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PPB3033 Introduction to Management

Assignment 2 – Group + presentation (20% + 10%)


The main objective of the group assignment is to provide opportunities for students to
understand issues/concepts/approaches to Management. Students are also required to plan,
analyze and evaluate various approaches to managing organizations effectively and

Scope and requirement of assignment

You and you partners are planning to set up a new business in your local area. The type of
business is according to your own choice. You have to consider various aspects pertaining
to the management of the new company, and therefore, you are required to prepare a report
which should include the following details:

a. Introduction - Describe the company and define the type of industry the company
operates. What products or services does it sell? Provide a brief explanation of the
company’s background.
b. Establish the mission and vision of your company. You may create your own
logo and slogan.
c. The Management Environment (Explain how changes in the external environment
(political/legal, demographics, global, sociocultural, technology and economy) and
stakeholders (for example government, customers, media etc) might impact the firm -
what challenges or opportunities arise?)
i. Planning (Conduct and prepare a SWOT analysis on another competitor and make
a comparison. Analyze how you can take advantage of the competitor’s weaknesses
and threat. What are the business and corporate strategies that your company will
use? What kind of competitive advantage can you develop?)
ii. Organizing (Explain the organizations’ chain of command, work specialization
and type of departmentalization. Why do you choose this type of
departmentalization and what are the advantages? Include the diagram of the
organization chart in the report).
iii. Leadership (Describe the leadership approach/theories/traits that you and your
partners will apply in managing the employees and motivating them. Explain the roles
that will be performed according to Mintzberg managerial roles).
iv. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Management (Think about how your
new business will impact the local community/society. Identify at least three impacts
and provide a detailed explanation. You must also identify CSR activities that your
company will execute and explain why you choose these activities).
v. Control (Explain the type of control that the company will use – feedforward,
concurrent, feedback. For example how does the company control the quality of its
product/services or employees’ behaviour and performance?)
vi. Conclusion.
vii. References (follow APA format)
viii. Appendix - must include any photograph or logo, pictures of the company’s products,
etc. (alternatively you can also include these in the report).

Additional instructions

1. Form groups of 5 to 6 students.

2. The assignment should be typed-written using font type Times New Roman (size 12)
or arial (size 11), dan double spacing.
3. The assignment can be written in English or Bahasa Melayu.
4. The assignment must contain a content page and page number.
5. The assignment should consists at least 20 pages excluding references.
6. There should be at least 10 references (can be more). Referencing should be in
APA (American Psychological Association) format.
7. Only latest references (year 2015 – 2021) from books, reports and journal articles are
8. Plagiarism is prohibited.
9. Deadline for the assignment is week 11.
10. Presentation will be conducted from week 9.

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