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Name: Ella-May Matthews Areas of Interest Date started: 2/10/20

Event photography
Long term Goals

Understand how to get into the industry.

By the end of this course I would like to have knowledge about how to make and edit films.
I think I would like to go into cinematography, be a director or a writer. But I would also like to do jobs in photography like weddings and
portraits as well as landscapes.
Medium Term Goals

Complete all projects given to me on time with the university deadlines.

Make a film for my initial project and learn how to use Premiere Pro.
I would like to use this year to improve skills that I already have but also build skills that I don’t have such as filming shot types, directing and
creating a short film. I would also like to gain more work experience, I can do this through getting photography/film jobs. I could also help the other
students in my class on their film sets.

Last Objective or Goal achieved?

Completed an FDA in photography while living through a global pandemic and having to do the last two months of second year university online
which I hadn't done before.
Got a BTEC extended diploma in photography at college before starting university.
Areas of Strength (Knowledge, skills, and competencies) Areas of Weakness (Knowledge, skills still need to develop)

I am a good team worker, and I can work well as an individual. I think that I Currently coming onto this course, I have studied photography for 4
am kind and helpful. During my second year of FdA photography, as a class years, I started on BTEC level 3 college course which then I continued
we had to run a competition for people to enter. I think that I was a very onto a university FDA course. So obviously my photography skills are a
vital part of the team, I took on the job role of creating the website and lot higher than my skills related to film. To improve my film knowledge
taking notes of meetings and delegating jobs. I wish I had been more this year, I would like to make a short film for one of the projects. I can
motivating towards my team as a lot of them weren't pulling their weight learn about film by interviewing my classmates that have experience. I
which got rather stressful as I was trying my best to get everything done can also talk to my lecturers and use LinkedIn learning to gain skills.
but others clearly weren't appreciating that. I think I have good composition skills when it comes to photography, but
I would like to work on the way I use lighting within photos. I have learnt
about several ways to light photographs, but I don’t think it’s a skill I am
good at.
I would also benefit in getting better at public speaking and promoting
my own work into the industry. By the end of this course I would like to
be more confident in talking to people as that will help me in the future.
I have never done a film project before and I would like to learn how to
edit a film as it's now an interest of mine alongside photography.
Opportunities (External factors that could help me) Threats (External factors that could stop/hinder me)

As I am now in a lens based media class, there are people making We are in the thick of a global pandemic so talking to clients and planning
films which means I could possibly attend their set to help me learn jobs is very hard.
about film sets because I have only been to one.
I have left my job so I have no income coming in so if I need to buy
props,equipment or travel for film sets I will need to be financially aware.
This could hinder me if I don’t have the budget.

Objective 1 – Be How will I Timescale: Key Actions: Support

Specific achieve this? Things I need to do Required?

Start moving the archived footage Find out how to connect the camera Tutor
to the mac so I can use it in with the archived footage up to the mac. Learn how to move
And then ask my tutor how to move the 12th archived footage.
premiere pro october-1
9th oct
Reflect and Evaluate
I learnt how to screen record the archived footage so that I can use it in the edit. At this point in the project I am still unsure as to what
direction I would like to take this film in, so I screen recorded a lot of footage which took a lot of time.I went through about 15 tapes of old
footage and they all lasted about an hour. This is a skill I could take into other projects so it was good to learn.
I think I picked up the process quickly when my tutor showed me. There was lots of old footage to get through but I persevered and got there
in the end which means I have a lot of clips to include in my initial project, I just need to pick a theme that’s in the old footage but also
something that links it to the present day so I have something new to film for this project.
Objective 1 – Be How will I Timescale: Key Actions: Support
Specific achieve this? Things I need to do Required?

Start shooting for my initial project Book out a filming camera through the 17th Learn the basics in the Technician,
film. university campus and visit the location I novem camera. I could do this tutor.
have planned to shoot the new footage ber- 2nd by asking the Classmates that
in. decem technician or my tutor have used the
ber. or even a class equipment
member to give me a before.
run through of how
the camera works.

Reflect and Evaluate

I booked the equipment out a few days before my shooting day so I could get used to how to use it.
I started filming on the 17th november, I spent about 2 hours in the park filming things like the playground equipment and the squirrels as
they were things from my childhood that were vivid and there was old footage of them so I could point out changes in my film but also the
similarities. I want this project to show that some things in the past have changed and you can't go back because that’s life. I also shot on the
19th which was actually my last shooting day, it took a lot less time for me to get all the footage I wanted this means I now have longer to edit.
It also shows that I am able to complete things on time or early if I really put my mind to it.
I learned how to use the canon c200 and it’s a really nice camera so I will definitely use it in other projects.
Objective 2 – Be How will I Timescale: Key Actions: Support
Specific achieve this? Things I need to do Required?
12th Tutor, adobe
Learn how to edit a film in Premiere Pro.
By having all my footage, (old and new) and October- Shoot. support page
placing it on the timeline to create a sequence 7th Screen record
that tells a story. Decemb Import into Premiere Pro.
Reflect and Evaluate.

After screen recording the old footage, I started choosing which I wanted to use and then I went out and shot the new footage. I completed the filming in 2 days. I
selected footage and began placing it on the Premiere Pro timeline alongside the old footage and I played around with opacity and other things until I liked the sequence
and how the film looked. I picked up the software and its keyboard shortcuts well. I could have added more new footage as the film largely uses the old footage. During
this timescale I also made a voiceover to accompany my film. I learn best by doing things, so I only asked for help from tutors when it was vital. Teaching myself the
editing skills means that I will be able to teach myself more in future projects.

I have my draft done for December 7th, but I wish that I had the film finalised and not in draft form but otherwise I am happy with how quickly I picked up new skills and
adapted to creating a short film.
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