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NCMA Rio Grande Chapter Education and


About the Program

The Rio Grande Chapter of the National Contract Management Association is keenly
interested in helping their members advance both in their knowledge of the contracting
field and professionally. One of the keys to advancement is professional certification.
The NCMA offers certifications as:

• Certified Professional Contract Manager (CPCM)

• Certified Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM)

• Certified Commercial Contracts Manager

• Certified Schedule Contracts Manager

The Rio Grande Chapter has established a program to assist its members with attaining
these certifications. This assistance is not intended to replace other study sources such
as classroom training or web-based instruction offered by the NCMA or the Defense
Acquisition University. Rather these study groups are supplemental to those learning
channels and offer an opportunity to reinforce the lessons learned in those venues.The
program consists of a number of study sessions conducted during the evening or weekend
hours. These programs are offered at no cost other than the study materials which are
typically available from the NCMA bookstore.Certification is accomplished by the NCMA
and typically consists of the following steps / criteria:

• The applicant must have the required experience (see the NCMA website for the
exact requirement)

• Complete an application with payment of the program fee (NCMA membership is

not required but members do pay a lower fee)

• Complete the requisite number of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.

Note: The study programs offered by the NCMA Rio Grande Chapter will helpmeet
this requirement.

• Register for the examination - either electronic or proctored. Note: The NCMA
Rio Grande Chapter has provided proctored exams as a courtesy for study group
members in the past. This may be an option in the future subject to NCMA HQ
approval and sufficient participation.

• Score a passing grade on the exam.

The Chapter has numerous resources that are available to members including mentored
study groups; periodic seminars, and various books and periodicals to help members
prepare for the exam. In the past year we have helped several members to achieve their
certification goals and look forward to helping you as well.

© 2015 Donald Shannon Contact Me 11/12/2015

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