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Operating Company
Domiciliary Company

Client Profile for Legal Entities

Managed by an External Asset Manager (EAM)


EAM employee

Account details

Company Name

Company Address

Street/No. Town/City

Zip code Country

Country of domicile

Legal form

Date of incorporation Company in foundation

Country of

GIIN . . .

Company type

Operating Company ● Non-operating Company Sole Proprietorship

Which of the following client types pertains to the client?

Domiciliary Companies, Private Investment Company, Private Investment Vehicle

Personal Foundations

Personal Trusts

Countries of Source of Funds

Does the Client have a material Crimea Nexus? Yes No

Does this Legal Entity have a PEP Nexus, i.e. as per the Director or other relevant parties in the relationship? Yes No

What is the name of the politically exposed person (PEP) and which kind of relationship does the PEP have with this legal entity?

To be completed by the Bank Signature and stamp of Relationship Manager


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Reason/channel used for opening Referral by EAM Other

Purpose of the account

Asset management by EAM Savings

Investments/Asset Management Financing

Payroll account/Payments/Private payment transactions Trading

Pensions Other

Purpose of the domicilary company/structure

Is the Account Holder a domiciliary company, the trustee of a non-operating trust, a non-operating
Yes No
foundation or similar?

If yes, please specify the reason(s) for using the account holder as defined above, Select all that apply.

Estate/Inheritance/Succession planning Asset Consolidation Wealth Protection

Emigration/Immigration Planning Philanthropy Retirement Planning

Segregation of Assets Ease of Transfer Privacy

Multiple Ownership Business Transactions Collective Investment (Vehicles)

Treasury/Financing/Liquidity Management Other

Is the Account Holder part of a structure? Yes No

If yes, please specify the reason(s) for using the structure. Select all that apply.

Estate/Inheritance/Succession planning Asset Consolidation Wealth Protection

Emigration/Immigration Planning Philanthropy Retirement Planning

Segregation of Assets Ease of Transfer Privacy

Multiple Ownership Business Transactions Collective Investment (Vehicles)

Treasury/Financing/Liquidity Management Other

Explain in your own words the reason(s) for use of the Account Holder as well as the structure in the free text field below

Expected incoming assets over course of relationship including initial incoming at opening

In CHF, what is the amount of assets, that would be deposited in the account?

Which amount are you expecting to initially transfer to this new account?

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Amount Currency

Bank name

Bank domicile

Expected account movements

Do you expect any inflows or outflows after the initial funding of the account?

Inflows Yes No

Sender Bank Name Bank Domicile

Nature of inflow (salary, dividends, etc.) Please specify frequency Estimated amount Currency

Outflows Yes No

Receiver Bank Name Bank Domicile

Nature of outflow (rent, credit card payments, etc.) Please specify frequency Estimated amount Currency

Origin of assets


Employer name

Employer domicile

Business activity

N° of employees

Annual revenue

Annual profit

Your role/position

Annual income Currency


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Further details

Business Ownership/dividend

Company name

Company domicile

Foundation date

Origin of seed capital

Business activity

N° of employees

Annual revenue

Annual profit

% of ownership
Name of other owners
(if applicable, % of ownership)
Annual salary/dividends Currency

Further details


Name of deceased

Relationship to deceased

Total amount received Currency

Type of assets received

Date received

How was deceased person’s wealth created


Further details


Name of donor

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Relationship to donor

Total amount received Currency

Type of assets received

Date received

How was donor’s wealth created


Further details


Name of loan provider

Relationship between loan provider
and loan receiver
Purpose of loan

Amount of loan received Currency

Date of loan


Further details

Retirement income

Type of annuity/pension

Name of provider (e.g. pension fund)

Last employer
Amount of lump sum pension/one-off income
(if applicable) Currency

Amount of annual income (if applicable) Currency

Date of retirement


Further details

Sale of financial assets

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Description of asset

How and when was asset acquired

Name of bank/stockbroker

Date/time frame and value of initial investment Currency

Date/time frame and value of sale Currency

Further details

Capital gains

Description of asset

How and when was asset acquired

Date/Time frame and value of initial investment Currency

Date/Time frame and current market value Currency

Further details

Sale of company

Company name

Company domicile

Business activity

Role in the company

% of ownership

How was the company established/acquired?

Number of employees

Annual revenues/Annual profits Currency

Total sale price Currency
Date of sale



Further details

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Sale of real estate/other assets

Description of asset
Date and estimated market value
of initial investment Currency

Date and value of sale Currency

How was the asset sold
(e.g. agent, auction, private sale)


Further details


How did you generate or acquire the assets which you plan to transfer to this Credit Suisse bank account?

Products and services

Is the client’s ownership structure a complex or opaque structure? Yes No

Is the client a legal person or arrangement with an ownership structure that has the ability
Yes No
to issue bearer shares?
Is the client a legal person or arrangement with an ownership structure involving an entity
Yes No
that has issued bearer shares?
Does the business relationship involve cross-border trade finance? Yes No

Is this an international private banking client using the hold/retained mail service? Yes No

Does the business relationship include safe deposit services? Yes No

Does the business relationship include delivery of precious metals? (physical transportation) Yes No

Does the business relationship include issuance of a cash deposit card? Yes No

Does the business relationship include issuance of a prepaid card? Yes No

Does the client have or request for using a concentration or other special use account? Yes No

Is the account set up as a numbered account? Yes No

Does the business relationship include cross-border pouch activities? Yes No

Does the business relationship include private banking and/or wealth management services? Yes No

Will the account be initially funded by a third party? Yes No

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Additional information, documents relating to the company


Beneficial Owner(s) Settlor(s)/Founder(s) Controlling Person(s)

Designated Beneficiary(ies) Protector(s) Attorney(s)

Governing Body(ies)

Beneficial Owner(s)

Beneficial Owner of a type Natural Person – Details

Equity stake or earnings share

Less than 10%

Between 10% and 25% or control by other means or senior managing official or percentage unknown

More than 25%

Salutation Mr. Ms.

Last name(s)

First name(s)

Country of birth

Date of birth MaritIal Status


Country of domicile

Is the permanent or residential address in Crimea? Yes No


Street Number

City Postal Code

Telephone/mobile no. +
Does the Beneficial Owner have an applicable Swiss residence permit provided by cantonal or federal
Yes No
government (such as permit B or C)?

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Professional Background and Current Employment

Professional Background

Education (specify highest degree and year of graduation)

Highest Degree Year of Graduation


Please list most relevant positions

Company Function Location Sector Period

Further details

Current employment

Employed Self-employed Retired Trainee/student Unemployed

Does the Beneficial Owner have any association to risk sectors? Yes No

Is Beneficial Owner a corporate insider or associated with a corporate insider? Yes No

Name of the listed company

Position in the listed company/
Association to Corporate Insider

Estimated Total Income

Total annual income from employment and other sources

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Source(s) and type of annual income
Please specify source of annual income If other, please specify Amount Currency

Estimated Total Assets

Total value of assets

Breakdown of assets

Financial assets (bankable assets) (list banks with material holdings, i.e. > 10% of total wealth) Yes No

Bank Bank Domicile Amount Currency

Real estate Yes No

Type of real estate Private/Commercial City Country Estimated market value Currency

Business equity Yes No

Company name Estimated company value Currency Ownership stake in %

Non-bankable assets (if material compared to total wealth, i.e. >10% of total wealth) Yes No

Type of assets If other, please specify Value Currency

Countries of Source of Wealth

Does the Beneficial Owner have any minor nexus in Source of Wealth to any sensitive countries
Yes No
or regions (more than 0% and less than 20% materiality)?

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Sensitive Countries Less/More than 20% Nexus

Does the Beneficial Owner have a material Crimea Nexus? Yes No

Political Status

Is the person a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or associated with a PEP? Yes No

PEP himself or associated with PEP? PEP Associated with PEP

Name and function of the PEP the person is associated to

Further information on the Beneficial Owner and attachments

Beneficial Owner of a type Legal Entity – Details

Legal Entity type Operating Company Non-Operating Company

Is this Beneficial Owner (of a type Legal Entity) holding more than 50% of the Contracting Partner? Yes No

Company Name

Company Address

Street/No. Town/City

Zip code Country

Legal form

Is the Company member of a corporate group? Yes No

Company purpose Broker BVG pension plan Bank Insurance Other

Does the Beneficial Owner have any association to the risk sectors? Yes No

Number of staff

Is the company a member of an industry or professional association? Yes No

Is the company supervised? Yes No

Is the company listed? Yes No

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Does this Legal Entity have a PEP Nexus, i.e. as per the Director or other relevant parties in the relationship? Yes No

What is the name of the politically exposed person (PEP) and which kind of relationship does the PEP have with this legal entity?

Does the Beneficial Owner have any minor nexus in Source of Wealth to any sensitive countries
Yes No
or regions (more than 0% and less than 20% materiality)?

Sensitive Countries Less/More than 20% Nexus

Principal Place of Business

Countries of Operation

Does the Beneficial Owner have a material Crimea Nexus? Yes No

Country of Incorporation

Is the Country of Incorporation or Principal Place of Business in Crimea? Yes No

Further information on the Beneficial Owner and attachments


Attorney – Details

Salutation Mr. Ms.

Last name(s)

First name(s)

Country of birth

Date of birth MaritIal Status


Country of domicile

Is the permanent or residential address in Crimea? Yes No


Street Number

City Postal Code

Telephone/mobile no. +

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Is Attorney a corporate insider or associated with a corporate insider? Yes No

Name of the listed company

Position in the listed company/
Association to Corporate Insider

Is the person a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or associated with a PEP? Yes No

PEP himself or associated with PEP? PEP Associated with PEP

Name and function of the PEP the person is associated to

Further information on the Attorney and attachments

Governing Body(ies)

Governing Body – Details

Salutation Mr. Ms.

Last name(s)

First name(s)

Country of birth

Date of birth MaritIal Status


Country of domicile

Is the permanent or residential address in Crimea? Yes No


Street Number

City Postal Code

Telephone/mobile no. +

Is Governing Body a corporate insider or associated with a corporate insider? Yes No

Name of the listed company

Position in the listed company/
Association to Corporate Insider

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Is the person a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or associated with a PEP? Yes No

PEP himself or associated with PEP? PEP Associated with PEP

Name and function of the PEP the person is associated to

Further information on the Governing Body and attachments

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To be filled by Credit Suisse Relationship Manager
The relationship is operated through a third party that is:
regulated by an approved regulator

regulated by approved regulator and has either less than 10 permanent staff or is less than 5 years in the business

unregulated or regulated by an unapproved regulator

Is the business relationship with the client an unsolicited relationship? Yes No

Does the business relationship constitute a non-face-to-face business with the client? Yes No

Confirmation of the Client Profile

The underlying information for the client profile was obtained in the following way (multiple answers possible):

Meeting in the EAM’s country of domicile

Comments (optional)

Meeting in a country outside the EAM’s country of domicile:

Comments (optional)

Other sources (no physical meeting with the client)

Comments (optional)

Place Date EAM’s signature

Place Date Signature and stamp of Relationship Manager

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