addares or Emperor Segaci comes to town to meet with the Commissar.
21–23 One of the religions with a temple in the city splits into two groups in a notable schism.
24–26 Bandits plague travelers heading north out of the city.
27–29 A well-known pirate ship preys upon vessels coming into and leaving Ptolus.
30 The Commissar announces higher taxes for the coming year, and the people grow dissatisfied.
31–32 Troubles in another city cause the number of immigrants arriving in Ptolus to increase.
33–36 A public execution of a well-known criminal is conducted in Oldtown.
37–39 A new major building project starts in the city.
40 An older, prominent building in the city collapses.
41 The veterans of the Gnoll Wars hold a parade, attended by the Commissar.
42–43 Fire destroys an entire city block.
44–45 A well-known and well-liked minstrel dies.
46 A popular merchant in the South Market is accused of murdering his wife.
47 Children disappear, kidnapped by an evil cult.
48 A hailstorm causes damage to various buildings in the city.
49–50 A new fashion or fad spreads through the city.
51–53 A major new restaurant opens.
54–56 Two feuding guilds allow a confrontation between its members to grow violent.
57 A concerned group of citizens protests the actions of the Sisterhood of Silence.
58 One of the bridges over the King’s River threatens collapse, and people avoid it.
59 Someone vandalizes a statue of a past Commissar in Oldtown.
60 Fishermen in the harbor report a week of terrible catches.
61 Strange graffiti begins appearing throughout town, its meaning unclear.
62–64 A group of knights or adventurers is lauded as heroes for dealing with some sinister threat.
65–68 A particular temple sponsors a feast and celebration.
69–70 The City Watch cracks down on certain illegal gambling establishments and brothels.
71–73 The republican movement stages a rally in Oldtown.
74–75 A spate of robberies occurs in the Nobles’ Quarter.
76–77 The ratmen in the sewers are getting either more desperate or more daring in their raids on the surface.
78 Lights are seen with greater frequency in the windows of Goth Gulgamel.
79–80 A carnival sets up south of the city with a freak show, games of chance, and lots of food.
81 An organization attempts to raise money to repair the Clock Tower in Oldtown.
82 A demon from the Dark Reliquary terrorizes a neighborhood before the Knights of the Pale deal with it.
83 The King’s River reaches very low levels, making the sewage and garbage in it thick and malodorous.
84–86 Two merchants have a price war.
87–89 A new play or show opens in one of the theaters, to great acclaim.
90–91 Someone makes an attempt on the life of a well-known public figure.
92–93 Ghosts are reported with increasing frequency in a certain location in the city.
94 Litorians, beginning to sour on urban life, leave the city in numbers.
95–96 Fugitives escape from the Prison or one of the madhouses.
97–98 The City Watch and Commissar’s Men scour the city for a particular criminal.
99–00 A newcomer replaces a retiring longtime member of the City Council’s Assembly.

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