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Learning activities/ exercises

1. Differentiate content and contextual analysis.

 Content analysis is done in ways of studying what the text is carrying such as the study of
documents and audio or videos, video formats, communication artifacts, and the likes. In this
type of communication, patterns are being studied rather than what the contexts are. On the
contrary, contextual analysis is more on assessing what the text’s contents are. It yearns to
discover the pattern of ideas rather than that of content analysis which only studies the pattern
of the text itself. What made contextual analysis differ from others is the fact that it goes deeper
with the underlying perspectives reflected in the text. In a nutshell, content analysis only limits
itself on the text’s structure, outline, and by what mean it is being produced while contextual
analysis is more on what the text is all about and how the text embody its meaning.

2. What’s the importance of using content analysis in understanding history? Explain briefly.

 In understanding history, the medium, the structure, the format of the text, and even the matter
that made it plays a great role in decoding details that would be of use as a document’s asset.
With the significance and purpose of content analysis, understanding history in terms of how
the documents present theirselves is a job where content analysis can play a vital role.

3. What’s the importance of using contextual analysis in understanding history? Explain briefly.

 Historical documents contain small details but some entails large contexts. Every detail in the
things that are defined as remnants of the history can be decoded through the use of contextual
analysis as it enable the capability to study what context a document has. What ideas lie on a
certain historical document may connect to other historical findings that inappropriate context
study of these things may result to a void information.

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