Heidelberg Clues and Quiz Questions

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Heidelberg Clues and Quiz Questions

1)What was the name of the town that was the capital of the old ZAR in 1880? Heidelberg

2) Initially founded as a trading post by a German immigrant, HJ Ueckermann in 1862, here is where
you hunt begins. (-26.50719, 28.36707)

3) Who was the famous prisoner of war that was held here before being moved on to Pretoria (from
where he escaped) Winston Churchhill

4) What famous figure was imprisoned here in November 1913 for protesting the “Asian registration
act”. Mohandas Gandhi

5) Who rescued this old station and turned it into a museum in 1969? Dr. Anton Rupert

6) in which year did the voortrekker Andries Hendrik Potgieter pass through this area, giving the area
the name Suikerbosrand? 1836

7) go to coordinate -26.50422, 28.36151. When was this bridge built? 1867

8) who was the first person buried at the old Kloof cemetery on 19 December 1865? Irish Land
Surveyor T.W Frannin who was commissioned to lay out plots and stands for development, but died
from Malria.

9) Because the town was named after the Heidelberg University in Germany, it’s founder wanted
this place to be place of learning, so what was established here between the years 1906 to 1967? A
teachers college

10) During the Boer wars, what did the British invent, to cut shelter and supplies getting to the boer
forces? Concentration Camps, where boer women and children were kept captive whilst their farms
were raided and burned.

11) Who brought the plight of the boer women and children in the concentration camps, to the fore,
in the newspapers on London? Emily Hobhouse

12) in 1903 after the boer war, who delivered a speech to all the assembled boer commanders,
including General Louis Botha on the steps of the Klipkerk? Emily Hobhouse

13) the “struggle for the mother tongue education” started in the basement of the klipkerk, resulting
in the basement becoming known by what biblical reference? Cave of Abdulam.

14) What does the original reference of “cave of Abdulam” refer to?The cave where David hid from

15) Once there were 3 bronze statue faces mounted to an Oblisk outside the old town hall, unto
whom did the faces belong? Paul Kruger, Marthinus Wessel Pretorius and Piet Joubert.

16) The Marias family is well established in Heidelberg. No less than 5 Marias died during the second
Anglo Boer war. Which famous Marias lady also lived here, for whom a song has been written? (Sarie
17) During the second boer war (1899-1902) which future international leader was conscripted to
work as a stretcher bearer to ferry the wounded? Mahatmar Gandhi

18) Who was Sarie Marias? Susara Margaretha Mare, daughter of Jors Voeter Mare who lived on the
farm Eendracht. At the age of 15 she took part in the battle of Bloodriver and against the Matabele
King Silkaats.

19) Which song is the tune of Sarie Marias based on? The Scottish “Sweet Ellie Rhee” based on the
tunes played at the old Anglican Church St. Ninian on Voortrekker Street.

20) The Turfontein Racecourse was once a Boer war concentration Camp where over 5000 boer
men women and children were kept prisoner. There were over 700 recorded deaths here and the
dead were buried in Maluti str Winchester Hills, where there is a monument.

21) Who was the original owner and what was the name of the farm where these people were
buried? Farm was called Klipriversberg and was owned by the Meyer Family (Piet Meyer)

22) Who was Salmon Van As, and where was he shot? Boer soldier executed at the old jail.

23) Buy a round from the pub at the old jail


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