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Name: Date: Period: Lab Station:

Initial Ideas: Why is the Bay Bridge Failing so quickly, and what can we do to slow it down?
Directions: Use drawings and words to explain what you think is causing the Bay bridge to fail. Include a prediction for what might happen if the
current trends continue. Your drawing must include zoom bubbles to show what is happening at the molecular and atomic levels.

2013 – Bridge Opens Present Future

The Brooklyn Bridge may be constructed

poorly in the beginning. The wrong
material may have been selected for
building the bridge or the calculations
could have been done wrong.
Name: Date: Period: Lab Station:
Name: Date: Period: Lab Station:
Name: Date: Period: Lab Station:
Name: Date: Period: Lab Station:
Describe and explain what you think is happening over time that is causing the bay bridge to fail?

Generate a list of ideas on how you could slow down bridge failure: Be sure to explain how/why you think it could work

List of questions, wonderings, things you want to know…

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