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Butternut pancakes with crispy sage beurre noisette; Haricots ‘cocos’ rouges

(for 8 to 10 pancakes)

200 g/ 1 1/3 cup butternut, peeled and cooked

180 g/ 1 ½ cup plain flour
80 ml/ 1/3 cup crème fraîche
30 g/ 1/3 cup parmesan (optional)
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
Butter, for frying

For the crispy sage beurre noisette (butter):

A small bunch of sage leaves
80 g/ 1/3 cup unsalted butter

In a bowl, mix the egg, cooked butternut purée, and crème fraîche. Add the grated parmesan
(optional), salt, flour and baking powder until you get a smooth batter. Lightly butter a frying
pan over a medium heat, and cook pancakes – flip them over when the surface starts to
become bubbly. Pancakes should be golden brown.

For the crispy sage beurre noisette (butter):

Heat butter in a small saucepan, add a pinch of salt and sage leaves on a medium heat. Cook
for a few minutes until the butter turns golden brown and the sage leaves are crispy. Set

Serve pancakes with a drizzle of beurre noisette and sage leaves on top. It is also delicious
served with a poached egg.

Haricots ‘cocos’ rouges

900 g/ 2 pounds fresh red ‘coco’ beans, shelled

5 branches sariette herb/ summer savory
1 garlic clove, finely sliced
2 spring onions, finely sliced
Olive oil, for frying
Salt & pepper

Cook shelled beans in a large pot of boiling water for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tender and
cooked. Drain and leave to cool for 5 minutes. Heat 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil in a frying
pan, add the spring onions and garlic and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the beans and
sarriette/ summer savory herbs and continue to cook on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Season
with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
‘Milky’ Roast chicken

(serves 6)

For this recipe, M. Petit advised me to first poach the chicken in a mixture of milk and water,
then cook in the oven on a lower heat (150°C/ 300°F, increasing to 180°C/ 350°F for the last
15 minutes. The ‘Poularde cousine Faverole croisée’ variety is renowned for its incredible
taste and quality, so he recommends to only season with salt and pepper to keep the authentic
taste of the chicken.

950 ml/4 cups milk

2 liters/ 8 cups water
1 good-quality chicken (In this recipe it is a ‘poularde cousine Faverole croisée variety’ from
Vertessec farm in Médoc) – 1.3 kg/ 3 pounds approx
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 150°C/ 300°F

In a large pot, bring the milk and water to a boil and poach the chicken for 10 to 15 minutes
on a medium heat.

Place the chicken on a roasting pan, pour a ladle or two of the poaching liquid over the
chicken and season inside and out with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cook in a
preheated oven for 1 hour. Add 2 to 3 ladles of the poaching liquid during the cooking
process. Increase the heat to 180°C/ 350°F and cook for 15 more minutes or until golden.

(serves 6 to 8)

Preheat oven to 150°C/ 300°F.

2 liters/ 8 cups fresh milk (preferably raw milk or at least fresh full-fat)
150 g rice (I used Arborio rice)
180 g granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a large pot (preferably an earthenware terrine pot), mix the rice, sugar and ground
cinnamon together. Pour milk on top and cook in a preheated oven for 4 to 5 hours. The rice
pudding should be thick and creamy, with a dark brown caramelized ‘croûte’ (crust) on top.
Serve warm.

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